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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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a local resident was detained and taken to a health care facility for medical assistance. the publication will continue with a review of criminal and emergency incidents, prepared by vladimir korolev. burning waste caused a fire in borisov. many city residents observed strong plumes of black smoke. the emergency occurred on the territory of the production site on the street. demin extinguished the fire with nine pieces of equipment at once, fire crews dealt with the fire in a few minutes. a man was rescued from a fire in pinsk. the fire occurred in an apartment on third floor. firefighters found a sixty-year-old owner in a smoke-filled room. the rescued man was taken out into the fresh air and handed over to doctors. the man was hospitalized. the fire destroyed the mattress and belongings; the cause of the fire has yet to be determined by specialists. there was a left turn conflict.
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causes of the accident in minsk. according to preliminary information, the driver behind the wheel of gelini gave the bmw the advantage and rammed the sedan. the impact caused the bmw to roll into oncoming traffic, blocking two lanes on the avenue. during rush hour, a traffic jam formed at the scene of the accident. there were no casualties. a few kilometers short of reaching grodno, on the m6 ​​highway, the driver of gili lost control and flew into a ditch. having left the road, the car overturned and got back on its wheels. two women were injured in the accident. they were taken to the hospital. i rented out 85 apartments, paid for only one. the tax office of the bretz region fined an entrepreneur who was thus trying to hide the scale of his business. the businessman regularly reported for just one apartment. the audit showed that in 2019 and 20 the entrepreneur used cash register equipment not registered with the tax authorities, for the next 2 years i used equipment not connected to the control system.
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hello, today we will do stretching, you all know very well about the importance of stretching, the first is to minimize various injuries, the second is to prepare our muscles for training and... the third, of course, is to cool down after training. go! kolya, our first exercise will be rolling from foot to foot. the only thing is that when we roll, the leg that is not the supporting one, with which we roll, we have it fully straightened to the maximum. this all depends, of course, on the stretch and joints of the ligaments, so you can do it with less amplitude, but most importantly with the correct technique. so, let's go, the supporting leg is right in this case, the left leg is extended accordingly. okay, now we roll to
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the left leg, great, straighten it as much as possible, if it’s difficult, you can secure yourself with your hands, you can keep your hands on the floor, but most importantly, keep your leg straight. second exercise, we continue to stretch our legs, especially these ligaments under knees, stretch your legs straight out in front of you and place them wide, you don’t need to be too wide, because your stretching technique will suffer. we have our hands behind our heads, elbows to the side, now with our right elbow we touch our right knee, we tilt, this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the priluks, wow, he has fangs, yes, these are the ones that sometimes bugs in the house, no, no, these are completely
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different bedbugs, yes these are bedbugs, these are not these bedbugs, oh, you are friends with them too, i am friends with everyone, vova, you see, i like everything quickly, shahmah, i chess and work on... must end, but who needs it, your winch, everyone has their own winches, i don’t like such nervous swans, where near minsk you can look at a 16th-century estate, from which scientists of the national academy of sciences protect plants belarus and who lev simba considers to be the leader of the pride, find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya, tomorrow at 9:15, we are fighting, we are fighting with these colorado beech trees, they live.
