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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the mechanisms froze in winter and did not work, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. the project i am from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. we will get to know you from the architectural memories of belarus. the temple at mosary is
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dastatkova laconic, navat prasyaky spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta was the 790th bastard who knew rach paspalitay. and just like that, we say, it happened and is known, kanchatkova know. i will sail in the style of baroka, and all the hysterical wings here will take us away from the paeina such a dead end, because in the past , the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovite, the architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots at the moment, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained.
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has participating in the show changed your life in any way? i told myself, verunka, that means god loves trinities. among them is like a little bit
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off the penis, i would like to sing completely different songs, no, well, you think that you are better than to win, what a star, a star in the sky, i’m not a star, i just sing, i remember in one interview they said that when you sing, your wings grow, all this is nothing, the main thing is just don’t leave. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest, finalist
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of the factorby 60+ project, veronika melnitskaya. good afternoon, we've come a long way. the izorshi came to us today and wrote a letter in advance. that you have something to tell our viewers, that’s for sure, because i still have 39 years of work experience, where do we start, veronica, in 1981, the last century, it turns out that i graduated from the minsk pedagogical institute, the faculty of music and pedagogy, my diploma said singing music teacher, but i’ll preface my own a little conversation that i had to go after... the teacher, my beloved, kolesnikov, vyacheslav pedagogical institute, to the conservatory, because my mironovich, he insisted that i had to go to the conservatory, but since i really loved to sing, i just crazy since childhood therefore, i was even glad for the fact
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that i was not accepted into the conservatory, i passed the first specialty exam, it turned out that i was a little bit in the technical part, that is, in running speed. fingers on the keys, i was a little, well, lagging behind the previous ones, that is, from the competitors who were behind me, so when they told me, you are talented, but you better go, please, do the right thing, it was still possible to submit the documents , when i entered muspet, of course, these years, maybe i i won’t talk about it now, but those were great years, i could now remember a lot of names, my teachers, because that’s all i imagine myself to be now... it seems to me that this is the case for every person the idea must be that this is all that my teachers put into me. let's watch your performance at the factor byy 60+ show with pleasure, what is the forecast for us today dear, what did you wake up with again i don’t know
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, just tell me, lord have mercy, what bliss do you mean, most importantly, the weather in the house, everything is different, the bustle is me and you, everything that is besides is easy to take away, with the help of tomorrow, there is me and you, and everything that is. the house can be easily settled with the help of an umbrella. has participating in the show changed your life in any way? participating in the show, of course, my life began to change little by little. i really love performing with an accordion, i have a lot of my own songs,
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so i dream of being shown on tv somewhere, playing the accordion and singing my songs, so it’s changed in what way that they started targeting me pay more attention. it's a little bit for me well, somehow i, well, i don’t want such attention, but since even strangers who live in my area or who once saw me somewhere at some concert, or just like that, come up to me on the street even neighbors live behind the wall, and they come up to me, we saw you, but it’s so nice, my soul is filled with happiness, and i ask, did you like it, i didn’t disgrace anyone in the city of torysh, everything is fine, they said it’s great, that is, for me it seems that even they say more kind words than i deserve, so i sift through everything myself, veronika anatolyevna, we met with you at the casting a couple of years ago, you didn’t get into the show right away, you stormed this factor several times, can i tell you, this turns out to be my third time, calling, but in the twenty-first year, when i was young people
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performed together with older participants, then the second next year 2022, when factorby 60+ was already done, this was the first season, this is already... for some reason i didn’t make it, although i really hoped, and i said to myself: so, verunka, it means that god loves the trinity, that means you are going a third time, and no one is telling me pushed me, i found the information on the internet myself. they say: go away with your songs, you’re tired, can you say that when the family was already
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tired of your songs, you wanted a new audience, to splash out on an audience of millions, the fact is that i never thought about this, but i just like it, there is such a concept, a person, everyone is born with a certain talent, only some manifest it, and others don’t, i have had this talent since childhood, my mother told me that once upon a time, when i studied at school, maybe i was 7-8 , some kind of ability or talent lives in you, a gift from god, you can’t keep it to yourself, you’ll burst, so i
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got used to it from a young age, and especially since i have a relative like that, he still lives in minsk, semyon’s uncle, dear, brother of my deceased daddy, he immediately determined that so, faith has talent, it needs to be sent to a music school, and from that moment your torment began, well, teaching you can still say it in quotes, because then i need... zaslonovka, it’s 7 km from orsha, and went on a milk truck twice a week to the music school, yes, that is, we suspect that you didn’t like the milk truck, and even more so the accordion , that’s how it was, i want to tell you , you know, not only are the photographs wonderful, not only on the milk truck, my dad was in charge.
