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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 2:20am-3:11am MSK

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we observed these training camps, now the very young generation of ukraine is forced to die simply because your parents at some point made a mistake, yes, by jumping on the maidan, and at some point you ended up in the same children's camp where that very specific agenda was imposed on you, and now you are dying for this reason, but this is an extremely interesting logical chain: do ukrainians think about it? about the consequences of those very decisions eight or ten years ago, that is the question, well , maybe someone is thinking now, some people don’t care about this, some, as you said about azov, they now have one task, they are professional killers, motivated in their own way by being washed, taking into account the fact that they were trained in such camps from the age of 8, by being washed brains, that is, they cannot imagine anything that could be different, they have absolutely...
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an assault brigade, it was renamed, by the way, because, including western partners, they suddenly began to show interest in the fact that certain names are called by nazi names units on the territory of ukraine, what symbols, emblems they are used when conducting combat operations against russia, what crosses appear on armored vehicles, what greetings they don’t give, and so on, and yes, they really refused to go under the clock, it’s not a fact, of course, that they won’t end up there, the point here is this:
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the army is not entirely maybe they will ask you, although if you put a lot of pressure on the third assault, maybe the machine guns will turn in the other direction, it’s a rather slippery situation here, but it’s interesting that the current commander-in-chief was called general kotel, that’s where it all goes, what hours is that may find himself in such a difficult situation, including with the participation of that same azov, everything is possible, because syrsky, he, well, thoughtlessly, somehow, illiterately always threw away human lives, uh, judging by the operations that he carried out , that is, first of all, he has to report, report, and give information, the one that the political leadership wants to hear, was always in the first place, but at the moment he is, most importantly, not the main comedian, as somehow, well, confused. already excuse me in their
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positions, that is, yes they call him general 200 and a butcher and similar things and - after all, a very large part of the ukrainian officers who were devoted to zaluzhny, that is, they are carrying out massive purges of the highest personnel ranks, but again the quality of the ukrainian army now, that is, after 2 years of hostilities , then there is an average junior commanding staff...
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or something else, that is, well, accordingly , the discipline is like this, and with regards to azov, here again is the political situation in kiev, that is, all these nationalist formations still have a lot supporters in ukraine, a very huge part of them are in cities, they are not in the troops, they have some kind of political reservation, they are doing their job, attacking...
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colleagues, their own, as they say, all fellow citizens, i agree, absolutely , recently, interestingly , a number of such intersecting news have appeared: firstly, alexander lukashenko, meeting with vladimir putin, raised the issue of those same agreements in turkey on the turkish peace plan, at the same time news appears that erdogan himself came up with the same turkish peace plan, declaring that he had transferred one of the copies to kiev and one of the copies to moscow, that’s all.
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separately, that is, well, the position of our president and the president of the russian federation is clear to everyone, they need peace, they need, as much as possible, the preservation of the lives of both russian military personnel and ukrainian citizens, that is, again , i repeat, as our president said, these are our people, so we are very worried about this, as for turkey, well, how many times has erdogan changed his decisions.
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well, remember what kind of friends erdogan and assad were, they met with their families, took pictures with their wives, swore eternal friendship to each other, and how it all ended, well, and as for scholz, well, there are elections to the european parliament ahead, we still have a little bit to wait, that is, scholz he ruined germany, i guess, i don’t know, that is, why should he... how should the people of germany either anathematize or curse him, i don’t know, he, he is completely, he is everything, he brought the german economy, the locomotive of the european union, completely to ruin shoulder blade, that is, i have a feeling, excuse me, that scholz needed to, well, he didn’t need to, but he needed to
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in general, well, he just, well, at least he needs to do something, no one takes him seriously, remember the behavior of the ukrainian ambassador to germany, i forgot his last name, but he was already removed, yes. .. how was he greeted in china, that the deputy mayor of the city he flew to appeared near the plane, that is , such a level or, well, you know, many people quite often discuss that in china he is such a state that is very strong emphasizes the gesture. and we see how the president of germany, a seemingly great state, the chancellor, the chancellor of germany, yes, i’m sorry, they meet him near
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the gullies, that is, well, there is a certain symbolism in this one way or another, but we are interested in something else: china has outlined four basic principles for ending hostilities actions. well, i won’t read them out, but in short, this is the need to cool the situation at the front, to stop throwing wood on the fire, to establish a harmonious situation on the global market, well, to simplify, then approximately these theses were voiced, what do you think about this, for what purpose perhaps did scholz come to the territory of china, was it possible? there are some tasks there besides pr, maybe he brought or tried to extend some of his western line, impose it on the chinese republic, what do you think about this? well, it’s unlikely that scholz is able to impose something , yes, but it’s an attempt, scholz has
