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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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[000:00:33;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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, current interviews with famous... belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. i am on the territory of the middle pripyat nature reserve, a lot of medicinal herbs grow here, here is one called the medicinal letter, it has a tetrahedral shape, it is a little rough, very
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fragrant. here it holds lost herbs, that is, in the summer all this is fragrant here, the smell is so incomparable, that is, what grows under us feet - this is our health, i realized that, and my grandmother was a herbalist, i found out later that she was a strong herbalist, and the genes were passed on to me , i began to collect herbs, from herbal medicine and
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duridotherapy, that is... in one direction, it all unites us , it cannot be divided, for me personally, it’s all together, these are herbs, and honey, and an apiary, and a museum, and a village, and my river, everything else that surrounds me, this is my... life is the main apiary here, yes there are a lot of modern hives, now let's see how they are ready for winter here, unprepared bees, how much honey is there in them within these frames, maybe take out the side ones, this is a bee - the carnika breed, the austrian breed is considered a peace-loving bee. hardworking, i will reduce the volume of the hive in this way, we will leave somewhere frames 2, 4, 6, well, eight, seven can be left, and i will remove this so that they are,
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these bees sit more tightly, it will be correct when they sit tightly, one to one, then they winter better with them, that is, they have... they need less honey for wintering, a modern ladder, retractable with aluminum, i’ll still climb to my side, there they are... in in natural conditions, we will add syrup so that they can overwinter safely until spring,
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we scared them off with smoke at the beginning, to remove their aggression, the bees have such a danger in a fire, they need to collect a full crop of honey, the bees fly away completely. they live on the earth longer than we do, so they have developed such literacy in how
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to behave, these are my bees, go, collect syrup, get ready for the winter, they are not very big, well, they live at an altitude of about 5 m. there are five pieces on this pine tree, here they are, they haven’t taken all the syrup yet, so they pulled back the honeycombs, this year they are like this from top to bottom, they will spend the winter, forest insects, we warmed them up in winter, when the snow flies out, they fly around for the first time and lie in the snow, they fall from the cold, well , we take it in our hands, we take it like that, let’s breathe, let’s breathe. they all come to life again, bees, and so they are, the bee is numb and has no strength to fly, that’s it, it has already become active, amazing insects, and not only bees, all insects are amazing, the whole world on
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earth, you see, it’s already gone, amazing. i understand you can't go back right now, openly, what am i waiting for, i didn’t think that you would decide on this return, quietly, quietly, sit, poor thing, sit, quietly, sit, don’t cry, a second, wait, mom will make water now, no, seryozhenka, honey, i can to understand everything, if you, spending days and nights at your job, would bring money from there, and we really only have half a pack of diapers, you can still come to terms with this, but nernography for may, without this, you can’t do it, vera grigorievna nikolaeva is an inventor for counterfeiting.
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see, have you already visited us this year, i love my wife very much and would like to see her more often i got divorced, got married, now i’m getting divorced again, good luck to you and my wife, watch the series trying to faith on the belarus 24 tv channel . it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite. what name was given to the peace treaty that provided soviet russia with an exit? from the first world war. masha, what do you think? i chose the brez world option. the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva has an elongated body and tuberous its skin resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we also thought here, we have several options, please, your assumptions. we had a cockchafer.
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we hope so. everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, well, i think there should be four of them, if you watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . intuition often leads me through life in all directions, i changed five specialties before how to become this beekeeper was like a hobby, and i was a designer, the head of a large boiler house, an engineer, technologist, and then he gave it all up, left it all behind. i began to do the same thing thoroughly in order to preserve the memory of my
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ancestors, what they did, to show what it once was, and if there is nothing, then life will not be so interesting, so i try my best to bury these exhibits and all this is the class of life, i have been collecting these exhibits for more than 25 years, there are 45 decks here. there are all my grandfathers, great-grandfathers, bees live in seven logs, that is , how they lived for millions of years and live to this day, they were engaged in beekeeping people since 1539, when there was a population census for the 16th century, and there it is written like this: the entrances to the poleskaya pushcha, to the bortnoy tree, to the budovlya tree in the youth and fishing, that is, this was the whole life of our people, the pole beetles are connected with nature with the river, with
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water, with bees, with honey, when i was little, he told me this fairy tale, this fairy tale became reality, a bear tried to climb a tree, so they hung three of these called berevna, called cue balls, which prevented the bear from climbing on the tree, she told him interferes, he throws it away, the third time the bear throws away this deck, it hits it so hard, and the bear falls crying, well, i cried, that is, i felt sorry for the bear, and then when... well, the story turns out that we had three types of bears living here, there were anteaters, we ate them long ago , all our ancestors, then there were red-brown and brown bears, such brown bears were called honey badgers, only these were honey hunters, the name of this animal consists of two words, this in ukrainian and belarusian and russian, bear with honey he knows, this is in belarusian and russian, but
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the ukrainians call it the other way around, a witch, he knows. here on this pine tree i made such an exhibition, restored it as it once was, so they hammered in such canopies, they made a gable one, they put boards on them, the logs were driven in with strong steel nails and pins so that the bear could not break his head with a heating pad. these boards were hammered or steel or oak stakes, which prevented the bear from climbing a tree, this blade is called a device with which the beekeeper climbed high up a tree, he didn’t need any ladder, he threw it onto a branch, sat down there, pulled himself up and could sit at any height, and
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in this way he made these carvings in the trees. lay down, so the man himself took this cart, so he pulled it through the forest, you see, that’s it, this is a winch, an interesting exhibit for lifting logs into trees. a person could lift a deck weighing 200-300 kg to any height alone without anyone’s help, the most interesting deck i’ve ever seen, there’s such a state transition, from the taphole you see, here’s the taphole right in the hive, you see, this deck has already been hundreds of years old, so the resin
