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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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anatoly, which of your theater characters is most similar to you in character and lifestyle, why? i don’t even remember right away, i once i remember carlson playing, i liked him so much, who lives on the roof, such was the mood at that time, he was so completely mine, mine, mine, mine, because i remember in in my youth i was even surprised that i never took offense at anyone at all, never quarreled with anyone. now this is the character who is most like me, maybe dedivani, that is voinitsky, performance, dedi vanya, because as you grow up, there are some, some doubts, some kind of unsettledness, some other something, some, well, this is how a person should be, this is necessary to be a complete fool or an idiot, so that everything, everything is fine, everything is wonderful, and i have nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it at all.
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my guest is a unique example of dedication to his profession. the beginning of his career was in the nineties, when most actors went into business and never returned to the profession. he also had the same temptation. but he accepted then another decision: today my guest is a theater and film actor’s studio actor, anatoly golub. anatoly, hello, good afternoon, i’m very glad to meet you, it’s been a while since our paths crossed. as far as i remember, you come from rakov, how a rural boy had a dream to become an actor, there was no dream, it wasn’t very accidental, it was completely by accident, there were many options where...
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there was already a cultural and part-turk of the district, he says we have now the director of the club, in my opinion, is gay, we said we decided we won’t even change it, we you to the institute of culture and you will be the director of the club with us, friends there in the bimsha for an engineer, he says, come on, and i’m sitting like this in class and algerd yanushkevich was sitting at my desk, he somehow got sick there, missed something - then at his school, he studied at the art school in parnat, parnat is so well for long... children, she has older brothers,
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artists and sculptors, i say, where are you, leger, going to study, he says, theatrical art institute, already , i say, why theatrically, he says, there are some other artists there, directors study there, interesting, well, it’s small, there were 500 people just at the institute, there were 150 people in the theater department and 350 artists, of course, bpi 25 thousand, i didn’t hear, i didn’t even bother, he says, if you want, let’s go, i ’ll come in may i look like this, m... such a beautiful building, columns, sculptures, portraits, the portrait smells of oil there, look , these girls are so beautiful, they run around in such skirts, so cute, i think it’s a good institute, good, you should try it, you said that after school i entered the course, who did you study with, i entered butakov, but i didn’t get in the third or fourth round he offered teaching.
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back to the theater institute it just so happened that the teacher who had not taught skill before the army, andrei fedorovich androsik, he taught on the course that i got into, i had to take the first course again, davidovich recruited and lilya mikhailovna and andrei fedorovich
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persuaded her so that she would take me to the first year again, and it was happiness, because he is a teacher from god, it’s just a fairy tale, i was invited to be him many times. teachers in different universities, different institutions, but i understand that it is very difficult, you have to live there, you have to live, but he comes there at 80 leaves at 12 or or or at one in the morning, you have to love the students, live like that, to be without silver, because no one pays him any money for it, but he gave a profession, our course was very good, a very strong course, anatoly, andrei fedorovich was a strict teacher, very? very strict, very demanding, no matter what he looks at, that’s it, because the acting profession is not requires discipline, especially students, he was very afraid and very respected for this, i remember one time it was his birthday or something, he was laughing like a child, but
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that was one time, we picked him up right at the entrance to the institute, men, and their hands carried him upstairs, this... in the hands of a hahaha, there were girls shouting something, driving in, well, there was this one, basically she had these slightly darkened glasses, this is some kind of beard , but sometimes he gave the impression of being so gloomy, beard, yes, yes, yes, i remember we had some kind of run like this before the exam and some artist in a good mood walked and walked and so we lined up past us to run into this...
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it was he who wrote the dramatization, yes, he wrote this dramatization polyakhnovich maroshevsky wrote this brilliant monologue from david there, he brought it, we had a reading, everything was very democratic, despite the fact that andrei fedorovich was strict, he read, he says, we will, we will, everyone really liked it, we are there they wrote applications, and everyone could rehearse any role. here he is so he allowed any role and we started rehearsing, first rudov rehearsed, then andrei fedorovich, we released the play, it turned out great, the fate of this play was amazing, we played all our lives until recently before the pandemic, we played this play with different casts,
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this is almost 30 years, yes, yes, i was sure that we would play it all our lives, i think we still do. well, here’s a comedy, probably during rehearsal, and the play’s thirty-year run, it probably confirms this idea, there were some interesting comedy some situations, there were very, there were very comedic situations, i don’t even, i’ll tell you one situation, though it wasn’t me who played this play, i played this play.
