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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 3:55am-4:21am MSK

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belarusian cinema in the section around cinema. every saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this special event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. feature film letters to the living directed by valentin vinogradov, filmed according to the script by oles kucher in 1964. the film tells about the difficult fate of the communist underground worker veronica korchevskaya, this is one of the pseudonyms of faith weapons, which, in fact, became the prototype of the main character. in the 1920s in poland, veronica, accused of participation in the activities of the anti-polish underground ends up in prison. veronica korchevskaya, born in 1909, has been a komsomol member since the age of 15, a communist since the age of 18, and is a senior communist functionary. poland and
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western belarus organized strikes of anti-government demonstrations. after 8 years of imprisonment, she is released thanks to an agreement between the soviet and polish governments on the exchange of prisoners. having arrived in the bssr, the underground worker awaits a new shipment to eastern poland to continue the fight, but the ends up in dungeons, this time in the minsk nkvd prison, where she is accused of spying for the polish government. determined that. sent to the ussr on espionage, reconnaissance and terrorist missions, it’s not true, unfortunately, it’s true. thanks to a fortunate coincidence, veronica is released, but her acquaintances continue to turn away from her, considering her an enemy of the people. the great patriotic war began, having committed sabotage at a gas storage facility against the german occupiers, the main character is forced to hide in the forests, however. in an attempt to save the child, she is
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captured; after the end of the second world war , letters are found in the cell of the partisan veronica korchevskaya, executed by the nazis, the result of her heroic life. i felt happy from the day when i found out why i live, since then there have been no doubts, no fear, i understood how you can love life, that’s why it’s so easy for me to talk to you, the living? vera herself really wrote letters, but not from a german prison, but from a polish prison. in 1930 , their first edition was published in the soviet union. publication entitled letters to freedom. watch the film letters to the living on april 20 on our tv channel. time to go on another virtual trip. today we continue to survey the architecture of our country. discover belarus with us in a traditional way. place on the map. the building
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of the peasant land bank was built in 1917 according to the design of the architect konstantin tarasov. it is an example of a successful combination of modernity and neo-russian style. according to the regulations on the peasant underground bank of may 10 1880. second year, its main purpose is to issue a court for the purchase of land. the vitebsk branch of the peasant land bank began operating on june 20, 1886. he was entrusted with the task of assisting peasants in acquiring land by issuing a court order. thus, during the first 2 years of the bank’s existence , the peasants of vitebsk district purchased with its help about 742. the two-story
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e-shaped building with a tower at the corner of baumman and davator streets is distinguished by its scale, has a clear cornice division, exemplary for the art nouveau style, a three-tier tent with a light bulb. the main entrance ends with a wedge-shaped pediment with a mosaic maialic panel, in the center of which is the stylized coat of arms of the vitebsk province. borrowed elements were used in the decorative decoration. is present in the architecture of the building of the faceted chamber in moscow, although for arnouveau the volumes of this diamond rustication are similar to the one that the buildings are not fused enough, they do not flow into each other, there is no wavy board in the decor, there are also no characteristic stylistic elements of elongation, the layout of the building is corridor-like ...
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on the floor there was a lobby, reception rooms, a courier room, utility rooms and an archive. on the second floor there is a meeting room, offices and administration apartments. in 1921 , the vitebsk higher agricultural college was opened in the premises of a former bank. three years later , the vitebsk veterinary institute was founded on the basis of the technical school. during the great patriotic war, the building housed the feltkomdatura and the secret police. after the war, the veterinary institute returned here, which in 1994 was reorganized into an academy. veterinary medicine, the building belongs to the academy and now, welcome to belarus! in the guide section, we will get acquainted with the best projects of the tv channel, learn the latest news from the world of economics, talk about
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technology that was created to help save people, and also visit delicious productions. belarus and russia continue to explore new vectors of cooperation, the development of joint instruments, somewhere to look at each other, ours, we, belarusians, are very interested in the instruments of public private partnership, which today applied in the russian federation, special investment agreements, and so on. the crane plant of belarus is a modern manufacturer of lifting equipment of any complexity, the company is developing new types of products, and has grown over the past 3 years. load capacity of manufactured products. large enterprises such as belas, mas, mtz, and many others cannot do without heavy equipment. for example, a crane with a lifting capacity of 32 tons was manufactured for the gomsilmash plant. this is unique equipment both for the belarusian market and cis. the development of an electronic turnover document
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on the territory of the republic of belarus is associated with several trends. this includes government programs for product labeling and product traceability. already today.
