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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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this has nothing to do with the biblical flood in the emirates. first of all, i must confirm that the meteorological center told us that their equipment did not fly during the disaster, there was no interaction with this particular rain invasion. every expert in the world will agree that if you have a major weather event, there is obviously absolutely no effect from any cloud treatment. of course, the idea of ​​controlling the weather deserves all sorts of praise, but that’s it. should be in balance, the catch is that humanity , alas, does not learn from its own experience, there is a simple principle: if in one place there is, for example, precipitation, in another there is a lack of it and, as a result, dry rivers and forest fires. any man-made climate disturbance invariably leads to what we are accustomed to calling a natural anomaly. the planet’s ecosystem is already on the brink; carbon emissions and other pollution have significantly disrupted long-term cycles. and today it’s not worth it. to be very
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surprised at what is happening, phenomenon elniño, which leads to a global increase in temperature not only on land but in the sea, is capable of triggering natural disasters without any secret weapon. therefore , there is no need to look for those responsible for what happened on the araivi peninsula; everyone knew about the impending bad weather for several days. yes, a year and a half fell there in one day. the normal precipitation was 142 mm, almost all major cities in the region were flooded, in particular dubai, sharjah and muscat, but the cause of the flood was the banal lack of drainage systems, now the consequences of the natural disaster are being actively eliminated, more and more new footage is appearing online not only of the raging disaster, but also of human kindness and courage. okay, ours. something suggests that
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the trouble in russia and kazakhstan is not due to the tricks of unknown forces, the same phenomenon, thanks to which winters with little snow became full of precipitation, that’s where the melt water went - another question, everything depended on people, corruption and negligence, these are the main ones pests, and not some beavers, gophers and other georgians, about which it is unexpected some officials started talking, do you see the gopher? no, and i don’t see it, but it’s there, well , get out already, why are you sitting there, come on, come out, you’ve chewed up the dams, thousands of flooded houses, hundreds of thousands of evacuees, environmental threats, washed-out cattle burial grounds with anthrax, this is not for you jokes, all this is the result of the carelessness of those who are used to doing everything on a whim, in the end the country lives as it lives, and someone’s children buy real estate, for example in... in
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saudi arabia, the emirates, or live happily on exotic islands. some people ask me: “ilyukha, will you return to per. guys, this is my saturday morning, i’m sorry. however, no one is immune from bad weather and bad managers. europeans also rejoiced at the arrival of spring too early. snowfalls covered bulgaria and croatia , serbia, as well as the mountainous regions of switzerland and austria. surprisingly, everyone knows that it is necessary and possible to fight climate change, but for some reason, instead of saving the world, politicians are exclusively focused on its destruction. on at the climate summit in dubai, he said that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation and restrictions. according to the paris agreement, belarus fully fulfills its obligations and even exceeds them. we provide invaluable
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ecosystem services to our continent, preserving a unique source of oxygen, natural swamps, forests, and the lungs of europe. we are developing green nuclear energy, minimizing the risks of climate change. paradoxically, in response we receive new economic sanctions, barriers to international. restriction of access to technology, and not only us, it’s time to admit that the green agenda is meaningless in conditions of confrontation, it requires respect, the sovereignty of countries of unconditional justice. as scientists say, the climate is changing, something needs to be done about it, the world is suffering from migration, hunger and conflicts, largely due to weather reasons, and no matter how hard people try. we may not be able to reverse all
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the changes, but there is still a chance to slow down and minimize the consequences. this requires powerful political will, which will allow us to build a global future. not on the principles of confrontation, but of creation. there's still time. evgeny belausov, mikhail drugakov, television news agency. there is less and less time left before the main political event of the coming week and more. the final preparations for the all-belarusian people's assembly are being completed. let us remind you that on april 24-25 more than a thousand delegates will gather in minsk. starting this year, the meeting received constitutional status, which means that the supreme council will not just recommend, but control the resolution of all key issues
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over a long distance, the president spoke about this at a meeting dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution of belarus. present in the hall were everyone who in one way or another participated in the development and modernization of the main law. despite today's difficulties and all the ups and downs, i have good reason to look confidently into the future. this confidence is inspired by our friendly work on the latest constitutional changes, our recent active election campaign, our common sense perception of global political upheavals and military conflicts. together we will have to continue a more substantive conversation about new tasks. which time puts before us, one way or another, they all relate to the issues of preserving our values, cultural, spiritual priorities, determining the goals of the state’s development in the conditions of new geopolitical risks, they are considerable, we
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talk about this a lot, we will do this during the all-belarusian people’s assembly formed in accordance with the updated constitution, in short, we have a lot of things to do: quite a lot. to begin, the vns is waiting for delegates solving organizational issues, choosing the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly, his deputy, members of the presidium, all this is necessary for the coordinated work of a large mechanism. delegates will come from all over the country, these are people of different professions, ages, and, importantly, views. not everyone has experience participating in such big political events, but this is how the meeting was intended, it is expected that everyone’s voice will not be heard...
