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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the key to getting up easily in the morning is a good , well-established routine, that is, train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends, then you will set your biological clock in the right way, and getting up in the morning will be a joy. today we are starting our day in a very pleasant company, the company of a physical trainer. training of the youth hockey team of the republic of belarus alexandra shabanova. to say directly that we are focusing on something, no. a hockey player is an athlete who must be developed in all directions. store garlic in cool, dark, dry place, avoid exposure to moisture, otherwise it may cause rotting. the back is as round as possible and holds. turn on the timer, start, breathe
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calmly, freely, there are vegetables, and some spices and paprika, to this whole thing we also add a salad, which has a lot of fiber and slow carbohydrates, our breakfast today will definitely be healthy, balanced, on the list of products from alexandra and chicken, protein and couscous, proper carbohydrates and vegetable fats in the form of olive oil, as well as lots and lots of greens. and we'll buy everything immediately in one place in the hypermarket. let's start at the meat counters, choosing chicken fillet. hello, please show me the chicken breast. in general, chicken breast is
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a universal product; it is suitable for feeding small children, the elderly, and the diet of athletes and those who watch their figure cannot do without it. beautiful, will it fit? yes, quality, chilled chicken breast is usually a pale pink, uniform color. its surface should be smooth, without mucus and blood. the veins should also be white or pink color, the breast itself should be dense, that is, it should not separate. and remember, don’t buy oversized breasts. there is a good chance that the chicken was generously fed growth hormones, or the meat was injected with a saline solution for weight gain. let's go to the glass. couscous is traditionally classified as rupah and is sold accordingly. departments in
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stores, but according to the manufacturing technology, this product is closer to pasta; ground wheat grains are moistened, rolled into small balls and dried. most often on the packaging has a window through which you can evaluate the quality of the couscous, this is what you should pay attention to, the surface of the grains should be smooth, with a small amount of roughness, no more than 1 mm. there should be no foreign impurities; the color of the couscous is creamy with a yellowish tint. let's choose the now popular jerky. tomatoes. our task is to evaluate the quality of those sold in jars in an oil solution. so, here's what you need to pay attention to: the oil should be transparent, not cloudy, without suspension. tomatoes should look appetizing bright, not black-brown, and it is better
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to choose whole tomatoes rather than chopped ones. now let's go to the vegetable department. another important component of today. dishes garlic. to select the freshest flavor, look for a head that is dry and heavy. lift it and squeeze it slightly to make sure none of the cloves are too soft or dry. the head should be firm and not empty or dehydrated. also look for sprouts, which are a sign that the garlic is old. store garlic in a cool, dark, dry room. avoid exposure to moisture. otherwise it can lead to rotting, and be aware, never store garlic in a plastic bag, this will lead to the appearance of that same moisture, use garlic within 7-10 days from the date of purchase. the choice
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is made, all that remains is to prepare the champion's breakfast. sasha, good morning, me. i’m very glad that you came to visit me today, i’m sure you will surprise me today, yes, masha, i will surprise you today, and of course, our viewer, because we will prepare with you a real breakfast of a champion. alexandra shabanova, physical training coach for the belarus u-18 hockey team, was born in minsk into a family of athletes, practiced figure skating and football, but still got her main passion from her father, the love of hockey. i have years of study behind me, not only at bsu. yoga and don’t forget to tickle your nerves, jump,
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for example, from a bungee, take the best from life, the motto for life, tell me what you and i will cook today, today you and i will cook chicken fillet steaks with a very... very tasty sauce salad, but i can’t wait to start, come on! for steaks, prepare one chicken fillet. for the marinade we will use lemon, olive oil, a tablespoon of teriyaki sauce, a couple of cloves of garlic and a pinch of paprika. you will also need a couple of sweet peppers. for the salad , prepare 100 g of couscous, 200 g of green beans, several sun-dried tomatoes, a pot of spinach, as well as teriyaki sauce, garlic, and olive oil. captain, command, where do we start? you put the peppers in the oven, and i'll cook the couscous. come on,
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let's continue, what's next? now we are with we'll prepare chicken fillet steaks for you, beat it, and you prepare the marinade. take a lemon, grate it with olive oil and paprika, go ahead, okay, and for now, sash, tell me about your morning, what is it like? it’s usually very, very early, because i have to go to raubich for training with the team, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and there you already have breakfast and do exercises, yes, yes, for us it all starts with that, that you come to collect, and... and usually we have scrambled eggs and sausages there, that is, you come right away they kind of feed you, you have breakfast, then what, then we have a warm-up, preparation for training on the ice, and if, say, we have land,
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then after the ice we go to train in the gym or on the street, and how many guys what age are you usually? well, now i work in the under-18 team and... all the guys, they are all in their fourth year, 2004 and under 18, we also have an under-17 team , there are younger guys there, five or six years old, as far as i can tell? since such an experience that a girl coach is on a team, especially with teenagers, with juniors, and well
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at first they took a closer look at me, then when i had my first training session, they realized that there was no hope for a bright future, oh, and i, dear tv viewers, will tell you, it’s true, because sasha not only trains men, she is also my coach , and i know how cruel she can be. well, it’s not true, i’m the kindest trainer, yes, yes, yes, well, if with ice i more or less imagine your training, then when you train on the ground, tell me the specifics of this physical training, well, in fact, training is possible divide, let's say general physical training and special, the general, well, includes standard basic...
