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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 6:45am-7:31am MSK

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chargavanne mіtopaў i triglіfа utvara friz, seryednі sherag entablature. nareshtse above all the kanstruktsyy, abaranyayuchy ya hell dazhju, hanging the hood of the cornice. the massive entablature of the supernasal and vertical pairs of columns, as we remind you of the punctures of the triglyph, so that the paslukhmyan will go out at the triglyph . these right-wing churches are tied in... campaigns with the catalan taxa cathedrals, which are known from both sides, between the two it was bad requested and garadzhan, and the month of life, it seems that the memory of the first palace and the park and the place itself, the palace was in the style of classicism, the tsarka dachshunds of the catalan cascels, a little pains were published proto-english. john clark,
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unfortunately, is not happy, but we know his plans, he would be the great classics, and if he is in line with the reports of western europe, then he will be the one to protect the pantheon, which is now stationed near rome. at the time of the savetsky settlement, the council did not cancel the ideal packages. the interiors of the cult were transformed.
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i am a belarusian, i belong to this cossack land, where the forests and bushes of the past have lived for centuries, i am a belarusian, i belong to this name, and the good glory of belarus is known forever, i am belarusian, and i am happy that i am happy she gave me that i can smell the songs of my relatives close by and from afar. i am a belarusian, and
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even though the world is too small, i will say, i will be born into a tribe of ungrateful people, and i will not be bothered by hell. sunny, few people remember pop concerts. the first blessed dzesyatsіgodzyaў, and between it would be interesting to know that the performances of the belarusian philharmonic philharmonic consisted not only of song and dance numbers, but also the connecting elements of pop programs were the so-called aryginal genres, for example, illusion, jugglery, masterful whistles, psychological...
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the belarusian stage was rich in first-class artists of argynal genres, which our admyslovian numbers jumped at any concert, dorachy for the ignorant rejoice. the praises of these forgotten, unfortunately, artystas, their extraordinary mercy and outstanding masterships, are our sonny apologia.
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we serve estrada with you, we once said, hold on, diving headlong forever, like into the sea. this fiery autarian song by viktar sinaysk can be read as the hymns of all the artists, but, of course, it sleeps in its own right, since viktar grygoravich himself... is surrounded by a glass cap in the hands of this star is a legend of the belarusian pop scene reproach he froze confused confused with unexpected tenderness, yes, i love you
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, my fault is that you didn’t know it, but you were as stupid as i was, in my team in 1966. the first vocal-instrumental ensemble was created in the bssr - melodies and songs, which keyboards and guitars playing , being the king of the savetsky stage, yuriy anton, viktar sinayski himself performs on the stage as a multi-player, he is a singer, narrating satyric analogies, filitons, and taxes...
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in our program we recognize the first celebrated artists of the regional genre, which were performed by belarusian dziarzhaunay philharmonic. one of these artists would be georgy scyapanavich ermalovich. i would say that the great gentleman has an unusual genre, “satire on babies.” may the wars of george germalovich pass away from the muscovite church school and perform for the next hour.
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wings and nettles. at the end, he screams and the fires of geta malbert and there are other images there. і gety chalavek, kator yon malyavaў, peratvaraўsya ў oak. fall halim peratvara ў charvyak, p'yanіtsa ў decanter. and the public screamed and shouted the numbers of the good. yong sa svaim malbertam ab'ezdzіў weighty say, often i speak for the margin, but spend the entire hour on the circus. we collected with him, we had 20 years of differences, but i am proud of this
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chalavek for his gift, for his high mastership, for his high culture, for the first pastures... the bastards at the bel dzyarsh variety warehouse are issued as a spartsman akrabat, maystar sports of the ussr, igar piguleevski, who performs in a couple with his wife nadzei ivanova, and at the same time we have a rare magical publication of their most sophisticated and complex sketches.
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well, one more artist, one of those hundred artists inhabiting the belarusian stage,
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or even the usual tricks familiar to an ordinary juggler, he performed masterfully, there was simply a master on stage, doing all the tricks as if it cost him nothing at all, it’s such a joke, he was so dedicated to his work artist of the stage. and on the forehead there are four hundred and five of these
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balls, and it is so neatly balancing exits from the scenes, and here in every garden in novasibirsk, behind the scenes of the previous academy and with such torture, i am working on this problem, which is two spheres of yashche might as well another three, three, geta uzho nemagchyma, you have five, which ones? and here dutkin gives out a secret, these five balls that were on the pipe were blocked, what he threw in were higher, and the lower ones were these five balls that were on the other side, a skewer, some waste there, and here i was shaking, and i was taking out their behind the scenes, well, the public of course, did not know the getag and released the geta number of the good, napaev, to the most folded hands, like anatole. dudkin was a room from a cold zbroyaya, of course, he is a slave without a root, like
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meetings, virtuoso and cold-crowned, ale menavіta gety truk kashtava yama ўsyoya yago further stage career and, of course, the first charge of health. there was an unmade dance with a low table, with a bright rusty color. there’s a dagger in your teeth, right on the very top of the dagger’s back. i put a sword, the sword is so big, there was a tray on top of the swords, and there was a glass of water, as long as it didn’t spill, it would fall.