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reporting by svetlana chernova. the main task of this workshop is to teach children the skills self-care and housekeeping . kushka has been working for three years as the head of the department of social rehabilitation of disabled people at the volozhensky center for social services for the population, for 50 visitors at home, she is a second mother, she knows about everyone’s hobbies, talents and health characteristics. you know, i found myself in this - in this work, i really like to bring pleasure to people with disabilities, help them, develop their abilities, make their lives more beautiful, brighter, more accessible, so that they feel complete. citizens our native and beloved republic, our department is intended for people with disabilities of the first and second group, as well as children of disabled people who have completed their studies at tskarai, visit this institution in order to receive social services within the framework of social rehabilitation and habilitation.
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comfortable conditions have been created for this in the center, there are 10 hobby groups, five labor workshops, five clubs, where visitors engage in arts and crafts, master acting and dancing. and even photography, has its own printing department workshop and living area. the center organizes the transportation of people with disabilities; in the morning the children are brought on a special transport equipped with a lift, and in the evening at the end of the day the children are taken to their homes. we have 30 people with disabilities using this service. tatyana akushka herself is a mother of many children, raising three children, so tatyana knows from her own experience what mercy and acceptance are, and also diligence and justice.
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state, her well-being, of course, this is a very exciting and memorable moment,
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we will work conscientiously for the benefit of our native and prosperous belarus. svetlana chernovaya, alexey sosnovsky, tv news agency. contribute to the future and... workers will not only restore order at the memorials, the money collected during the large-scale environmental action will be used to restore places of military and military glory. and the cleanup is also an occasion to improve the areas near workplaces, decorate the streets, and even lay the first bricks for new facilities, in whose honor another one will be opened in the capital.
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in her native frundinsky district, so the capital’s mayor’s office decided to immortalize the thorny path of the new hero of belarus with a recreation area and , together with the menchan residents , they will take up the work of subbotniks until the territory is just cleared, and by independence day we are waiting for the premiere. the name of the recreation area will be space, four locations, it will be a children's playground, also with wooden sculptures, and also for active recreation, these will be exercise equipment. being here will be a good place for a quiet rest, and there will also be a barbecue area, not only with an eye on
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events of the modern history of belarus, but also the tragic pages on which the path to our independence was written in red ink, the route of the cleanup day will again connect places of memory, an abc book that no one will read again, a doll that a child will not play with, life here stopped on june 19, 1944 , dalva, the last belarusian village burned by the nazis. from the houses there are only charred beams, all that remains of the village is behind the backs of the mother and child, most of the dead, the peaceful ones here are children, the youngest it was about two. the village of dalva itself and the surrounding villages were in the partisan zone, people in these territories helped the partisans in every possible way, it came to the point that this particular resident of this village, gerilovich ignat, was a local blacksmith, he was with the commander several times. they didn’t reach the partisans, they burned the village and 44
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inhabitants, the same khatyn scenario, only thirteen-year-old kolya survived, miraculously, his mother sent him to replace his father in the pasture, this was their last meeting, it was nikolai kirilovich who would later insist that he should be here memorial and the whole country gathered for it, now new generations are protecting it, in this historical memorial place we plan to paint the beams that... symbolize the dump, we will also restore the wall of memory, today the preliminary priming will be carried out, tomorrow we will paint, and of course others work, to restore not only with our own hands, everything that we can collect during the cleanup will go to places of memory and glory, a third for the red bank, a collection point where the fastas brought those taken from their mothers. the memorial to a stolen childhood is the only one in of its kind on the territory of the cis, and so that our children remember, a patriotic center is being built for them in the brest fortress. we’ll send another third of the money collected to it, and even the foundation will be imbued with history. our volunteers
