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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 9:20am-10:06am MSK

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today, about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists; of course, there are flows of tourists. differ from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are enterprises of mechanical engineering, food and light industry, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very large flows, for example, enterprises such as belas, which was visited by 51,000 tourists last year, minsk tractor plant (2100 tourists), er confectionery factory kommunarka.
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what excursions do you think today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises, the most unusual are not so much excursions, but additional offers that you can try as part of a visit to an enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikashevichi as part of an excursion you can dive to the bottom. one of the largest
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granite quarries in europe, see real waterfalls there, the landscapes there are very different from the typical belarus that we see, and this is the work of man, too, for example, you can ride on belaz if you really want to, at the tractor factory you can take part in assembling a tractor, and enterprises are now conducting various interactive events, this...
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it’s more of a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, company agreements have already been concluded with these enterprises, their excursions are available on the websites (there are packages proposal, industrial tourism is also used in mayst tourism when receiving delegations. good morning belarus. we are fighting, we are fighting with
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these colorado potato beetles, they live and live, so don’t pass by the mountain goat, who will you surprise with goats now, i feel like i’m in a chemistry lesson, you know, sit down two lights from this series, he would have a girl and you would have more 20 pieces, i don’t mind if bt supports, i can’t worry, we won’t line up and didn’t set it for this purpose, we need to take care of the light like zenitsova. and oh, oh, are you crazy or what? but you swan! dobroya ranitsa belarus on the air of tv channel belarus 1 from the satellites of tv channel belarus 24, program dobroya ranitsa belarus. svetlana borovskaya is on the air with you. today is april 20, saturday. some sources have information that today is the day of searching for the meaning of life. let's join the search, of course. we
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go to the minsk region for interesting acquaintances, useful advice, and amazing stories. we are located in the agricultural town of priluka, minsk region, and in this luxurious palace of the 19th century there is now an institute plant protection. let's first find out the history of the palace, and then talk to experts about what plants are and how we need to protect them. hello, my name is svetlana svetlana mikhailovna. very nice. svetlana mikhailovna, but you are here, so to speak, the keeper of a 19th century estate. yes, i give tours here. tell me, are people interested in coming? yes, of course, this is
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a very ancient place, known since the 17th century. the fact is that in 1635, a male orthodox monastery was built here, and then the castle was built. in 1858 here they built a palace, but how lucky was the plant protection institute to have such an office? gorgeous, the institute was officially opened in 1971, and before it there was a scientific research minsk experimental station for the fight against the colorado potato beetle, non-motor pests prosaic, but very important, so prosaic, but very important for everyone, well, let's go for a walk, huh is this a non-gothi palace? gutenchapsky bought priluki, restored
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in 1868 the last owner of the emiri palace again in the gothic style, and now priluki is remarkable not only for its palace. and the park should be said that the park is divided into two zones, we were in the central part of the park, the alley is beautiful, yes, it is built on the contrast of light and darkness, now we are going to the second part of the park, which was built and laid out according to the model of the italian gardens of the 16th century centuries, terraces, and you and i are now standing on the highest terrace, its height is 8 m, and then three more terraces went down, and from here a beautiful view of the river of birds opened up. tell me, when were the fires, that is, it means that the whole palace did not burn down, if it was restored after all, not even well, completely new, rebuilt, it’s still this palace. emiri gutton-chapsky restored it to the same condition in which it was built, the second time the palace burned in
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1944, the roof, the internal ceiling, everything was destroyed, so the germans set it on fire, because there was one of the headquarters here. wilhel makuba, the german governor, as a rule, yes, that’s why it was destroyed, but it was restored when it was decided that the minsk research station would be located here, this story is close to you, that is, it’s yours work, you love it, the point is that the story.