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by the tail and he goes, well, smorgon, smorgon, no one offered me this, and he tied an inflated red glove between his legs, like you have, such, such, the devil is like that, so this david is going in one direction, well, what- then he smokes himself, that david returns and this is the end of the first act. and he must tear it off, as if testing the tail for strength and tears off his tail, so he tore off his tail
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together, along with this we’ll take it out, you graduated from the theater institute in the ninety- first year, such a turning point in history - the theaters did not work, the cinema did not make money either, there was no money, many actors went into business , i never went into the profession again, you were no exception, what did you have to deal with, i was engaged in the profession all the time, i never left the profession, and i worked in the theater when we had yes there for some time very small salaries, no money, at the same time i i was doing something all the time, i had a friend who had a printing house, i went like... there was some agent there, we printed these leaflets there, then some forms, then
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some posters started, then they started appearing with more expensive equipment, they started printing circulation items, some kind of labels, well , i made money there, including as a commercial director, then i already had a moment when i started going to these exhibitions there in nizhny novgorod , to vladimir, to moscow, because the market is the most the big one is there. because we need a boss, but there was a temptation to stay, or did you not even
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think about it? it was, well, there was some, but you see, when in general the work of a manager is a very interesting job, but for an actor it is boring, it is very monotonous, you come, there are faxes, there the money has arrived, it hasn’t arrived, it hasn’t arrived, it’s interesting, yes , as a result, it’s fun, there’s money , it means, well, i think, i seem to be able to do something in my profession, and then i’ll be si...
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there for someone else, then there was a small theater, all the enterprises that were, everywhere i worked in these enterprises, it’s convenient because they only give you the main roles, you rehearse when it’s convenient for you, you like it, you’re free , they agree with you when to stage these performances, and you go on stage, you have the main role and the audience doesn’t care at all how you rehearsed, with whom you rehearsed, how much they pay you for it, they want...
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i was already there rehearsing wolves and sheep, an excellent role for lynyaev, as soon as i started rehearsing, the directors immediately offered me something , says, if efremov himself yes, that he offered you a job. says: if you want, you can come to work with us, for a contract or for a contract, because we need such an actor, and i left with pleasure, i still work there, we will introduce you to people who have found their
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calling, in russia was...
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strangely enough, the role of mr. poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too old, in one of your interviews, you said, i’ll read it, it’s much worse to live a life in abundance, but boring, now in yours. .. there is harmony in life, fun in prosperity, yes, yes, abundance, i’m not complaining, i’m not complaining, well, as an actor, in the theater we have, well, the salaries are ordinary, there’s nothing special there, but sometimes cinema helps, that ’s good, well, we have enough they shoot a lot, but
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you have already shot more than 200 roles in the movie, and which of these are the works? the most expensive ones, oh, those, i won’t name one like that, i won’t name one like that, there aren’t many of them, of course, several, and it’s even hard to remember, probably, maybe i’ll name the most expensive first, well, yes, it’s probably most expensive was, especially since the project was so significant, it was, it was a fairy tale, don’t leave, this is nechaev’s fairy tale, don’t leave, i was still studying at the institute, after the army i didn’t cut my hair, my hair was so long, it grew, i don’t remember what ... this was the eighty -eighth or, when we were filming this fairy tale, i was invited to an episode, there is such, such musicians who sing forbidden songs, in the best kingdom in the best castle, there lived the most wonderful king , he played tag with the kids, playing witches and tag, and even losing
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he is children, not gunpowder, he is parents, he is parents, he is parents. i was sorry, when they offer you, send you a script for some film, what do you pay attention to first of all, what factor is decisive for you? well, of course i love films that have something to do with comedy, i’m still drawn to comedy, although there are often a huge number of roles, even critics reproached me for this, they say: you have such characters everyone is a little bit like that with some kind of... rottenness, let's say so, that is he seems to be good, and then it turns out that he is bad, but you always have to find some character, yes, yes, i say, that ’s it, such roles are the most difficult to play, zakharov, i understand, i understand, i’m nothing yet no...