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one competitor in the european union, this is macron, now, probably, well, in order to somehow raise their rating, they are starting to measure who has more, wider, stronger, as they say, simply. and the powers and the arrival of scholz, well, personally, in my opinion, well, they were simply spent in vain, the german budget money, of which there is probably not much left, well... this is unlikely to solve anything, and the statement of china, which you they said, well, china is our friend, partner, but china , even with these statements, still pursues its own interests, everyone is definitely pursuing their own path of interest, where the goods should first of all go, and we are also involved in this project, this europe, that is, the market of 500 million people for chinese goods is european. now, when the events in ukraine, the events in georgia, kyrgyzstan, in kazakhstan, that is, all this
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is very, very slow, let’s be honest, everyone, as we have outlined, is pursuing their own interests, issues of the intersection of these interests in big politics, in particular scholz in last time i visited china, i asked to openly supply lng to germany, because there is no political will to receive gas from the russian federation through the pipeline, so we have to such. some energy resources, because enterprises are increasingly closing and leaving germany, and this is at the moment, well, no one denies it, in particular , literally, i think, this morning there was news that the michelin plant is leaving the territory of the polish state, and the truth is not indicated where it is transferring its capacities. but there is a clear assumption that to one star-striped country, what do you think
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about this, will such a leak of enterprises from the territory continue, not even only western europe, but also eastern europe? it’s quite possible, but the first thing, well, that is, is security, that is, what is an enterprise, it’s a huge amount of money, if god forbid, a conflict starts somewhere, well, this enterprise is just plain simple.
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power plants, so i shifted it to how much we spent on our nuclear power plant, it turns out that just 10 of them per year could be built on the territory of poland, to understand the level of investment, that’s absolutely right, well, now two factors come together, and this is the inadequacy of poland, then there are americans they put a big bet on it, but thereby showing that it may not be clear what will happen in the near future, but we have a quiet galyn, and the money...
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for a year, that is, but it’s like there’s still some kind of, well, answer, let’s say so, let's call it, they are doing it anyway, so this is a cut in funding, that is, this is a cut in subsidies, well, the money is running out, cheap money is running out, that is, as they say, what is the problem of the economy, let's switch to our own, yes, that's it this is exactly what the president constantly talks about, we work for our own, because no one will give it to us. that is, if you remember, once upon a time there
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were loans from an international fund, there were some other things, well, the amounts there were meager, 1 2 3 4 billion, well, relatively speaking, but here in greece there were 600, in poland there were amounts, in fact they were when they call it, i have a question about where this money goes, because with such amounts in belarus, i don’t know, we would start laying roads with gold, but the fact of the matter is that , well, okay, they can already afford it there . standard of living, that’s it, let’s change the perspective a little. appeared on one of the extremist publications reprint of an article from the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, polish, well, with a simply touching headline, the end of eldorad in polish it, salary reductions and layoffs, and what happened suddenly, you lured so many belarusian it specialists, some were even forced to leave the territory
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of belarus, they called it a big relocation it -sectors from belarus, as if they didn’t want to put up with a terrible dictatorship here and so on, they forced it, no one asked anyone, they indicated that our enterprise, our it company, was moving, for example, to the territory of poland or the baltic states, and you, being employees of this company, either leave it or move with the company, well, the person there has some kind of socio-political opinion, well, no one asked this question, but today it turns out that it turns out that not everything is so good, and at the same time...
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it was strained, as it happened many times in its history, the twentieth year, that is , it is no longer a secret to anyone, we all know that poland had direct, indirect, preparatory, and open information was revealed officials, who oversaw the participation of poland in the events of our twentieth year, its closest fraternal neighbor, that is, yes, although if you take the pole’s card, this is initially everything as before. visa scandal, how it turns out that it does not give the right to official employment and work, these it visas on the territory of poland, and how will this end now, let's see, maybe even
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deportation, this question is being raised more and more often, by the way, deportation? thank you for participating in our program, great conversation, in my opinion it turned out well information and analytical project, a current microphone, was broadcast on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, the presenter andrei sych was with you, as well as the deputy chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus anton lisnevsky, see you.
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in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot faithful weapons. a terrible day for the soviet people , june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and
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her husband joined the partisan detachment. the polish woman lost in the first days of the war, he heroically died in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground members of the kharuzhi group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage to the living. in strength and technique. anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers.
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hero of the soviet union. posthumously. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has its own question.