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tell me, this is just a classic office today, this is an institute with laboratories, scientists, but tell me, there is something that is successful, we defeated some pests, oh, it’s probably better to ask the scientists, okay, okay, i understand, svetlana thank you mikhailovna, we had a short story, but it was capacious, and you know, i always like to give some kind of start to the journey, everyone who is interested will hear, see, come to you, now i’m going to the institute, to find out what they are defending there today how successful is this is passing, that is, about what is happening, the institute of plant protection is waiting for us, thank you very much, good tourists, thank you, hello, comrade director, my
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name is svetlana, very nice, alexander, we will protect the plants, we have protected, we have protected, we are protecting and we will protect , but we can’t defeat the colorado potato beetle yet. we are limiting its spread, by the way, in the soviet union before this there was the first station for the colorado potato beetle, so we are proud of it, on the other hand, you know, i’m thinking, well... for some reason god came up with all this, which means he also needed for something, of course , of course, we limit, of course, but we don’t destroy anyone, come on, we provide protection, we came to the laboratory, i’ll tell you, i can read, laboratory of pesticide dynamics, right, of course, and what is it , wait, are pesticides healthy or unhealthy? this is, so to speak, a forced evil, a necessary evil, as academician
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protasov said, those, so to speak, harmful organisms that are present in our crops, we must protect them with them, but for this purpose people are now working, of course, we have everything under control locked, you can’t go in, chemistry, and this means other people can’t go in, but we won’t die there, worry, everything, everything is fine, we were waiting for you there straight away, everything is there, no, don’t worry, we won’t play off and not in this we didn’t set goals, we wouldn’t get enough of it, we won’t get enough of it, don’t worry, everything is fine , come on in, svetlana, hello girls, there’s beauty in any place, these are women, they ’re like that, wave your gentleman, wave your gentleman, girls, i’m just afraid to breathe, sneeze, these are probably poisons, poisons, no, i, but these are not poisons, but what is this, and how do you like it? name? me svetana, me too, our
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laboratory detects residual amounts of pesticide products, as well as in soil, in water, in this laboratory sample preparation of samples is carried out, and also on the instrument base there is a direct determination of residual quantities, i don’t understand anything what the light is telling me, simply put, the products that we... registration means looking at regulatory documents, oh, what regulatory documents, when you purchase a certain drug, look at these look at the label, i’ll tell you, i will one day. i bought some kind of jar, no, powder, just kidding, powder, when i read what
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should be mixed with what, in what dose, i still have it unopened, so when you invent something like this, take a bag, sprinkle three times, salted it, that’s it, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, not yet, because, first of all, we have to dissolve your powder in water, yes, yes, that’s me... i studied that and shake it up a little, see, turn on the sprayer , of course, personal protective equipment, a respirator, gloves, all this must be present and then processed or it’s easier to say, spray it on your site and wait for the proper result, that is , that’s why we’re still spraying right down to the apples , to everything, so that it doesn’t all end up there or wrong, it will all end up depending. hazard class, that is, the period of decomposition of the active substance in the plant
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organism, or, more simply, the period of removal of the active substance from the plant organism, listen, you are all chemists, come on, svetlana is our chemist, yes, she analyzes the dynamics, that’s why the dynamics, how do pesticides behave in plants? body after application, how many people work at the institute in total, 155 people, that’s a lot, 99 girls. we get used to it, we adapt, yes, especially since there are chemical reactions all around, the girls
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will tell you, but you live on your own, where you are used to, a local, so to speak, somewhere convenient for you, you came to work, woke up, walked close to a beautiful alley, yes continued the dynasty, so to speak, and you are a dynasty, who are you, my mother worked for 20 years in the same laboratory, pesticide dynamics, yes, but how did she explain to you that this is wonderful, go baby there? and my entire childhood passed next to this beautiful thing, here, listen, you see how important it is when parents teach, and where are you from?
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thank you very much, let's go back to the laboratory, we only hope for you that we will have a lot of harvest, healthy and good, that's all i want to wish for us in our country standing at the institute of plant protection, and we'll collect the colorado ones, here's svetlana now we will go to the laboratory directly, where the final result is already in progress, so i’m not here, it’s me from the accounting department, further on, hello, you such a little mermaid right at the entrance right away, listen, you have such bright girls, i always feel sorry when bright girls are not seen... everyone in the world is sitting behind the curtains in this palace, and what is your profession called, researcher, researcher, what a beauty, researcher, what’s your name? i’m an intern, you are an intern, and where do you study? at bsu, at bsu, oh, what a delight, i
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teach there, too, well, really, not at this faculty, of course, in what year, fourth? will hire you, of course, but your parents also worked for you, grandma, grandma, what a delight, listen, here’s a dynasty, this is the very first candidate, the second doctor, the most wonderful story, oh, i wish you very, very success in this field, and how to surpass the grandmothers, this it won’t be easy, of course, but suddenly it will work out, there are computers here, it seems that in principle no experiments are taking place. where pesticides are used, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the mogilev region, brest, grodno, visebsk, we take the plants themselves, the soil directly where the drug was applied, and then here is the initial sample preparation, where we showed you, and here is the final result, and it shows whether the amount or concentration of a particular
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pesticide is acceptable in the soil, in a plant organism , or, in fact, in water, you need to have such a diagram.