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are working to clear the foundation, we didn’t know it was here, just a month and a half ago we dug it out, and in the future we plan to build an educational building here. azarich, khatyn, trostenets, over the years, belarusians have already invested what they collected from cleanup days into their history, in the place where the country’s sports history is born, in legendary subbotniks. probably, i would like for this alley to continue, there are more and more trees, accordingly, there are more and more world stars, but the potential is not huge, but how much we can do together, we will show this again tomorrow, are you ready to work hard? vladislav bunder, ilya puchko and alexander samailovich, tv news agency, cosmos recreation area, which will be founded tomorrow in
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the homeland of the first female cosmonaut of belarus in the frunzinsky district of minsk, will certainly become the starting point for implementation. dreams of young people residents of the capital, because nothing is impossible, our marina vasilevskaya proved this. there is enormous interest in the flight, so while the astronauts are undergoing rehabilitation, questions are addressed to their relatives. the staff of the minsk cold storage plant today warmly welcomed the grandfather of the first belarusian cosmonaut, fyodor vasilevsky. he once worked at the plant himself, joined the team in the year when yuri gagarin flew into space, and returned 63 years later when he conquered the starry sky. with a belarusian, there were many questions about the health of my granddaughter, her childhood, dreams, karina gurevich i watched the meeting. fyodor vasilevsky came to the minsk cold storage plant with an equipment mechanic in 1961, the year when yuri gagarin flew into space. today, 63 years later, he returned to the plant with the honorary status of the grandfather of the first belarusian
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cosmonaut, and brought his grandson and great-grandson with him, so that you will always have it.
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they talked about the impression of space, about their beloved granddaughter and her childhood, it turned out that marina really loves ice cream, it’s hard work, it’s intelligence, it’s knowledge, it’s courage, it’s all the best qualities that are inherent in the belarusian a woman is embodied in this person, how to raise such grandchildren, so that our children and grandchildren become patriots of our country, people who take a step forward, the plant produces all its expenses. about 80 types of ice cream, everyone loves ice creams, skims, cups, cones and fruit ice. scanway sells more than 20 tons of cold delicacies; it is possible that space ice cream will soon appear in the line. and while the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya is recovering and undergoing post-flight rehabilitation, the family waiting for the meeting remembers. how worried and
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happy we were during the long months of preparation, how our hearts sank during takeoff and landing. how are you everything is fine, everything is fine, here is nikolaevich, we are working, recording, words cannot express it, of course, i think i felt pride and some kind of spirituality, i don’t know that i can’t say a word even for my pride, this landing was exciting, we were driving like once to moscow by car, we stopped and watched an online broadcast, we had a whole support team there, all the relatives said. which i love very much i felt proud of marusik, if they said: you will fly into space, what would you answer? i'll fly. karina gurevich and anzor tuzhaev, television news agency.
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in lithuania, the military kicked off today... a ball strike with the participation of the us armed forces. the maneuvers involve about 600 american troops and 120 pieces of equipment deployed from poland, as well as lithuanian ground forces and the us battalion already stationed in this baltic republic. together they will conduct live-fire exercises, among the stated objectives demonstrate the ability to quickly transport ground forces units.