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i wanted my children to follow this path. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. every day you see illness and death, which helps you believe in the best. the eyes of my patients. this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. see the project 100 questions for adults. on the belarus 24 tv channel in belarus there can be no threat in principle, we don’t need someone else’s, but
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we won’t give up ours, any provocation on the border must be stopped by military means, they provoke us so that we at least somehow answer them, belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods, especially in price in the east, more than 300 belarusian elevators are already running in the omsk region, in terms of developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered and what floor he needs it on. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure white, belcamon mash and mass, drivers and passengers moved from modern buses eco-tyres. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including this as a result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries, one of which we are on...
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it’s clear to god, the snow is falling from the damp earth, the snow is falling from the damp earth, the rain is falling, the sun is bouncing, the sun is warm , ice nareshtsy zatrashchaў, tsoply vetser pavyavae. the gloom of every day jumps to us, everything and everyone shows up, the geese croak, the spackle on the oak tree
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unfolds. the cranes were already dancing, and the winter was disappearing like smoke, the meadow was greener, like our native land was suffering from hell! tomorrow a large-scale labor action to restore order after winter. traditionally, the republican cleanup will unite work collectives and simply concerned citizens who are involved in the landscaping and improvement of objects and territories of settlements, historical and cultural values, memorial complexes, places of military and military glory.
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funds earned during the sabbath. will be distributed among the gomel, minsk and brest regions; in minsk they will be sent to put memorial places in order. 30% of the money earned will go to carrying out routine repairs and reconstruction of memorial complexes, places of military and military glory. we expect the most active participation in the cleanup work of labor collectives, the interest already shown, as well as our youth, this is the minsk city committee of the belarusian republican youth union. we all want to live in a clean, cozy city, so everything is in our hands. in the gomel region, funds are planned to be used to carry out work on the memorial complex to child victims of war, in brest, the creation of a republican center patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kubrensky fortification of the brest fortress. the belarusian women's union sent humanitarian aid to orenburg, including cots, mattresses, mattresses, pillows, blankets, as well as clothing hygiene items.
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total. they threw out a cry for the belarusian women’s union, our women always respond themselves, we don’t have, we don’t have any plans for how much help, some kind of humanitarian aid needs to be collected, all the united organizations of the ministry of emergency situations, all regions without exception got involved, whoever was able, who -that i donated money, someone bought goods for him here, someone donated goods, today i want to say that our ministry of emergency situations is also ready to get involved.
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orenburg, orsk and... between cities. in belarus, almost 80% of schools have already switched to a new mode of catering, prime minister roman golovchenko announced this during a meeting where a project on a new menu for school lunches was discussed. it started at the end of the twenty-second year and then covered 23 schools, now it is already more than 2.0. a collection of new technological maps, dishes and products, and schools now choose the optimal nutrition for themselves, and also purchased the necessary technological equipment. the chefs have been trained, but problematic issues remain; it is important to resolve them before the new school year. there are facts of inadequate control over the quality and safety of products, individual violations of food preparation technology, deviations of rations from norms and non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. examples are given of the persistence of the problem of lack of demand for individual dishes, and accordingly, some of the already prepared
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food goes to waste. well, here we need to approach this issue in a balanced way, like all the parents here, i think, you understand that the lack of demand for dishes also manifests itself at home among children. it is important that parents and students themselves positively assess the work of the state in this area. in september, all schools in belarus will switch to a new lunch menu; for this purpose , they will continue to strengthen the material and technical base of canteens in the summer. an exhibition of the immortality of feat, which is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary, is being held in moscow. liberation of belarus. these are his personal diaries with recordings of interviews with eyewitnesses who defended the citadel. it was thanks to the activities of sergei smirny that many received awards, in particular the person who led the defense of the fortress, this is major gavrilov, since he was dismissed from the army and i only
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thank him. he received a hero's star, and thanks to his book, in many ways we now have such a wonderful memorial complex in belarus, where we can come and really worship this feat. in addition, visitors can take a look. archival photos and newsreels, as well as listen to audio stories of participants in those events, including ordinary privates, officers and nurses. through their personal impressions you can learn about the heroic defense of the brez fortress, as well as the liberation of belarus. the digital star of the hero of the soviet union ogodili sukhanbaeva appeared in grodno. an interactive sign with a qr code is installed near the memorial plaque in honor of the commander of the rifle regiment, who gave his life in 1944. in the battles for the liberation of grodno from the nazi invaders. the opening took place within the framework of the international historical and patriotic project of digitization of memorials located on the territory of the union state digital star. by following the qr codes installed near the monuments, you can find out detailed information
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about the history of the patriotic war and the exploits of heroes. hundreds of objects have already been digitized in the union state, and work to perpetuate the heroism of the defenders will continue. literary event of the year. annually brings together a large number of book lovers, the cultural and educational event bible night takes place in belarus, and the country’s main library invites you to tune in to the literary wave. a large-scale program has been prepared for visitors: musical and literary surprises, quests, excursions, chess tournaments, creative meetings with speakers. intellectual battles are taking place not only in minsk. the action was taken up by 16 libraries in 10 cities of belarus. you can go on a journey through the pages of books from the 19th. the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko’s presidency is peace, security,
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independence and sovereignty, despite that we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this, thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point: in these conditions the emphasis was placed on military force. we are all standing on the threshold of, god forbid, a major collective war. and that’s why our president is right when he says that a lot can depend on how we behave.
