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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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this is an area of ​​interest and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. so, the dollar and the chinese yuan have fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. the following rates are established: american currency costs 3 rubles 28 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 350. 10 yuan costs 4 rubles 51 kopecks. and 100 russian rubles - 48 belarusian belarusian food is supplied to more than 107 countries of the world, this year we are targeting exports of 9 billion dollars. the main targets are also to collect 10 million tons of grain and produce agricultural products at 6-7% more than last year. the government discussed the development strategy for the agro-industrial complex, talked about the problems that are currently dragging down the indicators, and outlined the main points that... need to be worked on intensively. in
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a large agricultural season, a lot depends on each farm, in particular, the region and the region as a whole, because the overall picture is all regions, all organizations, both strong and weak. the prime minister will immediately say that the main task is to mobilize resources, and no references to the weather will be accepted. set my teeth on edge, that means constant references to the weather. hot, cold, rain, snow, it’s not like that, it’s not like that, everywhere in the world the climate situation is unstable, we don’t have any special exclusive conditions here. yes, it is important to maintain technological discipline at all stages, and so that there is an increase in volumes of meat and milk, they are actively talking about developing a new program for providing livestock with feed. miselkhosprod notes that we have learned to grow corn, but we have relaxed in the preparation of synagogue. and we are this year. now let's get into it in detail
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taking an inventory of these silo trenches in order to have somewhere to put high-quality feed, we analyzed all areas of mortality, and the main reason is that over the last three years it has been increasing, let’s say this is an increase, we learned to grow corn and somehow relaxed when preparing silage mass, the ratio of silage mass should be, the animal needs fiber. this is the moisture of the feed, and here the main reason is precisely the deaths. we are introducing our technologies into new dairy complexes. premier insists: you need to create one optimal, economical payback project, and then scale it across all farms. this is the main task, but for now we are planning to complete the construction of 60 complexes in different areas. roughly speaking, there are still 8 months left for construction and 1 month for implementation. commissioning
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is realistically possible, well, next year we also plan to begin construction of the same number of sixty dairy complexes. the agrarian season is now in full swing and all the work, of course, is in the fields, but its effectiveness depends on many things, including the quality of seeds, fertilizers, and the well-coordinated operation of equipment, because in a large mechanism every detail is important. in general, the level of technical readiness is high, but there are still facts on the ground. technical malfunction, unavailability of individual units, as a rule, these problems are identified in low-efficient farms, but this also should not be an excuse, spring sowing must be carried out at the optimal time in compliance with all requirements, a systemic solution at the level of the head of state, the government, as you heard yesterday, made decisions in advance, including on the financing of these works, we will evaluate this sowing campaign a little later, when we put down the seeders and have already calculated in detail the entire fall. when every
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center and hectare will add to the total blood supply. that’s it for today , we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things in the economy in the area of ​​interest next week. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. congratulations to you and faith in your own strength. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and even more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films. chuzhin
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of belarusian cinema. and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether-2. did, that is, in fact, this profession is built on ambition, so to speak, he is beautiful in every image, be it prince igor, tonio, dutchman, rigaletta or escamilio, flowers, here are your colleagues, applause, a full hall, everything is sparkling, and you go into the dressing room,
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take off your costume, take off your makeup, come out, here it is, here you go, just like that, literally in two - for three seconds this scene is cleared, it is empty again, the hall is empty. it’s already dark, and you , literally, here you were, prince igor, and you come out, that’s it, and you stanislav trifonov, the hero of the program, has been awarded the state prize of belarus, i’ll think, wow, what to do next, that's all now, and to me it was very nice that this work, well, was appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, it’s very nice, watch today on... our channel.
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iran's attack on israel, world war iii. war is near. journalistic materials came out with these headlines after iran’s attack on israel on april 14. are they pumping things up or is it still a reason to think about it? perhaps april 14 is the very day when the new reality, which began its formation on october 7 last year with massive attacks on the gas sector just ended that same process, or is it something else? and i’m with you ksenia lebedeva. hello! having launched an operation in the gaza strip, israel put everything at stake; in six months it was unable to defeat hamas or drive out the palestinians with massive carpet
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bombing. despair forced netanyahu, still the current prime minister of israel, to resort to provocation on april 1, when an attack was carried out on the iranian consulate in the houses. then, as a result, seven iranian officers were killed, from they are two generals, but what this was needed for is simple: it was necessary to force iran to attack israel, after which, most likely, netanyahu will require support from the united states, directed against countries on the side of iran and the so-called proxy forces, such as komi. , lebanese hezbollah, will request assistance to continue its attack against hamas in gaza. in general, israel decided to escalate the situation to the limit, but iran acted with dignity in this situation, before launching a strike with drones and missiles, tehran warned the enemy about in his actions, he struck several non-civilian military infrastructure facilities. iran used israel
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as a training ground for these exercises, testing the real combat capabilities of all waste.
