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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 11:50pm-12:20am MSK

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good heart, where we will reward all participants in our good heart movement. well, thank you. kristina soroka, secretary of the central committee of the belarusian republican youth union, answered questions from the program. next on the event program is the treatment of rare genetic diseases in belarus, filming of the film the legendary partisan and belarusian fashion in paris. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity, everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we look for meaning where there is none. it seems to me that here there
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is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because logically somehow explaining why a man, a grandfather, who does not remember his name, is put in the post of such a huge state, this is absurd, if you simply do not set yourself up for prayer such is life, you will just be somehow uncomfortable, monastic life is not just a struggle, it is advanced, god is alone with every heart, says u...
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and this is just different, regions that are not they stop terrorizing ukraine, and it is the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions that have broken all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with generally accepted laws.
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this is the event program for belarus 24 and we continue. the day against hemophilia was held in belarus. this is a genetic disease which causes blood clotting disorders. our columnist elena puntus knows how many patients with hemophilia there are in belarus and what kind of assistance the state provides them. today in belarus there are about a thousand patients with hemophilia, most of them received a dangerous gene from their parents, the rest became victims of spontaneous mutation. in this case , the disease, even the slightest.
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including in one of the large pharmaceutical companies of the russian federation, we have been selected as one of the centers who work together with them and clinical trials are now being initiated on these new biological products, this is a completely different level of assistance, our organization is a member of the world federation of hemophilia and members of the european hemophilia consortium, there are great advantages recently that have been achieved with the help of our organizations, with the help...
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this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, headed by igor ugolnikov. the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will be timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. large part of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. the russian side
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will provide military equipment for cameramen and artists. filming will take place in belarus, at the moskino film park, as well as in the voenfilm studio pavilions. old man minai, organizer of the partisan movement. russian brand, if you take it and transfer it to female beauty, then, for example, one hundred percent linen is a natural woman without any artificial injections, there are any interventions in her appearance, in order to be better, a woman can be beautiful in any age, at any height, with any figure, i myself am short, i myself am
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60 meters tall, i myself have always had a problem finding something normal, that is, i always had to adjust it, and naturally i understand that such there are many girls, not all ideal, not all tall, they made an offer that many designers dream of opening their own boutique on the champs-elysees very soon a sign with the name belarusian will decorate a new showroom next to the store of the famous brand louis viton. thanks review prepared by elena puntus. television that is always in shape. one of the largest specialized companies celebrated its thirtieth anniversary.
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the main flagship of our television company, the most important program that we have been producing for 30 years is the arsenal program, this is why we are recognized, the program by which our viewer knows us, it airs on the belarus 1 tv channel, also our programs full face and military review are the main programs that go on television, but we cannot say that we are are limited, and we are widely represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year, we received a button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we became the first to receive such an award, as well as our there are quite a lot of other internet projects and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly, recognizes us by
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our content. as far as tv program reports were able to be produced, in these three decades, well, we understand, it’s probably impossible, but read it. yes, of course, it is impossible to count, because every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is not one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this... we produce the information that every day our viewers see on the internet, we provide video information about the military for the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often it is the same video information, which we produce at aintv, so to say how many there were over 30 years, well , probably several thousand, maybe several tens of thousands, these are all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers, about the equipment that belarusian receives.. .
