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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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the specialist worked at boeing for more than 10 years; according to him, the aircraft manufacturer does not have a safety culture; employees who raise the alarm are ignored and suspended from work. i tried to take my daughter out using a fake passport, at the minsk national airport, a russian citizen, when checking in for a flight to sharm sheikh, presented a fake document for his one and a half year old daughter. the detained passenger said that he is now in a state of divorce. process with his wife, and the child’s passport remained with the mother, so he bought a fake one for his daughter on the internet document to take you on vacation to egypt. the offender was detained and the girl was returned to her mother. the north of belarus is covered with snow today, and the precipitation was brought by a cyclone that is sweeping along the eastern borders of the country to the tver region of russia. the main blow of the disaster fell on vitebsk, mogilev and bykhovsky district. according to the hydrometeorological center, in the morning. the height
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of the white blanket reached 5 cm. due to snowfall and a sharp drop in temperature in all areas of the region, spring field work was suspended. energy workers have switched to increased readiness. adverse weather conditions led to temporary power outages in some localities. specialists troubleshoot problems. the unexpected snowfall surprised local residents. video with snowy landscapes. actively shares on social networks, what are you doing, what are you doing, it’s like us, you, rain, sleet, fog on the roads, icy conditions, temperatures are expected in our country tomorrow , according to experts, abnormally low
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for this period of the year , squally winds will cover belarus on saturday in some places up to 18 m/s. at the moment, the weather in the republic is determined by atmospheric fronts from the cyclone, which is moving along the eastern borders of the republic of belarus. the same cyclone was associated with heavy precipitation that fell today across the eastern half of the republic of belarus. at the moment, the deviation of the temperature background from the climate norm in the republic of belarus is mainly 1.3° below the norm. the main temperature background will be +1. +6° in some places, and at night from friday to saturday in most of the vitebsk region frosts of 0. -3° are expected, discharged storm warning about a dangerous meteorological phenomenon. well, a new cyclone will come to the country at the beginning of next week , heavy rains and gusty winds will continue from the bryansk region. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air. all the best.
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in september 1939, the brest city hall hosted a meeting of the first secretariat of the which party of belarus, ponomarenko, and the chairman of the supreme council of the republic, nadezhda grekova. city
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​​mayor frantisek kolbysh. he answered panomarenko’s questions in polish, with all his with a look emphasizing that he does not understand russian speech. why are all food warehouses in the city closed? do you want panic among the population? no, sir. there is no place where this would happen. they wouldn't give me the thread. they wanted meat, they wanted bread. in shistka, shops.
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we mean
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grekova is only 29. and just a year ago, at 28 years old, in the first popular elections in the history of the republic, she was elected the first chairman of the supreme council of the bssr. nowhere, not in civilized europe, where women fought for their rights for decades, not even in the ussr, was there anything like this. joseph visorionovich personally approved the candidacy. nadezhda grekova would have to solve the most difficult issues more than once again after september 17, 1930.
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in the deserted government house, only one office had a light on until late. after meetings, nadezhda grigorievna now had the opportunity to work with documents. the situation is under stalin’s personal control, on many issues his direct orders, urgently, immediately, take action, but the main thing remained the preparation for the people’s assembly
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of western belarus, it began its work october 28, 1939 in bialystok. elya berman on october 28, 1939 was especially focused on his work, it seemed that everything was known down to the smallest detail, but... now an order of particular importance needs to be completed with portraits of honored guests, members of the presidium of the people's assembly of western belarus, and these are completely famous and respected people of the country. meticulously
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examining the portraits he had made of members of the belarusian leadership, he now hung them up. elya was clearly pleased with himself, history, he already imagined how solemnly the people's assembly was taking place in bialystok and how many people were there now famous people , elya, of course, could not imagine what was behind the scenes. 20 dark, terrible bastards, our people beyond belarus were torn away from their own...
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give warsaw, give berlin, and soon we will crash into rome. comrades, the border has been moved.
