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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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buns and koravai will be baked so that we will not know the fear of hunger, and bread will become light and familiar to us. the artel field is called a green workshop; happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day are feeding our city, less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the cultivation of other high-calorie products, which is important because pork is small, has fallen for fish and poultry, and salt - 9 tons per day, eight saugasau, 10 kalgas. three great successions
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the pioneers of their products have lived, their design arganizations, their ideas, cities and gardens, branded stores and direct connections with foreign partners and foreign currency. all these firsts ў republic of agrarian industrial complex zakhodni bukh. for everyone's sake, the land will be a great honor. what mararyli nekali kamunara ab future? vyadom! and the sunny day becomes a source of satisfaction for the most wicked of their thoughts. only the strong harmony of high culture and agriculture allowed the rich people of the baranavi region to grow such riches in the country. ganusauskaya experimental stanza dapamagae kalgasam to eliminate michuryn methods and rural gaspadarka, to grow new crops. the exhibitions were opened in the holy city of kalgas.
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hello, you are watching the program "say".
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that’s all that i imagine myself to be now, it seems to me that this is what every person should have, in theory, this is all that my teachers put into me, let’s watch your performance at the factor byy 60+ show with pleasure, what a pleasure we have a forecast today, dear, i don’t know what you woke up with again , just tell me, lord have mercy, what kind of bliss do you mean, most of all, the weather in the house, everything else, sued, esya, everything
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that can be easily settled, with the help of cash, has participation in the show somehow changed your life? participation in the show, of course, my life began to change little by little, i really love performing with the accordion, i have a lot of my own songs, so i dream of being shown somewhere on tv, playing the accordion and singing my songs, so, well...
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torby 60+, this was the first season, for some reason i didn’t get in, although i really hoped, and i told myself: so, verunka, that means god loves the trinity, that means you’re going for the third time, and no one pushed me, i found the information on the internet myself, i sent a video,
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that means my video with my performance, very i waited a long time for an answer and i thought, well, again , i probably won’t get in, i think that means i’ll be the fourth, suddenly they call me and say, come to a meeting with the producer, look, i never thought about it, but i just like it, there’s such a concept, man , everyone is born with a certain talent, only some have it manifests itself, some don’t, i’ve had this talent since childhood, my mother told me that once when i was in school, maybe i was 7-8 or 9 years old, when they start learning the anthem at school, then there was
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the soviet union, i never knew it by heart, but my daughter told me, in your dream you sang almost the entire anthem of the ussr, the anthem of the soviet union. that is, somehow within me , as if even against my will, there was a desire to sing on the radio , i heard some song, i also immediately grabbed it and sang it to everyone, i walked around, i just probably it’s such a great power when, against your will, some kind of ability or talent lives in you, a gift from god, and you can’t keep it in yourself, you’ll burst, so i got used to it from a young age, and especially since i have a relative like that who still lives semyon's uncle is in minsk. brother of my deceased dad, he immediately determined that vera had talent, she needed to be sent to a music school, from that moment your torment began, well, torment can still be said in quotation marks, because then i told me a child, you understand, a child should have
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a childhood, but it turns out that from the second grade of secondary school you went to orsha, you were born and lived in the village of zaslonovka, which is 7 km from orsha and you rode a milk tanker twice a week. not only on the milk truck, my dad was the chief veterinarian, sometimes when the milk truck, or there was no gasoline, or he had already left, we overslept, or i needed a second shift, my beloved daddy, daddy insisted that the girl study, he me carried me on a horse, so he sat down like this, especially when it was winter, me in tula bottled and carried me, wait, but there was a milk truck, and there was a milk truck too, i say that not only on a milk truck, but also even on a horse, and why a milk truck, who did you get it from, i’ll now explain, the point is that what this means that every day the car had to carry milk to hand over, which means, as if from the saobkhoz
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the swamp, it had to hand over milk to the dairy plant, so he had an order and there was a free warm place in the warm cabin, so they rescued me from the warm one , they took me out, something like that they gave me something to sing, i still remember, girls, here i am it’s probably still true that there are owls, there are larks, it’s nothing, i ’m struggling with it as much as i can, i still can’t overcome it . in the morning i have no energy, that is, i have no energy, no reluctance, but in the evening, especially at night, i feel like some kind of double strength is coming out of me, i can do a lot , change things, what i didn’t do during the day, i’ve had this since childhood, so of course, now in my own mind i’m already more like this, well, long, then it was short, when i was little, i’m incredibly grateful to my dad for everything to my children, that’s who i worked with at a music school or college, i always say: listen to your parents, they don’t like bad things for you...
