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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one fur, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly the structure itself, in the form of these sheathed shells, is preserved in its own place. but with global modernization, we will get to know people who are sincerely devoted to their work; one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her old dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the project: quality mark on
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our tv channel. today in the ether 24x7 project we will talk about current events and significant dates. let's remember the pearls of belarusian cinema. we will offer you to take a virtual trip around belarus and discover a new place on the map, and, of course, we will present to your attention exciting and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with important news from the world economy, social life, and sports culture. results of negotiations between the prime ministers of belarus and russia. in moscow, the creation
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by belarusian scientists of a fermented milk product for space, the victory of anton smolsky in the overall standings of the commonwealth biathlon cup. belarus and russia will create a joint aircraft. an agreement on cooperation in the field of aviation was signed at the government house in in moscow, where negotiations between the prime ministers of the two countries took place, roman golovchenko and mikhail mishustin first met in a one-on-one format. and then in an expanded format with the participation of heads of the ministries of finance, economics, and industry of the two countries. the main topics are industrial cooperation, joint projects in microelectronics, machine tool building, and agriculture. they also discussed the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures. this will simplify the work of business and open up the opportunity for belarusian enterprises to participate in government procurement. in addition, the countries will cooperate in the production of the twin-engine asway aircraft. mikhail mishustin congratulated the belarusians on their success. the flight of the first
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female cosmonaut of belarus into space, as well as the launch of the angara rocket from the vostochny cosmodrome, in the construction of which belarusians took part. the belarusian automobile plant continues a large-scale modernization of workshops, which will be completed next year, the goal is to increase production volumes of quarry equipment, the holding's know-how of a heavy truck with a lifting capacity of 120 tons was able to to see in person representatives of the leading mining companies of russia and the battery for the dump truck is produced by the rosatom corporation, the electric truck itself is a project of machine builders and engineers of the union state, on one charge the dump truck can operate for up to 8 hours, a lot of attention today is paid to the 130-ton dump truck powered by hydrogen fuel , for now this is a prototype, but by the end of the year the new product will be made into a prototype for work in quarries. a large investment project is being implemented at the osipovichi automotive components plant, aluminum will now be cast... by robots. the new
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automated complex, which arrived from china, will not only allow one to get away from manual labor, but will ensure high precision casting , improve product quality and ultimately expand sales markets. the new complex is being set up by chinese specialists, while simultaneously training plant workers. this is just the beginning of a major modernization of the aluminum casting shop. the investment project will have seven stages. and this is a new stage in the history of the osipovichi automotive components plant. belavtomaz branch. one of the biggest manufacturers in belarus of parts and products for automotive agricultural machinery. belarusian scientists are creating fermented milk products for space; belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya conducted a number of biotechnological experiments on board the iss, which were aimed at storing samples of probiotic strains, lactic acid organisms and bifidobacteria under space flight conditions. for now, we can tentatively say that the ripening process took place at the same time.
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microorganisms remain on nutrient media and microscope stages. anton smolsky, winner of the overall standings of the commonwealth biathlon cup. on the final day of the stage in murmonsk. in the mass start race, the captain of the belarusian national team, the olympic medalist, finished third and was able to maintain the lead in the general classification, beating the titled russian biathlete eduard latypov. thus, smolsky took revenge for last season, when due to illness he was unable to compete in the final races. the national team of belarus will take a short break from mid-may and will begin pre-season work. in two seasons of the commonwealth cup, belarus has two globes for winning the overall standings in 2020. the third was won by dinara smolskaya. in the traditional heading of the date of the week, we will find out what reasons for celebration in the context of belarusian culture the outgoing week offers us. april 17 marks the 125th anniversary of
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the birth of one of the founders of the theatrical art of belarus, people's artist of the bssr and the ussr. lydia rzhetskaya, the future popular actress, was born into the family of a priest, and at the age of 17 she left home and entered a theater studio. the father never forgave his daughter for this act, and the mother came to visit lydia when she had already become a recognized artist. in 1921, lidia ivanovna came to the first belarusian drama theater, now the national academic theater. named after yanka kupala served there for more than half a century. her roles in the plays of alexander ostrovsky, zmitrak byadulya, kuzma cherny, yanka kupala, kondrat krapiva, andrei makayonok, are a golden fund of national art.