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it’s just fortunate that a dagger pierced a person in such a way that it only damaged his eye, and not absolutely, he could have simply pierced his eye into his head for a long time dudkin did not work, then he... gradually, as far as possible, got his health in order, and tolya took up what he previously considered his hobby, this is photography, so if anyone ever sees my posters again, some posters, it was he who came up with all the tricks with all sorts of unusual weapons,
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and he actually came up with some examples of posters out of nothing. which worked for me for many years later. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hi all, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all the questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician. and the children love me, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, and what should a person do to achieve success? they think that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes
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uncomfortable questions, you you see it every day. i was given talent at the age of 40, and i say that it was given to me, because that’s how it was, i created my first work, i created it by accident, i felt that i wanted more, every story is a motivation to change my life for the better, old old coaches
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played a big role in our development as individuals, as people, just as i want. i would like to continue the business that they once started, thanks to the difficulties that i had in life, i achieved what i have now, life experience is getting nowhere there’s no money for it, you need to live it, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel. more than once i heard a story about the fact that uladzimira mulyavina never entered the belarusian philharmonic from the very first step, only other times he stepped here on the spot. so, i declare that this is pure truth. this historic month happened in may 1961.
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then uladzimir mulyavin visited minsk with... his colleagues from the tomsk regional philharmonic to the performers alexander van lee, and all the years seemed to the master's advice, vanli understood that he is such a great acratic etsyud prademanstrava, and mulyavin was told that the guitarists in minsk are without any grab. from these couples, alexander van lee is working at the belarusian philharmonic society, and then uladzimir mulyavin arrived and the same paths here, of course, have been updated. adnosіny, yana, darechy, velmi-velmi douga syabravali, ivan li had meetings with fees and said: “i brought the mulyavina from minsk.” and this news was pure truth. the thai is on his way to the land, i don’t know how he is born in the savetsky union, but the smallest people come here, and the father of a group of chinese people. that's
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where he grew up and became a master. geta by kauchuk. what is kauchuk? the geta is bent and intact. she was so upset that her head crawled out of her legs. and what’s the point, that... they describe their performances, calling them spineless, unforgivable spouses, and write that when they are working on the stage,
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this is the situation, they would like to they are washed out and packed away from the toilet. so the same thing could have been said by our great alexander van lee. shkada only because they didn’t dare to be caught on camera at the right time by the atrocious hell of systser ros. whether you work with the same hands, with your face and the balance from the flower, which he takes away in the minds, walking, the whole story is as it was
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on the screen and was channeled from the bottom of the systser ros. i took this flower, in the end of such a flock, yes, i prayed, well, in the end, well, maybe 20 centimeters of the floor, he bent and took the flower with his teeth, and then the heat of the head melted into this place... and then z kvetachkay. alexander uladzimiravich van li completed his career as an acrat in 1974. then he starts to the doormen at the famous minsk restaurant kamennaya kvetka, on talbukhina boulevards, many people played on the philharmonic stage in the evenings. and where do you go , uladzimir mulyavin. the greatest successes of wang li's career have become smoky times from dziadzka jan funchy in the film dzyarzhaina border, darechy, menavita dziadzka and the breakthrough
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of a young man at the circus. yana was considered to be a gray milestone. wang li will play the cameo roles of ryksha and a salesman in a jewelry store. dzyarzhaina philharmonic was in avangardze, there that in these scenes there were such outstanding actors, couples, couples, such as brothers fedar and
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mikalay famenki, viktar and anatol rzhavuskaya, family couples alai and mikalay tumanavy, maya and igar krapina, and also the pope polar acrabat double, the so-called partner acrabats were masters. sports of the ussr, outstanding athletes, viktor rzhavusky and pyotr charapanov. back in the fifty-second year, i came to the competition for the first time and the coach brought me together with his partners rzhevuskiy, with whom i then began to work, i even just studied with him stand steadfastly head to head, here he immediately put me down and that’s how fate worked out. that our life connected, we had stability in work, my partner tells me, you have to do your 50% of the work yourself and...
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at the belarusian philharmonic hall , two artists were working in different bastards, which was the origin of such a mystery, a mystery of the genre, as we know it on the stage. such people are often called medyums, psychics, hypnotists, magicians, kali hochatse, the genre of geta is called psychalagic
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experiences. wolf mesing traps in belarus in 39 years with other polish athletes. and it is being settled in minsk and the belarusian philharmonic society and is working here for quite a long time. dnezdze is 39-40 years old, and then the yashche and the wars go to maskva and there they are already celebrated throughout the entire savetsky union. another artist is geta ganna.