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physical training, too, sasha, give me salt and pepper, please, here it is, thank you, let's marinate the chicken, please give me the sauce, and also , for example, i invite various specialists from other areas in which i am not very strong, for example, i know a good boxing coach and i invited her. to us, she conducted classes with the guys, it turned out to be very fun, and the guys liked it, but it’s very important to dilute
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training, you know, not just going to the gym, but so that they are always so interested, in good shape, then it bears fruit, well, let's be honest, hockey players often fight on the ice, well, in various situations this is actually necessary, you know that how to defend your honor, somewhere, somewhere, knightly moments must remain, but for men, well... and sometimes it happens that you are overwhelmed by emotions and you can no longer be stopped, so it’s like different situations, different actions, and more often they are punished for it? well, of course the judge usually gives it to you i mean, it’s not even the judge, the coach then the reprimand depends on the situation, if, well , as they say, in every situation, if you did it to the detriment of the team, then of course you get a punishment for it, in our case it’s burpees, my favorite exercise: thanks to
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government support , several government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything you could wish for. fight with a fatal disease. can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defense of the homeland? over the past 20 years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. why do mi 6, which finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first used ukraine, and literally wage a war to the last.
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nothing, i'll wait, i didn't think you'd decide this is the return, quietly, sit, sit, quietly, sit, don’t cry, whip, wait, mom will make water now, t-shirt, i can understand everything if you disappeared. days and nights at my work i would bring money from there, we rightfully pumped half a pack of diapers, you can still live with this, but the neurosis on graphics for may is impossible without this, vera grigorievna nikolaeva, inventor for the mko department, a monkey with a grenade, very nice, but i ’ll probably go, but no, what are you doing, sit down, look after me, can you imagine, i was appointed head
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institute, you understand, i love my wife very much and would like to see her more often, but have you already visited us? this year i got divorced, got married, now i’m getting divorced again, good luck to you and my wife, watch the series “an attempt at faith” on the belarus 24 tv channel, well, let’s start our morning not with... hanging on social networks, with our little interval timer assistant we will have , as you already understood, interval training, three exercises for 30 seconds, three circles, whoever is stronger can do more, of course, but such a short one, interval training, but very charging energy, so the first exercise we will do is a simple plank,
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we stand with our shoulders over our hands, all our fingers spread out. the middle one looks forward , we push off from the floor, push the chest up, imagine that we are holding the ceiling, heels over toes, legs stretched, strong quadriceps, do not squeeze the buttocks, the back is as round as possible and hold it, turn on the timer , start, breathe, calmly, freely, we stretch our chin forward with the top of our head and try to push off from the floor all the time. our second exercise is more dynamic, from this position we lower ourselves onto the forearm, elbows under the shoulders, the rest is the same, we rise back and more intensely.
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next we rise, palm rests on palm, step back, try to make sure that our front knee does not go beyond the toe, sit on the back leg, move the pelvis so that the pelvis is above the back knee, move the elbows to the sides, tone the shoulder blades, back in good shape. we need a phone not to stay on social networks, but to spend time usefully. have a nice morning! so, my peppers are ready, i have couscous. so, now we need to transfer the peppers into
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a bowl and cover with a lid so that they can be easier to peel later. yes. so, let me do it then. i'll fry the chicken, and you cook some more beans. fine. sasha, why hockey? well, it seems to me that this is not a women’s sport at all? well, actually, everyone in my family is an athlete. figure skater dad is a hockey player, so there wasn’t much choice, as they say, either figure skating or figure skating, but again i was with my mother, yes, at first, well, everyone’s career is different, for some it works out, for others it doesn’t, and i decided that my further path would be more in coaching, that’s when i returned
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here to belarus, russia, because that in russia women's hockey is more developed, in belarus. now they’ve just started recruiting girls for children’s and youth teams, and well, i started studying, and as practice shows, in fact, a coach needs to know a lot to be a good coach, well, i won’t leave you behind anyway, why hockey ? well, you could have chosen the same figure skating as your mother, but everyone has a different character, different preferences, who likes what, yeah. then let's talk more about character, what kind of character should a hockey player have? well, in fact, it seems to me that any athlete should have what... my dad likes to express himself as sporting anger, that is, of course , combative, but it kind of depends not only on character, you can be, you know, very
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dynamic , such, an optimist and so on and be a hockey player, or maybe be like that plegmatic, calm and also be a good hockey player, in fact, character doesn’t really influence, it’s just such a quality as sports anger that... influences, so my beans are ready, let them probably cool down then, then peel the peppers and put them in a container for a blender, and for now i’ll chop the tomato, come on, that’s why i kept asking you why the girl is in hockey, because it’s a very traumatic game. sports, well, in fact, the fact that it is, of course, traumatic, yes, but largely depends on how you prepare, and if you prepare well and perform the exercises technically, then