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he said, do you want to fire me? well, i can say that no one wants to work with the social support committee except me. unlike your previous management, i really like initiative and proactive employees, so we will make money. i read in one article that you have a difficult character, but how are you? do you think you are a convenient actor for directors? yes. you have your own opinion, how this is expressed, well, i’m like that, not that there ’s a tyrant, i’m a little bit stubborn, stubborn, i’m generally like that in life, i’m for... i also suffer, i argue, i such a debater, i prove, i’m right all the time, rightness is always on my side both in the family and with the children, with everyone, that is, it’s very
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difficult for me to convince me, sometimes i even understand that it’s not true anymore, but well, on the playground as it is expressed, no, well, on the set, sooner or later you have to give up or convince those what are you trying to prove, it’s important to convince, in the theater it’s even easier, right in the theater? no, i think it’s more convenient for partners, because i ’m quite loyal to the stage, i’m not i’m not strict with some lines or non-scenes
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or anything else, there are actors who have already said the wrong word or gone in the wrong direction everything is pouring out, what are you doing, we rehearsed this way, we do it this way, i myself love to improvise very much, so i think that for my partners, well, this has never happened before that i... that someone told me, you understand that you don’t do things like that anymore, but at home, are you an accommodating husband, or a demanding one, well, i think, i think that you are accommodating, mostly accommodating, i am quite inert, i don’t demand anything special there, sometimes some kind of truth wakes up in me about why we don’t have any strawberries in the garden , everyone here doesn’t have strawberries, then i go buy them. what are you doing there, how much did you go to the strawberry vyrte went buy what you want this or that performance the comedy is repeated
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god yes well now it’s temporary and others and i want to go there sometimes there too with children you’ll quarrel there, you say, here we were in childhood, we were like that, we helped here and cleaned up , we had order and so on, so you’re like that , they say, well, well, well, yes, yes, if your wife told you? how would she describe you, do you think? oh, i don’t know, well, i think she said something good, but somehow the relationship still slips into the conversation, no, we have a good relationship with him, it’s normal, to be honest , i don’t really have anything to compare with , if i get there one, two, three, fourth, fifth family in someone else’s and looked at what kind of relationships there are, maybe i... would say whether we are good or not, we are bad, but no one there knows how it really is with others, well, in general it seems to me , it’s normal here, you have two beautiful daughters,
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schoolgirls, yes, they’re finishing school soon, and they’re even finishing school already, well, the eldest, the eldest is in the tenth, and the youngest is in the ninth, she ’s going to enroll this year, he’s interested in something drawing, maybe along this path, and the older ones are interested in acting, they even attend some kind of studio, they want to take some courses too, well, she’s good at poetry, even this year she received some kind of grand prix at the international poetry competition of international russia and belarus, i read the poems, i was surprised, amazing poetry, well , i think, what kind of children can write poetry there? sat down on the jam, it’s just not there, well brodsky, your girls were born when you were already 40 years old, in general, such a serious age for fatherhood, but how did your life change after
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the birth of girls, well, happiness, of course, happiness, i really wanted, well, to tell me, well , you live very, very well, but there are no children, well , there are no children, when they appear, they appear and some other volume, some other tasks, i may not have built a house if it weren’t for these children... because let’s say, in my house all the furniture that i have, it’s all made with my own hands, there’s not a single item that i bought, well, maybe
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from some old grandmother’s chair, and... they, which she gave as a gift, and well, perhaps, everything is there, sofas, tables, beds, and children, and yourself, and kitchen and study tables, and some benches, hangers, cabinets, all this, everything, everything, everything, you built a house, uh, grew a garden, are raising daughters, right now, what do you expect most from life? , the way i live now suits me quite well, working in the theater , performances, the number of films that i have, i’m also happy with the time i have free from work, i happily give myself time, i go there along rivers, fishing trips, forests, because it was not by chance that i went to my homeland in rakov to live, i just really i love our nature, we had it in rakovo...
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there, probably millions of times, it’s no coincidence that a lot of movies are shot here, because there are very picturesque, picturesque rivers, and picturesque forests. well, the last question, our program is called the meaning of life, for you, what is the meaning of life? the question is simple and difficult, because it is very multifaceted, there are many meanings in life, this is one of the meanings, well, if i had not... been born, then there would be no such meaning, someone gave birth to me, that means , for someone it made sense to give birth to me, so that i could have some kind of meaning, but including, if god willing, one of the meanings, yes, to give birth to children, somehow help them grow up, raise them, well, this is one of those basic ones, another meaning, probably, well, not so , to say that...
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we are propagandists, what we propagandize is the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times, yes, the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, of course, the head of state.
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emphasized many times that power for him is this is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in us to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools , decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we did, what we built, i’m sure you are too... surely not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a disaster, because after a strong government, the likelihood this is still slightly more than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on
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belarus24 tv channel. telenova agency begins an information day, elizaveta lakotka is with you, good morning, in this issue!


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