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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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today you can try your hand at the art of the celestial empire at a master class in chinese painting. in addition, the museum houses a large collection of chinese art. after the great patriotic war, china was the first to help belarus in restoring museum funds. next we have sports news, and the tv news agency’s projects are also available on social networks, in the mobile application with a qr code on the screen. new information. it's already one o'clock in the afternoon, see you. calgary ends the nhl regular season on a positive note. fleis, let me remind you, a long time ago lost their chance to qualify for the playoffs. in their last match of the draw, the lights hosted san jose and confidently defeated the sharks 5:1. as part of the canadians, two belarusians took part in the flight. yegor sharongovich spent just over 17.5 minutes on the court. three throws and two interceptions to his name. the forward's
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utility indicator is zero, similar to the efficiency of defender ilya solovyov, his eye-time is almost 16.5 minutes. solovyov made two throws, made two power moves and three blocks. english clubs will not play in the semi-finals of the champions league and league for the first time since 2015 europe. the day before, liverpool failed to make it to the next round of the continent's second most important european cup. the mersese team defeated atalanta 1:0 on the road, but the bergamo team went further on aggregate. the apennines will compete with marseille for reaching the final of the europa league, and roma will play with bayer.
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in 1949, residents of the village of chizheviche , starobinsky district, minsk region, could observe it for months. the same
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picture: behind the bridge over the rudka river, a team of workers, geologists, were trying to extract something from the ground and from great depths. they did it with using a wooden structure, inside of which there was some kind of drilling rig. there were various and sometimes the most incredible rumors about ancient treasures, about deposits of some especially valuable minerals here, they were intensified.
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the village of chyzhevichy of the starobenskaya district of the minsk region had a padzeya, which is a peraatsanitsa. menavita is at the beginning of the day, on the top of the earth from a large boulder, it fell 300 m. the first batch of sylvyanite, light-colored, roof-shaped, the most important cheese for the most important chestnut hijackers. this is a great help for the employee teams of nescerav, navukotsa, geolag-reconnaissance team bagamolava, ivanov, leanovich, rozina and a team of other specialists. the work of belarusian scientists, geological exploration, lasting more than decades, it was their personal victory, it was a victory for the entire republic. the significance of
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the event will be confirmed over the years. at the same time , new opportunities and new horizons opened up for the national economy of the bssr. belarus is completely devoid of mineral resources, this was the verdict of venerable geologists, scientists of the ussr in the mid-thirties, but we agree with they could not and did not want to do so in the republic. its national economy needed the use of natural resources, without which it is difficult to solve issues of the effectiveness of development of the entire national economy as a whole.
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the young geologist gerasim bogomolov once again walked around what seemed to be a familiar area to the smallest detail. sitting down on a stump located nearby, he took out a notebook from his field bag, made... notes in it, then thought about something for some time and made notes again. and then on the road again. sometimes bogomolov stopped to simply
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admire the local beauty. the landscapes of the passing summer in polesie were mesmerizing. already in the tent, he transferred his observations to the map; these were the final touches to the great work that he... was completing, translating his scientific research and practical observations into the language of a memorandum. the presence of dome-shaped structures in the southern part of the bssr gives grounds to explore these areas for oil, salt and mineral waters. the note was to be sent to the country's leadership. gerasim bogomolov's conclusions turned out to be convincing.
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in his accompanying note addressed to the country's leadership, he noted: among the young rocks, and especially to the southeast of the geographical center, there were rocks of ancient age at shallow depths. they are giant domes and consist mainly of salts. such dome-shaped structures. are always satellites of hydrocarbons. the findings were confirmed by the research of other leading geologists. scientific geologist mikhail gromyka. it was he who pointed out a promising site near rechitsa, the southeastern villages of gorivoda. they were based, among other things, on the stories of local residents. they constantly observed the marsh coming to the surface. gomel region,
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scientifically substantiated the possible presence of rock salt and oil deposits in the depths of the belarusian woodland, but there were much more skeptics. correspondence began with the council of people's commissars of the republic, heated discussions in the press. and if it weren’t for gerasim bogomolov, the future academician of the academy of sciences of the bssr, who proved the reality of such assumptions and used them in his further research, everything could have been like this remain at the level of discussion. the academy of sciences of the bssr also saw real prospects for research. the belarusian government agreed with her arguments about the advisability of conducting exploratory drilling operations. polesie.
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honored artist of belarus stanislav trifonov is called baretone number one. an artist is a person who i don’t know, well, he can’t be happy, then he will be interesting to watch.
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the public and the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, it’s very nice, watch it today on our channel. in 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be. a pediatrician and the children love me, the hero of the program will have to
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open up to the audience, and what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all original and sometimes awkward questions. vk every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say... a perpetual motion machine, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . thanks to state support , several state programs in the field of oncology have been carried out to re-equip our system. well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all
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oncology institutions have everything you could wish for. sweden and finland not only do not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on
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tv channel belarus 24. in 1938, in damanovichiy, now svetlogorsk district of the gomel region , drilling of the first deep exploration well began. as a result, divonian salt-bearing deposits were discovered at a depth of more than 800 m, they confirmed the forecast. for oil. at the same time , in the parichsky and glussky regions , an increased content of heavy hydrocarbons in the soil layer of air was discovered. the war prevented the successes of belarusian scientists and geologists from being consolidated. april 20, 1945.