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yours plays the accordion for real, not fangrams, well done, in fact, the audience in the comments was curious, we write that he plays divinely, everyone really likes the way you handle... the instrument, a few months later, literally in march, you went to a show in russia and glorified
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factor bai 60+ to an audience of millions, really, let's see how you are doing we've mastered the instrument, everyone is singing, the wheels are dictating the wheels, where to see each other a little, my phone numbers. what year did daddy buy it for me, this is the second accordion that dad bought for me in a thousand, on the eve of my entering
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college, in 1977, i entered the bedinstitute to study muspet, which means i had a good german accordion with which i worked at the music school for 4 years, but dad was told that if you want your daughter to study well at the institute, you need to buy an even better one, but nevertheless he a bicycle promised you the way. “mom, you too, just like your grandfather promised us, finish school there without c grades, we will buy you scooters there, they wanted bicycles then, and i didn’t buy anything, i say, children, well, this is such a mousetrap, so what? you do, you have to lure, nevertheless, thank you very much for your loyalty to the factor for your loyalty to song and music, after graduating from the minsk pedagogical institute, you worked as a singing and music teacher in a secondary school, in a sunday school at a monastery"?
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remain faithful and continue to the club nadya to work there, the thing is that at that time there was no nadya club, nadya’s club is a magnificent family club, i will now make such a low bow, a nod to this club, or rather to the people who are there, this is how my life turned out, what - for a while i didn’t work in retirement, then a place became available, that is, a musician was urgently needed as an accompanist, we have this andreevchensk library club, well , actually... within our orsha, it ’s very easy to get there, they needed an accompanist, when i came to this club family man, he is now 29 years old, of course, the families have grown up, only these young girls and guys are left, they were already elderly when i started working with them, i tell everyone, this is honest, this is sincere, i never thought that people
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who have nothing to do with music at all, they are not musicians, they have such gorgeous voices, they have such...
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where we had the opportunity to hear authors, performers from all over the country, including and your team, let's see, trio 2+1 city of orsha, the light was laying metal jet, built berezhka. what year is this? this is a recording from 2001, and we then, i don’t remember now, whether we became laureates of the first degree, or the second degree, here is my trio, can i
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dwell on this a little more, the fact is that with us, i think in any city, well, i mean russia, belarus. that is, i was kind of asked, it was an unpaid position, that is, it was all based on enthusiasm, but i was so interested, i myself started composing songs around 1998, i was just 40 years old then, when do i need it the order was done, i just thought it was mine, my responsibilities and duty, so that i could do it in good faith, i gathered everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, all the men and women and
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girls and young people who owned guitars, well, this also self-taught, who s...
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you are a happy woman, veronica. it’s all thanks to my daddy, if he hadn’t forced me then, i wouldn’t have been a musician, i just fell in love, as if through gritted teeth, i fell in love with music, when i got into it all, i started
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to get a taste for it, this is loskotov’s orchestra, yes igor yakovich loskutov, i adore this man, i really wanted you to also invite me to your show, he’s definitely an amazing person, but i want to say that your fiery cabana can be recognized as part of any team, but for now let’s take a short break, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, please don’t be silent... subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests. we are connections. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question. to an adult, hello everyone, in exactly a minute he will come to us hero and will answer all questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children
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love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are such an easy job, it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. that my children have followed this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions: you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best thing, the eyes of my patients, is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, see the project 100 questions for an adult. on the tv channel belarus 24. there can be no threat in belarus, in principle, we don’t need someone else’s, but
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we won’t give up ours. any provocation on the border must be stopped by military means. they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them. belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions, our goods are especially expensive in the east. more than 300 belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region, we are working. in respect of developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, which floor he should eat on. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and maz, drivers and passengers switched from buses to modern eco-tires. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we finally... we flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. look at tv channel belarus 24.
