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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] everyone can take part in the improvement. negligence led to loss of livestock. in one of the farms in the stolbtsovsky district, blatant violations were revealed. more than 200 children died as a result of careless and unscrupulous behavior. the prosecutor's office has opened a criminal case against the management of the farm for official negligence. a legal assessment of the actions of other officials will be given during the investigation. operatives of the b... rovd together with the prosecutor's office in one of the district's farms identified violations that caused the death of 221 heads of cattle from october 2023 to march 2024. the calves were not provided with the necessary feed, were kept in inappropriate conditions, sick animals were not provided with timely assistance, and other circumstances were also identified. the damage to the state amounted to over 51 rubles.
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the only one in the world 200. almost every day akavist, every day psalter, again a request, thank you people for your prayerful help, forgive me, i ’m worried, i’m without tears, in the twenty-second year i found out that i was pregnant, it was may 28, i i even remember this day, and just on the eve of our wedding anniversary, we found out that we were expecting a second baby, and just
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somewhere at the same time he brought us again... the route of the miraculous image and its secrets from the first mouth, the power of faith in miracles, today at 15:30 on tv channel belarus 3. the story of a family in one suitcase is a touching memorial project in the factory district of the capital, schoolchildren fit the heroic life of their great-grandfathers into one suitcase, here you can read letters to loved ones from the war, leaf through the pages of the school diary and photo album with black and white photographs. the project brought together more than 35 stories of those who defended their
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homeland. our exposition is dedicated to the unknown soldier, we learned that a lot of monuments were erected specifically to the unknown soldier, that many... never found out whose monument it was, so it was interesting to do this, all the exhibits are from different soldiers, we looked for all the exhibits where -someone donated to the gymnasium, to our museum, they represent, probably, the most valuable thing that their families have, this is the history of the memory of their loved ones, of those who received participation in the great patriotic war, about
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workers... schoolchildren, students and working youth take part, the best projects will become exhibits of a historical exhibition, it can be seen on may 9 at the chezhovka arena. these are the main news of the tv news agency project, available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch our
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broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day. new markets and new enterprise opportunities and updated lines for volume growth, we went to the minsk gear plant, there large-scale modernization. when you need to not
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only release a new product, but also tell a large audience about it. about an important step in promoting belgospishcheprom products, program report. and food security, guidelines for the agro-industrial complex, mistakes that are important to correct in... this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you, hello! the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth; in the first quarter, gdp increased by 4.1% compared to last year. to our strengths, industry, trade and construction this year added agriculture. as for exports, he also added: prices are also recovering, as... which last year lost about 13%. this means that it becomes more profitable to sell your goods abroad, and for this you need high-quality goods and modern production lines. large-scale modernization continues at the minsk shesteryon plant, and soon
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the forging and pressing production will be noticeably updated. the line will be supplemented with robots, and this will allow optimal redistribute personnel and increase production volumes. on technological safety and export. my colleague ilona volynets asked the director of the plant, vitaly sheliga. vitaly vladimirovich, technological safety is a common task for all industrialists. are you keeping up with progress? at the moment, the gear factory did not have the competence to manufacture and process body parts. at the moment, this new section, which... we will launch, will receive a result and will get life at our plant as a diversification of not only exports, but also diversification of sales there, but diversification of our production, that is, we will receive a finished product not in the form of a component, but
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a finished product, either it will be a gearbox, or it will be a gearbox, well, this will be very interesting, the question immediately arises, yes, there is is it possible for anyone to work on such high-tech equipment, because statistics tell us: five years, yes, we have had an outflow of personnel for several years, so we have taken over the last 2 years, its 2023, the difference between hired and dismissed is more than 50 a person of plus, plus, that is, what we have just come up with, yes, it really works, if it weren’t for the student teams, well, it would have been very difficult, but these guys who worked for us with shining eyes, they gave us what what we were striving for, that
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is... there are a lot of examples when a giant left behind him and a very large number of companies were sucked in there, no, diversification should be everywhere, from diversification of exports to production, so we make gears, yes, but we are known for ...for example, as consumers they know us as a manufacturer of tillage equipment, so if we turn around, we will see models that are ready for shipment of plows, that is, we produce 11 models of plows, so this also brings us a certain profit and revenue, so this search should always be we shouldn’t sit in one place, belgospishcheprom enterprises have increased production by 6.5% since the beginning of the year, and exports by almost a quarter, the head of the concern spoke about this. oleg zhitkov. this continues the strategy to enter new markets, which
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started in 2023. then we managed to gain a foothold in africa and began delivering to somalia, burkina fasso, ganna and equatorial guinea. our presence in china is growing, but the key task remains to saturate the domestic market. manufacturers are making great strides in promoting their products. this is a report by anton malyuta. the case when it will be possible to find truthful and objective information on the internet, and in a lively interactive form. within two months, opinion leaders on social networks will share with subscribers secrets of producing your favorite delicacies. this is the concept of the new project of the belgus food industry, which is called “zrobim at once.” each blogger will be assigned his own enterprise, everyone will be surprised with both new and proven products. to introduce a new product, markets are studied, not only. russian, but also russian, foreign markets, for example, chinese, we look at what
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is there, what is not, we consider what interesting products can be released, just recently we released chewing marshmallows of the lovestoria brand, this is interesting product in terms of presence on the market, it simply doesn’t exist, we released it first, it’s a combination of gelatin pectin, these are gelling agents that make marshmallows a little chewy, very pleasant in texture, plus we use natural dyes, we even have... chewing marshmallows with vitamins, its consumption has increased significantly, because it is much healthier than its analogues, because it contains omega-3 essential fatty acid. rapeseed oil is a source of omega-3, which is not produced in body, and comes to us along with food: one tablespoon of rapeseed oil provides the daily intake of omega-3 in our body, and
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therefore it is not in vain that rapeseed mass... is a piece of working time, since this is the main element in the work of our enterprises, and as the president said at
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the last meeting today, produce. china, cuba, africa, all these are no longer exotic destinations; in addition to the quality of products, the quality of marketing now needs to be improved. many of our consumers, seeing there is a wide range of products on your table, at least once you wondered how it is produced, how the quality
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of the product is maintained, how it is achieved. results of the meeting on agriculture in the government. you know, the hardest thing is to
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compromise with yourself. you won't deceive yourself, will you? unfortunately yes. you know, many of our publications contain materials about stars. try yourself on this in a simpler way, i think maybe you will... it’s interesting, the stars are different, young lady, do you mind if we now finish our coffee and take a little walk, so let's say, let's take a breath of sea air, i 'd love to, meet maria zemina, the coach of our school and a talented figure, so this is your new partner, we have a good time together, we had a wonderful time with you, half a day was just wonderful, now you have your own life, and i have mine,
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well done, wonderful. grain and produce agricultural products by 6-7% more than last year. the government discussed the development strategy of the agro-industrial complex, talked about the problems that are currently dragging down the indicators, and outlined the main points,


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