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solving other problems was a titanic task. much had to be started from scratch, to create not only the basis for the development of industry, but also entire industries. not everything is so smooth in the economy. both opposition and rejection by the population of a number of unpopular measures of the new government when it came to about the transition to soviet currency, the nationalization of industrial enterprises. and also banks, railways, medical institutions, schools. salt. at the bialystok police department
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, another group of detainees was being interrogated at the local market. in the city, as in the entire western region, speculation flourished. where is the product from? when is the next game? don’t touch the little things, look for the little bits, remain silent, take him away, answer
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the questions asked. the squabble continued for a long time, but it was a problem. goods were supplied from the center as required quantity, but much did not reach the stores. at a meeting with the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, grekova , the director of the chapters of soli and the director of the chapter reported for the umpteenth time and again the same answer. everything is shipped on time, the request is approved. how should we understand this? to destinations in the western regions. it doesn’t go further, speculators, at the market in
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bialystok salt is sold for 15 rubles per mug, 15 rubles per mug, this is an unthinkable price, in minsk it’s a penny and there, you understand what this threatens, so comrade people’s commissar, for the goods do not reach your destination. accept but measures to escort cargo are a political issue. people in the regions are unhappy. the period is 5 days, for scarce goods that are not in any kind of shortage. regions must be secured under your personal responsibility. all clear. 1940. by the first year , 105 local industrial enterprises and 392 industrial
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enterprises had been created in the western regions. there were already 4,192 belarusian schools operating, although by the end of the thirties they were all liquidated. theaters were created, 100 cinemas were opened, 220 libraries were opened everywhere, cultural center. special control is given to the construction of objects of special importance , including the construction of the dnieper bug canal. and these were only the first victories, and for grekova the first high award, the order of lenin. the photograph, not without pleasure, looked at the just published book, the women of the country of socialism, photographs of famous women of the country, among them grekova’s hopes, his
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work is no worse than others, there is also the newspaper soviet belarus with her portrait, a speech with a big report on... the occasion of 8 march and also a good shot. concerning style of a business woman, grekova destroyed stereotypes here too. images of grekova’s contemporaries, headscarf, leather jacket, proletarian cap. grekova, judging by the photographs, was a trendsetter of a different style: a skirt with a vest and an elegant blouse, in which she is seen in the photograph next to stalin. what events took place in this historical photograph have also been preserved by history. the work of the eighteenth party congress was coming to an end. unexpectedly, stalin took the floor and , turning to the belarusian delegation, asked the question: would they be against inclusion in composition of comrade grekova's commission? well, who could object to comrade stalin?
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stormy applause rang out in the hall. after the convention, traditional photography with a friend. and at the moment when grekova, trying to quietly join the delegates in the last row, stalin turned to her. well, comrade grekova, don’t be shy, come to the front row. history has recorded this memorable meeting. during the war, grekova was sent to work in kazan and organized the work. enterprises, while finding the opportunity to meet with belarusian partisans, in order to personally present them with state awards, she crossed the front line four times. grekova was the first to enter the liberated open-air concentration camp of azararich, leading the work to save people infected with typhoid. then
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there was a period after the military restoration of the republic, when entire industries had to be revived from scratch. there are still many deeds left in history, extraordinary actions of this strong female leader, in the name of the republic, the country that served her entire life.
