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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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they were restored, and mainly by specialists, again those who worked before the war, yes, people were not allowed to finally, as they say, participate in the war, they were taken from the front so that they would return to their places of previous work, those specialists who returned helped to restore on belgress, the teams rallied, worked 15-16 hours, but no one knew, everyone understood.
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actively develop industry in the republic, especially in the eastern part, this includes the orkhan meat processing plant, the flax plant, the mogilev silk plant, in klov dubrovna, almost the entire east was supplied with electricity from the belgrets. today, burning local fuels is as relevant as it was many years ago. job. by using the tariff for two heat sources of the belarusian aggression, zbiran allows us to save significant money by replacing natural gas. time has proven the correctness of the conclusions made in the first post-war years that the republic has unique natural resources and can manage them. in
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the radio house on revolutionary 3, the announcers were preparing go on air with a new program. the broadcast network includes programs for industrial workers. four times a week , journalists, with the participation of leading production workers, will talk about successes at the enterprises of the republic and share interesting information. but first. was especially important. the republic has made great progress in the creation of energy and fire bases of the people's gas reserves. high-profile exporters completed the fifth year of belgez. yana gave in to the military magutnasti. over the past five years , power stations have been added and published gomel, maladzechne, garrodne, babruisk, brest, other cities and regional centers.
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and rut and rock salts, discovered in the first post-war years, allowed us to take a leading position in the world in the production of rut fertilizers in the next decade.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, territories of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahray. united arab
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emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish. izerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, come on! let's talk about complex things in simple language: today about where money will go from the republican subbotnik, what threatens those who do not show up for it, why are we invited to work on a day off? go! on monday, we all learned that
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on april 20 a republican cleanup day will be held in belarus, which means for many of us this work week will be longer than usual, it has already been determined what the money that we as a whole country will... will earn on saturday in what proportions will they be distributed among the selected support objects? 35% of the amount that the cleanup brings to the budget will be sent for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of war. it is located in the village of krasny bereg, zhlobin district, gomel region. there, during the great patriotic war, there was a death conveyor, one of the largest donor children's concentration camps. children aged 8 to 14 were torn from their mothers and their blood was taken for german soldiers. those who remained alive after this were sent to work in germany. the memorial was opened in 2007, 17 years have passed. the experience of ukraine, estonia, latvia and lithuania
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has shown that contemporaries need to remind us of what the citizens of civilized countries, who are now teaching us how to live, did on our land. therefore, they decided to update the memorial. the building on it... will be converted into a visitor information service building, and a video surveillance system will be installed around the perimeter. the second facility to which the funds earned by belarusians from the republican cleanup will go will be a center for the patriotic education of youth. it will be located in the kobrin fortification of the brez fortress. its tourist site is not the entire fortress, but only its citadel - the compact core. on three sides of the island, where there are monuments, a temple and an obelisk-bayonet, there is a scattering. three more fortifications: kobrin, volyn and terespol. so, on the territory of kobrin, the former barracks officers will be turned into a comfortable hostel for 200 guests. the same number of guests will be accommodated by the sub-tent town site. the buildings will house classrooms and a canteen,
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and not far from them there will be a football field, a laser tag and airsoft area, an obstacle course for novice trackers, an area with exercise equipment and a fire pit. just imagine. that many guys, instead of being glued to gadgets and wandering around shopping centers, will play sports together, get acquainted with history, and in the evenings discuss their day by the fire. there is another important nuance implied here: mentoring. absolutely all teenagers need the attention and support of strong, passionate people in a good sense. and the mentors of the patriotic center will become authorities, inspirers and role models for many. children, parents, who are often busy work will find support with her, they will go into adulthood with dubious content from tiktok. history knows more than one generation that grew up in such an atmosphere. and in my opinion, it is this generation that is now preventing our people from falling into the flames of wars, lies and perversions. we, the children of the ussr, are warmed
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from within by the warmth of the casters, where we spent our evenings together in pioneer camps. we want our children to also have access to this healing warmth. and the children want this, because the center for... patriotic education needs to be scaled up, not created, it has been working for a long time, teenagers come there for drill training, orienteering, and even learn the basics of reconnaissance, but now about a thousand people a year pass through the center, and after receiving republican status it will be able to receive five, or even 10 times more. this object is so important for preserving the memory of our past for the sake of the future that, with the approval of the president, it was given the status of an all-belarusian youth construction project; the first stage of work is planned to be completed in 2025, in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. let's return to the subbotnik money. the third item of expenditure will be the repair and restoration of memorials and places of military memory in the minsk
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region. these are mass graves in villages, monuments and locations with eternal flames in small towns. it was decided to send 30% of the earned amount to them. people. the mechanism works like this. the head of state instructs the government to organize a republican cleanup day. the government decides on the date and chooses. responsible executor, this is always some kind of ministry, in recent years, most often, the ministry of economy, its employees send out a cry to the country's enterprises, instruct managers to ask people which objects in their opinion need financial support, depending on the results , they determine where it is best to send funds this year, include a list of selected areas in the resolution on holding a republican cleanup day, if not, historical and cultural locations and objects