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these are several episodes in which we talk about the main historical moments. our correspondents raised and told historical facts that were unknown for a long time, we used a large amount of archival material, it is worth saying that the vntv television company is rich archive, we use it widely, in addition, our correspondents are preparing the film “survivor”, this is a big project about the children of war, about those who survived the horrors. and another project is a time of remembrance of monuments,
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monuments that are dedicated to soviet soldiers as liberators, this is something that concerns specifically historical topics, and my colleague and i are also preparing a project “we are a fortress”, in which we talk about those new products who enter the belarusian army, in fact there is also such a wide range, each issue is dedicated to a certain new product, well, in fact , we still have a lot of such projects, a lot of ideas, i think that the audience will be able to see all this on air. are there military television companies in other countries? do you maintain contacts with them and exchange content? of course, they exist, and most often we meet with colleagues during exercises, at international games, and at some other international exercises. naturally, we keep in touch, naturally, we exchange content, most often these are our colleagues in the csto, the closest ties, probably, with the russian federation, this is the zvezda tv channel, we always exchange content and... during some major events we conduct joint online broadcasts on our youtube channel, and also
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do a joint project like this. from your personal experience, what difficulties do you have to face during filming, how difficult is it for a girl to have such a profession, such a job? probably, in our military it is not customary to talk about difficulties, about difficulties, there are some peculiarities of work, and probably it is a little more difficult for girls to understand the features of equipment, tactical and technical characteristics. in fact, it’s worth saying that we all cope with this, and the most important thing is that, probably, we are trying to make our content more emotional, more humane, to add some of that feminine zest, feminine charm to it, and i think that’s why also our viewer appreciates all this, sees all this, for 30 years now your television company has been, as they say, at the forefront, you cover all the most important, probably, events that take place in our country today in the belarusian army, in your opinion, how are they changing? are the armed forces of belarus changing today? well, of course, they change, and this can be seen primarily in the
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content that we transmit, we are always together with the army, we always, as you said, cover all the events that take place in the belarusian army, and we we see, we constantly talk about the equipment that the troops receive, we talk about what the army goes through, what stages the army goes through in its formation, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or turn on any of our programs... produced by vntv, you will see what the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well, it’s worth saying, we always focus our reporting on people, we are talking about those who serve in the belarusian army, and well, probably this aspect, it does not change, these are those who love their job, those who love their homeland, and are really ready to fully devote themselves to this profession, well , thank you, svetlana answered the program’s questions. smyk, special correspondent for vntv television company. results-analysis of the main events of this week in
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the information and analytical program etn main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the belarus24.bbi website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you. all the best. the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our people.
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equals the calorie content of 250 g of meat. crispy potatoes are in great demand. this is a great breakfast snack, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, an irreplaceable
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convenient food for fishermen, tourists and hunters. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the well-known belarusian potato aladi. it is not always easy for amateurs to prepare them. as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from it have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. it’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories, almost 1/3 daily energy required by a person engaged in physical labor. educational institutions work on jokes. atrymany also crackers with
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added vegetables, meat, fish and cottage cheese. at the worst hour i will call. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when the soul pushes you to move forward and your belly sings to keep up with your soul. that there are adventures in travel, you like to eat somewhere along the way, always, food anywhere. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, make sure themselves, because cuisine is a reflection of the history,
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culture and character of the people. we will show what is coming in the west and east. based on our country’s food, how they cook in the suburbs and polesie, we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. a dish that even a well-fed traveler will be happy to taste in establishments around the world. worldly roast, the tenderness of a cooked duck. milk soup with a secret, the solution after a blind tasting. this knuckle is an impeccable version of the dish, a toy in chicken, it breaks the mold of belarusian cuisine. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself. we will show you what they eat in the west and in the east, how
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they cook it in the suburbs and in woodland. i'm going on a journey to compile a gastronomic book. map of our country. and today i am at peace. from minsk to mir 100 km. this is not even a regional center, just a village, but the place is quite lively. the mir castle attracts tourists all year round. it is included in the unesco world heritage list, so this object is important not even on a republican, but on a planetary scale. but they visited. it would be in vain if you add to this journey culinary note, you can stay here for at least two days, and this time will not be wasted. several
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very interesting dishes are prepared in the world, the name of which contains a mundane addition, but unlike stale cutlet or mogilev sausages, which are found in cafes and canteens throughout belarus, you can only try something mundane here. the world appeared in written sources thanks to bureaucrats. it was first mentioned in a deed of gift in 1434. half a century later the estate passes to ilinich, who built a castle here. soon the world becomes a bustling place of trade and crafts. the profession of local residents could be determined by nationality. tatar means gardener or furrier, that is, a craftsman.