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good evening, on the air economic environment on belarus-1 satellite tv channel belarus 24. we traded for 23 million dollars, the balance of foreign trade of belarus for the first 2 months of the twenty-fourth year was positive, the national bank reports. according to the regulator, foreign trade turnover increased by 1.3% compared to the same period last year. according to the results of the first quarter, belgospischeprom increased its exports of products by more than 25%. according to the concern, the growth in production volumes amounted to over 106.5% compared to january-march twenty-third year. inflation in the us accelerated to 3.5% in march. analysts cite rising gasoline prices, higher rents and car insurance as the reasons for the growth. already, the level of consumer prices is far from the forecast 2% for the year. gold and foreign exchange reserves have increased again in belarus. according to the national bank , international reserve assets increased
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by $134 million in march. as of april 1, they exceeded $8.3 billion. key reason. increase in gold prices by more than 8% in march, gold and foreign exchange reserves of belarus growing for the second month in a row. industrial output increased by almost 40% over 3 years. last year it was produced for almost 30 billion rubles. it's just about 113%. these figures were announced at a large meeting on industry with the president. but there are also problems: a decrease in production at a number of industrial giants, stocks in warehouses, and the search for new markets. tasks. we will discuss the modernization of production and the tasks of industrial development with competent experts right now.
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today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in issues of industrial development, alexander ogorodnikov, first deputy minister of industry, andrey kartun, first deputy minister of economy, sergey lesin, general director of bilas joint stock company, management company of belas holding holding. vladimir turovets, director of the joint-stock company. institute belar stankinprom, dear guests, good evening, good, good evening, well, we remember the extended meeting on industry in the schedule of the head of state
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was prepared a long time ago, i want to start our discussion from the issue of the quality of products, because by increasing production volumes to meet market demands, it is impossible for the quality to be limping, our president emphasized this, he called ensuring the quality of products and proper after-sales service as a key issue for enterprises, and the facts are that new equipment fails even before exploitation, unacceptable, let's listen to our president: a year of quality, and always, the products produced must be at the highest level, and nothing else, this is not a whim, but a severe necessity of life, the question of the future of the country of the people, our products must be of high quality in all characteristics and parameters; today it is very difficult to compete on price with chinese manufacturers. although it’s necessary, we’re not going anywhere, well, that means we have to focus solely on the quality of the product and the provision of the service necessary for the consumer. we
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must reach approximately the japanese level of quality. the goal of gaining a foothold will increase market share, and if we mindlessly chase the minimum price, we will lose not only the quality of the final product, but also production of our own component base. in my opinion, it is necessary to say that quality is not formed on the assembly line or at the machine by the worker who performs this
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or that operation, quality is formed at the level of the top management of the company, it is the top management that creates a system that allows you to prevent the release of low-quality products or determines...
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the cost function: it is impossible to ensure a high level of quality without increasing the cost part and, accordingly, possibly the price level for such products. what do you think, vladimir aleksandrovich, how can we instill a culture of quality in our production workers? we must instill a culture of quality from the very beginning, we are talking about an educational institution, just as we are talking about secondary specialized secondary technical educational institutions, so in higher educational institutions, a culture of quality begins. in my opinion, it is there that when we arrive at the enterprise, we are already working in the system, it allows, of course, to avoid mistakes in terms of technological defects, and... directly
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a defect that occurs due to the fact that the employee does not have this culture, then of course, of course, this needs to be instilled from the very beginning, but it should be noted that the industrial complex remains the flagship of economic growth in belarus, production volumes are increasing from year to year, but only produce little, as our president emphasized at the meeting, the main question is to sell the product and receive it.
