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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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countries, how they cook in the suburbs and polesie, we go on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. a dish that even a well-fed traveler will be happy to try in establishments around the world: roast pomirski, the tenderness of a tired duck, milk soup with a secret, the answer after a blind tasting, pork knuckle. an impeccable version of the dish, a toy in chicken, it breaks the mold of belarusian cuisine. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself. we will show you what they eat in the west and in the east, how they cook in the suburbs and on polesie. i'm going on a journey to create a gastronomic map. country and
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today i am at peace. from minsk to mir 100 km. this is not even a regional center, just a village, but the place is quite lively. the mir castle attracts tourists all year round. it is included in the unesco world heritage list, so this object is important, not even on a republican, but on a planetary scale. it will take... the average tourist about 4 hours to visit the world, he will spend 2 and a half exploring the castle itself, half an hour walking around the surrounding area and an hour to explore the city, that ’s in vain, if you add a culinary touch to this trip, you can stay here for at least two days, and this time will not be wasted, there are several very interesting dishes prepared in the world in the name of which there is a mundane addition in the name , but unlike nesvizh-style cutlets or sausages...
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the world is becoming a busy trading and craft place. the profession of local residents could be determined by their nationality; tatar means gardener or furrier, that is, a leather craftsman. jews traded, and belarusians became artisans. well, she's beautiful. the horse trade was run by the gypsies and business was going very well. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode.
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therefore, i visited the surrounding area on a gilded carriage. there were 97 stores and 12 shops in the world. they brought goods from all over europe. merchants from leipzig and koeniksberg, memel and libau knew when to go to the grave of mir. yes, the world was once the center of gravity. the market, the trading heart of the city, still lives. and today you can buy absolutely everything here, from slippers to foreign ones.
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no, no, why? because it is very fatty, oily and difficult to cook, probably not true, but do you know how to cook pike perch? what's serious, right? how many recipes do you know? i have my own recipe, in general, in the world for a day it turned out to be like everywhere else in belarus, few people know how to handle it, and only a few cook it regularly, this is a very rare bird on the table of belarusians, successfully cooked in general.
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an endangered species, you can live your life and never meet one, but if you come to the world, then you have a chance, i'd like a worldly duck in pots please. the cafe where i'm heading now is located right on the market square. this is a state institution, but with a high rating among visitors. they note simple, well-prepared cuisine and simply an amazing combination of price and quality. there are several duck dishes on the menu. my mother also cooked duck as a child, but i didn’t really like the process. firstly, it took 4 hours, and secondly, mom, i’m sorry, the meat turned out a bit tough and... well, in my opinion, not very good tasty, let's see, maybe the worldly duck will change my impression of this bird, what is the aroma, in general i have
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a special relationship with pots, i'm a little afraid of them, because before enjoying the taste of the dish that was cooked in this pot, a person usually what does it do, burns? language, that’s always how it is with me. duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, but duck fat, in fact, unlike any other fat, for example, pork, is very healthy, it contains a lot vitamins and various amino acids. in the dish , the taste of duck fat is well felt, but it is not overpowering, it is unobtrusive. just enough to give a simple dish some piquancy, oh, let me tell you, this dish is correct, the potatoes and carrots are cut into small pieces, and the duck, for which i ordered it, is huge. the meat
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does not go into the pot right away, the duck is placed in it already cooked, first it is marinated, then the excess fat is rendered out, and something else is done; the cook politely avoided the details. mm, indeed, the meat falls right off the bone, it’s very soft and tender, look, you can just press it, it breaks up into small pieces, well , the duck got very tender meat the worldly way, so it got burned, as promised, the worldly roast goes well with vegetables, fresh or pickled, and also... and it costs only two cups of coffee in the capital. after the roast, i felt the strength to continue exploring
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the local market, but it didn’t work out. if you want to buy something tasty in the world market, do it immediately, because the market here is short term, here in the morning. there were a lot of people, now there is no one, but i was able to calmly, almost alone, explore those sights of the world that are not a castle, the village is compact, everything is located next to the central square, behind me is the trinity church, now i’m getting wiser, it looks like a pseudo-russian style, although it used to be baroque. the trinity church is unlucky, it is more than 500 years old, and would not be recognized as a masterpiece of architecture.
