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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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then many years later we restored a small chapel, well, in this place there was another little chapel, so the artist sketched them both, why there were two, because one was like a patroness, so that people would not get sick, here in this place, here it is there was where we are standing, that is, there was a road, it went around from left to right, that’s how it was done, that’s... and there on that side at the turn there was another little chapel of this format, she was a patroness so that livestock would not get sick, that is it would be such a concern that people would be healthy, both animals and people, well, thanks to their relationship with god, they strengthened their way of life, their health, and such a wall was once installed with a saber, but i didn’t know the exact date yet, then when i dug into more ancient history, i learned that our village since... in
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1378, this is the grave of a priest, apparently one of the first in our village, we dug it up here by chance and raised it in this place. there was our church of st. paraskeva, here is a cross , people established the memory of the former shrine, although it was a shrine, it will be in ours memory, it was a very beautiful church, you could see it from the river on boats, some on these ships, it was the decoration of our village, it can be seen very far away, somewhere 10-15 km away.
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zaslonov konstantin sergeevich, partisan pseudonym uncle kostya, one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of a partisan detachment. from the very first days, the zaslonovo detachment
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launched active combat activities. in a short period of time, the zaslonovites destroyed about ten food warehouses, boldly attacked german garrisons located in villages near orsha, and organized the collapse. railway trains heading to the front line. on november 13, 1942, the nazis, having learned that the headquarters of the zaslonovy brigade was located in the village of kupovaya, surrounded it. the battle continued for more than 4 hours. zaslonov decided to wait until darkness and make a breakthrough. he was mowed down by a machine gun burst. november 14.
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during the great patriotic war, his name was given to two partisan brigades operating in the occupied territory belarus. he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. the name is konstantin sergeevich zaslonov.
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alexander alexandrovich, good evening, hello, sergeevich. today we live in a terrible time, when the last veterans of the great patriotic war are passing away, and the collective west does not hesitate to rewrite history. it is at such moments that an effective symbol of heroism is needed more than ever.
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i’ve been working, as it were, in a fortress since 2003, yes, so i’ve already seen a lot over the years and i felt, having come from the museum’s work at the museum to work in the brest fortress, there was already a certain historical onslaught, a falsification of the fortress, so it is no coincidence that we bitterly joke that we have another defense of the brest fortress, only now it is falsifiers of history, and this is scary, but we need to understand that falsification is possible only in a society that... does not know its history well, therefore our very important task, and it is no coincidence that we have a historical policy in our state, now it is insistent, that our youth, especially knew her history, because we say that we must raise a citizen
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of the country, but a citizen of the country, his inherent quality, without which he cannot be a real citizen of knowledge of his history and respect for his history, therefore our citadel... our brez the fortress, it seems to me, now plays a particularly important role in educating a citizen, instilling pride in one’s country. you know, it was no coincidence that i invited you to the program today, because in reality we have known each other for probably 15 years, yes, and you were the first the person who then led such a cool excursion, if you can call it that , of the pobrist fortress, because i even learned so much for myself then. although all my life i was interested in the history of the great patriotic war and the history of the brest fortress, and i lived in the brest region and knew this memorial complex very well, but you know, i just can’t understand how some residents of brest, who have it in front of their eyes every day, could a reminder
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of fascism, this symbol of our heroism before our eyes, how could they fall for western manipulation in 2020, especially since, well, let’s just say a little... everything was broken, this vandalism was happening, and it seemed, well, perhaps we didn’t finish something, but oh then i realized that these guys who defended our country, yes, and the president who defended our country, they were also in the breev fortress on an excursion, so after all, the fact that we
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defended the country is our essential role, why, why did these people come out, everything you listed is all true, typical certain. somewhat infantile, i ’ll tell you, because now life is like it has never been in belarus, calm, well-fed by and large, look, even at the number of cars in brest, it’s... a huge number, and people, they probably thought that it would always be like this, but what are the manipulations ? thought that it would be better with the majority, they were suitable in these demonstrations, but this it was such a blatant manipulation, but i think, how am i there, my family, yes, my friends, and how are the people in the area? for me, such a marker
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of this happened is that at one time, immediately after ukraine probably gained independence, if i’m not mistaken, they renamed the museum of the great patriotic war into the museum of the second world war in kiev, but it would seem, well, aren’t they right, but you see , the difference is so big. you understand, after all, ukraine is our fraternal people, now in connection with the war in ukraine,
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you watch these videos and empathize, and in the same place the slavs are dying, you remember that, well, our people, yes, that the defenders of the brest fortress, how many ukrainian heroes there were, you wonder, how did you get to this life, and this is like ours in the twentieth year, a quiet change of consciousness, manipulation of historical memory, yes, the fact that for them they are their own, well, i’ve already... said more than once and during my excursions, i say, well, you understand, excursions come from ukraine, good people, all ours, but for them i gradually had to explain who are ours, who ours, you see, they are already gradually, so the red army by default, like for us, they no longer have, it’s like it’s not ours, it’s so detached, you know, then these myths came from ukraine that the nkvd fought there, who had previously been shot there in the basements of captured polish soldiers, officers, then there is... a very strong manipulation of consciousness, i may ask an awkward question: what happened to
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the breda fortress in your opinion, if the coup had been a success, we would have had a completely different museum, you know, we have a museum, our main first one, which opened in 1956, called the defense museum brest fortress, there would be a museum of the storming of the brest fortress, as they are trying to do, you know, everything would be reformatted, yes, i see it just in retrospect there. ago, how clearly, gradually, little by little , this policy went on, the transformation into the fact that the brest fortress is a soviet myth, that there was nothing here, don’t believe the excursions there, nothing, we’ll tell you another now a true story, the periodically raised question that in reality there was no heroic defense, of course, of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer sergei sergeevich smirnov is a propagandist, he is here...