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is it insufficient demand for products or is it problems in the operation of networks? this is how you think about unloading our warehouses industrial enterprises? first, you probably correctly noted that industry was, is, will be our driver of the economy, because it pulls with it a lot of industries that work on industry, that consume the results of our industry, has been growing for the last three years, and you need to understand that we... to the world market, because the system of the ministry of industry sells more than 70% of the produced volume for export, yeah, to the external circuit, accordingly, we are subject to all cyclical changes, all open processes in foreign markets, and , accordingly, a level of management that can assess, most importantly, predict and predict with a certain accuracy, the processes that will occur in
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the future, this is where this... well, let's call it that, the root of our success. why am i talking about this? because the products in the warehouse are the end of the production cycle, and in general the production cycle itself, it includes not only the production of products, it includes the production cycle of cash flow funds that go to suppliers who must produce their products. and if, for example, we take different enterprises, then different enterprises have different production cycles. for example, microelectronics, which today. determines a lot in many industries, then the production of individual microcircuits according to the technological cycle requires a nine-month production cycle, respectively, if the supplier says to give a nine-month period for production, then this scheme should be in the warehouse, on the other hand, we have seen a lot, for example, assembly line we understand in what period of time a specific assembly unit is assembled, a tv, a refrigerator, a belaz,
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a tractor, these are... in our opinion short processes, but with all the procurement operations, it takes from two to 3 months again production, but we understand what are you talking about, that there is a duration of turnover of working capital, it is determined technologically and our tv viewers also need to be explained that the presence of finished products in the enterprise’s warehouse is normal, a stock of finished products there should be products in the warehouse, but here we are talking about the fact that compared, for example , with... last year, the growth of boat inventories increases by almost a quarter, that is, this is some kind of alarming trend, that is, the technology is not has changed, that’s what it is, i agree, you are absolutely correct in what you noticed, but i want to repeat once again that we are comparing time periods year by year, and if last year the entire industry grew by 5 billion, that is, the annual volume increased by 5 billion rubles, and the warehouse growth amounted to about 350 million, as a percentage you
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numbers the depth of these changes and the economic and financial opportunity of, let’s say, competitors, suppliers of the people’s republic of china, the republic of turkey, who entered the market with a similar product with the possibility of providing financial mechanisms for installment plans, selling these goods, well, in a certain way, also affected at our manufacturer, in principle, we did not lose our share last year, because the overall market for refrigerators and freezers
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has decreased, but we have lost in volume. production and to maintain economically there is a certain minimum level, so as not to fall into a negative line, we have something in stock, but we remember the situation three years ago, when covid times began, yeah. our atlant is precisely thanks to the warehouse, well, it worked to zero, when, like this, they were buying up what had not yet been produced, indeed warehouses can also grow - due to us changing the marketing strategy, and this is also a normal situation when we talk about that we need to develop our own distribution networks, open more stores and so on, this already automatically implies that it is necessary to increase stocks so that the consumer is simply able to - it is called. and most importantly, because the head of state criticized us, including that this industry, when a consumer there cannot buy a tractor in one piece, for example, somewhere in some regions of the russian federation or
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somewhere else, that’s why here, of course , in order to enter, for example, our non-traditional markets, there, for example, africa, on which we are now placing our bets in terms of exports, of course, taking into account the transport and logistics shoulder, we need to form there... some hubs of our equipment so that this equipment reaches the consumer faster, conditionally, today it was demolished, tomorrow received a tractor, this is an ideal design, this of course means that warehouses need to be increased, and where is this figure, the opinion of experts was divided here depending on production, kakgeevich spoke there about microcircuits and so on, but even for example in light industry even 200%, those who have a developed distribution network - a normal level, it’s even small, so here, by the way, about warehouses, we already have the results of the first quarter, we have warehouses, even though our prices have increased, producers by more than 6%, in general, but our
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warehouses have already decreased out of the average monthly production volume, already 68%, this is our monthly average, this is a pretty good indicator taking into account everyone, but now the situation okay, let's move on to the next block, the next block in... at a meeting led by the head of state was devoted to exports, an extremely important direction, and the head of state then emphasized that the creation of assembly plants for belarusian products at strong points, well, this is a strategic task for the industry. andrey mikhailovich, in this regard, a question for you, we know that in the far arc, in non-cis countries, the situation with exports is worse than in traditional markets, although in general. can occupy additional niches in markets africa, asia, latin america, this is why domestic producers should be noted, it is moderately positive,
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please tell me, this is what you think, what economic mechanisms are necessary to increase exports, to stimulate exports? of course, we bet on the african market, the latin american market, wherever. we have already prepared the appropriate tools, they are constantly being modernized, we are talking about financial instruments, export support, the so -called pre-export financing, and it is not financial instruments that are actively developing now, this is the so-called
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compensation trading, these are essentially barter transactions on cross-border markets, conditionally often african counterparties tell us that well, that’s all... probably there over the last short period in non-traditional markets, even there 20 new embassies were opened there and in africa they are now continuing to do this precisely because there is huge potential and here, of course , one manufacturer needs to have a comprehensive approach; of course,
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it will be difficult for him to enter a new market, therefore, we say that starting from diplomatic channels, ending with financial non-financial instruments, various assistance in payments, this is also a new direction here already... banks are getting involved, looking for opportunities for our enterprises, including using schemes such as factoring, to find counterparties there to not be. the text is discussed by ilona volynets. please.