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built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate and its surroundings in a gilded carriage. there were 97 stores and 12 shops in the world; goods were imported from all over europe. merchants. from leipzig and köniksberg. memelya iliba, did you know how to get to the mirsky graveyard? yes, mir was once the center of the county. market, the trading heart of the city still lives, and today you can buy absolutely everything here, from slippers to overseas spices and the freshest fruits. what are you selling? this is our homemade yuba, i make it all myself, this is odyghe raven cheese, this is cottage cheese, this is russian hard cheese, and this is butter, sweetie, you
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know that it’s time to talk about special duck therapy, because when you give up , they so they rustle around, they are doing something there, it’s so nice, you forget about everything, the ducklings were different, even to my very... untrained eye, at least two breeds, from what i concluded about some special predilection of the inhabitants of the world for this bird, you know how to cook duck, excuse me, please, but you know how to cook duck, well, i did, you know how to cook duck, no, no, why, because it is very fatty , it’s fatty and difficult to cook, that’s probably not true, but you know how to cook, is that serious? how many recipes do you know? i have my own recipe. in general, in the world it turned out to be like everywhere else in belarus, few people know how to handle it, and
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only a few regularly prepare it. this is a very rare bird on the table of belarusians, successfully prepared, it is an endangered species. you can live your life and never meet her. but if you come to the world, then you have a chance. i'd like some worldly duck in pots, please. the cafe where i'm heading now is located right on the market square. this is a state institution, but with a high rating among visitors. they note simple, well-prepared cuisine and simply an amazing combination of price and quality. there are several duck dishes on the menu. my mother also cooked duck as a child, but this i didn't really like the process. firstly, it took a long 4 hours, and secondly, sorry mom, the meat was turning out. and well, in my opinion, not very tasty, let's see, maybe the putka in a worldly way will change my impression of this bird, what is the aroma, mm, in general, i have
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a special relationship with pots, i'm a little afraid of them, because before i enjoy the taste of the dish that was cooked in this pot, what does a person usually do? it burns my tongue, that's how it always happens to me. duck in a pot is mundanely reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, but duck fat, in fact, unlike any other fat, for example, pork, it is very healthy, it contains a lot of vitamins and various amino acids. in the dish, the taste of duck fat is well felt, but it is not overwhelming, it is unobtrusive. there is just enough of it to give a simple dish some piquancy. eh, i’ll tell you, this dish is correct, the potatoes and carrots are cut into small pieces, but
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... for whom i ordered it, they are cut into huge pieces. the meat does not go into the pot immediately; the duck is placed in it already cooked, first they marinate, then render out excess fat, do something else, the cook politely avoided going into details, the meat actually falls right off the bone, very soft and tender, look, you can just press it, it falls apart into... small pieces, well, very tender meat the duck turned out in a worldly way, that ’s how it was cooked, as promised, roast in a worldly way goes well with vegetables, fresh or pickled, and you can also dip black bread in it, it turns out very tasty, this crust is very filling, they can easily eat a grown man, but only costs
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like... two cups of coffee in the capital. after the roast, i felt the strength to continue exploring the local market, but it didn’t work out. if you want to buy something tasty in the world market, do it immediately, because the market here is short-term. there were a lot of people here in the morning, but now there are no people. but i was able to calmly, almost alone , explore those sights of the world that are not a castle. village. compact, everything is located near the central square. behind me is the trinity church. now i'm getting smarter. she looks like a pseudo-russian style, although it used to be baroque. trinity church is unlucky; it is over 500 years old. and it would have been recognized as a masterpiece of architecture, if not for the fire in the middle of the 19th century. after him , only the walls remained. the church was restored, but rebuilt beyond recognition. the church in
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the world was built by the same architect as the one in the double church outside, usually architects have their own style, although these are completely different from each other. the fact is that giovanni bernardoni was a versatile master, mastered different styles, most recently he used baroque, which was extremely fashionable at that time, and the world inherited a renaissance that was losing popularity. from the church the road leads directly to the castle. the heated traveler strives towards him at the limit of physical strength. but i didn’t, i decided, you know? extend the anticipation of the meeting by drinking coffee in the only cafe overlooking the castle. i drink coffee not only with a beautiful view, but in the charming company of the owner of this cafe, elena. elena, hello. hello, volodya. come on, elena, surprise me with some dish that is impossible to find in the whole world except in your establishment. uh, there are dishes that you i definitely haven’t tried it anywhere in the immediate area,
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and maybe... i won’t say that i can distinguish pinsk belyash from sludsk by taste, but mochanka from goulash is quite familiar with the menu of most roadside cafes and restaurants, so i decided to test my inner gourmet and to identify a dish blindfolded, there’s some kind of bowl in front of me, which means it’s either, it means it’s some kind of stew, or soup. it really feels like some kind of first course based on the dishes, but overall it smells like some kind of dessert, flax, it’s a dessert, no, further guess, it’s so good, cinnamon, cinnamon, what else is there, there’s vanillin, no, cream, cream, it’s instead of milk or something, there’s milk, and there’s milk too, cinnamon, cream, milk,
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okay, stop guessing, let's talk about... where is my spoon, there is a spoon, the first spoon is the most important thing, but no, the most important thing is to get it into your mouth, mm, how delicious it is, hmm, is it either pasta, or is it semolina dumplings , ok,


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