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near the guns that fired direct fire at the positions of the defenders of the brest fortress, her son became deaf, after that in
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one ear, you know, modernity, after all a historian, he must always compare it with the present, even on excursions, when we lead excursions, well, you can’t just tell history, you must always update this excursion, so you see, the war in ukraine is a terrible bitter war, shows that human barriers are the trademark of the nazis, so for me in this... moral sense, not only historical, i fully believe that they did this, committed these war crimes, but i have to prove on excursions to say that believe me, the crimes of fascism are not made up ... this is the topic of executions, that for some time in germany they said that no, the wehrmach are honest soldiers, they could not shoot hitler’s order, but about the treatment of prisoners, there the treatment of commissars, jews, that like no, only the ss did it, the wehrmach no, well, numerous documents, now the memoirs of the same diaries of the participants
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in the assault on the breska fortress from the forty-fifth infantry division of the wehrmach themselves, the germans or the austrians, yes.
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on the one hand, yes, he was a participant in the battles, a hero, he was captured, he went through all the horrors of captivity, like the jews, there are very tragic stories there, this is a separate topic of conversation, but in the very core of the fortress he did not fight then in 41 , so part of the truth, as always, yes, some of it is a little exaggerated, but well, it is considered that the last defender of the brez
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the fortress was even officially recognized by major gavrilov, who took the last battle on july 23, 1941, that is, a month after the start of the war, was captured, then much later after the war he became a hero of the soviet union, and was buried in brest, and from krasnodar, yes, but is it true that even in august, before hitler and muusolini arrived at the fortress, the ruins were still being shot at, gavrilov, pyotr mikhailovich, we always say that this is the last known one. heroes of the brest fortress, there are german documents already written on july 24-25 that on july 23, at while clearing the ruins of the fortress, the german team was fired upon, five german soldiers were wounded, then during the cleanup, another sixth soldier was wounded, seven
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remains of russians were discovered, a senior lieutenant was captured, some historians believe that this is... just speech it’s about gavrilov, if you remember, he initially called himself a senior lieutenant in captivity, but others say that this is most likely some other unknown defender of the brest fortress, then there are german memories, and the commandant fortresses von unruh wrote that when he arrived in brest at the end of july to his post, there was still shooting, and he fought with this shooting, that’s why the cleansing was carried out. in august forty-one, in early august before the arrival of hitler and mussolini, so this confirmation is still waiting, probably in the german archives, and even more so this famous story with the last defender, who was captured in the spring of forty-two, it became the basis for
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the story by boris vasiliev was not on the lists, i would like a little literally... to say briefly why i, for example, think that most likely this fact took place, because sergei sergeevich smirnov wrote about this in his letter, the foreman of the eighty-fourth rifle regiment durasov, he was the commander of an ammunition platoon, and he wrote , that yes, indeed, when i was in captivity, after my recovery in reviri, this is a camp for wounded patients, our prisoners, yes, he... in brest he worked together with one of the jews, and there they chopped wood and so on , such servicing works and says, somehow one since it was already approximately april from... the second year , this jew was late, and then he told this story that when he was going to work, he was stopped by a german officer who got out of
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the car and said, will you come with me, that they came to the fortress, he said, there ’s a russian sitting there who won’t give up, go persuade him, or we’ll shoot you, this famous story happened, yes, when he said that you’re crying, that i want to see your powerlessness, and the german officer said that this a real hero, everyone knows that, good in the story has been written, but what next? sergei sergeevich smirnov, in the course of his research work, based on the characteristic feature of this jew, yes, that he was a violinist in a restaurant, by the way, the building where the restaurant was was preserved in brest to this day on komsomolskaya street, he determined that it was the monstavsky hall , that is, you see, durasov did not know the surname, it had already acquired its specific existence, and already during the research work of writing the book bresse fortress, but this is not enough for us. brest is unique in that it has been preserved the only archive in europe of the brest ghetto, the germans did not have time to destroy it in 44,
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when a museum employee examined this archive, she found a zalmanstavsky card, you know, in the archive ge, but this archive has already been fully examined, but no, there is, of course, also the fact that you can research, but you understand how many people like this turn out wrong. beads, which, yes, are used to make a chain. alexander aleksanovich, i know why i’m asking this, i really want to get these answers from you. today you are the person which the system, our system, really, really needs. an active civic position is very good, but it is a symbiosis of an active historian, a specialist who has been preserving historical memory in practice for more than 20 years. yes, and in such a symbolic place, you represent the first region in the council of the republic and will be a delegate of the supreme council. let 's digress a little, yes, what was this path
