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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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thank you, svetlana smyk, special correspondent of the vntv television company, answered the program’s questions. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. we do not tell dry historical facts: we immerse ourselves in an era that grows with its roots upward. approximately in the 1960s, these trees were planted, and using the method of exclusive planting, which was not possible even the radevils and napoleon's family managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history, this...
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century. the task of our guides is to ignite your desire to touch the belarusian culture personally. and also, when they built a new house, it was necessary to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, and a frame was already placed on them. and it was believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house. travel with the belarus tv channel 24. the achievement of the period of
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alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year, we crossed out the point when we must strive to comply with some democratic postulates, when delegations of observers. they come to polling stations in order to monitor the elections, already with prepared claims, today there is a devaluation supreme power in many countries of the world. france is preparing approximately 2,000 people to be sent to ukraine, that is, if only macron would talk about this. macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are fermenting in european society; in these conditions, the emphasis is on military force. we are all standing on the threshold, god forbid, big one.
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25 years of peace in serbia, a date not to celebrate, but to remember, nato bombing for humanitarian purposes and the friendly hand of belarus, and let's talk about it with... the minister of health of serbia professor danica grujic graduated from school in moscow, where she began to study medicine, then the faculty of medicine in belgrade. today she heads the initiative committee, which deals with the consequences of nato aggression in 1999. then, during 2 and a half months of bombing , 15 tons of depleted uranium were dropped on these lands in shells. but this topic is what happened in the united uranium, the chemical war that was waged against.
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to prove that this is depleted uranium, these are toxic substances that were in the air, in the ground, in the water, in our surroundings, all the commissions that came, say unep, the rest, they all said that this is a regional environmental disaster.
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our state just didn’t have the desire, maybe they were afraid for us to do such scientific research, we had one initiative, there were about 100 of us, doctors, scientists, people who dealt with
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the living environment, who dealt with ecology, we organized ourselves, we sought from both the president and the government that... so that we could be provided with the means to scientifically do all this prove, we did not do this, and we can only indirectly talk about the consequences, this is our official register of malignant tumors, and the most important thing is this, this is from ninety years ago...
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and for example, our results until about 2007 were excellent, like in the rest of the world, but from 2007 to 2012, almost all my patients died, and the same therapy, what’s the matter, something happened, here’s mine. professor cikarich, who began working on the first monograph that was published on this topic, he thinks that it is the united uranus - the reason for all this, but you know, during '99, they fought not only a nuclear war,
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this is practically the amount of combined uranium that they dumped in especially south-central serbia and kosovo-mito. and there was no clearing there, nothing, we cleared it, our time is there, well, our troops simply cannot enter there anymore, this is 15 tons. some kind of structures there, all the workers who went to clean it all fell ill from
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a malignant tumor of lung cancer, seven of them have already died, i think one more person while he is alive, and maybe he died, all the commissions that came said no radiation, but we know that there is no radiation, radiation exists only in this moment of explosion, and there is no radiation. but nanoparticles of combined uranium are what cause cancer, when we talk about carcinogenesis, that is, about the ways in which a malignant tumor begins, we are talking about these nanoparticles 10 by -9. some kind of compensation, some, no, there was no compensation, you know, not all of serbia
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is polluted, not all of hungary, all of croatia, but for sure there are still parts that are contaminated not only by the united uranus, kosovo and metohija are united uranium, believe me, the albanians do not want to talk about it because it is unpopular, and we know that they have a lot, much more than they had before, malignant tumors.
