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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 7:05am-7:10am MSK

7:05 am
belarus is concerned not only with issues of the public life of our state, but also with political issues. our students, as people in the cultural sphere, are very concerned about such issues of distribution, promotion of our traditional belarusian culture in the international arena, in fact this is very important.
7:06 am
about an hour ago it became known that israel had attacked a facility near the city of isfahan. one of the largest iranian air force bases is located there. the scale of the attack and its success are still difficult to assess. it is only clear that persian air defense destroyed several dozen missiles. at the same time , there are no reports of explosions on the ground, that is, of hitting targets. if this is the same retaliatory strike that tehran was threatened with, it is obviously not proportional to the iranian attack. and the un security council voted on the possibility of admitting palestine to the united nations. of the 15 voting countries, two abstained, and the states completely vetoed the resolution. there were no explanations for this; the united states simply did not consider it necessary to give an answer as to why they did not consider the palestinians worthy of their own state. mass protests against the adoption by parliament of the law on '. agents continue in georgia,
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the crowd the day before provoked the police into a clash, but the clashes turned out to be local. last evening, the organizers of the protests were large student organizations, precisely among those who are guaranteed the status of foreign agents by the new law, because the majority of public... must publicly acknowledge the fact that they are engaged in political activity at the expense of others in the interests of others. the president of georgia has already stated that the law will be vetoed, and the eu, in turn , promises bilisi serious problems. in the russian kurgan, the dam broke, which kept water from penetrating into the central quarters of the city. present.
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there is black ice on some sections of the roads, so drivers and pedestrians should be extremely careful on the roads. winds are expected to increase during the day with gusts of up to 20 m/s. the air temperature across the country is from +2 to 11 degrees celsius. more than 3,000 labor safety violations were identified by trade unions. first sowing companies, specialists visited over a thousand organizations focusing on the serviceability of equipment. equipment, availability of
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personal protective equipment, compliance with internal labor regulations. as they said, during sudden raids, certain violations occur quite often, for example, the operation of agricultural machines, defenseless guards of moving parts. there are cases when improvised devices are used when repairing equipment. monitorings have already been carried out in 122 organizations of the grodno region areas. yes, 85 recommendations were issued to employers to eliminate over 400 violations, but the main violations, of course, are revealed during repairs and preparation of equipment; we have violations that relate to providing workers with sanitary facilities and conditions. checks will continue over the weekend in different regions; those who have not yet been visited by the mobile group still have time to correct the shortcomings. i, we remember,
7:10 am
a campaign dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders is being held by the capital’s housing and communal services, in the courtyards of houses where veterans and former prisoners live there. the camps are put in order, the territory is landscaped, residents of the city, young people, labor collectives and public organizations, and volunteers join in the good deed. so in the factory district of minsk on bachila street a small cozy alley grew up. we are landing.


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