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like from a researcher to the head of the brest fortress, this is not just the brest fortress, but the belarusian symbol of courage? well if to be honest, frankly speaking, i never set myself the task of being a director or some kind of political figure there, i was just doing my job. probably the main secret is, and i always tell our youth this, yes, who comes to the brest fortress, loves their job, if you don’t love your job, don’t do it, it’s impossible, you see, even touching on this issue, yes, we have a certain staff turnover, people leave, but believe me, not the previous director, but grigory grigorievich bysyuk, whom i i respect you very much, not me, okay, really. we don’t fire anyone there, they leave on their own, if suddenly, you know, there is a difference in their views, here in their head, with what you say, then this is impossible, impossible, so yes, i regret that people leave, but
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i think well, the fortress itself often squeezed you out, because well, that means this is not the place where you should work, so it so happened that, yes, i loved history since childhood, i went to the brest fortress, gradually, just like that, i came to work there and... worked i've finalized it, so yes, i just probably love mine work, i like to give excursions, although now i’m already a part-timer, it’s not required on the one hand, but sometimes i take excursions, because , firstly, not to forget, i had practice and just talking with people, you also get great pleasure, that’s probably why i i say, take a playing coach, believe me, this is very important, especially since i remember the impression that this story of yours about the formidable fortress really had.
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that for me these defenders of the fortress are like family to our team, therefore i pass the excursion through my soul, and most importantly, when we tell stories on excursions, we worry about them, we pass them through our soul, i must say that one of the significant moments in the work of the memorial is that we have maintained continuity in... yes, we don’t in the mine in the sense, yes, that for us the main thing is not physical health and age, experience is very important, so i, as a director, try, here is our older generation, yes, who taught me, for as long as possible, i say, while you work, work, because you a living example of history, a connection between generations, yes, and you educate our youth, who come by your example, with these incendiary relationships, who are not indifferent to work, this is very important, because... history can only educate with the truth, you do not allow history to be rewritten even for the sake of even greater drama, well, you...
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but we read it, we let all experienced employees read it, so it’s not just my opinion, that of the whole team, for example, because we firmly believed there, well, there were nuances, i i can even say there uh the idea was that the captured major gavrilov, on august 26 he was shown to hitler and mussolini, you know, but i always say as a screenwriter, i say, believe me, you read the memoirs of the defenders of the fortress, because
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we have such folders with memories. with the letter from sergei sergeevich smironov, i say, you will never in your life come up with the kind of stories that life writes, why think of something, if there were such moments in life that you can sit and read their tragedy, this heroism of people , therefore, since life itself invented, no one will invent, so these ones, yes, as if on the one hand it seems, well, it’s a good moment, gavrilov is spitting there, let’s say in hitler’s face, yes, well... well, in real life this doesn’t happen, as soon as you lie, they stop believing you for the rest , yes, of course, but alexander alexandrovich, after all, golivut is not shy about rewriting history, attributing victory to himself through film epics, and well, maybe sometimes we don’t need this pedantry, after all, well, this is a difficult question, you know, i ’ll tell you this , well, some of us believe in god,
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some don’t, for example, i believe in god therefore, i think that we cannot become the same as them, because what is the point then, if we are the same, it is precisely our peculiarity, yes, love for the truth of our people, yes, for the truth, that we will not lie or embellish herself, she wins in the end, although she will still make her way, yes, they are now imagining such things that now during polls in poland, i looked, and they are already saying: with whom poland won, with what allies and the usa, england , france and poland, and against whom germany and the soviet union, there is kheroshima, the recent example is already numerous, yes, that almost the ussr bombed, you know, i lost the case in the historical encyclopedia published there in america, i read, you know, how it was written about gagarin, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, how subtly, you see,
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for example, now, yes, when the wargaming company, when they painted the image of an astronaut, gagarin was there, all in a helmet, well, this is the famous inscription of the ussr, yes, but suddenly it wasn’t there, it just wasn’t there, because it seems you know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, but a small nuance, but so revealing. we will introduce you to people
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who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also prepare pharmaceutical products. this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. spend one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work; our uniqueness is that we present more democratic, more understandable genres. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we were pioneers, in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who work every
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but look, here are modern textbooks, i always believed that the soviet school, the school, yes, it was exemplary in terms of presenting information about the great patriotic war about the war in general, in our current
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belarusian textbooks there is enough information about the brez fortress, you probably appreciate this, and whether its presentation is adequate, this defense of the brest fortress in general and...