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in the united states, who tried to talk about it, who believed that this type of projectile should be banned, it was simply removed, do you remember that in ninety- nine the only president who flew to serbia, and he was very, very happy thank you,
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it’s over, who will suffer when the war ends, i hope it will be
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as soon as possible, of course, i think that many scientists should go there to do everything so that the environment is made possible to live, to live carefree, i’m a little i read your interview, you said that nato is an organization from the past, but what, why not, well... the warsaw pact no longer exists, why is it necessary, from whom are they defending themselves, from terrible russia, excuse me, from whom are they defended here when serbia was attacked. no, they made a little colombia here in europe, probably because to sell drugs or something else, because in kosovo there is simply no prosperity for young people, a very large number of people left there, albanians, when there was this liberalization of visas, they went to europe, i think that no one there
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just doesn’t want to live, only serbs who were born there and who want there... nato should not exist if they think they are threatened by russia, why, what is there in western europe, what does russia need, nothing, maybe tourism, please , they can
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come and see what’s interesting there, the history, everything is wonderful. sometimes there is ukrainian tv, there is the bbc and so on, you simply cannot understand how anyone in the west, especially intellectuals, can believe what they hear on the bbc, cnn, the rest their people say that that’s it, nuclear war ready, that's it, he's already bombing, this
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is nonsense, so they're brainwashed. russia and i think that there are now more nato soldiers than the ukrainians themselves, well, i’m very sorry for these people, so many young people died, i’m a doctor, i can’t get hurt no war, but nato in my opinion
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should not exist, because there really is no threat from them, who is threatening them? they are threatening themselves, why should they have an enemy somewhere in the east, definitely in the east, but surely those people who rule these countries will not be able to understand that another time has come, africa is being revived, south america is being revived, fascist regimes are already those who remain among the fascists, our western friends, are consigned to history. so, so i think that if there were no nato, there would not be not the war in ukraine, this is just my conclusion, after everything that we experienced here in ninety-nine, when you tell me, but i can’t say, i hate it, but i can’t stand it, no,
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they don’t do anything good in my country, we must cooperate with them, this is a fact, in what sense, so that there is simply peace. so that our guys don’t perish, so that our children live in a normal, ecological environment, and this was the idea of ​​our initiative, to check if there is pollution somewhere, to leave future generations, young people, healthy living environment, but so far we have not had time, well , maybe we will have time some time next year, but we remember that lukashenko came, unfortunately.
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currently, the map has, in principle , been developed, what it represents, it represents the general map of the russian federations, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections, and what are the features of this map itself. there is its color design, there are regions in which we have established cooperation and are developing very much, there are regions where we have just started, there are those that, for some immediate reason we have not covered, further, when we open this map, we see programs, we see directly statistical data for this region, what concerns the construction industry is the presence of design... organizations of construction organizations, the presence of housing construction programs, the cost per square meter, the cost of average housing in this market, that is, in principle, such
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a complex of problems and issues that are necessary to get a very long-term job, today you can get this information without any problems with just one click, and in terms of both construction and design work, is this planned in the future? to develop similar interactive maps for other countries? in principle, when we formed the task, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services would extend to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and, of course, to the closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. in your opinion, why are our builders today so...
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services, the amount currently amounts to 790 million us dollars, these are services provided directly abroad, whereas previously there was a dynamic. quite the opposite, today we can say that export is actually exported outside the republic, what is our advantage, that we have preserved the old soviet school, we are today developing our construction industry in different directions, this includes digitalization, this in the field of design codes and standards, this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this is in the field.
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personal conditions, recently we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built it...
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quite tense, we plan to introduce 4.4000 km of housing, of which 1.400 are for those in need, 355. this is for rental housing, for people which are directly defined by the documents. editors club, this is my first time in minsk, i have been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come and what i understand is that all the shops are open, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotel is excellent, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor belt as i i saw here at the automobile plant, at the mother of such an organized conveyor belt, i have never seen it so clearly and so many young people working when a small state
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was carried out... with the russians together, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go until victory, if you attack, we will fight back, don’t miss it on the belarus24 tv channel. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar to me from childhood, if you have never tried skvarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus, if
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you wouldn't say it was oatmeal. i would never have thought. oatmeal in its structure, it is also in this pot, is very similar to our pig ears. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country.
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in winter they froze and didn’t work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, i’m a project from the village, watch on belarus 24 tv channel.


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