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the risk of injury is, of course, much lower, and therefore the specialists who are responsible for physical training in teams should very carefully monitor the technique of performing exercises and safety in the gym, however . how long are properly selected skates still responsible for safety? from what age do they already wear their feet? but in fact , they can be molded at any age, that is, adjusted to your foot, but often i it seems that this plays a role more in adulthood, in childhood, well, not in skating, as they say, you learn the form, well, it doesn’t really affect it, but of course it’s good if it’s good, but it seems to me that nowadays any form is good. how important it is too, again , well-chosen ammunition, it is very expensive, it should protect the hockey player, but in teams they give you a uniform,
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my younger brother plays hockey, when you buy it all yourself, in fact, yes, it’s not a pleasure cheap, but let's say it's mine middle sister, she plays tennis , and i will say that tennis is much more expensive, by the way, why? rasta can already send a child to hockey, well , my younger brother, we sent him, well, not to say that we gave him away, we started going with him to teach him to skate at the age of 3, and but this is too early for hockey, you can start at 6, at 7, this is the most optimal, but from the age of 3, but he just had a very great desire, and as they say, he was already sleeping with a club in his hands, you can’t crush genetics, so let me now i’ll prepare the sauce, and then you... finish the pepper, yeah, that is, your brother enjoys hockey, yes, we instilled this in him since childhood, and as they say, when he came with a stick, saw the stick, took it
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home, and this it was already clear that yes, this is his, but in general, let’s tell you about the clubs now, if you’re interested, come on, well, i know that there is a right grip, a left grip, yes, well, it depends on the right- left, and how the guys actually approach choosing a stick, for them it’s... a trembling moment, i even look at our guys in the junior national team, this is of course, someone gives you a stick, if it’s better than someone else’s, it’s a real tragedy, maybe, that is , they choose the stick more carefully than the girl, i really think that so, so yes, but what indicators are used to choose a stick, besides its grip, well, the bend of the blade, stiffness. and the indicators, i think, are the same for me, for them there are still all sorts of subtleties, there are different windings, someone is winding there, as they say, there is a tape, yes, you wind,
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there are all sorts of subtleties, for me, by the way, i was very interested in the question of how many sticks a hockey player usually breaks during a match, well , in fact, there are no exact statistics, maybe you will return from a match with a whole set of sticks, or... maybe, as they say, many will break, it depends , well, from the game, from everything, there are many indicators, factors, so to say exactly what you know, we consistently break three clubs, this is impossible, a set is how many clubs, well, optimally two or three clubs, they probably give it out, this is standard kit. hello, today we are sorting out the next ones breakfasts, on our agenda we have
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chicken steaks with baked pepper sauce, baby spinach salad, mashed tomatoes and green beans. when i first read the title, i thought that a little slow carbohydrates were missing if we were talking about breakfast, so that we had energy, but then i saw that our salad contains couscous, there is quite a lot of it here, 100 g , that is , accordingly it will boil, there will be even more of it, and now i’m generally happy with everything, because chicken fillet steaks, with amazing... and the products in terms of the fact that there are vegetables, and some spices and paprika, and a lot of greens, to this whole thing we also add a salad, which has a lot of fiber and slow carbohydrates. i’ll tell you a little more about the taste, why i like it so much, a very healthy cereal, a large amount of vitamins, minerals, a very low glycemic index, respectively, in order to maintain the figure in good condition and so that we have excellent
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indicators. according to our health, this is just the ideal cereal for our side dish, for obtaining energy, does not contain gluten and is very healthy in itself, so i think that, in principle, as the basis of our breakfast , it has a place to be, it will give us energy, give us vitamins, useful minerals and of course a lot of protein, a super excellent breakfast, uh i like it, well... masha, let's start assembling the salad, then you load the beans, i'll add the sauce, yeah, so, now add the spinach, as i understand it, our salad is ready, yes, all that's left is to mix and we'll assemble our
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breakfast. so, first of all, bake the peppers, just send them to preheated oven. open the couscous, follow the instructions on the package. cut the chicken fillet into portions and beat. prepare the marinade. to do this, grate the lemon zest; you will also need the juice of half the citrus. add. howl oil, paprika salt. stir and marinate the chicken fillet in the resulting sauce. then fry the chops in a grill pan. no need to add oil. let's move on to the salad. green beans need to be fried along with garlic. chop the sun-dried tomatoes and add them to the couscous. send the fried beans there too. the salad sauce is classic. combine lemon juice, teriyaki sauce, spices and olive
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oil. stir, season the salad with the resulting sauce, add spinach leaves, mix gently, prepare a sauce for steaks, for this you need to peel the baked peppers, remove the seeds and membranes, put the pulp in a blender bowl, add teriyaki sauce, a couple of cloves of garlic, olive oil and puree the contents of the blender. treat your loved ones to such a breakfast of a champion, the family will definitely be... happy, well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you'll have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, it was difficult to prepare it, honestly, no, i didn’t even expect that it would be so easy, take this recipe into account. thank you very much, sasha, and you, dear tv viewers, cook with us and enjoy your meal, bye-bye, goodbye.
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