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with the us giving palestine no peace or statehood , a vote was held in the un security council on the possibility of accepting palestine into the united nations. of the 15, two voting countries abstained, and the states completely imposed restrictions on the resolution. united states. they are ready to turn a blind eye until the last minute to israel’s crimes against civilians in gaza, and not to notice the illegal resettlement activity of west jerusalem on the west bank. target - to break the will of the palestinians, force them to unconditionally submit to the occupying power, turn them into servants and second -class citizens, and perhaps completely eliminate them and expel them from their native territory.
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air defense destroyed several objects that posed a potential threat. at the same time , there are no reports of explosions on the ground, that is, of hitting a target. the american media, however , declare that the conflict is over. israel and iran are no longer going to launch new mutual strikes. where are the roots of modern conflicts and where is the border between soft power. and war. experts and guests of the editors' club discuss the most important events of the past week. who will win in georgia, the parliament or the adherents of ina agents.
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a history lesson for tbilisi that must be learned. how to recognize double standards, whose experience of information hygiene is the most relevant today, who lives in a smartphone? we'll figure out. only a fool can believe that in some country there are special services that, as part of their duty, must deal with these things. and also why american corporations fire their employees and how much they cost western sanctions rake? watch the new episode of the editors club today immediately after
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the panorama. the second drone was seized by litsa border guards in 2 days. according to the department, the day before, 7 km from the state border in the village of kovalevshchina. two men were detained, an aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle, a laptop, an antenna unit, a thermal imager and batteries were confiscated, and an administrative process was initiated against the detainees. the civil procedure code reminds that on april 1, the presidential decree on state accounting and operation of uavs came into force. documents it is prohibited to import, store, circulate, operate and manufacture drones without permission; their use near the border is... another violation of the border regime. the minsk city court issued a verdict against the editor of a polish channel, who was part of an extremist group.
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from the case materials it is known that a resident of minsk has worked for the belsad tv channel as an editor since 2016. after the resource was recognized as extremist, she continued her activities. thus, in her actions participation was suspected, and the criminal income amounted to more than 100 thousand belarusian rubles. the minsk city court agreed with the position. serving a sentence in a correctional colony under general regime conditions. let me add that the verdict has not entered into legal force; it can be appealed or appealed . the ministry of internal affairs of belarus took additional measures to ensure security in the country after the terrorist attack in the moscow region. counter-terrorism exercises took place in minsk. particular attention to places where public events are held and
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an object. with a large crowd of people, in one of the shopping centers, the police, internal troops, rescuers and doctors worked out algorithms for jointly responding to all sorts of emergency situations, from a forgotten bag to the appearance of armed shooters, blocking a dangerous zone, organizing prompt evacuation, neutralizing attackers, and conducting special practical water, then we analyze it all and take additional security measures, i won’t hide we were about... the events that took place in the moscow region and today, additional security measures have already been developed for places with large numbers of citizens, we propose to introduce special safety passports so that absolutely all issues are reflected there, any emergency incident among employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of health, will have this passport, already when groups will move forward, they will understand perfectly well
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how many entrances and exits there are. what kind of glass doors and how to enter is the most important thing. in such cases, intelligence agencies must act as a single coordinated mechanism. such maneuvers should identify shortcomings in communication in emergency situations. the situation with water quality in the new forest has improved today. let us remind you that all this week, residents of the area complained about rusty water. the supply of drinking water was promptly organized, as we were told in the minsk regional executive committee; to solve the problem , a special headquarters was created from employees of government agencies. alen lishkeevich about how the area was brought to clean water. since monday , residents of novaya borovaya began to complain about tap water quality. on tuesday, the situation worsened even more, the liquid began to look like tea, and there were various impurities in it. on monday evening,