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it will be in the welder’s hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, but if you don’t feel your work, you will be able to produce or weld such a machine. for information on how direct assistants to firefighters are created, see the program for one day. let's take a look at the belarusian bakery, where we will learn about intricacies of oatmeal cookie production. it was a huge discovery for me when there was molding from a huge dough into... small, small pieces, i first thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out so that it would be flatter, but no, they later explained to me, it turns out , it spreads and is made on its own in the way we are used to seeing it, what a rather unusual procedure the finished bread goes through, and what is this? this is
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a metal detector, which means that if metal gets in there, we must immediately prevent it these hits, and if there is something metal there, will it beep or what? let the process stop, a signal will occur and we must. they are already so trained, and i am still trying to understand how to do it correctly, well, this is not my job, i was not born for this, we will witness the birth of a product that is the head of everything on a production scale, in the program there is a master class on how it is done . all and other projects on the air of the belarus 24 tv channel
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. thanks to state support , several state programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our system. they lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well , because they did it all, first
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they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato is for sweden and finland not only does it not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. project markov. nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel that for belarusians, ordinary life may seem truly exotic to others. here, lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play, you can meet them right on the street. what a great trip, it was my first time riding on such a carriage, alone.
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having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is , first of all, cleanliness, neatness, now in general the merit of the people, such hospitable people, well, you don’t always meet who are ready to give you everything, the soul is so generous, and of course, the beauty of the nature of belarus, i was also impressed by these european streets, it’s like you’re in prague somewhere about... i didn’t like it, watch the project look at belarus on our tv channel.
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well hello dear lake. oh, it’s good to fish, burbot, crayfish, when there’s fish and crayfish, that means the water is good, it tastes soft, we used to go even in winter, specially taking water on the ice.
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well, our lake is large, natural, the depth is small, at the moment the average depth is about a meter, 20 meters, dimensions 7 by 5 km. then there is a lot of grass here for the sporus, vegetation, since it is shallow, it is a good nursery for fry, not a lot of fish grow here. the lake falls, the yasel river flows out, falls into pripyat, and pripyat into the dnieper, that even fish from the dnieper sometimes come to us, the lake is next to the road, the lake always overflowed, there are many, many
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, many boats, i always asked dad, but why are there so many boats, each owner?
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in the fog he will lead the brigade anywhere, he will touch the bottom with an oar, and he knows what place the lake is in, he knows where the crucian carp is stands where the tench walks, he looked, looked at the water from the boat, that’s how many times children, when they were little, were taken on excursions around the lake, and that means he points, look, there
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’s a pike running, there’s a crucian carp, there’s a tench he lets out bunnies, he even knows by... the grass that grows in the lake where which fish lives, early in the morning by the river, sitting under a bush, he looks at the floats, as if at one point, so a fish immerses one of the floats in the water , our avid fisherman sharply hooks, the fish is beating on the hook, its scales are sparkling, and here it is in the bucket, his tail is wagging.
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when i got married, i ended up in my mother-in-law’s family, there were 10 children, seven sons, three daughters, you can imagine how many weddings, how many farewells to the army, how many ceremonies for everything. i had to cook for everyone, my mother-in-law also had 10 in her parents’ family, only on the contrary, 10 daughters, three sons, can you imagine how many cousins ​​they are, what kind of relatives they are, my father-in-law also has a lot there, in short , the sporists are prolific people, hard-working, generous , as
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you work, then you work, as you celebrate, then you also celebrate, and still you need to get ready. in fact, any housewife can’t do without stuffed fish; she can cook whatever she can and whatever she can. now we
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’re going to stuff it right away, so i covered the garlic and sprinkled it with salt, so that it gave the smell of the salted crucian carp, getag nashag, and then a little more. caviar with onion, so that the steam passes, obdat, and mix it all together, just like that.
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ay bimulya, good, good, bimchik! oh you, good, good, good, good, i ’m tying him up on purpose, because a person offended him, then i’ll put it a little, or else at all he walked only on his front legs.
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well, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, quack, quack, quack, quack. and the hen that laid the egg, she made a loud sound, my father worked for me all
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his life as a forester, he worked for 25 years, i watered everything with him when i walked, it was interesting, the birds were singing and i started... i started to try, then slowly i started ducking us there are a lot of ducks in the lake, mother duck is ringing, dad is seisen, in the morning the sun goes down at dawn you can hear the ringing. the wing of the cranes, the native spores will embrace you, there is no better village than the shallows. sporovo,
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what is sporovo? because they were arguing they say that the king sent people here for eviction, people who disagreed, argued, they were sent to such a peninsula, sporova - this is a peninsula, only on one side you can enter the village, and there is water all around. there were impassable swamps, a lake, and they also argued because there was little land, and that too, they also argued for every piece of land, sporists, in a dispute the truth is born, we have a completely different mentality, if you work, then work, if you sing, sing , to have fun means to have fun, but if god forbid there is some grief, then... also for everyone talakoy helps each other.


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