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last year, belarusians produced industrial products worth approximately 30 billion rubles. we increased the production of electronics, combines, cars and trucks. against the background of forced withdrawal from western markets, enterprises of the ministry of industry continue to increase exports. in 2023, the figure was $6.5 billion, and this is a record for the last 10 years. supplies were reoriented to the friendly market. russia and the cis state. last year, the volume of industrial supplies to the russian federation amounted to about $6 billion. the export piggy bank has become heavier in many ways thanks to belg, bmz, mtz, bilaz, maz, horizon. they are already called the big six. key goal for everyone manufacturers - to think more globally and expand the geography of exports. last year , plus six new markets. argentina, nestan, kenya, colombia, kuwait and japan.
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by the way, our agricultural machines, tractors, and pumps were there. huge demand for industrial products in africa, asia, latin america. that is why it is important to have time to occupy your niches there. for example, food security is a matter of life and death for african states. there is a great need for agricultural machinery and equipment there, and we have something to offer. there are already agreements on the supply of over 3,000 tractors, 80 combines. buy, then the producers themselves need to
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prevent accounts receivable, this is the turnover of funds and investments. let's be honest, there are difficulties with unloading warehouses. inventories increased by almost a quarter over the year, and while some enterprises formed an export portfolio even partially next year, others, to put it mildly, sank. they began to produce fewer refrigerators, tractors, loaders, and engines. however, in all cases. development torus technological sovereignty: without of investments and technologies , neither mtz, nor mas, nor belas will go further than their home field. no less important is who is driving progress, be it the ceo, designer or mechanic. the economy is in the hands of man. all that remains is to act. well, things are being done, exports are being carried out, that's it. a labor-intensive task, andrei mikhailovich said how many
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people in the country are working to ensure that one conditional tractor reaches foreign markets, but colleagues, developing the topic of export potential, we understand perfectly well that from an economic point of view, in order benefits for the country, well, the economic effect from exports was maximum, we need to work on reducing the share of imports in the price of our products. reducing intermediate consumption and so on, this is the issue of import substitution, it was also raised at a meeting with the head of state, this is very important, why, because this is the key to technological independence of protecting the economy from external factors, external challenges. please tell me, sergei ivanovich, tell us the secret for viewers of the economic environment, what is the share domestic components in... belaz dump trucks, and if you have a strategy to increase
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the level of localization, the head of state at the meeting set such a task for all industrialists, to develop such a strategy, have you developed it, or are you just starting to develop it? okay, let’s outline the current situation, of course our model range is very wide, so talking about average localization figures is probably wrong, i’ll say this, our localization level for... domestic components ranges from 60 to 80 to 75% i'll say it carefully and 75% are cars. with hydromechanical transmissions, 60% is a car with electromechanical transmissions, if we consider the national economy and enterprises within the republic of belarus, about 40-60% is produced directly at production sites, the level of localization directly at our holding
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sites, well, 20% is that what we purchase through cooperation from belarusian enterprises, but i would look at this issue more... broadly, not only in terms of localization as an economic component, but also localization as a component of technological sovereignty and security; in this vein, we must consider the enterprises of our union state as a single contour. if we look at the level of localization taking into account the share of the union state, then the picture is quite good. well , optimistically, what, for example, for vehicles, for individual vehicles, while we are talking about the class of 30-45 tons, the localization level exceeds 95%, well, this is serious, but if we are talking about individual prototypes of mining dump trucks with a payload capacity of, for example, 240 tons, there is the same picture, while this is not