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black tea-colored water began flowing from the tap. sometimes mixed with sand, the situation over these days either improved or worsened, when in between there was cleaner water, we already used it for showering. to solve the problem, a special headquarters was created, information appeared in chats that the cause was being eliminated, but, as it turned out, it took 4 days to resolve it. today is water although it looks clean, there is still no expert conclusion on its suitability for food. residents in the area have been using water from their cars all week. its delivery was promptly organized; even today, those who are afraid to drink liquid from the tap also use a car transporter. so what happened, where did the rust come from, we turned to minsk vodokanal for comment. according to the organization’s specialists, borovaya is on the balance sheet of the private company astocomfort, which should be responsible, including for the water in its quarter. in nearby areas, the quality of the liquid in the pipes
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meets the standards. the quality of water within the responsibility of our enterprise is in accordance with legal standards, we, in turn, have increased the frequency of water sampling, we constantly monitor its quality, the solution to this issue lies entirely within the responsibility and competence of the astocomfort enterprise, in connection with the legislation, the astocomfort enterprise is obliged to carry out all preventive work in including mandatory flushing of networks that are under their maintenance and balance. the situation was commented on by... the drivers of the developer company, according to them, they examined all the pipelines, there are no accidents in their networks, where the rust came from is unknown, impurities from the outside, according to representatives of the private company , spot problems began 2 weeks ago , then they began to sound the alarm, but their task is construction, the stockcomfort company is not the operating organization of the water supply system, so it’s up to you
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to carry it yourself. how do schoolchildren eat and what do they prefer? the pilot project was discussed today in the government, and apparently the new food was to everyone’s taste. in belarus, almost 80% of schools have already switched to the new menu. svetlana lukinyuk on how to cook tasty and healthy food. this one is big. the project to eat
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in a new way in schools started at the end of the twenty -second year, then only 23 schools offered to try new menu items, but now such lunches are in more than... new organization of canteen work and 300 new recipes, they were collected in collections for cooks,
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but to cook in a new way you need to replace equipment, 4,600 units of equipment have already been purchased, approximately 700 remain, all schools will be completed over the summer, because even well -washed... dishes are important for a good appetite. 52% of us are already provided with dishwashers. and we set, first of all, the task of having dishwashing machines in schools where there are more than 50 students, that is, where there are more risks taking into account the number of students, this is 66%. that is , it is where 50 or more students study. if we talk about technological ones. equipment vegetables are sharp, yes, no matter how it seems banal, but today 95% of schools are provided with this equipment. the numbers show that children are eating better, high school students are agreeing to eat lunch at school and
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they are throwing away less, waste has decreased by a third, and this is a plus. yes, there are still complaints, for example, the food is not always really hot, but the number of violations has decreased by a third, but we are striving to eliminate them completely. control over the quality and safety of products, individual violations of food preparation technology, deviations of rations from standards and non-compliance sanitary and epidemiological requirements. examples are given of the persistence of the problem of lack of demand for individual dishes and, accordingly. some of the food that has already been prepared goes to waste, well, here we need to approach this issue carefully, like all the parents here, i think, you understand that the lack of demand for food is also evident at home among children, it is important that parents and students themselves
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assess the work of the state positively in this direction. the ministry of education has launched both a hotline and a chatbot, so they can read reviews and suggestions online. the information is daily, it is also a good tool to quickly respond and supplement the menu collection with new recipes, of course, taking into account the main thing that it is tasty and healthy. currently, more than 95% of our educational institutions are staffed with cooks, and more than 1,100 people last year underwent advanced training in order to obtain the fourth category, which is required to organize school meals. by september, all school chefs will improve their skills and cook in a new way, and means saw. the project is becoming a canon of proper nutrition, it is discussed today in schools as an elective from the first grade, so the work is not targeted, but in all directions. svetlana lukinyuk, andrey ivanenko, tv news agency. bringing
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regions up to the level of development of large cities is one of the most important areas of state policy. fulfilling this task will ensure the uniform development of the country, the attractiveness of small settlements, and the well-being of people. such accents were heard today at... where the results of the work were summed up together with the local vertical and economic leadership. speaker of the house of representatives igor sergienko took part in the discussion of the district's prospects and identified growth points for national enterprises. the region, which attracts with its lakes, does not shine in economic terms. agriculture lags behind others; the one-district-one-project initiative requires more attention. it is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new dairy complex. it should be commissioned this year. besides bras'.