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to transport milk to hand over, which means, as if from a state farm , i had to hand over to a dairy plant, so he had an order and there was a free place, warm in a warm cabin, so they took me out of bed from the warm one, they gave me something to drink something, i still remember, girls, here i am, probably, it’s still true that there are owls, there are larks, this, this is nothing, i ’ve been struggling with this for so long, i still can’t get over it, i’m no good in the morning , that is, i have no energy, no... reluctance, but in the evening, especially at night, i have some kind of feeling, it’s as if some kind of
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double force is coming out of me, i can redo a lot of things then , what i didn’t do during the day, i’ve had this since childhood, so of course, now in my own mind i’m already more like this, well long, then it was short, when i was little, i am incredibly grateful to my dad for all my children, that’s who i worked with at the music school or college i always say, listen to your parents, they won’t give you bad advice and even do what your parents tell you. .. they really play, and not phonograms, beauty,
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well done, in fact, the viewers in the comments were curious and wrote that he plays divinely, everyone really likes the way you control the instrument, literally a few months later... you went to march at a show in russia and made factor bay 60+ famous to an audience of millions, really, let's see how you coped with the instruments there?
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you do something, you have to entice, nevertheless, thank you very much for your loyalty to the factor for your loyalty to song and music, after graduating from the minsk pedagogical institute you worked as a singing and music teacher in a secondary school, in a sunday school at a monastery, as a music director in a kindergarten, as a teacher music in a pedagogical school, methodologist in the city cultural center, operator of a pig breeding farm complex as a spinner at the dnepr factory. applause, i think?
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saxophone, saxophone, childhood, bright dream, conjure, sigh, old bruise, play me until the thirteenth year, recording, 2013, recording of the thirteenth year, you remain so faithful, and hope for the club and... my life, the side of this club , or rather in the direction of this, it means a deep bow, a nod to the people who work there, this is how a magnificent family club has developed, and i will now do that for some time in retirement i did not work, then a place became available, that is, we need there was a musician urgently, we have such
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a andreevchensk library-club, it’s actually within our orsha, it ’s very easy to get there. they needed an accompanist when i came to this family club, he is now 29 years old, of course, the family has grown, only these young girls and boys remained, they were already elderly when i started working with them, i tell everyone, this is honest, this is sincere, i never thought that people who have nothing to do with music at all, they are not musicians, they have such gorgeous their voices, you know, everyone has their own individual voice, and sometimes even i sing...
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i’m sure that we saw a recording from the thirteenth year, 11 years have passed, and you haven’t changed at all, you’re in the same amazing shape, such what a spectacular dress you’re wearing, well , it’s like we’re still seeing the same girl you’re talking about from the village, the screener, but i’d also like to remember that the author’s song also played a big role in your life, it was, i don’t know, it still is is there such a festival in vitebsk, vitebsk leaf fall, where are we had the opportunity to hear from all over the country, and... performers, including your team. let's get a look. trio 2+1, orsha.
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our officials from the cultural department, or rather from the youth department, veronica, you love this kind of thing, you put together songs yourself, please, come on, gather all the people who
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write songs, and i had to deal with this issue, that is, i kind of i was asked, it was an unpaid position, that is, it was all based on enthusiasm, but i was so interested, i myself started composing songs somewhere in ninety-eight year, i was just 40 years old when they gave me this assignment, i just... and the melody comes from the so-called bards, i don’t like this word, i don’t know why, the authors are performers, and i was among them like that as if to split off a little, because i only composed music, so i love poetry, i understand, i like it and read it with... son, but i can’t write poetry, because well, there is no such gift, but the melody receives, if the poems are beautiful, a beautiful melody comes out, and i was made chairman, and we organized concerts,
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and i want to say, in order not to waste time, even when about our club, the club was called reflection, yeah, because it existed for 5 years before the road workers, we gathered very often, almost every week, we discussed each other's poems, melodies, but we had: such guys who said, there is no need to change, so a person read a poem, not a single word from me, correct it a little, because it is impossible, if this word came to a person, let this word will remain then we treated each other with care, it’s a pity that all this remained in the past, because it so happened that our team existed for only 5 years, our club, there were a lot of festivals, for example, the acting festival of the old city, in vitebsk, this everything took place in vitebsk, we had several festivals in borsha called:
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yes, but you see, like you, it doesn’t exist for long, that is, for some reason this fire fades out, sooner or later, well, probably time is running out, there are no more festivals these are not like a pear famous and yes, and it’s probably already hard for people to gather, yes, but unfortunately, but we are glad that your creative life is connected not only with amateur performances, you also played in the orchestra, let’s show our viewers what it looked like.