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this question, it seems to me, brest is now lives by hockey, but in the end the taste should have remained, in the event of the grand final
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of the president's cup, brest took second place, but this is silver, it has such a shimmer of gold, firstly, we congratulate you, thank you very much, we are very, very happy, all the residents of brescia are happy, and despite the fact that it may not have been possible to take first place, although everyone really wanted to, but still everyone is very happy with the silver too. the most important thing is that we have created a precedent, that’s it, now next time we will be stronger in spirit, well , we actually have big plans for the next one year, so keep in mind, but this is unambiguous, now everyone is just talking about this, that next year there will be increased attention to brest, there will be increased expectations from brest, but now, as hockey players live now, maybe there is some information, how they relax, how they celebrate, heard something, saw something, well , actually hockey... they just wander around the city, people start communicating with them, taking pictures, thanking them for such a wonderful hockey holiday that they brought to brest, and of course, the hype, i think you know was unprecedented at the matches near brest, even a separate area was allocated for the cinema, in my opinion , in order to accommodate all the fans
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, to actually broadcast this hockey throughout brest, and i, as a person who is a little far from hockey, can imagine hockey players, how to recognize them in the city , they probably walk with a skate. there is one more distinctive feature, but we won’t mention it, that’s good, so we’ll ask about it behind the scenes, colleagues, now let’s move on to your other news, tell us what interesting happened in brest this week? our first news: in pruzhany, near the monument to the pilot of the 303rd fighter aviation regiment, who met the beginning of the great patriotic war in the sky, breshchina was laid. employees of the local forestry department proposed a memory lane to make their settlement even more beautiful and greener. the patriotic and environmental initiative was timed to coincide with the action being carried out in the republic, let's renew the laces at once. representatives of the executive committee and young people also joined in. but
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what is curious is the interest in greening the city even the smallest ecologists from preschool forestry at kindergarten number three demonstrated this. they are so handsome, watering the trees, great! yes, friends, this is the cutest video we’ve seen during today’s program, listen, it’s a great event, we’re talking about it, the whole country has actually joined in, and it’s great that we seem to remember what... happened on our lands 80 years ago, we continue to take care of these lands so that they bloom, smell, in general, make ears, in general, appreciate action, we move on, listen to your next news, our second news will send us all to pinsk, because it is there that in the museum of belarusian polesie there is a unique exhibition of paintings, watercolors and graphics, new old, about 60 works created by both belarusian and foreign artists in ... the period from the 18th century to the present day, here is the sophistication of forms with extreme attention to
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detail and european infantilism and the russian avant-garde of the last century. well , the works related to theatrical painting. original creations are provided from the private collection of a native of pinsk. and, by the way, many are shown in belarus for the first time. but you can get acquainted with the exhibition until may 11, so welcome. such wonderful sights, you can have a city, so beautiful, so cozy, there is a city to see, stroll along the beautiful streets and at the same time visit the exhibition, let’s move on to your next ones, yes, especially since we know that you are inviting us not only to pinsk today , that's right, yes, yes, yes, that's it that’s right, let’s move on to the third news, the mikashevichi people are already preparing for the main agrarian holiday in the bretz region, dozhinki, traditional preparations have covered literally all areas, from modernization. and improvement of roads to major repairs of buildings. soon the main city
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medical institution will be transformed, as well as kindergarten number two. in addition, the renovation will affect the library, the children's creativity center and the granite palace of culture. however, the most expensive part is the modernization and repair of streets and entrances to two residential microdistricts, but we we will definitely deal with this. friends, while you were telling me before in mikashevichi, yes, while you were telling this news. katerina and i even looked at the calendars, is it really that the holidays are coming soon, but we won’t have time to look back, and we will all meet in mikoshevichi, in general, in september , let’s make an appointment there, colleagues, what will your story be about? let's make a small announcement about our story: the creative relay race of flowers of the great victory has started in the brest region, the route of memory and gratitude to veterans began from the berezovsky district. other our correspondents, colleagues, have the details! christina. thank you very much for your news, thank you for joining our live broadcast, give brest our warm greetings and
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see you in a week, see you, yes, well, we are ready to watch your story, the green house with number 46 in the village of bolshie liskovichi knows every resident of it, nikolai pukhovsky lives here, who during the great patriotic war, as a fourteen-year- old boy, defended his native land in the ranks of a partisan detachment, immediately after the victory... to restore peaceful life in his native village, most of the houses were built with his golden hands, a youth landing party of creative relay race flowers of the great victory came to nikolai ivanovich to thank the worthy son of belarus on the anniversary year of the liberation of the country. the most important goal, probably, is to preserve historical memory, of course, to honor our liberators, the liberating soldiers who made ours 80 years old. an independent country, and the most important thing is that young people are truly brought up in