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your establishment. there are dishes that you cannot find in the whole world except in we definitely haven’t tried it anywhere, in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. i won’t say that i can distinguish pinsk belyazh from slutskoye by taste, but mochanka from gulesh is quite
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familiar with the menus of most roadside cafes and restaurants. so i decided to test my inner foodie and identify the dish blindfolded. so there’s some kind of bowl in front of me, it means it’s either, it means it’s either some kind of stew, or soup, it feels like... it’s really some kind of first course in terms of dishes, but overall it smells like some kind of dessert, len, this is a dessert, no, then guess, it’s so good, cinnamon, cinnamon, what else is there, there is vanillin, no, cream, cream - this is instead of milk, or something, and milk, and milk too there is, cinnamon, cream, milk, okay, stop guessing, let's try to make it. there is my spoon, there is a spoon, the first
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spoon is the most important thing, but no, the most important thing is to get it into your mouth, mm, how delicious it is, mm, is it pasta, or is it semolina dumplings, okay, stop guessing, look, we are surprised, i was practically right, this it’s really a soup, but it’s milk soup, what is it with, what is it, it’s a pancake, it’s a pancake, okay, why pancakes? well, because you hear how tender it is, and that’s how it feels, it’s a pancake, but it’s not just a pancake, it’s made from a special recipe, the combination of cinnamon and cream is win-win and familiar. new impressions are given by the delicate filling and its unusual consistency. the pancake is what makes this soup
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special. surprisingly, this is a recipe from belarusian folk cuisine. elena brought it from the gomel region, and then it turned out that once upon a time a similar dish was in use among the worldly gentry. we found it in the book of ancient recipes, radevilov. so you want to say that the same soup was cooked in the mornings for the princes? not really for princes, but... for their courtiers, it’s nice to eat soup with history; every spoon strengthened the feeling of belonging to something great. it's time to move on to the dessert of my trip: mir castle, by the way, it really looks like a huge one.
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it was brought from europe, and this is a special tasting table, the prince sat down here and chose a special wine for a special occasion. by the light of the bottle could determine the quality and price. for example, in blue bottles, like these, the most expensive things were stored, in green
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bottles a little cheaper, but in transparent rodevils they didn’t store wine at all, but they didn’t drink cheap ones, the cellars served as a warehouse for food, they cooked in another place, the castle kitchen has not been preserved , it was a separate building in the courtyard, but we had a tropical party in the palace itself, in order to feel the atmosphere, i decided to walk around the castle not as a tourist, but as an owner, and here is the suit. on occasion at the right time i had to. when you hear the word hut, you will probably imagine a small house, conventionally on chicken legs; anything richer is already a hut. imagine, i’m now in a hut, in a dining hut. izba is a very ancient word. its original meaning is a heated room. in the dining room of the mir castle, heat was provided by three stoves. aristocrats indulged in excess with comfort. i have always admired the exquisite dishes of your chefs, bear paw in top
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sauce, nostrils with almonds, beaver tails with caviar, the most delicious were lark kirepelka, no one receives guests like us, ladies, well, what quails, what quails, today my chef friedrich will cook fried hedgehogs for us, and this is not a joke, the european elite actually ate.
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the knuckle is a dangerous dish, there are several pitfalls, the main one of which is fat, there can be too much of it, but in this knuckle the fat has become an advantage without any problems, it has a delicate, sweetish taste and a pleasant texture, by and large it... can be eaten just with bread, separately. first in a modern restaurant this knuckle is 24 hours marinated in beer, then 12 hours, for a whole 12 hours it is boiled using suvit technology at a temperature of 85°. and only after this , the almost finished shank is coated
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with mustard-honey sauce and sent to the oven for baking. and literally... half an hour later it appears on your table. the knuckle meat sometimes has a specific taste, here it is wonderful pork, impeccable. these beautiful cuts on our knuckle are not really for beauty, they have a practical use, they are made so that the knuckle is better baked and soaked mustard-honey sauce, and various spices. i can say with confidence that this dish was definitely spot on. there are no medieval hunters in the table, i can call this real men's cooking, it is very satisfying and very brutal,
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thanks to the state... the regime in kiev, they do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did it all, first they used ukraine, literally in the sense that they are waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, therefore joining nato
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for sweden and finland, not only does it not add security, it makes them suicide bombers, so... lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, which means it saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenku, who said: medicine treats people. and veterinary medicine is only humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that can train specialists in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we
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present more democratic genres, more understandable, look at the tv channel: am i an adult to try. next dish, i first went to the kitchen, so guys, we're stuck, what 's going on, why is there dirt, why is the sink dirty, what is it, what dish