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beautiful eyes, hair, you are not married, of course, everyone is so young, i wish you a good husband, a chemist or not necessarily, but not necessarily, maybe even, maybe even for a change some creative person, though a director-musician, the main thing not an artist who will perform for you around the clock, alexander, so we are now going where, we are now going directly to the fields where our hearts go... assessing the entomological situation in the crops of grain crops, so we will go there now.
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wow, he has fangs, the kind that sometimes bugs in the house. oh, you’re friends with them too, i’m friends with everyone, bova, you see, i love everything quickly shammah, i shammah and the work has to end, but who needs it, your winch, everyone has their own winches, i don’t like such nervous swans , within 24 hours. you can make it in time a lot, in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be one. time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films that are the pearl of belarusian cinema,
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and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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because we love our work, we create there is beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. belarus. hello, my name is svetlana, my name is also svetlana boyko, i am the head
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of the entomology laboratory of the institute of plant protection, look, green grass is growing, and what are we protecting here, light, tell me, the most important thing in our laboratory is protecting grain crops from pests, you see, sharp warming provoked a massive emergence of insects from the winter. the task of our laboratory is to identify the pest in time, carry out monitoring, identify what stage of the pest, and the magician - this is the larva, then predict whether we will
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carry out treatment, protect plants from this object, or whether we still have time to wait, so we carry out this basic method of accounting, this allows us to relax and relax, no, no, this also has its own specifics when mowing with a goggle. from 50 to 100 swings with a point, make 100 swings, remove the bag, tie it in the laboratory, they jump into this bag, they get there, they fall into the main array, it is attached below a small bag where we then catch them all, we catch butterflies, roughly speaking, pests, well, i decided to call it so beautifully, but tell me, in general - how many pests are there? there are thousands or millions of them, the entomophane pests themselves are about 500,000, enough, enough
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, which cause harm starting from germination, for example, pests such as click beetle larvae and before harvesting, there are beneficial entomophages, we call them, for example, when we have a high number of cereal aphids, then we have a high number ladybugs, then we say whether ladybugs are harmless or not. we call them beneficial fauna, these are beneficial insects that destroy, which themselves eat, both adults and lechens, you see, when their numbers are high, we can say that they will somehow adjust the number of these aphids, we can to do without insecticidal treatments, we can already talk about the environmental safety of the country, you see, we must definitely take into account the beneficial fauna, because by constantly using chemistry, we will destroy it, we should not do this, so we constantly... monitor every agrocinosis, and what are the guys doing, the guys at the moment, they are examining the soil, look, here we have winter crops, here we will plan to sow
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er crops. we need to know whether we will treat the seeds with an insecticidal disinfectant or not, so we are looking for such objects, they are called nutcracker larvae, let ’s say, yes, there is a chitinous cover, so i’m sure i’m a worm, they are raking the soil, this is such a very labor-intensive process, you know, with a drill or a shovel, so they each raked out the ends, nothing was crawling anywhere, it seemed like, look, if they found it, we put it to use. it is clearly visible on the soil, the dark soil is visible, and we are planning, you know, the same thing, now we will take mowing for you, yes, let’s say, and that ’s what i was talking about, all the insects are also different sizes, as can be very small, and maybe large in size, oh, there are so many of them, yes, just like this fly, swedish fly, they are so small, you see, they are now in their massive emergence, now spring crops will sprout in the awl, one
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leaf will be covered by all these flies. there it will show its harmfulness, you see, we have smoothly moved, you can even draw this line, you see, where, for example, winter wheat ends, asimov’s layer of barley begins, today this is also a new strategic crop for the conditions of the republic of belarus, because if in 2009 its area occupied 12,000 hectares, today it is 257. a big difference, the difference is that not many years have passed, 15 years, yes, due to the fact that...