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rzhetskaya’s acting triumph was the images she created in the productions of a scattered nest, who laughs aposhnіm paulinka. the role of avdotya verbitskaya in the play is blamed for her role. on april 17, 1940 , honored artist of the republic of belarus, valery rubinchik, was born. the father of the future famous film director was director of the edi rosner orchestra, then of the russian theater in minsk. having known theatrical life since childhood, valery consciously chose. profession after several unsuccessful attempts in 1962 he entered the directing department in ghika, where fellow students gave him similar surnames, the nickname owl from 1969, rubinchik
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director of the belarus film studio, later her artistic director, worked at mosfilm, taught at avgika, the director's first fame was brought by the film... summer of childhood, continuation of the dirk and the bronze bird. in 1977, his film wreath of sonnets was recognized as the best film for children and youth at the riga film festival, in 80 for the film wild hunt of king stach, the master received the jury prize at the international film festival in montreal. april 18, 1940 . in kazakhstan , the belarusian composer, people's artist of belarus eduard hanok was born into a military family. after graduation in brest, he moved to minsk and entered the glinka music college. then he became a student at the tchaikovsky conservatory in moscow.
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the first wave of success came to the composer in 1971, that year eduard khil performed the song winter at the song of the year festival. known to the general public as the ice ceiling. a couple of years later, hank was offered to work on the soundtrack for the film yas and yanina. there his first collaboration with legendary songwriters took place; his songs performed by via verosa and malinovka became hits of all times. zavirukha, i live with my grandmother almost all of the maestro’s works have not lost popularity to this day.
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next, let's get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema. in the movie section. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this is a special event dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. a feature film of a letter to the living directed by valentin vinogradov, filmed according to the script by oles kucher in 1964. the film tells about... the difficult fate of the communist underground worker veronica korchevskaya, this is one of pseudonyms of faith weapons, which actually
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became the prototype of the main character. in 1920 in poland, veronica, accused of participating in the activities of the anti-polish underground , ends up in prison. veronica korchevskaya, born in 1909, has been a komsomol member since the age of 15, a communist since the age of 18, being a senior functionary of the western communist party of poland. after 8 years of imprisonment, she is released thanks to an agreement between the soviet and polish governments on the exchange of prisoners. having arrived in the bssr, the underground woman awaits a new shipment to eastern poland to continue the fight, but the bastard ends up in dungeons, this time in the minsk nkvd prison, where she is accused of spying for the polish government. it has been established that they were sent to the ussr. with espionage, reconnaissance and terrorist missions, it’s not true,
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unfortunately, it’s true, thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances, veronica is released, but her acquaintances continue to turn away from her, considering her an enemy of the people. the great patriotic war began by committing sabotage at a gas storage facility against the german occupiers, the main character is forced to hide in the forests, but in an attempt to save... she actually wrote letters, but not from a german, but from a polish prison; in 1930
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, their first edition was published in the soviet union under the title letters to freedom. watch the film letters to the living on april 20 on our tv channel. time to go on another virtual trip. today we continue to survey the architecture of our country. discover belarus with us in the traditional section on. the building of the peasant underground bank was built in 1917 according to the project architect konstantin tarasov. it is an example of a successful combination of modernity and neo-russian style. according to the regulations on the peasant land bank dated may 10, 1882. its main purpose is to issue a court order to purchase land. the vitebsk branch of the peasant land bank began
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operating on june 20, 1886. he was entrusted with the task of assisting peasants in acquiring land by issuing a court order. thus, during the first 2 years of the bank’s existence, the peasants of vitebsk district purchased with its help about 742. stone two-story building. the e-shaped building with a tower at the corner of baumman and davator streets is distinguished by its scale, has a clear cornice division, exemplary for the art nouveau style and... a three-tiered tent with a light bulb. the main entrance ends with a wedge-shaped pediment with a mosaic maialic panel, in the center of which is the stylized coat of arms of the vitebsk province. the decorative decoration uses elements borrowed from ancient russian architecture. curved outlines, window sills-kokoshniks, melon
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columns, large diamond rustication, similar to the one that is present in the architecture of the faceted chamber building in moscow. although for arnouveau the volumes of this building are not sufficiently fused, they do not flow into each other. there is no wavy board in the decor, nor are there any characteristic elongating style elements. the layout of the building is corridor. on the ground floor there was a lobby, reception rooms, a courier room, utility rooms and an archive. on the second floor there is a meeting room, offices and administration apartments. in 921 , the vitebsk higher agricultural college was opened in the premises of a former bank. later 3 years later , the vitebsk veterinary institute was founded on the basis of the technical school. during the great patriotic war, the building housed the feltkomdatura and the secret police. after the war , the veterinary institute returned here,
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which in 1994 was reorganized into the academy of veterinary medicine. the building still belongs to the academy. welcome to belarus. in the guide section we will get acquainted with the best projects of the tv channel. let's find out the latest news from the world of economics. let's talk about the technology that was created to help save people, and also visit delicious production. belarus and russia continue to explore new vectors of cooperation, the development of joint instruments, somewhere to look at each other, ours, we, belarusians, are very interested in the instruments of public private partnership, which are used today in the russian federation, special investment agreements, and so on. the crane plant of belarus is a modern manufacturer of lifting equipment of any