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a series, while this is testing the reliability of components in operation, and if we are talking about serial production, mass production, then... the level of localization there, taking into account the russian component, is well, 75%. this is good because bilas is such a calling card of our country, there are few such products that can immediately identify the country, so it’s good that the situation is under control. vladimir aleksandrovich, tell me, do you have a strategy at your enterprise to increase the level of localization in companies that are part of the management company that you head. is there such a strategy, or are you just working, machine tool enterprises in our country are working on a strategy? of course, this strategy exists, which means that today we have signed a number of documents jointly with the russian federation, this is an intergovernmental agreement, and a road map for the development
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of cooperation between the russian federation and the republic of belarus, part of the machine tool industry, and this means that the agreement provides for between , yet again, implementation of joint programs, projects, mutual exchange of scientific and developments, and the road map is a step-by-step plan for cooperation on the creation of centers of competence on the territory of russia or on the territory of the russian federation on the basis of machine-tool enterprises of these countries, within the framework of the road map it is provided for the creation of machine tools with one hundred percent .
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some of the main music makers in industry are mechanical engineers and the mining sector. about the operation of various mechanisms of a large industrial machine, in the story of alexey kondratenko. let's we'll see. loaders on dairy farms or feed mixers, distributors, wide sowing units or grain cleaning and drying complexes. products. returns in the agro-industrial complex. moreover, our machine builders also offer effective equipment for reclamation work. this year , amkador plans to supply more than a hundred machines for work in the regions of belarus. we have developed a line of machines for the construction of open
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drainage systems and for the construction of closed drainage systems, this is a trench digger. this unique machines, no one has produced them in the republic of belarus before us, this. an excavator with a bucket volume of 1.2 cubic meters, a dump trailer, thirty tons, that is , this is such a serious cargo transport vehicle that replaces eight to ten conventional tractors, that is, this increases the productivity and efficiency of work in agriculture. our machine builders are strong in the production of forestry equipment, by the way, woodworking equipment itself... they provide pellets to our foreign energy workers. we sent our pellets to
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cement plant crowded materials, zhodinskaya tez, precisely for conducting such a small experiment of introducing fillets into wood chips to obtain a greater effect on heat transfer. today we are also working on issues of export sales to uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian federation, and some others. april is the time of intensification of the mining industry; both energy workers and farmers benefit from the black gold of our subsoil. peat briquettes are in demand among industrialists and power engineers not only in our countries, they are exported, including to european countries. such products are considered highly profitable. beltop-gas enterprise, and these are 15 plants in the regions of the country. this season they plan to extract about 2 million tons of peat. from these raw materials
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, approximately a million tons of fuel products will be produced , mainly briquettes, as well as 150,000 tons of various cover soils and nutrient soils, which are used for agricultural needs. the products are in demand; today they are supplied to 21 countries around the world. for the last year we supplied 150,000 tons of various peat products worth $12 million, while the asian vector is actively developing, in particular, several full-fledged railway trains were sent to china. import-substituting products of the domestic peat industry were also appreciated by mushroom lovers and the production of covering materials for growing champignons, following. the region will be picked up by other regions of the country. yes, the examples are interesting, but let’s move on,
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dear experts, you and i know that to ensure high rates of economic industry growth requires a modern production base; in modern conditions, in conditions of fierce competition, it must be regularly updated on a new technological basis, therefore one of the proven drivers.
