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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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sporovo, what is sporovo? because they argued, they say, the king sent here for eviction, people who disagreed, argued, they were sent to such a peninsula, it’s a disputed peninsula, only on one side you can enter the village, all around there is water, the swamps were impassable, a lake , and they also argued because there was little land, and that too for each. a bunch of land also argued, sporists, in a dispute the truth is born, we have a completely different mentality, if you work, then work, if you sing, sing, have fun, then have fun, but if god forbid, grief somehow, also with the whole talaqa, helps each other. at that time, in the winter they tied a tallow onto
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a seine, a small seine, each person, if there were about five or seven people there, that means everyone tied 5-10 m, they came, went fishing, untied each piece of their house, dried it so that it would last longer, we restore the old , what they call us. previously, they could catch both fish and crayfish, but now for the museum, what i’m restoring, what i’m doing new, there are big plans here.
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we will combine business with pleasure, we will warm our sides so as not to get sick, and we will eat get ready, because the hungry ruler will come, then we won’t have our sides, they’ve just warmed them up, and while we’re getting ready, we’ll cook the spores of the krishans, so that the krishans are tasty, the needs and potatoes, so that they’re tasty, different varieties.
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scientifically speaking, pearl barley seems to be delicious, we also add it here, so that it’s a little thick, so that everyone is healthy, so now we need to take an onion, shake a carrot, and, well, let’s get the infection from...
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under the ears of the ear, cook from fresh fish, and fish soup is only made from dried fish. so many live at once, eat fish, and called, who is geta? of course, sporovets, we will immediately feed sporovets with kryshans, because there is nothing worse than a beast of a hungry husband,
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husband, go, the krishans are cooking, what have you cooked, the krishans are boiling, go sit down, you... and now marvel at the stench, oh, the truth! savory with the fish, with the fish, whatever you caught, you cooked it, and whatever you caught, you got it, i’m already thinking that now you’ll be kind, maybe you’ve finished it, tanya, what a relish, in 79 the first song was published. wrote from that time on i began to write, we are happy about everything, and thunder and the first kiss, we are going together with you, and the rain is knocking on the pavement, you and i are walking together, and the rain is knocking on the pavement, so
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beware of love, it doesn’t happen often, and sometimes comes in the early spring, and in the fall... gives since the eightieth year we have been together, with us three children, we have six grandchildren, the eldest grandson is 18, the youngest is one year old and nine, three girls, three boys, why not a choir? where the umbilical cord is buried, everyone is drawn there, and the lake attracts everyone, and this generous land attracts everyone, we now have a lot of young people, a lot of children, and in the summer, in general
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, all the grandchildren gather here, the village comes, sings in children's voices. of course, the village has flourished, rebuilt, we have everything, we have a cultural and leisure center, modern, beautiful, large, there is a place for young people to have fun, and a huge built-in school for children.
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now that summer is no longer available for autumn straws, we are preparing an additional one like this. grass, it also grows in the swamp, this is a special grass, a man walks around, mows it, collects it, so that there is enough until new straw grows, good fish, crucian carp, but not all of it is eaten, no electric stoves, no ovens, nothing will bake like a stove heated with wood, it’s a completely
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different smell, it’s a completely different taste, it’s a completely different look, a day has already passed, our fish was cooked in the oven with straw. our golden crucian carp, there are ordinary seeds, we are so and obviously sporoian seeds, they are given to us hard, it takes a long time to prepare, but they are great and delicious, here is our fish, an old sporo folk recipe for dry fish with straw, included in the list of intangible prices
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i come here often, especially due to the weather, when it rains, i hide here or in the summer and work quietly, making trinkets like this, elk, deer, this blank will then look completely different when it’s done. i’ve been doing all sorts of things little by little
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since i’ve been retired for 4 years now, i haven’t worked, i just made the paddle, then i’ll still have to adjust it, then plan it, adjust it, do everything as it should. labor-intensive work, you have to work a lot, sleep
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little, it seems easy, especially in the sky, it’s hard, very hard, but then the lake is boiling, it’s his element, his interest, his love, i shared this love among ourselves like a lake, the person was given away. soul and body, my favorite work, as i understand it, as long as there is peace, the lake is in place, then the spores will be with fish.
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pedrova, to the land, our bright name, to the people of the great union, our beloved mother, radzina, our eternal belarus. our beloved, mother, slave, eternally living belarus, service to the people, strength of the people, the importance of victorious,
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logical paths, our mountains. i'm yours, belarus is our beloved, i'm looking at you.
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live panorama in elena sacheva's studio. hello. weather swings in april belarus and not only are rocked by floods of unprecedented proportions in russia and kazakhstan , heavy rains on the arabian peninsula, snow in europe. all these are the whims of nature. or a consequence of human activity, and this is clearly their doing. military exercises have started in lithuania, the strike of the sword with the participation of the united states on the territory of our other neighbor, latvia, nato is conducting a maneuver involving fighter jets. german air force and the deadline is december of this year, all issues regarding the repair and restoration of the zhirovichi monastery must be completed exactly by this date.