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all our children are so wonderful in children's in the kindergarten, then you look at what grows out of them in school, you know, it is very important for the state policy to be directed specifically at the kindergarten, because remember, here we are in our soviet childhood, yes, under the piano, the furtopiana there is... big, because exactly a lot depends on the educators, you know, when a person is already 13-14 years old, it is very difficult to convince him of something, they educate him up to 5 years old, then re-educate him, well, even take up to 12, this is the period when it’s still
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a history textbook it seems that they are waiting for a great nationality ahead, and they need to get to know it now, that’s why we have developed in the ministry of culture and a system of communication with the ministry of education in order to museum...
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times, so by throwing out this, yes, it’s like we ’re throwing out the baby with the bathwater, so here, but if we’re talking about patriotic education , so i’m interested in your personal opinion? on another issue, in addition to preserving the memory of the great patriotic war, i would return the lessons of the law of god, i heard that your brother paints icons, yes, that’s how faith, in your opinion, can help preserve historical memory memory, well, war and faith are also inseparable, you know, if already in theological questions, i read a book about a serbian saint about a future war, how... he wrote before the second world war, in general, many of the parameters
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of its future were correct and he predicted that what it will be is impossible without faith - to achieve victory in a holy cause, but temporarily it is possible, of course , success, because why does it seem that the godless soviet state defeated germany, but because they still had bright feelings, patriotism, they really fought against evil , with the fiend of hell, therefore... the war must be waged, of course, thank god, i didn’t fight, but with respect to any enemy, you know, without mocking him, that is, when you have a spiritual core, it’s easier for you to fight at the front, god’s victories should play a role , even in war, well , tell me, it’s a historical fact, on the territory of the brest fortress, this white church, it was then a club, yes, yes, why does it really work today?
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uh, the day before the military club, in which, by the way, efim moiseevich famin said at a lecture before the screening of the film on june 21 that there will be no war, that's it, tas's message that these are all rumors, then a few hours later the war begins, and then - the dilapidated temple stood as an object of a memorial complex, yes, in the ninety- fourth year it was decided to hand it over to believers, it began ... its restoration, the rector of the temple, father igor, in
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general, put his life on its restoration, but inside the temple still remains with traces of battles, this is a very strong contrast, external beauty, and in a pseudo byzantine style, you go inside , traces of battles, marks, yes, this is very important not to lose, because the energy there is very powerful and crazy, it’s true, and i believe that a warrior without faith cannot be real. voimam, a defender of his fatherland, because yes, i ’ll tell you more, also touching on the patriotic issue, yes, how can we raise a patriot, fight the consumer society, which now prevails throughout the world, and over spiritual values, because as modern history has shown war in ukraine, but an egoist will not go to defend his country, because he is about only cares about himself, only a person who is not an egoist can give his life for something, but ours...