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processes , it is quite difficult to significantly increase the volume and quality of products; already this year it is planned to modernize a number of the main enterprises of the machine tool industry of the republic of belarus. but if we talk about the level of technology, machines and equipment. that's when we get over this the bar when we begin to supply our industrial enterprises with not just individual machines, but relatively speaking, machine tools. and automatic lines, or high-tech processing centers, where the workpiece is loaded
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with a part, and several technological operations are performed automatically there, today at the ongoing exhibition in april of this year one of the high-tech equipment was presented, this is a five-axis machining center of belarusian production, this is a machine tool enterprise gomel. lines when we have a set at the input component parts, the output is a finished product, we implemented this project, well
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, probably 10 years ago, but nevertheless 8 years. works at our branch in the city of magilevo, we produce a wheelset for railway cars on an automated line, the project was then implemented by mzal. as a matter of fact, in our competition, when we were choosing a supplier, german manufacturers also took part, the domestic one won, there were doubts, and the complex is not simple, nevertheless it has been achieved in these 8 years has also proven its technological level .
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that is, we can easily write a production program, the head of the enterprise will absolutely clearly understand what he is doing for the belarusian market, this is production planning, this is purchasing planning, respectively, what we talked about today is of appropriate quality, when well, there is a distortion of some things on the conveyor during procurement operations, as for the external measure, again in most cases, as if our dealer the network that we also mentioned today, its task is not only to sell, but also to form an order, that is, this is a kind of our marketing, taken to other countries, accordingly, they form an order for production not for a month, not for two , in principle, they are forming a production program for long-cycle goods, well , in an amicable way, the same belas, in order to start production and do it, this means that today the basis of the production program
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of the twenty-fifth year is beginning to take shape, accordingly this is also to a certain extent. a planned economy, the one we are talking about, well, there is always this, let’s say, resultant, we understand what will clearly be in our market, we understand that the demand has been generated by the external market, but falling volumes are always peaks in demand, it happens fall, this is the art of a manager to predict in order to smooth them out as much as possible, but individual fragments, individual elements of planning, they are certainly present, that’s why the ministry of industry and the regulator in this area.
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socio-economic development programs in in general, and it is precisely the principle of cascading here that is the most important, the key one will be laid down when we must set an ambitious goal for ourselves in each industry, in a long-term program and roll it out before annual programs, but in annual programs we are in our third year the so-called target planning, a target
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plan, when the main macroeconomic parameters are approved, is already working in a row. and so on in order to reach, for example, the target level of industrial production. dear experts, well, to summarize our conversation, what for you was the main message of our president at the meeting on industrial development and what do we all need to do to solve the problems? alexander sergeevich? i think that the main message that was given to us is to sell, that is, the president, from the very beginning, we said today, we know how to produce with quality. we are engaged and we are tightening it up, to sell, this is the key task: to sell constantly, in new markets, and most importantly, after the first sale, to return the buyer to our products again. andrey
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mikhailovich, i support the thesis: you need to sell and you need to rebuild - from a manufacturing enterprise, uh, to a marketing and production enterprise, that is, the first word is still sales, and here it is precisely necessary ... to develop more actively, and of course, to form, you had a good thesis, culture-quality, yes, there is such a thesis, which is important in business architecture, this is corporate culture, when there is a company mission, company values, when every employee already feels his importance and significance, he cannot simply allow a mistake, because the image of the enterprise suffers, of course. here we have something to work on, of course, this will shape the overall picture and increase the country’s competitiveness. the meeting was set with the task of taking us out of our comfort zone, maybe even to some
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extent as leaders, because the results of recent years indicate that we have achieved tangible success, the task of the meeting was precisely to draw everyone’s attention to those moments that cause . but sell effectively without changes inside systems in terms of cost, in terms of quality in terms of increasing production volumes, well, it’s impossible. here i will probably support sergei ivanovich
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that over the last period of time each of us has done a lot in our place, the plans that have been set are ambitious in some ways, but as the president noted, this is not enough, we need to think about the bar higher, in terms of production volumes, in terms of. quality products, so we need to work on this, we need to work, dear experts, thank you for your opinion, thank you, that you found time in your busy schedule, came to our studio of the bel tv and radio company, we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, set ambitious goals, confidently implement them for the benefit of our country, and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye.


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