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the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we're going on an expedition through the corners of our country. we are going to where it is possible dakranutsa yes svedkaў minuўshyny. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here.
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you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, they live in postmodernity, postmodernity, everything in the world is text, text is not important, our mistake is that we look for meanings where they don’t exist, it seems to me that there is already a war of even meanings, their absence, because... it’s logical to somehow explain why they put a man, a grandfather, who doesn’t remember his name, at the post of such a huge state name, this is absurd, if you just don’t set yourself up for a prayerful life like this, you’ll just feel somehow uncomfortable,
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monastic life, it’s not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s conveying, god is alone with every heart, says every person , here it is individuality, tell the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss the new issue, talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable. bright and festival
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generous, picturesque and monumental sports and... we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to understand and feel it, you need to see it
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with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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hello, good afternoon, welcome to the bolshoi theater of belarus. last place
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preparations before going on stage, such, you know, as they say, prayed for, but not prayed for, like sacred in terms of spent nerve cells, when the last 10-15 minutes before going on stage, sparks are thrown here, people's, honored, kings, princes, beggars, opera theater
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you see, the rehearsal hall we have here is very good, it’s convenient, you know, it was built for us, otherwise not every theater, i must say, has a rehearsal stage like this, which well, repeats the stage, the stage of ours, the large, main stage, and even the slope, which is present on our stage, it is also repeated here, that is, we have a full-fledged platform for rehearsing, it’s very cool, of course, the orchestra pit sits down when orchestral rehearsals take place, now we are preparing for the rehearsal of the olanta, which we are preparing, preparing, literally here, now, here is a big theater, but what does it matter, well, like a big theater, it seems to me that...
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it’s located in a wonderful place in the city of minsk, in this park, blooming in summer, beautiful in winter too, you know, when in the evening, especially now it’s snowing, these lights are illuminated, and we go out in the evening after the petition, it’s very beautiful, very cool, it’s located, ending with how many, what number of people visit from the regions, from the periphery, so to speak, of our country, this
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theatre, a large number of buses, excursions, come, just to see how it works, how it works, this is a serious big production, so let’s say, this is a performance, fun, good, but to make it fun, good, there or sad, there a little bit it’s sad, but a huge number of people work, sewing shops, i don’t know, there are decorations, props, well, about the artists, that is, they are visible on the stage, everything, how many people are still not visible, how many more people take part in the activities of this huge institution, this is serious.
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interesting for his uncertainty, for his constant search, that is, as they say, just like lazy people, he himself is better, it’s better than everyone else to work in such a way that they don’t redo what they call him, so here an artist, well, an artist is a person i don’t know , well he doesn't may be satisfied, then it will be interesting to watch, because even the desire to constantly, constantly win the attention of the public is the desire to do better and better, since no one has done it, well, that’s probably how it is.
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exclusive interview with athletes, i worked a lot, i worked towards this, it was my dream
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to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think the game was not bad, it was just a little short of finishing everything, we also need to take into account, that the transition of the field, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences evseenko, who said: medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity,
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we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, uniqueness with us is that...
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i became a student, a student, yes, that’s right, yes, i should say, a student of the minsk musical glinka school, this is, that is, after the tenth grade, i experienced life for a year, worked at a factory there, i don’t know, something else, that is, without entering, in the eighty-ninth year, i then, in my opinion, in the ninetieth this was the year i came to minsk, entered, well , beforehand i, that is, i actually auditioned for singing, first, i came to adam osmanovich murych, my
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wonderful teacher, with whom we are still on excellent friendly terms, and this is a great, great success it’s a great creative happiness for me that i ended up with him and that it was with him that we really went through life like this together, because i will say in advance that having already left minsk, i constantly returned to him in conversations, in constant activities. i can’t help but say, of course, about my wonderful minsk people of that time, then olga glebovna, irina germanovna, my good, dear ones, these are comrades in arms, the first people who praise, who, like this, well, a teacher, he is strictly prior, that is, he demands , concert, he, like mommy , will protect something a little somewhere, well , nothing, nothing, something like that, i i’m really very grateful to fate that i ended up here, especially in this first one, so to speak, here...


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