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the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is the finalist of the factorby 60+ project veronika melnitskaya. you have your own system on how to stay healthy without pills, can you tell us about it? so where to start? this means, firstly, every time i repeat the same phrase, like a spell. the fact is that it all starts from childhood, and when i remembered why, i have such a desire to maintain health without using any drugs or medications. it turns out i remembered, my mom, who is still alive today, thank you, god, lives, lives in kokhanovo,
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i hope that we will live to see 94, august 3rd, mommy, a big hello to you, a big hello, thank you for such charming daughters and son, there are four of you , yes, you are a mother, yes, there are four in the family and i always saw my mother, she was making tea, she was reading folk recipes from magazines somewhere, then she slipped me some exercises on some kind of printed on such pieces of paper, this i just didn’t realize it then, well , child and child, dad gives me a pill. or the doctor gives me a pill, my dad, by the way, is a veterinarian, so he treated me, well, not just my stomach, he knew about pills, he always treated me, he was such a good fellow, of course, we had him, and my mother somehow tried everything in such folk ways and even rinse my nose, my mother taught me, i had chronic tensitis and i got rid of it, since then i rinse my nose with cool water, i never have a sore throat, i never have a runny nose, everything came to me from my mother, and then when i
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realized how is it... it’s great that you don’t have to get sick, that you don’t have to go to clinics, hospitals, i began to take an interest myself, and i honestly admit to you, i really like oriental medicine, i learned how to do acupressure, i realized that self-massage is the very first assistant in health, that is , i started reading a lot of literature, i’ve been reading george’s moods for 20 years sytina, this is a very interesting person, unfortunately, he also died at an old age, well, in general , i just made a conclusion for myself so as... not to be a burden, old age will come anyway, weakness will come, i see, here in my surrounded there are people who complain about what their mothers-in-law, mother-in-law or mother or father are like, how hard it is with them, how they scream, how they don’t let you sleep at night, and i think to myself, my god, don’t let this happen, so i said, everything is in your hands, and i do it, i find some exercises on the internet, in old textbooks, that is, i do what i can do, in as much quantity as i can, even with
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the help..
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koroev, our king, our king, our king, you will be our king, our king, our king, our king, you will be ours. king, can i say, i found such a word, i am incredibly grateful to tanya trukhan, who... did vocals in this project, and i want to say, although i was dissatisfied with the choice of these songs, i would like to sing completely different songs, but anyway, looking at all this now in the footage, in these recordings, i am very happy that i had to perform these songs, but this song, i most of all did not want to sing it, i don’t know, i had some kind of internal protest, although i adore this cartoon, armenian film, for some reason there was some kind of protest, i can’t explain, and tanya finally convinced me, she...
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told me, she explained to me that this song would turn out well for you, and now i love this song more than the others, i don’t know why, these scene movements by the king, it’s themselves, it’s this that gave birth to it? i don’t know, i’m watching this now and thinking, god, what kind of movements, i didn’t prepare anything, well, how did it happen, this happened, although you give me the task of being somewhere there in this place on the stage, in this place but here i am i already told someone, when i perform on stage, it’s as if i find myself in some other space or on another planet, and then what i do, i don’t even realize whether i look good, bad, beautiful, ugly, but this energy comes from me, i want to convey the song to the audience and i need to sing it so that the audience of its...
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russian program, i would not have ended up where i ended up, well, naturally, they, thank god, now notice our diamonds, but it seems to me that your family, despite the fact that we said in the first part that they are already brushing you off with your accordion,
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they love you very much, because in your family archive we found a very touching video, let’s watch, okay, i’ll sing for you, although you don’t deserve it, thank you very much, an eternal film, and this is i showed up, and my song, maybe i’m wrong, so that it’s important to listen to the words, and not answer anything, and choke and remain silent, but this is the rule of the game, they are old, and the fact is that you ’ve gone crazy.
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stop there, took first place in the republican competition of scientific works, well so i’m wondering, you probably remember your main theses, are they relevant today or not?
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in the first school in the city of minsk, the first school, does it still exist or not, i would be interested in visiting it, we did research there and it turned out so interesting, the most dangerous age in relation to music, that is, they begin to love rough music, some kind of then sharp, this is the fifth grade, the first from the first to the fourth grade, children love music, happy or sad, tchaikovsky, mozart, bidhoven, glinka, and of course the older ones love it.
