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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any custom.
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we are full partners; this is the basis of russian-belarusian cooperation, which is built on the principles of mutual respect and support for taking into account each other’s interests. we have made very serious progress in providing equal rights for citizens of belarus and russia.
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in russia, unity begins in families and leads to integration between states, and this is exactly the case when we are together in joy in sorrow. the belarusian people mourn together with the russians; the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole resonated with pain in the souls of belarusians. embassy russia, as if at the site of a terrible tragedy, lamps, a sea of ​​flowers, toys. the first reaction i saw was our reaction. belarusian colleagues, it was also
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public, it immediately began to call us, our colleagues from the belarusian foreign ministry began to call, write, send links and so on, there is an expression friends in misfortune, when the misfortune is the same for... everyone, but here the misfortune happened to us, but they shared it in minsk as if it were their own grief. belarus and russia are strong allies, for this the arrows of criticism did not fly towards official minsk, just like tips on who is better to be friends with, how to live, ears for oceanic advisers stuck out from the rumps of the opposition in ninety-six, their cozers have not changed today, since the collapse of the large soviet country, the united states is not at hand, strong players in the region, and any integration, and especially so close, it causes... hysteria, when the international community is going through a difficult time of conflicts and crises, unity acquires special value. history has repeatedly proven that only together can we adequately respond to any challenges. these ones historical footage on april 2
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, 1996, the presidents of the two countries, boris yeltsin and alexander lukashenko, signed an agreement in the kremlin on the formation of a community of russia and belarus. soon the holiday day of unity of nations will be approved. a little more time will pass, an alliance will appear, and this is the first brick foundation of integration. the state will become a union state in ninety-nine. for more than a quarter of a century, integration has not only grown stronger, it has gained strength that is emulated. they say that relations between russia and belarus are simply superior to space aerobatics, and even the allied states are held up as an example by other integration associations.
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in space alone, eight union programs have been implemented; the ninth is in progress; we are talking about joint projects, developments, training of astronauts and much more. space is important, it is in demand by the economy, the agro-industrial complex, forestry, and the defense complex, and it also makes it possible to develop high-tech production, but not by space alone. since the approval of 28 union programs , new ones have started.
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economy-locomotive figures confirm, so for example, union projects will increase belarus' gdp by 8 billion. dollars, the program for the formation of a unified industrial policy of the union state has become a flagship, its goal is to synchronize approaches, legislation, norms, rules, there is already an agreement on the mutual recognition of technological operations, the formation of a legal framework is being completed, the status of russian and belarusian
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products is actually equalized, and this is far from all achievements, all our cooperation and integration projects in the field of import substitution.
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modern enterprises planar and integral; at integral, together with russian enterprises, four new technological processes will be created for the production of products within the framework of the electronic component base. almost 90 such products will be produced, on the planar - these are photo masks, production of photo masks, but this is a real challenge, because few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production, producing these products, but we go further, belarus has a special interest to aircraft construction, there are already programs and companies communicate directly, a separate direction is the digital economy, for 22 years the volume of this services market between our countries. amounted to $410 million. moscow and minsk have almost
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completed the transition to payments in national currencies. their share in the union state is 92%. another important area is logistics. in the twenty-third, belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through russian transport corridors. in the first 2 months of this year, there was another quarter of growth. belaes is perhaps the largest joint project in our history. let's talk about it. on the sidelines of the atomexpo international forum, which has a record number of participants. a large-scale project not only for the republic, but also for rusatom. for the first time, this project was implemented in a country where there was no nuclear power, not at existing sites, almost in an open field. two blocks are working. now we are talking about the third block. the ministry of energy on both sides is working on this issue.
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in principle, the competencies already have a certain history, the niche of public transport has been mastered, these include electric buses, trolleybuses with
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autonomously running trams, various hybrid schemes, the completion of the construction of a nuclear power plant does not stop interaction, they will further expand step by step within the framework of road maps, and here the issue concerns not only support, technical scientific support for operation.