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the spirit of patriotism and love for their homeland. young the breschina generation pleased the great patriotic war veteran not only with words of gratitude and gifts, but also with an impromptu concert. the songs of the war years sounded especially touching to the accompaniment of the violin. thank you for everything for coming and seeing these old people. as part of the creative relay race flowers of the great victory, its participants also visited secondary school number two in the city of bereza. there the vocal and instrumental ensemble orly nad bogu performed for the students. the military personnel performed patriotic songs. no one but us will withstand this airborne assault. the concert program was continued by an open dialogue; issues of interest to the younger generation affected all areas of life, from the opportunity
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to go on an excursion to the thirty-eighth brigade to service in the armed forces and the implementation of their own projects in practice. the speakers listened to absolutely everyone, answered all questions openly, and even joked sometimes. it’s great that the creative relay race, the flowers of the great victory, are starting from our berezovsky district. i hope everyone will think about it. oh it’s important to remember your grandmothers and grandfathers. the final point of the route through the berezovsky district for the participants of the creative relay race was beloozersk. here, at the monument to fallen soldiers, it was organized. a memorial rally and laying flowers in tribute to the fallen heroes, in general in the brest region , the event flowers of the great victory will be held in eleven districts, the rats repaired the firewood,
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my martian. to all those who turned on the tv in time, the wow news program continues broadcasting, and i, nastya rutskaya, will right now give you a tour of the cosmically positive news, fasten your safety belts, we are taking off, in the next 5 minutes of the flight you will find out when the capital's amusement parks will open, what growing sneakers look like, and what every fan should know. scooters. from april 26 , attractions will begin operating in the capital's parks. let me remind you that last year minsk parks opened the season a week earlier, on april 21. the delay this year was affected by weather conditions, but it will be worth the wait. a pleasant
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surprise awaits witchers and guests of the capital. a new one will appear in chulyuskintsev park attraction mix, which is planned to be launched this season. but one of the most... events of this year is the launch of the new ugachavis park, its construction is underway in the residential area of ​​kamennaya gorka, the opening date has not yet been disclosed, let's hope that we will be able to visit the new park this season. meet me at the ferris wheel, i'll be with cotton candy in my hands. lovers of moving around the city. on eco-transport the following news for you: the minsk executive committee talked about the launch of a special chatbot in which you can report illegally parked rental scooters and other violations associated with this type of transport. this innovation was introduced so that sharing companies could quickly respond to customer wishes. the minsk executive committee also emphasized that operators
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of sharing companies will soon be asked to finalize the software to strengthen control. for users up to the introduction of penalties for blocking for the whole season. in addition to parking rules, do not forget about safety rules for drivers eco-transport. to the delight of parents, italian micheli decarlo has developed a model of sneakers for children and teenagers that can easily increase in size as the child’s feet grow. as planned. designers, children and teenagers from 6 to 14 years old will be able to get by with this pair of sneakers, and parents will not have to spend money on a new pair of shoes every year. they plan to 3d print durable sneakers from flexible and durable plastic, as well as stretchable polyurethane. our live morning
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broadcast continues, wake up country. anna quiloria and ekaterina antonova have already woken up, are greeting this morning with you, i remind you that on our calendar it is april 19, and this is friday, and tomorrow a mass sports event will be held at the capital’s school number 204 as part of the sports for the family competition from year to year gives strength of spirit, yes, and to its program participants we will talk with our guest, we are pleased to welcome to the studio good morning belarus, deputy director of the physical education and sports center for children and youth of the moscow region of minsk natalya tsvitinskaya, good morning, good morning, good morning, natalya, tell me: this name, it refers us a little to such a wonderful soviet event: dad, mom, me, the sports family is the same, yes, tell me, what good did we take from, so to speak, this event of the soviet period, that they brought their own purely belarusian, well, the city sports competition gives the family strength of spirit from year to year, it was initiated by the education committee
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of the minsk city executive committee 3 years ago, and the purpose of this event, of course, in the second stage, physical education and sports centers for children and youth of the city of minsk, and of course, assessed by a strict jury, which includes representatives of the education committee. representatives of the city center for physical education of sports for students and representatives of the olympic academy. it all sounds very interesting, but let’s move specifically to tomorrow: what
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will happen at school 204 tomorrow? tomorrow there will be a large regional sports event within the framework of this competition, which is organized by the physical education and sports center for children and youth of the moscow region together with education department. this event will be attended by.