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where were they before the construction of the memorial , found during construction work, now we have 1048 remains under the memorial slab, yeah, besides this voiced during the excursion, yes, of course, according to german data , we know what was buried by the hands of our prisoners... about 2 thousand remains of the dead defenders of the fortress, that is, you see, another hundred remains, we assume, are in our land, they ask, to let them solemnly preserved. that is, they found it, so this search work will continue until the last one is found, yes the soldier, no, the war is not over, in 2011, when they found karl’s funnel, this is a very vivid illustration of the work that was carried out here in our museum, yes , they found 58 remains in this crater, a crater made from
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a large-caliber and 600 mm karl mortar shell, and yes, but it was found from photographs that. appeared on the internet, how our prisoners dumped the remains of the dead there, yes, it was found, if not i’m mistaken, one of the medallions, but only two were read and one was identified from letters in portmon, one of these three people out of 58 identified was taglin, the defender of the fortress, imagine that in the seventy- first year his name was symbolic in the documents, yes, according to the recollections certified by... the military registration and enlistment office of eyewitnesses of his death are placed on slabs and memorials, 70 years after his death in 2011, his remains with a medallion were found, you see, this is a very important point, the connection of the times that the defenders of the fortress, everything we find them anyway, we tear them out their names from oblivion, well, now
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the belarusian prosecutor general’s office is closely involved in the issues of genocide of our people and is carrying out this colossal work. higher education in history departments that produce history teachers, and these history teachers must be charged, they must be patriots of their side, because children look to the example, but we cannot tell them about patriotism and at the same time behave completely like - to another, they will say: well, what are you
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telling us here, but who are you yourself? that is why it seems to me that this is what is being done, we also have a commission under the administration.
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the task you have set is to understand whether these laws are enough? it seems to me that basically yes, we now have in the national assembly, which plays this role, cementing, yes, the connection between generations and ensuring the political transition from shocks, protecting, again about the genocide of the belarusian law, it
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seems to be everything laws, but they must work, here, probably, the greater role is to ensure that these laws actually begin... you make such mistakes, but it is very important to be faithful to the memory in small things, because without this there will be... just verbiage and we will not achieve anything, then an important understanding, regarding lawmaking, yes, so that
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memorial places have a special status, because now one often has to deal with the understanding that the brest fortress is a tourist site, no, the brest fortress is first of all a memorial place, a memorial complex, so there should be some restrictions there on many issues, and people should come to memorial.
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yes, if we don’t educate our generation, yes, we don’t educate them, other people will come who will educate them the way they need, i
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am very sorry that i have to ask the last, near-philosophical traditional question, many films have been made about the formidable fortress, why we need to learn from them, but what should we? i need to learn, you know, i love pikul very much as a writer, in his book, the area of ​​fallen fighters, there are such beautiful words, he says, but what, he says, why even in those villainous times people were others, but because they loved their homeland more than what is customary now, yes, these are the key words in their memories, pride for the country, this is sorely missed, i repeat once again that without pride for the country it is impossible to to fight it, and the state cannot develop without people
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feeling this pride for their country, for what has been done, now thank god, we all understand, then the next question is that people gave their lives, and repression, again, i touched on the film the fortress of bresse in in the credits the question is, according to gavrilov it says yes about repressions and how many experts do we have? at the fortress they said: here gavrilov was repressed, he was never repressed, read the title, it says subjected to repression, which means that gavrilov, yes, was forced out of the army, that with the mark of a prisoner he could not get a normal job, worked as a watchman in some shack in krasnodar, which he knocked down with his own hands, is this a place for a hero, we should not turn a blind eye to the negative moments in history, because when we let's embellish it and see. let's do it, young people will not believe this story, so we should talk about these relations towards former prisoners in the history of the fortress, but what
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is significant is those who survived, even being subjected to the unfair treatment of the soviet state, and in the first years, after the war, there is a kung there, nikolai fedorovich, the same defender of the fortress, who was beaten there for several months in prison, because in buchenwald he was among the participants in the uprising in the camp, and... and they tried to confess to him that he is an agent of the sdm there and so on, and what do you think, they lived with a grudge against their country, no, until the last days of their lives, but thanks to the fact that i came to the fortress a long time ago, i even corresponded with them, they wrote all the time in letters about how we could develop russia and belarus, that is, they worried about the country, the quality of a patriot, because patriotism is not only in the biological feeling of love, no, patriotism must... they say that
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the war was won by ten years, that is, education , the culture that we must invest in our people, that’s what i’m not economist, i understand that economic programs are put in first place somewhere, but if we miss education and culture, then who will we grow up, but we can’t have this moment from childhood, so i want to end with this, and i want to really be heard, start necessary from childhood, from kindergarten, from kindergarten, right? everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world, the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 grand duke vladimir and given into the possession
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of ragned and yaseslav.
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project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films, pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on 7, watch. it's clear that god will melt away the snow damp earth, papsavala graza darogu, peravaly
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spree. the sun is jumping warmly, the ice is worn out, the snow is falling, the gloom of the day we jumped, everything is clear, the geese are crowing, the spack is spreading on the oak tree, the cranes are dancing wildly, winter disappeared like smoke, greener.


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