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you are a happy woman, veronica anato, yes, after all, it’s probably all thanks to my daddy, if he hadn’t forced me.
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the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the finalist of the factorby 60+ project, veronika melnitskaya. veronica anatolyevna, we know that you have your own system on how to stay healthy without pills, can you tell us about it? so, firstly, every time i repeat the same phrase, like a spell. the fact is that it all starts from childhood. and when i remembered why i have such a desire to maintain health without using any drugs.
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and i got rid of it, since then i rinse my nose with cool water, i never have a sore throat, i never have a runny nose, everything came to me from my mother, and then i, when i realized how great it is, that i don’t need to get sick, that i don’t i need to go to clinics, hospitals, i began to take an interest in myself, and i honestly admit to you, i really like oriental medicine, i learned how to do acupressure , i realized that massage itself is the very first assistant in health, that is, i started reading a lot of literature, i i’ve been reading... for
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about 20 years now the sentiments of georgy sytin, he is a very interesting person, unfortunately, he also died at an old age, well, in general , i just made a conclusion for myself, so as not to be a burden, old age will come anyway, weakness will come, i i see here in my surroundings there are people who complain about what their mothers-in-law, mother-in-law or mother or father are like, how hard it is with them, how they scream, how they don’t let you sleep at night, and i think to myself, my god, don’t let this happen, so i s...
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well, let's see now the ships are lying broken chests are standing open emeralds and rubies are falling in the rain, i agree you are spogat, stay boy with us, you will be our king, you will be our king,
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for what i do, i don’t even give an account , i look good, bad, beautiful, ugly, but this energy comes from me, i want a song convey to the audience, and i need to sing it so that the audience, well, you need to reveal the image, right, so i look, i think, i don’t recognize it, but the fact that you didn’t win, you accepted it, that victor won ivanov, when i was ambivalent, i still, when they asked me in an interview, girls on factorby, do you want to win, i honestly, i honestly said, i say, girls, it’s not the main thing... after all, victory, if i i thought about winning, i wouldn’t even think about the final until the final, i don’t think that you are better than the winner, i don’t think that i’m better, i think that’s eight the people who were, they are all worthy, i would even do this if i were the producer, eight people reached the final, a super final is not needed, and
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after all, everyone has their own style, their own attitude to the song, some to the folk song, some people have a little taste for jazz, others, well, this competition should be a winner, i understand, but it’s more like i’m generally an opponent of children’s professional sports competitions. yes, but how can you rate the song? we are all different, we all seem to be, but this is the universe, so i, well, of course, i would like there’s nothing to show off there, it’s not the main thing, participation, the main thing is always victory, if not, but no, but it’s very important to me what i did at this competition, who i met, what wonderful people, dancing for me in general, i was just in away from the backup dancers, but what they learned during the competition was something that they couldn’t do, but now they can. i can, what i have learned, i guess, i still may not have fully learned, i never thought that when i sing on stage, i feel a little nervous, my voice somehow trembles, i am, when i sang, i didn’t feel it, it seemed to me that everything was so good, i see, there is something to work on, that is, i need to work on breathing,
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because before, well, or we’ll start whirring, i don’t run, i stand or sit, it’s necessary when such moving songs, you need to develop your respiratory system, i have breathing exercises, but what i learned, probably, well, i don’t know, i really, you know, i like... communication, i met such people, like everyone around you, and your family now treats you differently, tell me, after you have already become a star, well, i don’t like the word star, as one person said, the grandson of a child writer, he said, what a star, the stars in the sky, i’m not a star, i just sing, so do i, here we are , my sisters, i’m the eldest, i i look like a mommy here among them, why not, on the contrary, i really like this photo, it’s us sister
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, but the most interesting thing in my work is that i
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conducted research, that is, questionnaires, for a very long period, that means, from the first to the eighth grades , in the first school in the city of minsk, the first school, it is still exists or not, i would be interested in visiting it, we did research there, and it turned out so interesting, the most dangerous age in relation to music, that is, they begin to love rough, some kind of harsh music, this is the fifth grade, the first.