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winners and prize-winners of the olympic movement poster competition in the republic of belarus, i think that you have already seen the works, based on these works of the participants, can you share your impressions, how do modern children see olympians? well, in fact, the drawings are very different and even the names say that they are very creative, that is, for example, fire unity, the main victory is victory over oneself, forward to the olympic heights. heroes of belarus, heroes of sports, sports for the world, well, in general there are a lot, a lot of interesting names, but the idea that
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unites all the works is a peaceful , prosperous belarus and pride in its athletes for their achievements, that’s how patriotic education happens through sports, friends, really, thank you thank you very much for this conversation, we wish you a wonderful holding of this event, we remind you, friends, that today in our studio... programs good morning belarus was the deputy director of the physical education and sports center for children and youth of the moskovsky district of minsk, natalya tsvitinskaya. thank you for coming to us this morning, but let’s move on, based on our conversation, we can say the following: the spirit of sports must be cultivated regularly within every family, i think natalya, you will also agree with us, but here we need to start with the simplest, with morning exercises, i propose to do it right now together with our tatyana matusevich. good morning, today we will stretch the lateral muscles, the exercise can be performed sitting or standing, as is convenient for you. i
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like the option better. execution sit, we will consider it, sit on a chair, close hands in the lock, watching them behind the head, without moving the elbows forward, our task is to lean to the side, we perform the movement smoothly and slowly, the stretch should come from the lower back, we linger in this position for 30 seconds, then we smoothly return to the starting position, repeat the same thing in the opposite direction.
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about the position of the back and specifically the lower back, what should it be? the back should be straight; arching and arching of the back will reduce the effect of the exercise. what is the best way to do it while standing or sitting? i would recommend doing sitting, after all, this is a lot of isolation, in this way we isolate the lower part of the body and directly work the oblique abdominal muscle. how can we fix our legs? we can put our feet behind the legs of the chair and in this way we fix ourselves. i remember doing a very similar exercise at school. in physical education classes, yes, indeed, it is a fairly effective exercise for the back, it can be done as a warm-up before class or as a cool-down after, for a pretty penny on this one.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant of the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. the great patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grodny. june 27, army headquarters.
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for exceptional steadfastness and courage shown in the fight against the german invaders in the great patriotic war, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, dmitry mikhailovich karbyshev was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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good morning belarus is on our calendar on april 19, it’s friday, it’s spring, does the weather remember this, does it plan to spoil us today? anya, please share the details, will we feel spring?
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let's move on to the requested synoptic indicators. so, this morning in minsk +1 +3, precipitation, to be honest, serious precipitation - this is downpour. in brest +2 +4, it will be cloudy with clearings, but there will also be some precipitation. in vitebsk +1 +3, and it will also rain, in fact, like in mogilev, there is such same temperature, same rain. up to 5°c is expected in gomel, with no precipitation either. and in grodno. +2 +4, and rain is expected in this region. what will happen during the day? let's see how the temperature map changes. and in minsk it’s +7, +9, but it’s still raining. +9 +11 is expected in brest up to 5°c
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in vitebsk. +7 +9 we will have in gomel, in grodno up to 10 with a plus sign. +4 + 6 will be in mogilev. and you might think, why did i stop talking about the rains? maybe they won't exist? dear friends, they will be everywhere, so i decided to declare them one in one fell swoop, but there is good news that in some cities and regions of our country, well , at first there will be rain, then there will be no rain, as if the sun is shining, then it will rain again, again there will be no rain, but we perceive these rains as very blessed, because warming is expected at the end of next week, friends, a small spoiler, let's hope and cross our fingers that everything will be so, and this means that the earth is on...