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appropriate conditions, build new objects, and in order to build, you need to attract, you need, on the one hand, to earn help from the state, to earn money yourself and to attract an investor from the participant. speaker of the house. representatives emphasized participation in the discussion of problematic issues of regional development; it is no coincidence that the work of the deputy corps in the regions is among the main tasks for parliamentarians. this makes it possible not only to feel what life is like in the outback, but to understand whether the legislator has done everything for its successful development. all questions regarding the repair and restoration of objects of the zherovichi monastery are under strict control and must be completed by december. natalya kachanova told reporters about this. today is the chairman of the council of the republic.
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we discussed that work on the reconstruction and repair of this temple is slowly being carried out, so today we have determined the exact dates for the work, the completion and development of design and estimate documentation, the examination of design estimate documentation, and of course we have set the deadlines for the work to be completed, according to the temple will complete the interior and put in order, in principle, all the work are being completed, the landscaping of the creek frame has also been completed, and subsequent work. we have these two objects, this is the st. john's church,
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which is located on the territory of the monastery, the design documentation has now been completed and is being submitted for examination, in principle , we can also begin to work. the second complex object that is currently being surveyed is the st. george’s church, which is located in the cemetery, that is, it is an architectural monument, early 16th century, wooden condition, of course, not in excellent condition, holy dormition zhirichisky here is one of the most revered christian shrines, the only miraculous image of the mother of god in the world. the synthesis of sports art viva cola arty is ready to appear in an updated format. at the press conference dedicated to the launch of the new season, in addition to summing up the results of the past year, the organizers also shared innovations. so, in addition to cycling to participate in an art project. basketball, biathlon, goalball, gymnastics,
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tennis and hockey were combined, in connection with this , corresponding nominations were established, as well with the support of the country's national olympic committee, the tradition of creating an olympic portrait has been revived, applications for participation in the competition start on april 20, the exhibition has found its audience, our figures, creative people have done, created wonderful works, as you always think about what to bring something new, how develop our project and...
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hello, thank you, elena, artur tuniev reached the quarterfinals of the european boxing championship, and kirill samadurov completed his performance at the tournament. however, at the start of the program there is news from football fields belarus. the information picture on friday will be complemented by sports day. hello. let's start the program with game number one. smargon and gomel opened the program.
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or something like this, especially the second half on a collision course, well, it’s probably a shame, of course, to concede such a goal at the end, but if it’s so objective, then, probably, such a draw is more natural, tomorrow in... the central match of this weekend, slavia will play at home at home with dynamo bresse. mazyryans are still going without losses. last week they won their fourth victory in a row. minsk will host novopolotsky naftan, and the soligorsk miner will go to visit the derzhinsky arsenal. for the first time in 9 years, english football clubs
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did not reach the semi-finals of the champions league and europa league. only one representative of the foggy albion remains in the conference league, aston villa in... liverpool started the return match with atalanta in italy briskly, and it could not have been any other way, after a 0:3 defeat in the home game. the mercenaires took on the serious handicap in the seventh minute, with salah converting the penalty. but this is all investment from attacking potential british. juan musa helped out the bergamo team in several episodes and his team is absolutely heading to the semi-finals. and then on the way of the apennians, marseille, the olympians saved themselves in the end of the match with benfica, and after aubamiyang’s cross, the cameroonian paris mumbanya will bring his team victoria 1:0. in the penalty shootout, the clubs will ultimately determine who should play in the semi-finals, world champion angel di maria will hit the woodwork, and antonia usilova will not be able to beat pau lopez. marseille's players were