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are we preparing, what are we preparing, why are we standing still, faster, faster, the restaurant is full of guests , so, seryoga, what happened, why are you a pancake? how do you cook them, i told you 50 times that pancakes need to be cooked, although you cook them correctly, okay, who made these sandwiches, who? so let's see, let's see what it is, 1 2 3, how many sandwiches are there 40, well done, good, okay, i won't fire you today, so we have it in the refrigerator, so everything is correct, well, honestly, well done, i have girls today, eh , this is exactly how the princely kitchen works, as it should, that’s how it works, well done guys, the times when chefs were exclusively men are gone, the kitchen is in the world castle is headed by victoria ambalova, she came up with a dish that i really want to try, pear in chicken. how are we going to prepare it? well, come on, first of all we
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need to peel the pear. will any pear work? well, let’s say we take a pear under the groin, can we smell it? yes, it is very juicy, this really very juicy smell is just right for us. the pear for this dish must be hard. after cleaning , the core is taken out of it; this is unlikely to affect the taste, but it will be more pleasant to eat. vika, why? can i help you in the kitchen? please take some white wine and pour it into a saucepan. to be honest, i thought it was sunflower oil? no, but it really is white wine. vika, should i pour it all out, or can i, no, that’s it, that’s it, at least put in 100 milliliters? well, just for testing, no, all for the sake of the dish. ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and star anise are added to the wine. aka onis, then sugar and salt to taste. while the pear is cooked in this mixture, prepare the chicken. we take the breast and make a clean fillet. well, we have cleaned the breast, now
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we will beat it. well, beating is not it’s a woman’s job, i think, so help me cover this, and with powerful blows i’ll turn this chicken into a beautiful chop. so i would turn it over, no, it’s not necessary, no, then, that ’s enough, let’s turn it over, no, i’m always used to the fact that the chop needs to be beaten on both sides, why only on one, well, because that side will go to the pear, beaten salt the side of the fillet and add a mixture of peppers, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, then return to the meat. well, you can get it, of course, get our wonderful marinade, where we put it here, side by side, yes, then it’s your
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turn, because i just don’t know what to do next, now we’ll make a cut and we’ll put the chicken on the pear, it’s very important here that the two parts become one, that’s right, yes, here ... let me try to do it as gently as you did, well, everything, everything, the workpiece is ready, yes, then now we put it in a bag, vacuum it and sous vide it, in other words, then the real magic begins, neatly, wow , she's hot. that's it, our pear is vacuum sealed.
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vacuuming is an important element when cooking meat using the suvit technology, but some cooks do without it, simply put the meat in a bag and cook at a temperature below boiling. this stage is fundamental. and for our chicken this is a temperature of 60°. yes, how long should we poach or sous vide, how to sous vide correctly, how long should we sous vide our chicken, we should sous vide for 50 minutes. when meat is cooked in vacuum packaging at a low temperature, it retains its juices and becomes unusually tender. soft and at the same time with a rich taste. after 50 minutes, the chicken breast is cooked, the dish is almost ready. do you do it directly with your hands? yes, oh! i’m not ready for these feats yet, i would have already eaten it, what are we putting in the frying pan for? and
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now it will need to be baked in the oven. the sale is still baked, yes, so that it literally coats the crust with honey sauce and for 5 minutes it’s all about the crust, before serving , another sauce is added to the dish, here is the pear in the chicken in front of me, i can call this an explosion of flavors, if i closed eyes and i never in my life knew what i was eating, it was a combination of sweet and sour, something very tender, like very filling, like chicken meat. the mixture of peppers creates a spicy, hot base of taste, the sweetness of the spices is layered on top of it, wine and, of course, pear are well felt in the taste. the chef himself advised me to have a piece of pear in the chicken, along with a wonderful creamy sauce. she makes this sauce very simply: butter, flour, cream. the sauce
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also turned out to be sweet, there is enough sugar in the dish for dessert, but it is still meat, the chicken does not disappear anywhere, its taste is pleasant and clear, everything in general is very festive and completely unconventional for our cuisine, and i will proudly call this dish a princely dish, a recipe for stewed pear, chicken breast. simmer the pear in white wine with spices, add ginger, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, or just a mixture for mulled wine. marinate the chicken breast, add salt, pepper, chicken seasoning, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon. wrap the pear in fillet and boil for 50 minutes at 60°. heat the pan until a crust forms. serve with cream sauce. the world is beautiful and amazing
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especially the taste. for me personally, this is a city with the taste of tender stewed duck, crispy fried plyatsik and rosy shanks. come, there is something to eat here. russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia.
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the collective west, however, is not. appreciated and did not understand, but this is just different, regions, who do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? end of the war. end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere. i simply cannot find anything here that does not comply with generally accepted laws.
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