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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 12:20am-12:56am MSK

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kup, it really feels like some kind of first course in terms of dishes, but overall it smells like some kind of dessert, flax, this is a dessert, no, then guess, it’s so good, cinnamon, cinnamon, what else is there, there’s vanillin , no, cream, in cream - this is instead of milk, or something, there is milk, and milk too, cinnamon, cream, milk, okay, stop guessing, let's try, where is my spoon, there is a spoon, the first spoon is the most important, but no, the most important thing is to get it into your mouth, mm, how delicious it is, is it either pasta, or is it semolina dumplings, okay. stop guessing, look and
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wonder, i was practically right, this is really soup, but this is milk soup, what is it with, what is it, this is damn, this is damn, okay, why pancakes, well, because you hear how tender, yes, that’s what it feels like, it’s a pancake, but it’s not just a pancake, it’s a special recipe, the combination of cinnamon with... win-win and familiar, the delicate filling gives new impressions, its unusual consistency, it’s the pancake that makes this soup special, amazing , but this is a recipe for belarusian folk cuisine, elena brought it from the gomel region, and then it turned out that once upon a time a similar dish was in use among the worldly gentry. we found it in a book of old recipes, razdevel, that is, you want to say that the same soup was cooked in the mornings for princes. not really for the clews, but for their
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courtiers, it’s nice to eat a soup with history, every spoon strengthened the feeling of being part of something great, it’s time to move on to the dessert of my trip, the worldly castle, by the way... it really does resemble a huge birthday cake. a castle is not only a fortification, it is huge food warehouse. it was supposed to store food supplies for 3 years in it. barrels of food were simply rolled down such stairs using special runners. the only thing they carried in their hands was carried with care. this is wine. do you hear what an echo, the room is huge and
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there are five such wine cellars in the mir castle, wine, by the way, at that time was very expensive, it was brought from europe, and this is a special tasting table, the prince sat down here and chose a special wine for a special occasion. by the light of the bottle it was possible define. the cellars served as a food warehouse, cooking was done in another place, the castle kitchen was not preserved, it was a separate building in the courtyard, but they had food in the palace itself. in order to feel the atmosphere, i decided to walk around the castle not as a tourist, but as...
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an owner, so the suit came at the right time for the occasion. when you hear the word hut, you will probably imagine a small house, conventionally on chicken legs; anything richer is already a hut. imagine, i’m now in a hut, in a dining hut. izba is very ancient the word, its original meaning is a heated room. in the dining room of the mir castle, heat was provided by as many as three stoves. aristocrats indulged in excess.
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previously, many centuries ago, during a hunt , all the spoils went to the person who owned the territories, but the person who killed the animal received a pork shank like this, and the person, as a rule, was very poor. the knuckle is a dangerous dish, there are
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several pitfalls, the main one being fat, there can be too much of it, but in this knuckle the fat became dignity, it has a delicate, sweetish taste and a pleasant... tendency: by and large, it can be eaten simply with bread, on its own. first, in a modern restaurant, this shank is marinated in beer for 24 hours, then it is cooked for 12 hours, a whole 12 hours using the suvit technology at a temperature of 85°. and only after this , the almost finished shank is coated with mustard-honey sauce and sent off. oven for baking and literally in half an hour it sticks on your table. knuckle meat sometimes has a specific taste. here it is wonderful pork, immaculate. these beautiful cuts on our shank are really not for beauty. they have practical
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applications. they are made so that the shank is better baked and soaked in mustard, honey sauce, and various spices. i can say with confidence. that this dish definitely belonged at the place, no, at the table of medieval hunters, i can call it real men's cooking, it is very nourishing, very brutal,
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this is an opportunity to try something new, string, motherwort, but this is my first time with lapant i see such a plant, but this too, these are heart plants, here we have cardiovascular plants, so, dear friends, your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's reading, and of course, join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower the take.
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it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite. what name was given to the peace treaty that secured soviet russia?