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you won’t see it clearly, but as soon as they grow up the pain will grow.
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yes, i have four graduate students, i myself work on cruciferous and leguminous crops, that is, i directly participate in projects, i defend them myself, despite the fact that i have to, and well, i’m also a scientist, no matter who i am as a director or a researcher, well, you just have these two stories and your own large household, so you know,
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candidate papers are coming and i hope, now doctorates will go, because you still need potential, alexander, i’m happy, i was happy to see you and find out what’s in it. throughout the palace there is a modern institute for the protection of russia, thank you, we are waiting for guests, goodbye, we often filmed rabbits, raccoons, braids, horses and other animals in mini-zoos, but you can rarely meet the real king of animals, the lion simba and others are waiting for us ... exotic animals. hello, yuri vladimirovich, hello, alekseevna. alekseevna, that’s nice, so i’m in the village they call it a dacha. so who is the king
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of beasts here, you or your lion simbo? i, probably, i, probably, then you have two kings of beasts. and on saturdays, sundays you have work for those who want to come see. displacements all over the world were collected by lev from bashkirtastan, yeah, almost 6.00 km, tigers from chechnya, 6.00 km, do you call yourself a farmer or a businessman, who are you? farmer, farmer, well, tell me, a farmer is a person who has land, farms, some crops growing, and a mini-zoo, or the main thing, what would you call you, well, farming, of course, we live from it, what eyes you have, how beautiful, well , this is my friend, son, but tell me who brings him the food, who is this brave man, me and simbul, simbul, go here, why are you opening the mesh, okay, i won’t,
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simbule come here, come my cat, come my cat, yes, yes, yes, go, go, go, my koshara, go my koshara, well, you give, well, here you go , that’s how i go there, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, my sheep, how do they get along so well, wolves, and a lion, wow, he has fangs, yes, oh, mothers, and they they live together with wolves, but does this really happen, of course, man commanded, after all, man is the king of animals, he is a righteous animal, he needs it, yes, i can’t give him, even 12 hours, i run as far as i can . i’ll run in to him, i’ll play, you’ll play, you’ll run in, yes, let’s go, no, i’m not, what are you talking about, yes, so the rest of the time the vaolki were born, uh, there’s a couple of months older, i
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introduced them and now they live together, who you get information about how the excursion is going, families with children, well, classes, yeah, someone is giving an excursion, well, sometimes i, well, i just don’t have time burst. you have a big farm , it all started as a farm, as i say, the only breeding farm in the republic is the product of the schutent ponyniks, yeah, now the ministry of agriculture has asked us to take care of it so that we don’t lag behind russia in marbled meat, but it’s fashionable, tasty, it’s delicious, very expensive, but there’s a herd grazing in the field, i saw little black cows, aberdeen angus, yes, yes, yes, that’s... that’s right, we are now breeding for them, yuri vladimirovich, that’s a tiger, that’s a family, yes, dad mom, uh, but they are young, only this year they reach puberty, uh-huh, and murga and timurka, uh-huh, again, uh, they passed by
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simba, i bought her from a mobile zoo, yes, a mobile zoo, imagine, yeah, the carriages are the same... all my life, that’s the only place they can be, yes, but he got five times larger sizes, a larger apartment, warm apartments, walks with the owner on a leash, why are you walking on this, you weren’t kidding, well, look now, there are photographs hanging there, but what about the residents? no, no, i, i’m here, and only the regiment doctor, nowhere else, here in the medical regiment.