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it is very important that the programs, projects, and activities of the union state are not formed separately. very powerful substantive work has begun on this, and the pluses to this, very important, are the establishment by the supreme state council of prizes of the union state for young scientists, moreover, we believe... that our proposal to establish such a prize and award it annually will be supported by the general
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scientific community. belarusians and russians are working together in space, literally at the edge of the earth, on scientific programs in antarctica. highly qualified personnel is the most important aspect, and here there is interaction between university scientists and major scientific and practical centers. the second block is the formation of a single educational space of the union state. today there are seven state universities in the republic of belarus implement joint educational programs with the russian federation. in simple terms , they say that after graduation, students of these joint educational programs receive two. one diploma is from the republic of belarus, the other from the russian federation, and here we are very open, already in the last entrance campaign, we accepted our russian friends into our universities based on the results of the unified state exam, but it’s true that this year we are highlighting more than 1.0 budget places in order for our russian colleagues to be able
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to enroll in our universities, i can’t even say that just the other day there are about 600 of our guys, not only to try themselves in the profession, but above all, to certainly exchange acquaintances, contacts, and find new ones friends, landmark construction projects, just in recent years - this is the eastern cosmodrome,
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ground infrastructure facilities, this is a nuclear power plant in ostrovets, this is an all-belarusian youth construction project... an all-belarusian youth construction project has begun at the site the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress is a republican patriotic center. the right to creativity without censorship without pressure in the tsoriiteli art gallery. these days there is a special atmosphere. work within the framework of the project union state, unity through culture, was presented by leading belarusian and russian artists of our time. beauty has saved many times and will continue to save.
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pleasure from what is happening on stage. since last year, the standing committee has been an active participant in holding the event in alexandria. kupala gathers friends, we see how all the events within the framework of this festival are of great interest. taking into account the decision of the supreme state council, the government has entrusted cooperation in eleven areas. this is the cultural and humanitarian sphere, this is education, this is sports, this is tourism, this is something new that also returns funds to national budgets, but what also creates for people a special atmosphere of camaraderie and closeness, taking into account, among other things, that, well, absolutely the wild pressure that is being exerted on belarus and russia today, but we see how the president of russia and the president
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of belarus are leading their countries to counteract this pressure. deep concepts were invested in the meaning of this word, because it is truly closer than ours, russian brothers. we don’t have those people, and we must build our relationships on very clear, transparent, semantic loads. tourism is a special topic. in the union state
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, creative programs are rapidly gaining momentum and new routes are appearing. if in belarus these are castles, agrotourism and industrial, the most beautiful nature with blue lakes and health resorts right next to forest lakes, then in russia the sea, mountains, snowy slopes and mountain rivers are added to the same list. we. sochi non-standard question on krasnaya polyana, do you know anything about belarus? we know, nature, beautiful belarusian famous products, knitwear, we know a lot. would you like to visit belarus? yes, we want to go. where are you planning to come? minsk, brest, i would definitely like to take my children to brest. we need to explain to them why we are all here, why our country is so big, why we are friends, why we are ours.
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brothers-in-arms, for example, were here in childhood with their parents, now when they come, they simply cannot recognize the city and say, where was such a store here, and where is such a cafe, we took pictures there, i say, yes, everything is very has changed, a lot of display points have appeared, this is certainly an olympic heritage, these are ski resorts, these are olympic arenas, now we still have innovations, for example, the same olympic facilities are being reoriented for new sports, as happened with...
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well, in general, i’m talking now about the preference of guests for hotel tourism, some things have been done, now it seems to me that it’s time to return to this format of sanatorium-retreat rest, but a new one, that is, this is a format when you can come to the 16th gandropark , relax without communication, restore. when you have different programs, programs for healthy sleep, movement, life, where you are truly restored, you return to intense workdays.
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birds sing here all year round, starting in early spring, constantly something is blooming, consider it aromatherapy, surrounded by such plant abundance. you feel this unification of peoples, it is built from this, it is built from little things, it is we, in our case, we go from the particular to the general. and we are looking at some global changes, from the perspective of what exactly i can do, what exactly is a small step, we are trying to celebrate some holidays of belarus here in the sanatorium, thereby acquainting citizens of the russian federation or citizens of other countries with some then national holidays in belarus, that is, we even practice such moments, so yes, we can say that we carry culture here separately in our territories. meanwhile...
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the same, they are one people loving each other. who and how helps make our lives better, what scientists are working on today. in december last year , our information and analytical system became available to users. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms, complex things in simple language, technical specifications. this is if
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the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used, that is , most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in the second half of the 16th century, the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then they called the state control, but alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced it. traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights; the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key points of support of this city. actually, volkovye in the slavic-baltsky translation, wolfish, hence also wolves. marushkin donated
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a painting to the art gallery, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. cherena, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well, this too, this is a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in... look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. the achievement is here
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during the presidency of alexander lukashenko - this is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year, we crossed out the point when we should strive to comply with some kind of democratic postulate, when delegations of observers come to polling stations in order to monitor.
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a lot can depend on how we behave. the project is objective, don’t miss it new episodes on tv channel belarus 24.
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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode.


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