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of generational continuity receive help from urgent public requests; they will not finance themselves. resolution listing these objects are transferred to the council of ministers, where they approve it and it becomes relevant for all residents of the country. this year the document received number 277, and the council of ministers adopted it on april 12. and he collects money on behalf of the council of ministers. ministry of finance, here's how: at each enterprise they decide which part of the team will work during the subbotnik. the earnings of everyone who went out that day, the company’s accountants transfer the accounts of the executive committees, and from there they go to a specially created account of the ministry of finance, it is already scattering the money among the accounts of the objects, whom it was decided to help. many people collect funds from employees for the cleanup day, and this is completely legal. the management of each enterprise decides for itself what amount to offer to employees. as a rule, this is 1%
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of salary. the money is taken against the signature in the statement, deposited in the account of the local executive body, and he then transfers it to the ministry of finance. someone donates part of their earnings for that day. some people put real money into the common pot, but personally i know people who do both. and if a person wants neither one nor the other, he can do neither. neither don't do anything else. participation in the cleanup is only voluntary. an employee cannot be fired, punished or subject to disciplinary action for refusing to come to work on a day off. employers should remember this. hundreds of thousands of belarusians come out for cleanup because they want to have a hand in a great common cause, gain authority, set an example or help colleagues, restore order to their land after winter, invest in ambitious projects or support sponsored ones. organizations. you should have noticed that belarusian civil servants always work during subbotniks. in photos in media resources
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, they are usually planting trees or doing something with a rake. but most of their work on this day is hidden from the audience. each ministry and public association has sponsored orphanages or boarding schools for people with disabilities. and officials, as a rule, begin to prepare for the cleanup long before it. they find out what their clients need, organize purchases, and ensure delivery. they arrive, and there is again work on the territory, installation of equipment, meeting people, gifts and conversations. for civil servants, cleanup sometimes lasts from friday evening to sunday and, as you can see, they don’t complain. making people work more is not the goal, but inviting them to work together is. please note that a subbotnik is always half a working day, that is, several hours. during this time, a person does not have time. but he gets the opportunity to communicate in the fresh air with colleagues whom he has seen for years
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only in the grip of a dress code and electric light. for dozens of people this is a chance to talk about something other than work and being united by a cause that they would never organize on their own. this is the immersion of adults in a game that was not prepared by them, a time when they can complete a task, as in childhood, and at the same time receive an adult tangible result. well , after all, this is a way for everyone to imbue personal meaning. the most significant government projects and structures. last year, the republican cleanup brought in about 14 million rubles from the budget. half of this amount was donated to the construction of the above-mentioned center for patriotic education. the second half was spent on the reconstruction of the memorial in azarichi, the earnings earned in 22 were invested in a major refurbishment of khatyn, and the result did not leave a single year indifferent. in 2013, 14, 15, eighteenth and twenty-first years, funds were transferred
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to the ministry of health, at different times they were used to buy ambulances, iv devices, vaccines , a tomography center was equipped in the boravlyanskaya oncology clinic, in 2016 funds were invested in the construction of a children's regional hospital in gomel, in 2012 the money was transferred to the ministry of culture for construction of a new building for the history museum by the way, i definitely take all foreign guests there, because it is a quality base for a 5-6 hour excursion. in 2020, money from the cleanup was transferred. to complete the restoration of the national art museum and the reconstruction of the burial site in the village of ola, burned by the nazis. previously, the work of belarusians at the subbotniks helped build a national library in the minsk arena. everything that was listed above is ours, literally the people’s. and we’re not just talking about buildings that have become signature card of belarus, but about lives saved and
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memory marks necessary to preserve our cultural national code. calmly and happily work with colleagues this coming saturday, and if health or circumstances do not allow you to abandon this idea without wringing your hands. subbotnik is not about working with all your might and under pressure, but about conscious work for the good of the country together with all its inhabitants. the time comes when we feel the need for altruistic work, and once we have experienced its effect on ourselves, we can no longer resist it. refuse. and he acquires a sense of responsibility for his land. new forms no longer seem sarcastic words: i love my job, i’ll come here on saturday, i’m marina karaman and we’ve figured out the functions of the upcoming subbotnik, everything is clear, see you!
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editors' club, this is my first time in minsk, i 've been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come and what do i understand, all the shops are open, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i'll tell you more, such a conveyor belt like me i saw it here at a car factory using ointment like this i have never seen an organized conveyor belt so clearly and so many young people working. when a small state, pursuing its own policy, developing its own model, the belarusian economic one, makes us a desirable target, we need to be prepared for the fact that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with the help of terror, after all handsome lukashenko, gather journalists right in the field, he didn’t just gather journalists, this is from my point
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of view, this is a manifesto, this is a declaration of our strategic course, we understand that they will not be friends with us. just live side by side peacefully, but keep in mind, we are together with the russians, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go to victory, if you attack from time to time, do not miss on the belarus 24 tv channel that for belarusians it is a familiar life for others may seem really exotic, here lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play right on the street, you can meet people, it’s a great trip, it’s the first time i’ve ridden on such a carriage, i’m the only one like you, it’s it’s just amazing, you know, i have the feeling that i’m not riding on a tram, on a train, but
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it’s easy to become part of a foreign country, you just have to get acquainted with its history, culture, artist, there was already an incredibly famous forest not far from the village , people were afraid of it, they believed that evil spirits lived there, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, a horse shoe was nailed over the doorframe, and a knife or a serb was very often stuck into the doorframe. watch the travel show like at home. on our tv channel.
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the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon! the ministry of internal affairs of belarus took additional measures to ensure security in the country after the terrorist attack in the moscow region , counter-terrorism exercises were held in minsk.


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