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my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. snowy friday. today, residents of the northern regions of the country are once again caught in the winter because of a cold cyclone; spring field work has been paused; employees of the ministry of emergency situations, road services and power engineers have switched to an increased work schedule. contrasts. with pride for the country and cosmic emotions in the panorama, we will meet the relatives of marina vasilevskaya and find out who the grandfather of the first belarusian cosmonaut worked with. 80%
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of schools are already eating in a new way, from september they promise all 100. today in the government discussed the pilot project with all regions. for almost a week without clean water, residents of the new pine forest were able to get clean h2' today. true, no one is yet responsible for its quality; see how the area was brought to light, see in the panorama. smargon and gomel opened the program of the fifth round of the belarusian football championship. boxer artur tuniev reached the quarter-finals of the european forum, and aryna sabalenka did not reach the finals of the wta tournament in stuttgart for the first time in her career. snow today became the news headline of the day. residents vite. mogileva and bykhova returned to winter again in mid-april and social networks were literally bombarded with snowy shots. snow in april,
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seriously, snow in april? april, do you even know that you are spring? due to the cold cyclone , spring field work in the northern region is on pause, and road services, rescuers and energy workers, on the contrary, switched to an enhanced mode. emergency ministry employees are leaving. it’s snowing here, it’s a real winter,
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social networks have been flooded with these images since the very morning, this is a frosty weather report from the mogilev and vitebsk regions, snow, ice, blizzards, in general, winter seems to have come into its own again, and at the minsk meteorological station, experts recorded today. other indicators. precipitation fell today in the minsk region. in some places there was even wet snow, but on a completely different scale. the average air temperature was 6.8°, wind direction 245°, wind speed 4 m/s. these are normal indicators for april. these are the climatic contrasts. snowy roads again, sidewalks covered in snowdrifts and frosty flashbacks of january. according to information hydrometeorological center in the morning in vitebsk, the height of the white blanket reached 5 cm. road services had to return to snow removal work, and the crew and guy went to accidents more often than usual, because many drivers had already changed
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their cars’ shoes. snow fell in the vitev region and this significantly complicated the road situation. as of morning , 12 road accidents with property damage were recorded in the city of vitebsk. and on a typical spring day , about eight such accidents are usually recorded. fortunately, there were victims in the vitebsk region there are no people involved in road accidents at the moment. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations in the vitebsk region are working in intensive mode today, eliminating the consequences of hurricane winds, together with utility services, they went to clean up fallen trees; broken branches and trunks damaged eight cars. no harm done. adverse weather conditions also led to temporary power outages in some localities. energy workers promptly go to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. this blanket covered not only cities. in the fields of the vitebsk region, due to snowfall and a sharp drop in temperature, sowing has been suspended. we switched to other types of work that can be carried out under these weather conditions.
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our spirit is not broken during the attack. period, uh, it is possible - a negative impact on development, well, we hope that there will be no large drops in temperatures, and the plants simply suspended their development, but will resume growth in the near future. for one day, all the april flowers in vitebsk became snowdrops. buds of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, which due to the abnormally warm start of the month , they bloomed earlier than usual and ended up in snowdrifts. these are the peonies we have.
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in some places, and at night from friday to saturday , frosts of 0 -3° are expected in most of the territory of the vitebsk region; the capital is a snow cyclone.
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floods of unprecedented proportions in russia and kazakhstan, heavy rains on the arabian peninsula and snow in europe. is this the work of a shadow government or natural climate change caused by man? understood weather vicissitudes and their causes and consequences evgeny belousov. conspiracy theorists. iphologists and flat-earthers rejoice and the world is being shaken by a new dangerous weapon, this time a climate weapon. heavy rains in the arab emirates, flooding in russia and kazakhstan and snow in the middle of spring in europe. all of this is the work of a shadow world government, or the unintended consequences of experimenting with the weather in an attempt to create a blooming basil from the deserts. agree, it sounds exciting, but scientists and experts unanimously declare: no, everything that happens has a completely
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for... with climate change through experiments and experiments. so in the usa at the beginning of april , a group of scientists launched a stream of microscopic salt particles into the sky. it is the country's first outdoor experiment to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover to reflect sunlight . in those same arab emirates, lard experiments have been going on for several years. snow in the desert and controlled rains have allegedly already become a reality for arab sheikhs. true,
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this has nothing to do with the biblical flood in the emirates. no relation. first of all, i must confirm that the meteorological center told us that their equipment did not fly during the disaster, there was no interaction with this particular rain invasion. every expert in the world will agree that if you have a major weather event, there is obviously absolutely no effect from any cloud treatment. of course, the idea of ​​controlling the weather deserves all sorts of praise, but everything must be in balance. and here's the catch. is that humanity, alas, does not learn its own experience, there is a simple principle: if in one place there is, for example, precipitation, in another there is a lack of it, and as a result, dry rivers and forest fires. any man-made climate disturbance invariably leads to what we are accustomed to calling a natural anomaly. the planet’s ecosystem is already on the brink, carbon emissions and other pollution have significantly disrupted long-term cycles, and today there is no...


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