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complexity, the company is developing new types of products, and has grown over the past 3 years. load capacity in... manufactured products. large enterprises such as belas, mas, mtz and many others cannot do without heavy equipment. for example, a crane with a lifting capacity of 32 tons was manufactured for the gomsilmash plant. this is unique equipment both for the belarusian and cis markets. the development of an electronic turnover document on the territory of the republic of belarus is associated with several trends. this includes government programs for product labeling and product traceability. already today , goods are subject to labeling. cheeses, ice cream, dairy products, we’ll talk about the most notable events in the economy in the sphere of interest program, we’ll talk about the importance of the modern fire fighting equipment plant, our quality, your safety, protection, rescue vehicles are easy to use by the fighters themselves, why? because in any weather conditions, in heat,
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in cold and also in fire and water, it must work, because this is... a technique that saves lives. what personal records are set at the factory? over the course of a couple of years, in 2018 , we produced the first staircases with a height of up to 30 m. we move higher and higher every year, and we finally decided to conquer 52 m in height, and we did it. the production of rescue equipment is not soulless laborious work. each of our machines is assembled by hand, each part is in the welder’s hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, and how if you don’t feel your work, you will be able to produce or weld such a machine. for information on how direct assistants to firefighters are created, see the program for one day. let's take a look at the belarusian bakery, where learn about the intricacies of oatmeal cookie production . it was a huge discovery for me
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when there was molding from a huge dough into small, small pieces. at first i thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out so that it would be flatter, but no, they later explained to me that it turns out that it spreads and becomes flat, which we are used to seeing, what a rather unusual procedure the finished product goes through bread, what is this, it’s a metal detector, and that is, if metal gets in there, then we must immediately prevent these hits, and if there is something metal there, it will squeak or something, the process will stop, a signal will occur, and we must already act. according to the instructions, the project leaders also got involved in the work in the workshops, i couldn’t pack more than one, when a woman is like this, two, three, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, they are already so trained, and i... more i’m trying to understand how to do this correctly, this is not my job, i was not born for this, we will witness the birth of a product that is
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the head of everything on a production scale master class program, how this is done, these and other projects on the air of the belarus 24 tv channel . just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost at the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 ? what kind of sport was old man
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khatabych a fan of from the film old man khatabych football let football of course be the correct answer, the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic gather here. belarus in the early 1990s. zubar? yes. find a belarusian football club. left, right. on right. on the right is the correct answer. football club naftan. watch the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. editors club. this is my first time in minsk. i have been to a very large number of countries in the world. so i arrive, and what i understand is that all the shops are open, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more than that,
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i’ve never seen a conveyor belt like i saw here at the car plant on a conveyor belt so organized. i have not seen that there was such a clear flow of young people working when a small state, pursuing its own policy, developing its own belarusian economic model, this actually makes us a desirable goal, we need to be prepared for that. that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with the help of terror, after all, handsome lukashenko, gather journalists right in the field, he didn’t just gather journalists, this is from my point of view, this is a manifesto, this is a declaration of our strategic course, we we understand that they will not be friends with us, just live nearby peacefully, but keep in mind, we are together with the russians, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go to victory, if you attack, we will fight back, do not miss the tv channel:
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tomorrow a large-scale labor action will unfold in belarus to restore order after winter. traditionally, the republican cleanup will unite labor collectives and simply concerned citizens who are involved in the landscaping and improvement of objects and territories of settlements, historical and cultural values, and memorials. places of military and military glory, means, earned during the cleanup will be distributed among the gomel, minsk and brest regions; in minsk they will be used to put memorial places in order. 30% of the money earned will be used for ongoing repairs and reconstruction of memorial complexes, places of military and military glory. we expect the most active participation in the cleanup work of labor collectives, the interest already shown, as well as our youth. this is the minsk city committee of the belarusian republican youth union. we all want to live in a clean place, cozy city, so everything is in our hands. in the gomel region, funds are planned
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to be allocated for implementation. work on the memorial complex to child victims of war, in brest, the creation of a republican center for the patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kubrensky fortification of the brest fortress. the belarusian women's union sent humanitarian aid to orenburg, including cots, mattresses, mattresses, pillows, blankets, as well as clothing hygiene items, a total of 10 tons worth 45,000 rubles. enterprises and private businesses joined the action. they raised a cry for the belarusian women's union, always ours.