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big greetings from my grandmother, i have him very much a boy, of course, well, a big-headed guy, when he was little, i tried to give him children's tsumbals, bells, bells, when he was a year or two old, he somehow perceived it normally, and then i i come to him with tsambualas with such children’s ones, he says: grandma, you understand that you like to sing, this is for you, well, in other words, of course, but you understand that i’m not interested in this, i’m interested in mathematics, even when he ’s already...
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we know that you’re serious you relate to this topic and even plan to go to the archives in st. petersburg, but first, let’s see, just like you made films about your mother, try to make active films about each member of the family. well done, you are probably familiar with these sounds, you may not be used to hearing them, but for our dear, beloved grandmothers, zhenya drew all this, these are sounds that are familiar just from the cradle, so, meet our... grandmother, our mother,
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respected and loved by everyone, and katerina ramanovna melnitskaya, maiden name gubanova, she is simply pathologically hard-working, and not used to sitting idle, sugar-coated, torn and plump pants, thin crooked legs. the same ekaterina romanovna who taught you not to use pills, at least, well, you’re a hard worker too, because we don’t even have time to follow all your hobbies, and what will this give you? delving into the genealogy, why do you want to dig so deep? by the way, vika asked herself this question for a long time, the thing is, it’s even a little sad that i started doing this too late, because literally about... five years ago or even 10 many relatives still lived in orsha, this my father
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’s relatives, because my mother’s relatives all live in mogilev, i love them all too, a big greeting to them, and my father’s numerous relatives lived in orzha, and i communicated with them all, but for some reason that generation, well this is the pre-war generation, they never told me, maybe it’s due to a hard life, when i found out, when i began to understand that i have a grandfather roman and a grandmother gripina, these are my mother’s parents, they live in the village of novo. for 5 years he was drafted into the army during the great patriotic war, his grandmother died, my grandmother marfa efimovna, she died in 1947 at work, that is, she worked as a janitor, well, something had to do with the roads, there were five children left, including my dad, when the meaning came to me from this, that they just
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they grew up, well, like orphans, yes, but they weren’t sent to orphanages, because my dad, that is, my grandmother, had eight sisters, they all...
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, the finalist of the project is visiting us factor by 60+ veronica melyanitskaya. veronica anatolyevna, we know that you have two sons, tell us what they do? it so happened that my sons were born, so with an interval of 7 years.
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and this, of course, is the eldest son, born in eighty-three, and the youngest son. born in 1990, and it always happened that way the eldest son, of course, raised him, the eldest brother raised his younger brother, and we lived in our own house at that time, and the eldest brother had to go to the water pump, which means he was offended here, mom, when zhenya grows up, i’m not that old anymore i can, but on the other hand , the youngest son got it in quotes, he wore the clothes of the eldest, but back then it was not such an easy time, the soviet union, well, by the way, here is my eldest son seryozha, and... that means he went to work with his dad , and dad was a plumber then, thanks to this, he got such a good profession, by the way, in our family we have a saying that seryozha is not just a plumber, but a glamorous plumber, why glamorous, because he is always cultured, polite, intelligent, in clean clothes, glasses , which is important, he has poor eyesight
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since childhood, so he is so very polite in his relationships with people, because many people told me about him, so i am very pleased that i have...
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foreign languages, and my mother, that is, i insisted that they definitely go, this there was a secondary school number eight in the city of orsha, so they went, one of them, the eldest, went to the choir, and the youngest, zhenya, went to play the clarinet, i was so joyful, so happy that my children were studying. then they didn’t finish school, that’s all, and all this remained, and they grew into intelligent plumbers and artists, it’s not all for nothing. veronica anatolna, it’s very nice that you didn’t come to our program, but also ours, empty-handed. famous library, tell me, don’t be silent, they brought books, i would like to know what they are books? i want to say that we published these books together with my son, but of course,
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the most important character here is my son, he created such a book, all these drawings, rock and roll pop stars, here soviet, russian and foreign, i think that this book will complement your wonderful book , which is very valuable to us as music lovers. there is also a community of my son zhenya savinov together with fyodor, here are his stories, and here are zhenya’s drawings, i think you will like it, because this is also creativity, just fantastic, very cool.