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comes out, rubbed, everything, that is , this beekeeper, such a builder, had such talent that he was able to beat it so beautifully that if a person... takes it themselves with pleasure, they take it there the syrup goes into the deck there, there are decks that are very ancient, 200 to 300 years old, in this deck there are three more bees living there, each deck has its own beauty, these were beekeepers, there were beekeepers, there were builders, that is, they put their souls into put this love in these bees, in this deck. our pochely were once very aggressive, because for thousands of years they fought with people and bears, it’s clear they have a reflex, whoever is furry should be attacked and fried, i remember when i was still young, there were oak trees there, my grandfather’s old one, my father takes the honey from the log
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, not from the hive, and there is an enamel bucket, i remember just above that bucket, there is a bucket of honey above the floor, i was maybe a year and a half old, this is mo... generations are connected and genes go on and lead us to man, this is my grandfather fedov planted these five oak trees in honor of his beloved children olya nikolai. here are stepan, mikhail and maria, i think this is the first oak in honor of olya, here apparently my father, probably older, has the same frosty oaks, now they are no longer there, but the oaks remain, and they will be remembered forever, the oaks
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are very similar strong trees will carry information about my great-grandfathers and grandfathers. was born on the garen river, then when he calculated that those bricks weighed, that is, 25 tons, these were such strong people who pulled the brick along the water, then he built this house, the only one in the entire district, and
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my grandfather made a well in the year thirty-nine there is such an inscription there, well, it was 1939 and there was an inscription on the house in 1939; it was written on the building in such black paint. here, if it is visible, well, if you open it, here in 1939, there was a house built and this well, i was 12 years old, probably my father began to build this new barn, sawed these very logs with the neighbors, then when necessary make the roof vent. he called the grandfather of an old man from such a village, we worked with him for a day and a day, that is, i learned from him, it didn’t come anymore, i went down myself, knitted bundles, did it all myself and only the father above has already touched where it was
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difficult, let’s get to the map that i made with my friend black shalominsky, the map was made before... what other people lived in our village, it was located on five such islands, that’s the most important thing - this village was right here, then people moved to serkhovo, then where we are now, where it’s called grushizhnya, people also lived near the river close, this is litkova, it’s called borogi, and our village was founded in 1385 year. people in three voices did not study anywhere, that’s also made a diagram of ceramics, that is, there is such
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a tract, not far here behind the great cemetery, called a settlement settlement, where our people once lived, apparently, here is ceramics, somewhere from the 16th century, 15, 13, thick, that is this is the warmth of these people’s hands, these are their pots, bells, these are all the dishes for honey, when they plowed the field to plant a forest, i walked in 2 days, collected them, and placed them like this in three tiers behind glass, so that everyone could understand, accessible, well on both sides. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them i have a question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and
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answer all our questions. this is an opportunity to try something new, string, motherwort, but lafant is the first time i ’ve seen such a plant, but this is also a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s reading and, of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, with two handles, and with two handles and knock it down, hard, i’m scared, nothing there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look in
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the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . the founder of the village is etopan kacinovich, there is a record in pinsk, here in the museum there is a chronicle of pinsk, that pan kacinovich founded this estate of his. and there is such a record under this name goes: he fell in love with the island, that is, in that language in ancient slavic, that is
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, he liked this island, we are all from moravia, we left from there in 980 because of the constant wars with the goths and huns to poland , and were at the court of the creator of the first principality in poland, the sack first, it is written that there were four there, and the dot mentions. novsky is such ivan, a unique place, this, i think, is the most unique place, because there is a photograph, this
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photograph was taken by the american traveler louise boyd. which two geographers from warsaw were contemplating, thanks to that woman, there is such a rich memory, a memory of people, of this place, today i’m walking and i saw this ruble, it’s hanging, with this ruble, this wooden one, such a strong log, so not thick , they pressed down the hay when they carried it on sleighs or carts, that is, i used it constantly. another street, we went to the ship along this street, along this one, along that one, there were no roads, we all went to the city of pinsk, we just sailed on a ship, there were big ships, so small, the road was only on water, my grandfathers all sailed on on the road, we went for bread,
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for everything, there was a river here, we went boating once, once in the spring, we had constant floods in the spring, we had water coming in, it was there the whole month of may, so we went boating here in the spring , they swam straight there, the whole swamp was blooming, it’s called a patching flower, that is, a solid flower, that is, it was hard to go by boat, a solid yellow decoration, and then the flood stopped
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, there was no water. all these auls, villages, villages, villages, without them - again the end of humanity is coming, that is, villages are disappearing, the nation is heading towards extinction, unfortunately, it is very important, of course, that my children and my grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren come to this place, to this village, i hope that she
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, well... intuitively, came home with a briefcase, i had lunch, took all the books out of my briefcase, returned to this place to school, then not to school, but went to church and collected church books that were lying all over the floor and carried them, hid them in the attic, this is the document that has been preserved, the most important , a document on the lands, on the wall mowers, which belonged to our church on the lakes, that is, such
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a calligraphic position, then... many years we restored a small chapel, well, in this place there was another little chapel, so the artist sketched them both why was it two? because one was like a patroness, so that people would not get sick, here in this place, here she was, where we were standing, that is, there was a road, she ran around from left to right , that’s how it was done, and there on that side at the turn there was another one. the tile is of this format, she was the patroness so that livestock would not get sick, that is, such was the concern that both people and animals were healthy, so people, well, thanks to their relationship with god, they strengthened their way of life, their health, and such a valon was once installed with an appearance, but i was still then i didn’t know the exact date, until i dug into more ancient history and found out that our


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