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chukulaev vyacheslav mikhailovich, and he was my scientific supervisor, and he helped me, of course, and i was very surprised when they announced that the first place in the republic, but the fact is that, again, i didn’t think about places, it was just so interesting, this passion for documents and i also have some kind of it , it’s like it’s in my blood, i like to work, i love archives, i smell the archive, then these and you, why should i, i’m not against my pain, but i am drawn there, i like it, your grandson, as we remember, refused your musical lessons in favor of logic and mathematics, sasha, big greetings from my grandmother, he ’s a very boy, of course, well, a big-headed guy, when he was little, i... bells, bells, when he
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was a year or two, but somehow i perceived it normally, and then i come to him with tsumbaals with such , i tried to give him children’s tsumbaals, to give him children’s tsumbaals, he says: grandma, you understand that you like to sing, this is for you, well, in other words, of course, but you understand that i’m not interested in this, i’m interested in mathematics, even when now he will soon be 15 years old, it means he became interested in computer science, but for some reason in the last year or two he began to get involved in theater, this makes me happy, it means there is also some kind of creative streak in him.
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i started
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doing this, because literally about five years ago , it’s even a little sad that i was late or even 10 years ago, many of the vorshi’s relatives were still living, these are my father’s relatives, because my mother’s relatives all live in mogilev, i love them all too, a big greeting to them, and my father’s numerous relatives lived in orsha and i communicated with all of them, but for some reason that generation, well, this generation pre-war, they never told me, maybe it was connected with the hard life when i...
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together, that is, she worked as a janitor, well, something had to do with the roads, there were five children left, including my dad, when before the meaning came to me from this, that they just grew up, well, like orphans with wounds, yes, but they didn’t give them up in orphanages, because my dad, that is, my grandmother, had eight sisters, they all looked after them like these guys, and i was so offended and offended, i think why i have one grandmother and grandfather, a second grandmother i don’t have a grandfather, and i started quietly somehow, well, it’s late. i started doing this, so this motivated me, maybe if i had grandparents from my father’s side, i would not have been doing this, but then my natural desire is to get to the bottom of some essence, some fact, i i’m like this in everything, it may even bother me a little sometimes, i’m too meticulous, when i started studying for the last 5 years, i want to say that
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i found a lot in our minsk archives, but now they told me that the last chance is here my surname melnitsky and lazovsky are my relatives on my father’s side. and now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause, we’ll return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel. on the air again
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say don’t be silent, our guest is the finalist project factor byy 60+ veronica melnitskaya. veronica anatolievna, we know that you have two sons, tell us what they do? it so happened that my sons were born, so, 7 years apart, and this, of course, the eldest son, seryozha, was born in 1983, and the youngest son was born in 1990, and it always happened that the eldest son, of course, raised his older brother, his younger brother, and we then lived in our own house, and the eldest brother had to ...
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that our seryozha is not just a plumber, but a glamorous plumber, why glamorous? because he is always cultured, polite, intelligent, in clean clothes, glasses, which is important, good eyesight since childhood, so he is very, he is polite in his dealings with people, because many people told me about him, so i am very pleased that my son has grown up to be a real intelligent plumber, he still has golden hands, he still works, he has a wife masha, they have a friendly family, well.. . maybe we are waiting, there will be a new addition, i don’t know, yet, so seryozha took after his father, a plumber, and your youngest son, yes, creative, not only, also took after his father, because our father was self-taught, he painted a picture, he burned. burner, valentin anatolyevich, god willing, he was, or is, remains, rockik i was interested in music, but you decided to break up,
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well, that’s how life happened, that’s how it happens, yes, it didn’t work out, well, we still communicate, but still, it’s as if there is no longer a life together. so it turns out that dad passed on to his children, that is, to my, to our children, which means that the desire for artistic manifestation, this is zhenya, the desire for a good job, for hard work and a love of chess, this has already passed on from dad seriously, it turns out , the children didn’t get anything from me, well, like the creative component of my youngest son, well this is understandable, but a little different, i remember that they studied at school, they had a school with a musical bias, that is, they could go either to a musical bias or... to languages ​​and my mother, that is, i insisted that they definitely go , it was secondary school number eight in the city of orsha, so they went, one went to the choir, the eldest, and the youngest zhenya went to play ...