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orenburg, orsk and villages between cities. in belarus, almost 80% of schools have already switched to a new mode of catering, he said. prime minister roman golovchenko during a meeting where a project on a new menu for school lunches was discussed. it started at the end of the twenty-second year and then covered 23 schools, now more than 2,000. a collection of new technological maps, dishes and products has been developed, and schools now choose the optimal nutrition for themselves, as well we purchased the necessary technological equipment, and the cooks were trained, but problematic issues remain and it is important to resolve them before the new school year. facts are not noted.
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proper control over the quality and safety of products, individual violations of food preparation technology, deviations of rations from norms and non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. examples are given of the persistence of the problem of lack of demand for certain dishes, and accordingly, some of the already prepared food goes to waste. well here to this question you have to approach it carefully, like all the parents here, i think, you understand that the lack of demand for dishes is evident. and at the children's home. it is important that both parents and students themselves positively assess the work of the state in this area. in september, all schools in belarus will switch to a new lunch menu; for this purpose , they will continue to strengthen the material and technical base of canteens in the summer. moscow is hosting an exhibition of immortality of feat, which is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. this is a joint project belarusian and russian museums for victory day. there are more than 100 items on display.
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come and really worship this feat. in addition, visitors can watch archival photos and newsreels, as well as listen to audio stories of participants in those events, including ordinary privates, officers and nurses. through their personal impressions you can learn about the heroic defense of the brest fortress, as well as the liberation of belarus. digital star. heroes of the soviet union ogodili sukhanbaeva appeared in grodno. interactive sign with qr code, installed near a memorial plaque in honor of
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the commander. rifle regiment, which gave its life in 1944 in the battles for the liberation of grodno from the nazi invaders. the opening took place within the framework of an international historical and patriotic project to digitize memorials located on the territory of the union state digital star. by following the qr codes installed near the monuments, you can find out detailed information about the history of the patriotic war and the feats of heroes. in the union state, hundreds of objects have already been digitized and work to perpetuate feat of protection. will continue: the literary event, which from year to year brings together a large number of book lovers, the cultural and educational event biblio night takes place in belarus, the main library of the country invites you to tune in to the literary wave, a large-scale program has been prepared for visitors: musical and literary surprises, quests, excursions , chess tournaments, creative meetings with speakers, intellectual battles are unfolding not only in minsk, the action was picked up by 16 libraries in 10...
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we know exactly how to start the morning correctly. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. oh, what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today there will be a very interesting breakfast, we will prepare quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. and let's prepare a real breakfast. champion and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and cheerfulness for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. take
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this recipe into account. watch the breakfast of the champion project on our tv channel. their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and... complicated, and this talent was given to me at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me because that’s how it was, i made my first work, i accidentally made , i felt that i wanted more, every story is a motivation to change your life for the better, old old trainers have a big role played in our development as individuals, as people.
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the goal is to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict leadership of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, in -firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells is preserved in its own place. yes, but with global modernization, we will meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important the organizers and overall ideological inspirers of this museum were the director of our
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museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, look about... what a beautiful bread, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, bad weather has been torn out, oh difficult, priceless,
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rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the hungry ... fear and bread became for us easy, familiar, the artel field is called a green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be a master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day feed our city, which is getting smaller and smaller, not looking at the growth of the population, because the cultivation of other high-calorie products, important because pork is small, has dried up efforts for fish and a bird, and salt - 9 tons per day. eight days, 10 days.


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