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to try the next dish, i first went to the kitchen. so, guys, we're confused, what's going on, why the dirt, why is the sink dirty, what is it. so, what dish are we preparing? what are we preparing? why are we standing still? faster, faster, the restaurant is full of guests. so, seryoga, what happened, why potato pancakes, how do you cook them? i'll tell you. i said 50 times that potato pancakes need to be cooked, although you prepare them correctly, okay, who made these
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sandwiches, who did it, so let's see, let's see what it is, 1, 2, 3, how many sandwiches are there 40, well done, good, okay, i won’t fire you today, so it’s in our refrigerator, so everything is correct, well, honestly well done, my girls today, oh, this is exactly how a prince’s kitchen works, as it should, that’s how it works, well done, guys, huh? gone are the days when chefs were exclusively men. the kitchen in the mir castle is headed by victoria ambalova. she came up with a dish that i really want to try, pear in chicken. how are we going to prepare it? well, come on, first of all we need to peel the pear. will any pear work? well, let's say, we take a punching bag under the groin. can i smell it? yes, she is very juicy. it's really a very juicy smell, like pear. for this dish it must be solid, after
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cleaning the core is taken out of it, this is unlikely to affect the taste, but it will be more pleasant to eat, vetch, how can i help you in the kitchen, please take white wine and pour it into a saucepan, i honestly , i thought it was sunflower oil, no, but it’s really white wine, vetch, should i pour it all out or not, should i put everything in 100 milliliters? for testing, no, all for the sake of the dish, add ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and star anise to the wine, aka onis, then sugar and salt to taste, while the pear is boiled in this mixture, we cook the chicken, take the breast and make a clean fillet, well, we have cleaned the breast, now we will beat it, well, beating is not a woman’s job, i think, so help me cover it, and i’m already powerful.
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salt and add a mixture of peppers, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, after which we return to the pear, well, you can take it out, take out our wonderful marinade, where we put it here, next to it, yes, then it’s your turn, because what to do next, i just don’t know, now we’ll make a cut and put the chicken on the pear, it’s very important here, so that the two parts become one, right? yes, here, let me try to do
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it as gently as you did, well, everything, everything, and the workpiece is ready, yes, then now we put it in a bag, vacuum it and sous vide it, in other words, then the real magic begins, carefully , ay! it’s hot, that’s all, our pear is vacuum sealed. vacuuming is an important element when preparing meat using the suvit technology, but some cooks do without it and simply put the meat in bags. cook at a temperature below boiling, this stage is important, and for our chicken this temperature is 60°, yes,
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how long should we cook or sous vide, how to sous vide correctly, how long should we sous vide our chicken, we should sous vide for 50 minutes, when the meat is cooked in a vacuum package at a low temperature, it retains the juices in an unusual way tender, soft and at the same time with a rich taste, after 50 minutes the chicken... is cooked, the dish is almost ready, do you do it directly with your hands? yes, oh, i’m not ready for these feats yet. i would have already eaten it, put the frying pan in, what for? and to now it will need to be in the oven, baked, for sale, now it’s baked, yes, so that it literally has a crust, brush it with honey sauce and for 5 minutes, it’s all about the crust, before serving , add another sauce to the dish, here’s the pear in the chicken in front of me , i can call this
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an explosion of flavors, if i closed my eyes and would never know in my life what i was eating, this is a combination of... sour sweet, something very tender, like very satisfying, like chicken meat. the mixture of peppers creates a spicy, tangy base of flavor, layered with the sweetness of the spices. the taste has a good feel of wine and, of course, pear. the chef himself advised me to have a piece of pear in the chicken along with a wonderful creamy sauce. she makes this sauce very simply: butter, flour, cream, the sauce also turned out to be sweet, there is enough sugar in the dish for dessert, but it is still meat, the chicken does not disappear anywhere, its taste is pleasant and distinct, everything in general is very festive and completely unconventional for our kitchen, and
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i will proudly call this dish princely. recipe for stewed pear in chicken breast. pear simmer in white wine with spices, add ginger, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, or just a mixture for mulled wine. marinate the chicken breast, add salt, pepper, chicken seasoning, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, wrap the pear in the fillet, and boil for 50 minutes at 60°. the world is beautiful and amazing, especially to the taste. for me personally, this is a city with the taste of tender stewed duck, crispy fried plyatsik and rosy knuckle. come, there
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is something to eat here. that for belarusians, familiar life may seem truly exotic to others, here i am she said that this is the cultural capital of belarus, you can meet her right on the street, it’s a great trip, it was the first time i rode
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such a car alone, how was it for you. there was a forest, people were afraid of it, they believed that evil spirits lived there, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, a horse shoe was nailed over the doorframe, and a knife or sickle was very often stuck into the doorframe. watch the travel show like at home on our tv channel. their path to their own happiness is incredibly
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interesting and complex in its own way. and this talent was given to me at the age of 40 and... i say that it is for me was given because it was so, i made my first work, i made it by accident, and i felt that i wanted more. each story is a motivation to change your life for the better. old old coaches played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just like i want, i would like to continue this work. which they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, life experience and you can’t go anywhere anyway, you need to live it. look, in the belarusian project. on our tv channel.