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it might come out of this. the april 1 strike on the iranian embassy in damascus is interpreted in international law as a formal reason for declaring war - the belli incident. of course, iran could not lose face. he had to respond, warned all parties to the conflict in advance, if the issue was not resolved within the framework of the un security council act differently, but as we see today, all international institutions, including the un, are inactive, but let’s think logically, if the un meeting had taken place, how the united states should have behaved, supported israel’s attack on diplomacy. object or support iran? the united states is an ally
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of tel aviv, and tehran, understanding its serious weight in the middle east, does not want to quarrel, chose a position of abstinence and thus offered to independently resolve the conflict at this stage. i believe, that after this operation of iran in the political circles of iran, as well as among the people. iran has such an opinion, because after these operations, if in the future, israel dares to attack, kill iranian officials abroad or organize some kind of terrorist acts inside iran, but iran’s response will not be, as in the past, they attacked the base.
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after this operation, iran will directly attack from its territories, so they already understand this very well, and the course of the game in the middle east after this operation has completely changed. iran, apparently, is the solution to the conflict at this stage was satisfactory and he was ready for this, since there was no question of any international neutrality. institutions were out of the question. as a result, according to tel aviv, 99% of the 300 drones and missiles launched by iran were eliminated. there was no destruction as such, no casualties, but the subtle hint of serious circumstances was understood by all parties to the conflict. iran and its allies will not remain silent. the gaps in israel's defense system have been assessed. let's discuss the situation.
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it should be noted that as a regional leader, and fourthly, you can the fact that he first of all strengthened his position ; iran was able to show its full combat capabilities; the fact that no one has been able to attack israel so far, so what about the israeli side?
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in order for them to allocate the necessary amount of money for the war that is being waged today in the gas sector, and fourthly, in all this that has happened, israel has suffered serious image losses, because no one has yet israel suffers a blow of indignity with impunity. if we talk about the role of the united states and western countries in this story, what is it like? the united states, of course, this is what is important to note, they have shown that they are dealing with iran today. all countries must deal with iran, because iran today has become a strong regional power, which
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the western countries have received today, well , firstly, we have clearly seen that among western countries double standards are still at the core of their foreign policy, we didn’t see anything else from them, only that this endless cry that iran is to blame for in any case, israel a priori simply cannot be to blame, and most importantly, they got these western countries all clicking on us. about iran’s actions, today all the other states that saw this realized that the western countries, which yesterday dictated conditions to us and other countries, will no longer do so today. as for the republic of belarus, the republic of belarus must also, without any doubt, take away the most important thing from this armed conflict. the first thing is that our military-political leadership and head states correctly assessed the military-political situation and its
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development trends. just look at what our entire military development, in particular construction, was aimed at. armed forces, on the number of aviation and, of course, the return here . the situation today is the development of missile weapons systems, the development of air defense, tactical nuclear weapons, understanding how electronic warfare, the development in general and what the west has received today i'm sorry, but today the west needs to think about it, especially for poland, romania, and the baltic countries, which dream of hosting the f-16 or passing it through their territory. they are far from israel, the russian federation is far from iran and has much greater potential. well, for us, we must clearly understand the most important thing: we can say that after this, we pushed the global conflict back, and most likely it is impossible in the near future, but this is not a reason for us to rest on our
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laurels today and think, that iran has polished everything there, no, the era of proxy wars lies ahead, name... the head of state correctly noted, remember his three scenarios, which he spoke about at the meeting before the security forces, february 2024. the first, the most desirable for them, is the organization of a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power, directly during the election campaigns, but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely to be real.
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"we will have to respond precisely in the south, therefore, in the southern direction, we must, without any doubt, develop special operations forces, special forces of other security forces structures, territorial defense and , of course, pay special attention to our people’s militia, so we have a very serious time ahead, but the fact that we have today pushed back the global conflict in many ways, i think, is most likely true and this is a fact. the political situation is quite difficult for the netanyahu cabinet. on the one hand , this is an armed conflict that is going on in the gas sector and a problem related to the exchange of hostages, on the other hand, these are issues related to financing, with which they should help western countries and especially the usa. if israel lacks money and weapons, then what can we say about ukraine? and congress, apparently, is waiting for the elections so that all decisions on
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extending the sponsorship of wars can be left for later, as... but is it worth expecting something good from the us presidential elections? an end to the conflict in the middle east and ukraine, for example, most likely not. at the same time , many negative processes in the world can only worsen, including under the pressure of events developing in the middle east. but this is different. and yaxenia and lebedeva were with you, see you in the next program.


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