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with me with their impressions, but what do they feel when they sing in church, but the fact is that i probably have such a sensitive soul and skin, i perceive everything very, very, very subtly, i have many times , when i just started going, it means that in the church in the pleros choir there was a feeling that i was getting up, and some kind of column of energy was passing through me, from the top of my head it wasn’t exactly a chill, it was just some kind of energy running, someone he told me this is correct,
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well, i can’t understand, but apparently these are people others, they left, left everything, the graves of their ancestors live here, they left, live there, and apparently they will be buried there, i
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ask, someday, tell me, you want to be buried in a foreign land, but your ancestors trampled this the earth, well, that is, in a good sense, they walked on it, didn’t trample it, and you will stay there, it doesn’t matter to me, well, apparently there are such people, why is it so expensive, well , because everyone is all relatives, even why orsha, because all my father’s relatives are here, orshachina, dubrovschina are all mine grandmothers de... sort of on my father’s side, aunts and grandfathers, well, all my mother’s relatives live in mogilev, so in principle, i even studied in mogilev, because my mother’s relatives are there, i live in boshe because my father’s relatives are here, well, minsk is my favorite city, because i studied here, i believe that student years are the best years, it’s true, when i say, people don’t believe it, it’s true, it won’t be better years, these are the best years , and in recent years have you noticed how orsha has changed, yes, but i’ll tell you even when she changed, she changed, you know when, when we had a hard time. well, it’s a well-known fact that when the city of dozhinki is transformed, thank you very much to our president, our dad, because
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in fact, even if there are shortcomings there, a transformation is still happening, and people, when they walk along a dirty street, it’s one feeling, and i want to spit and throw a piece of paper, when people walk around, everything is clean, beautiful, and i even see that some people pick up a piece of paper and throw a trash can, this has never happened before i saw it, that is why it’s great, god grant that it will continue to be like this for a long time.
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it often happens here that some trees have been broken, they didn’t have time to replant ice there, there is no sand, we have hotlines, that’s how people actively use us, and are not indifferent, and even started cleaning up near their house, this very, i think this is very important, i think, veronika anatolyevna, in connection with the fame that has fallen on you, you, too, will now receive many requests from city residents to help, because you are shown on tv.
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a beautiful family makes such fascinating films, and i would also like to draw our viewers ’ attention to the fact that you yourself wrote and suggested a way of communication, you said that there is something to tell about yourself, about your family, i think each of us has such history, you just need to step over this line and start talking, and we, tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova, say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, veronica melnitskaya is speaking now. dear friends, i want to ask you from the bottom of my heart, please do the same to other people, how would you like people to treat you, everything will be very good, now for you, instead of an extensive final word, i will sing my favorite song, which is called: “let’s go, maybe, to the street, the music
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is my own.” and the poems were written by fyodor vasko. member of my trio 2+1. so, let’s listen, but don’t run out into the street right away, please give me a drink. let's go, maybe there are clouds outside, sadness has fallen, there the sun frowns in surprise, threatening someone?
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i live with love and gratitude to everyone. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this; it was my dream
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to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal is above. we are propagandists, what we propagandize: the state course, yes, this is a necessity support for the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes. sovereignty and independence
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of belarus, and, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare. by prosperity we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in us to the calm on our streets in peacetime... of course, the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, sensible, kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i'm happy. and i’m sure you’re happy too. we built it as best we could, as best we could. we were sincere about this construction. our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power moves carefully, nothing. without breaking the bank, will the new generation succeed, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t end up with a catastrophe, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still a little more than
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statistical error, propaganda project, watch on belarus24 tv channel. belarus charmed them at first sight, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, is cleanliness , first of all, cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is generally the merit of the people, such hospitable people, well you don’t always meet people who are ready, well, to give everything to you, such a generous soul, and of course, the beauty of nature, belarus was also impressed by these european streets, it’s like you’re in prague somewhere, i really liked it. watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel.
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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lazovik is with you, hello, in this episode: spring has failed, the north
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of belarus is covered with snow, field work has been suspended in the region. in the language of the ball, military exercises with the participation of the us armed forces have started in lithuania. new zone. for sports, leisure and relaxation in minsk , the improvement of the park named after uga chavvis continues. each stroke is like a state of mind, a dance of a brush from heaven on paper.


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