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ў national gas store of the latest structural wind power and wind electric installations. at their ledges, the navukoists say that the raw materials of the bssr allow the development of meat cheese and all the materials for an adequate future. at the session, respect will be given to geolag-exploration specialists
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subsoil of the republic. the session of the academy of sciences of the bssr focused on scientific research that would contribute to the revival of the economy. the republic was in dire need of maximum use of natural resources for the development of the national economy. the academy was faced with the task of not only providing a scientific basis for this, but also offering practical solutions. but research did not stop either during evacuation or after returning. by the beginning of 1945, eight academic institutes had resumed their work. among the first, the institution of socialist agriculture and the peat institute of the academy of sciences of the bssr. as of january 1, 1946,
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there were only 27 employees. the second year, so he carried out this work in sufficient detail to assess raw material reserves in general, the use of peat in the national economy in various directions. at university. geological sciences, which was also among the first to be created, has even fewer staff, 13 people, but everything is subordinated to the continuation of pre-war research on the features of
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the tectonic structures of belarus. with insignificant efforts, scientists began to practical confirmation of their hypotheses, implementation of already established research. only during the years of the first post-war five-year period. deposits of coli and rock salts were discovered, first petrikovskaya, then starobinskaya, located within the soligorsk, lyubonsky and slutsky districts of the minsk region. in 1949, from a depth of about 350 m, the first ingot of belarusian rut salts was raised, but this is really for the national economy of the republic, this is an ingot, it really is gold, we know this very well today. here is selyunite ore, the belarus-potassium museum,
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the first developed mine, the first batch of salt obtained during the first drilling, and this was also heroism, the dedication of people of science, their conviction that the republic... the victory of the country's industry for the production of oxen products was not only reached the pre-war level, but also exceeded it by 18%.
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the growth of production, means of production, was 130% compared to 1940, and the production of consumer goods was 99%. during the first post-war five-year plan , industry. the republic developed at a faster pace, but energy remained a big problem. enterprises, both leading ones and those in regional and small towns, did not have enough power, the energy fuel base was restored simultaneously with national economic facilities, but in the new five-year plan the energy sector faced ambitious tasks.
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in the working barracks of the village of orekhi vydritsa, which is 25 km from orsha, at the beginning of november 1930 there was an unusual excitement after a difficult day. the workers, contrary to the established routine of going to rest, now gathered at table in the center of the barracks, and serious passions were boiling there. partork carefully wrote out the title on paper. message to descendants. but then it was difficult what to write to the descendants who will read this text in 100 years. this is...
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they proposed to contribute something, because the descendants will count it. on november 8, 1930, the launch of the first stage of the state power plant in the village of orehi vydritsa began the belarusian energy industry. belgress. became the first in the history of the republic to be solemnly named after stalin. orientation was in progress
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creation of the belarusian gresa. confined to the asentorf deposit, a fairly large deposit, in those years it was about 500 hectares, the depth of the deposit reached 9 m, 9 m, well, imagine, this is about a four-story building, say, such deposits in general on the territory of the republic not so much, but nevertheless they were there, on this day they were laid... and the capsule with a message to descendants, what the pioneers wanted to say, we will find out soon, in less than 10 years. history has learned about labor feat of people. peat is a fuel that requires a lot of effort to extract. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers
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obtained this through incredible efforts. fuel to the osinovskoye field. the first stages to bachutorf are the carved method, it is very labor-intensive; lump peat was carried in baskets and peat boxes, including a lot of women working on peat extraction. workers and specialists came from all over the ussr; they were the first to come to the osinovsky swamps to open a new page in industrialization. people came from all over the country, more 200 people worked in the most difficult conditions, well, during construction , the work was carried out mainly by hand, people came from ukraine, from russia, everyone came with their own shovels, their own horses, manual work was very difficult, but people did not
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pay attention we tried to pay attention to this.
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after the victory they were invited to return here, they went here with pleasure, some of the equipment was brought here, which was preserved, they were able to install a second pipe, the one that was and worked in germany, produced in the twenty-fifth year, 1946 was no longer a less significant event: in august, the first turbo unit produced the first industrial current,
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they were restored, and... mainly by specialists, again those who worked before the war, yes, people were not allowed to finally, they say, participate in the war, they were taken from the front, so that they return to their places of previous work and help restore, those specialists who returned to belgres, paid the teams, worked 15-16 hours, but no one complained, everyone understood what was needed for the state, well... and for all of us . belgress was returning to the republic's power grid. until the fifty-first year , the power that was before the war was restored, even a little more. before the war there were 32 megawatts, now 34.5 megawatts. and it became the largest station in the republic. the restoration of belgrade allowed.


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