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we are on our way to the festival, and the results of the concert will be extraordinary. well, first of all, he is the leader of the oldest musical
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group in belarus. which were created in 1930, national, academic, folk orchestras of the republic of belarus, named after joseph zhynovich, hole, deserved artist of the republic of belarus, alexander kramko. on the other hand, sir, we will return to our chancellery and let out the great stage, so that we can recognize these stupid old ladies, remember the distinguished names of the stupid campusers, paetau, musicians, singers, whose creative work has been taken to extraordinary heights by popular pop artists, these people have become heroes
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of the book, which... the belarusian pop music is called , the nostalgic breakthrough written by music utsa volga brylon. at your prince’s place, the pastor of the past knows us best about the sculpted prastaunikam of the aichynnaga variety show. to such chins, respect to the screen. the unique voice of eduard mitsul does not stop.
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crocs of traditions and faiths, which are connected with our people, the main ones, conflict-free and dignified, in keeping with the minds, fees and confusion of the belarusian stage of the 60s. iago's voice, iago's songs - this is such an outstanding old piece of belarusian pop music, which is so incomparable to forget. the business card is well deserved. the artist of the republic of belarus, eduard mitsul, became the song “you are hell”, which was so sad in the film “khannem sreba darazhyts”. dear friends, for you the hidden folk artist of belarus, uladzimir gromau.
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look how beautiful the stars are in the sky, they shine brightly in the silence of the night, and as if they are telling me from above that i need, i need, life is only you, you! i need one, only you, i have traveled long sea routes, but i could not find someone like you anywhere, in the spring the flowers in the gardens whispered to me that i needed. i
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only need you in my life, you are the only one, i need only you, you are your good love, don’t hide it, smile, look into my eyes and find out. my dreams are so pure, how i need, i need only you in my life, you are the only one, i need you, only you, you will find out how pure my dreams are, how...
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i need, i need only you in my life, you are the only one, i need , only... neli baguslavskaya and izmail kaplana, me pashchastsila got together with these distinguished people, the patriarchs of the belarusian stage, there and apoya...
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the last spring at school is coming, your boy is grown up and big, why are you mom on the sidelines alone, you are not happy about the graduation ceremony, girls in white are spinning past like a whirlwind , they look at you shyly, mom wants to guess. which of them will he invite to his first you, the first you, the first you, there is no
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happier, more beautiful moment than the first you, without male guardianship, you are left alone, in dissolution. military roads, on good days, in during difficult days, the boy helped you as much as he could, but why are you mom, alone on the sidelines, her thoughts were far away when she danced the same waltz with his young happiness. and you are at your feet,
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there is no happier, more beautiful moment than the first you, the son is praised all around and the mother is embarrassed , well done, well done, it’s just a pity that the deceased father could not recognize this happiness in 1945, the hall is singing, the hall is destroying, the loudspeaker is calling, there it’s time to invite everyone to dance, past all the girls, her boy goes, he invites his mother to dance. the first of you, the first of you, there is no happier, more beautiful minutes than the first you.


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