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and also to our library, the famous one, tell me, they didn’t come to our program empty-handed , don’t be silent, they brought books, i would like to know what kind of books they are? i want to say that these books we published it together with my son, but of course, the most important character. fedorusko, he and i sang for a long time in tario 2+1, there is also a partnership between my son zhenya savinov and fedor, here are his
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stories, and here are zhenya’s drawings, i think you will like it, because this is also creativity, so that i think that you will still not have these books and you will use them, with all my heart, thank you very much for these gifts, thank you. 30 years ago you became a singer in the choir of st. michael’s church, you’ve been there for 30 years, in fact , you’ve been singing in the church, i remember in one interview they said that when you sing, wings grow, that’s true, and that’s true, but maybe i’ll say now, they’re not even wings anymore, but others don’t share with me with my impressions, but what do they feel when they sing in the temple, but the fact is that i probably have such a sensitive soul and skin, i perceive everything very much, very... i feel it very subtly, i have many times , when i just started going to church, the pleras choir felt like i was
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i get up, and some kind of column of energy passes through me, from the top of my head and down my back it’s not exactly a chill, it’s just some kind of energy running, someone told me, this is correct, it’s space portals opening, because in fact, if you think about it, people come to church, are silent, pray, and very positive positive energy accumulates there, correctly called the deity. orsha is a swamp, in particular, this is also orsha land, well, i was born there, i honestly can’t understand the people who
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i know so many, many, in school we studied at the institute, they went abroad, canada, america, israel are there, i don’t want to, like, condemn them, but i can’t understand, but these are apparently different people, so they left and left everything, the graves of their ancestors live here, they they left, live there, and apparently they will be buried there, i ask, someday, tell me, is this what you want? in a foreign land, your ancestors trampled this land, well, that is, in a good sense, they walked on it, did not trample it, and you will stay there, she, but i don’t care, well, apparently there are such people, why is it so expensive, well, because that everyone, everyone is all relatives, even, why orsha, because all my father’s relatives are here, oh arshanchina, dubrovishchina - these are all my grandmothers, grandfathers on my father’s side, aunties and grandfathers, and all my mother’s relatives live in mogilev, so that, in principle, i even studied in the grave, because my mother’s relatives are there, i live because my father’s relatives are here, well, minsk for me...
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but still, a transformation occurs, and people, when they walk along a dirty street, this one feeling, yes, and i want to spit and quit a piece of paper, when people walk around, everything is clean, beautiful, and i even see that some people pick up a piece of paper and throw a trash can, i’ve never seen this before, that is why it’s great, god grant that it continues like this, i haven’t been to orsha, but i know that the residents of this city themselves are very protective of his jealousy, and when you say, well, what about a railway junction or a prison capital, everyone says: no, we already have... now everything is different, we already have a city there , yes, yes, in fact, i want to say that we have few residents, by the way, i looked at
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on the internet, in 2007, data for this year, 2017, we only have. there were 130-something thousand of us, that is, it turns out that the population is still declining, this is very disappointing, but i also want to say this, it’s still very important how society reacts to how the city is transforming, we have a very it often happens that some trees were broken, they didn’t have time to replant ice there, there is no sand, we have hotlines, that’s how people we have.
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everything will be very fine with you, now i am for you instead of an extensive final word i’ll sing my favorite song, which is called let’s go, maybe outside, the music is mine, and the lyrics were written by fyodor vasko, a member of my trio 2+1. so, let’s listen, but don’t run outside right away, please sing along with me. let's go, maybe, outside, there in the clouds, sadness has fallen, there the sun is frowning in surprise, threatening someone that i won't return, and this doesn't seem true, and even though rain is promised,
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all this is nothing, not the main thing, it's just you. don’t go, and it doesn’t seem true, and even though rain is promised, all this is nothing, the main thing is that just don’t leave, veronica anatolyevna, according to our old tradition of the program, say don’t be silent, we ask our guests to sign and... leave wishes, and i’ll say right away what i’ll write, tell me right away, i’ll write these words: with love and gratitude to everyone living, i think it will be good, i’ll try to fit it in, so.
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with love and gratitude to all living people. 2024, april. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling; in russia there was a master’s degree,
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a veterinarian. science evseenka, who said: medicine treats humans, but veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also prepare pharmaceuticals, this is our only university that...
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live panorama, in the studio elena sacheva, hello, weather swings in april.


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