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but he can bite you, i don’t, are you sure, of course, but do your wolves know about this, they know, i can come in, but they will lick me to death, when on the levadas... there are people with children, these mothers, yes and a child of eight or nine years old, well, he should already be able to figure it out, i think so, mom, look, the uncle who owns these cows is coming, we didn’t have any cows, in one livada there were pony trees grazing, horses and camels, in the third, i looked around , where are the boxes for mom, she laughs, says, children of asphalt, that’s how she was born -
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exactly, here he is in the spring, now he will be like this for the summer, he will be, yes, gray in winter, hiding, what beautiful antlers he has, now at the end of april he will shed his golden antlers, he will shed his golden antlers, yes, he will shed them, the next ones will grow, consider , how many shoots, and one, two, three, four, that’s right, 4 years old, and he is 4 years old, in april sheds, over the summer he starts,
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there will already be five shoots, and so on every year, here are the sheep, ordinary, and the lambs, unusual, extraordinary , and which ones? in belarus , the romanov breed is widespread, these are dark ones, oh, near mommy and little lambs, near mommy, this is a texel, a french breed, this is a latin dark-headed, a family of teeth, listen, they need to be fed twice... protects a friend, uh-huh, here they are again
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, an example, you see, it’s not blocked from above nothing, you fly away, by the way, they can fly away, they don’t fly, but remember the cartoon about the parrot kesha, but hide us, go away, they feed us well here too, here’s the answer, yes, well, swan, they say you’re aggressive , but i won’t climb, he’ll stick it in, but i won’t ask, what are you, what are you, they say you’re aggressive, no, he doesn’t rush at me, oh, come on, come on, kostya, keep holding your hand, he oh, look how he climbs out, oh, what a fool, you, god, oh, oh, are you crazy or what, are you the swan is protecting his winch, but who needs it, your winch, everyone has their own winch, i don’t like such nervous swans. don’t pass by a mountain goat, who
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will you surprise with goats now, i will surprise, really, look what a deer, look what antlers, yes, yes, well, not a deer, of course, yuri vladimirovich, but, but it looks like, yes, if i told you , everyone knew, who they really are, you know, a goat, but feels like a deer, hence all the problems in the world, i think so, well, here is the rarest animal, the most beautiful animal or the most sleek, the far eastern leopard, there are about 10 varieties of leopards, here is one of the varieties of the far eastern, this year’s census showed that there are already about 110 pieces, in the world, this is still very small, we think there are a couple in the minsk zoo, a couple in the rodinsky zoo, i have five males in the whole republic, but how is he alone lives? he would have a girl and you would have 20 more grand, but i don’t
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will support against slibt, yuri vladimirovich, you are a good storyteller, but this is all a story, the lion is real, the tiger is real, the leopard is real, i wish you many excursions, joy, may everything go well here for you, there is a lot, a lot of work, so i wish you health, your family and your wife, patience, i think that his storyteller is not an easy one. it’s not easy, thank you, but if he lives, he loves him, yes, all the best, thank you very much for welcoming us to the zoo. that's all for today, this is how the morning of april 20 turned out, please don't be bored on the weekend, thanks to everyone who helped us prepare this program, see you in a week, i, svetlana borovskaya, are always with you, and look forward to visiting, paths and years lie ahead of us, and
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this song will never cease. let there be a lot of warmth of light in it, reach the edge of life, with a song, we fight, we fight with these colorado beetles, they live and live, as we lived, fighting, not afraid of death, so from now on you and i will live, in the heavenly heights and in the silence of the mountains, in the sea wave in a fierce fire, how we lived... fighting without fear of death, we protected, protected, protect and will protect. but you can’t defeat the colorado potato beetle yet, well, we limit its spread ; live for you and me, in the heavenly heights and in the mountain silence, in the sea wave, in a fierce fire, in
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a furious fire, girls, i’m just afraid to breathe, to sneeze, these are probably poisons -poisons. not the body, but it’s not me, love, hope, victory in a new path, words cannot take away from you and me, how happiness to live, sometimes with joy, sometimes with pain, death itself cannot outline, here you are right here with your experiences , like in school, only in an adult way on a national scale, how we lived while flogging death without fear, so from now on you and i will live, heavenly you...
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to start a zoo and bring blessings, i really guessed how we lived by sea, without fear of death, and so they opened up to live for you and me, in the heavenly heights and in the mountain silence , in a sea wave in a furious fire in a furious fire, here is kostya,
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look, there he is crawling, there, there, there, there he is, crawling, here she is crawling, this is mine, sign, good. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous people.


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