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flawless, scoring four tries. marseille to semi-finals not knowing the bitterness of defeat this season, although in the return match with westham the liverkusen player almost allowed the opponent to make a comeback. a minute before the end of normal time, jeremie frimpong will remove all questions, 1:1 in the match and 3:1 on aggregate. as a result, the ball flew into the goal net. two quick goals in the italian derby with milan allowed roma to advance to the next round. mancheni and dybala scored once each in the twenty-second minute, and soon received a straight red card. chilik, but take advantage the rosaneri were able to gain a numerical superiority only in the end. 2:1 the capital will argue with the buyer for reaching the final. the first matches of this stage are on may 2, the returns are on the ninth. the conference league also risked remaining without british teams, but aston villa surpassed lille in a dramatic match. cash will send the game into extra time in the eighty-seventh minute. here's
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a goal. the lions will lose 1:2 in regular time and here in the lottery, and everything will be decided by two saves from world champion martinez. andre. last to reach the ball, here is the decisive safety from damilean martinez. olympiacos astavi's rival in the semi-finals, the greeks beat fenerbahçe in the quarter-finals , also in a penalty shootout. 1:0. the return game was left to the turks. the penalty was the finest hour for goalkeepers, and this duel will be for dzalakis. banouchi doesn't score. steps from the decisive match of last year's conference league finalist fiorentina. lili beat victoria polzeni 2:0 in extra time and reached... in germany, the second racket of the world could not defeat the eighth number in the ranking marketa vandrousheva from the czech republic. other
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belarusians, lidiya morozova and alena foley, also suffered failures on the courts of france and portugal. further details. for arina sabalenka, the tournament in stuttgart was already the fourth in her career. once the belarusian failed to reach the coveted trophy, previously, stopping one step away from the title, but this time an insurmountable obstacle awaited already at the quarterfinal stage, the second racket of amir in the third round of the championship collided with the czech marketa vandrusheva. before this match , sabalenka was in the lead 4:2 in personal meetings, and the start of the fifth match was appropriate. arina won the first set in 34 minutes, giving it to her opponent. in the second game, sobolenka she began to make more mistakes and allowed the czech to take the lead, losing two of her serves in a row. as a result, the numbers were similar to the first set, only on the contrary, arina lost 3:6. the decisive game
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turned out to be more intense and persistent, arina did not allow marketa to relax, taking away game after game, but with the score 5:5, the belarusian made a mistake and gave up her serve, and then lost the set 7:5, arina sabalenka left the tournament in stuttgart. failures also awaited other belarusians on international courts. so, lidiya morozova paired with kimberly timerman was unable to make it to... the semifinals of the wta tournament in rouen in the 1/4 , the belarusian-belgian duo lost to the representatives of great britain 5-7 1:6 , the match lasted 1 hour 23 minutes. alena foley also lost in singles in the quarterfinals of the vta-125 tournament. the belarusian's opponent was the dutch tennis player
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susan lomens (4-6-1-6). the meeting lasted 1 hour 24 minutes. in serbia, at the european boxing championships , two belarusians started today from the 1/8 finals: artur tuniev and kirill samadurov. first weight category up to 60 kg did not notice the resistance to the croats from.
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and the most important thing, probably, i would like this alley to continue to fill the empty places in rabobichi, and there are more and more trees, accordingly, this is what i want, so that those athletes, those world stars become more and more level, and the potential is very huge, so this it’s a starting tradition, so i’m very glad to be there, thank you. for the very first tree plantings. today, in addition to our walk of fame, we also worked in the forest with the hockey federation and planted about 40 acres
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there are also forests, well, it’s good, it’s good to work hard, but the main part of the cleanup work will be held tomorrow for the employees of the complex, today it’s like this with athletes, we’re working with honored guests here, and tomorrow we’re working almost throughout the entire territory of the complex. the participants of the action noted that over the past decade , raobichi, thanks to the support of the state, has noticeably transformed, the guests visited the renovated complex of the administrative building, where, we recall, an aerobic gym was opened, as well as a room for games sports, and even more sports , kristina kamysh worked in the studio in the nightly edition of the program, see you.
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