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bicycles, but remember that we're only 43 days away from summer, which means... for this period you need to prepare specifically and get your two-wheeled car, inspect it and understand where it needs to be improved, and now you’re talking about how it’s hard to brake when it’s raining, i think i should tell about this to people who also ride bicycles in winter , or don’t, or let’s not scare them, friends, well, let’s get back to the bike, summer on a bike is generally a great pastime, because it’s warm, wonderful, good. we play sports, and we get to work or to the university, the main thing is that your the vehicle was reliable and do not forget about the rules of the road, we have collected a reminder for cyclists in our next story, now we will show it to you,
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good morning country, you must agree, spring and summer are the times when we go out more often, but sometimes just walks get bored, then it’s time to switch to two-wheelers. what models are popular now and how to learn to ride if you don’t know how yet, we’ll find out now. for children from two to 5 years old, we advise you to start your cycling life slowly, sit down onto a balance bike into a vehicle, and after only 4 years of riding a balance bike, get on a bike without attached wheels. it turns out that attached wheels initially interfere with children’s ability to learn to maintain balance, and subsequently with young bicycle enthusiasts. it takes longer, it’s more difficult to learn to ride without assistance, then we move on to a bicycle, the bicycle must be 16 inches, it must be aluminum, lightweight, and, most importantly, the pedals must spin backwards, there are bicycles with a foot brake, then, already in
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when our child is 5 years old we buy a bicycle 20 inches of wheel, just in such models of bicycles there is already a concept of gearing, it may be difficult for small cyclists to figure out which one when you should... 7 years old, we can easily buy a 24-inch wheel bike, we can ride for up to 10 years, already when the child teenager, we can buy a bicycle for some teenager already, they already come with different wheels 27.5 26 inches, the most important thing is to pay attention to the frame, the size of the frame, it is very important that we reach the ground. with your toes a little bit, here we felt comfortable getting off the bike. the size should also be selected according to your height, together with a consultant in the store, so girls should pay attention to the shape of the frame, it should be curved. life hacks on how
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to learn to ride a bike? we need a 15 key, unscrew the pedals, essentially turning an ordinary bicycle into a balance bike for adults. at first we just walk while sitting on a bicycle, then we try to keep our balance. holding on with one hand, at the third stage we learn to find balance in movement, periodically raising our legs. and so once you’ve managed to find the ideal bike model and you’ve learned how to ride, it’s not worth it when moving around the city. forget about the rules of the road, the main violations of the rules of the road by cyclists are violations of the rules for passing pedestrian crossings in terms of moving not at the speed of a walking pedestrian, and cyclists often violate the rules of the road in terms of passing pedestrian crossings regulated at intersections at a prohibitory traffic light. including driving on the roadway in
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cases where this is prohibited by current legislation. the state traffic inspectorate also recommends that cyclists, when driving and moving in the intense conditions of the city of minsk, still use elements of passive safety, such as knee pads, elbow pads, including a helmet , to protect themselves from various types of incidents. there is only one conclusion: when driving... home, like any other mobile transport, be vigilant and have a good time walking. friends, if you are planning if you are not traveling by bicycle, but by air, please consider the following information: at the national airport there is currently a reserve parking area p-3 for parking a car, because the main one is under repair. yes, the reserve zone is located behind the left wing of the air terminal building, you can now see the diagram, and there you can understand where it is actually located. 200 m to the right from the entrance to the parking lot. in addition to the organized
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reserve parking area p-3, you can use the services of paid parking lots p-1 or p2. however, due to the limited number of parking spaces, we recommend arriving at the airport by taxi or public transport. in any case, it is important to arrive at the airport in advance. yes, you remember, 2 hours in advance - this is ideal for the peace of mind of everyone, both airport workers and peace of mind. including yours, well, with this news we end our second broadcast hour, the beginning of the third hour will be very soon, immediately after the news release, there we will learn from svetlana koshitskaya how not to catch a cold in such treacherous weather, what the products will help us support our immunity, it will be very interesting, but for now we, anna quiloria and ekaterina antonova are telling you a short break, yes, what we are doing now, we are giving up our broadcast to the news block, and we will soon return to this studio tears. you’ve had it for a long time, love according to the forecast,
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loves, doesn’t love, be angry with the daisy, it’s annoying in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask the daisies, stupid questions, you’ve had it for a long time, love according to the forecast, even if the sun goes out in the sky, he will get you summer, he's stupid above you, he will spread his arms, there will be clear weather... between you, blue eyes look at you, and he has lost himself in them again, he will hide from everyone somewhere far away, so that no one else will find him, loves, does not love, does not years on the daisy, my stupid one, you little devil, i'm serious, dry your tears, you've had it for a long time, anyone according to the forecast, loves, doesn't love, you're on the daisy, you're in his kitchen, in his shirt,
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don't ask daisies, stupid questions , after all, for a long time, according to the forecast, you have had a good start in belarus. morning broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 24 continue.


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