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the premiere of argo dabarskaya, which lived in minsk and performed at the belarusian philharmonic in the 60s and 70s. shchyra seeming, in her gifts, in her talent, in her magic, hanna argo did not compromise on anything wolf messing and working are the same as him. ale yon, you know, right , we are trying so hard to adgradzitsa hell. so it would be a good idea to develop this genre, so that i can create a pit of competition. in minsk, ganna argo traveled with her husband andrei dabarsky, the former circus performers, who have the utmost respect for the phenomenal state of memory of gana argo, and he is thinking for the sake of her high performance i would like to remember
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and help these assistants.
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in the brain, as in arithmology, you know, they flash these numbers, when they turn on something there, well , it goes like this on the computer, it seems to me that the same thing happened to her at that moment, and all this, finally
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she found the answer, raised her eyes and i said it, deathly silence, practically, you know, that is, then interrupted by applause, but all the people were simply in... the permission of the ministry of culture of the ussr for the sake of the great world, all the most psychological experiences, and all there for the future is a gift, there i
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read the thoughts of the speaker in the hall it was known that her mind added certain commands, tasks assigned, a couple of very inexhaustible ones, there was a need for some knowledge...
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argo 87 bastards, at that time yana amal had not performed on stage for three decades, once at this dacha goradze daugaprudny, fallen maskva, yae ўdzel at the show of andrei malakhava, hi
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gavorats, highlighted by wolf messing, becomes the first, and unfortunately, the most adzinnym on the screen. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right in the courtyard, how far away it is, well, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through a real swamp, like the swamp that is near the house, which is again twenty meters away.
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external blades, yes, the uninitiated may have a question, how does this mill actually work, and what does it grind? usually, usually the milling mechanisms froze in the winter and did not work, but this mill was built with this in mind.
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and the man there was recognized by the artistic getai and the philharmonic hall of the 22nd lidziya karmalskaya, which performed in the genres of master whistling. at that time, lidzia had already lived for a year since the gramadzian lovers had lived with the 19-year-old guitarists uladzimir mulyavin, and still there was still no sign of an aggressive rapan concession among the lovers. kaliningrad philharmonic, dad's courtship for mom. and her fear that he was younger than her, a young
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musician, she was an older woman, plus disabled, she was very worried, together they worked in a team at the kaliningrad philharmonic with anna argo, for me, probably, this woman was like aunt anna from childhood , so she remained aunt anna, and her mother turned to her with the question of what to do and how to do it in the future, that’s what?
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and now it’s 1971, this is the minsk philharmonic, and it so happened that my mother’s friendship with anna argo continued all these years, they met again. aunt anya said, lida, i need to talk to you, and i remember the conversation between my returning mother and my grandmother, then my mother and i discussed this conversation, how anna felt.
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there i am in close contact with valodzya mulyavin and lidziya karmalskaya, when i was young, just a child. lida performed aryginal genres, master whistle, this rare genre on our stage, at that time the union had only three such specialists, taisiya sava, and fimnet and lidzia karmalskaya.
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lida mela had absolute hearing, then yana worked in the kuzbass big band and she set up the archestra, yana lined up the trumpeters, the dachshund trambones, well, that’s how we got to know each other, all the evenings we were busy, all the evenings we were chatting. and why do we have a geta stage here? well, i’m saying that there were more than 10 of us at that day , well, more than 10 concerts, 10, that’s a lot more. 10, the geta is accurate, ah-ay, but all we have here are the geta archestras and everything. damn us, oh, scary, this is europe. and all the same people have arrived. they have been working in the filamiy for a long time. well, what do you need to say, it’s small that yana is an outstanding artist, yana is an outstanding chalavek.
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at the archestra there in kuzbass, there are young boys, everyone was parading with her, and... they all called mother, and i looked after them, i was coughing, how did you walk with such a chesty cough, hello, yana im pastsіrae, like geta on tsyabe yashche dzeukki look at such a nyakhainaga, that’s such a nadta i was respected by musicians.
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there was a favorite belarusian philharmonic society, this one was taken for the first time in 1963, kaliyana fell to the throne, and uladzimir mulyavina left a couple with her, kaliyana fell asabists from the source of the frame, i wrote: husband, 22 bastards, pratsue
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guitarists. yana married a simpleton guitar player. alemenavita karmalskaya, just like that , she became a great musician, it can be said that she worked for a lot of musicians, and right away, the voices of the veterans of the belarusian philharmonic society, i say that if there had not been karmalskaya, there would have been no mulyavina, there would have been no song. lidzia karmalskaya performed for an hour in the warehouse of the pesnyary ensemble, she performed their concerts, and she walked with two of them. acampanavali, one can say to the zharts that numarami, kali yana svіscela, the songs of her karmalskaya were adzina artystka, which songs were in the backing vocals, and right now the svedchyts adzins have captured numars, like daisho yes, our zen and ours, performed by lidzia
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karmalskaya and the ensemble "pesnyary". sennya on the stage of argynal genres, noma, it’s a shame, it’s time to process them from the office pads, and we’ll remember the lesson. these intense and delicate practical scenes, which inspired the sacred saints with their light and joyful emotions , captured, not edited , the names of these...


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