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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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moreover, the statistical error is a propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 244. live news at noon in the studio elizaveta lokotko, hello in this episode. we support the brand of a clean country
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throughout belarus. journalists, politicians and the president came out to the republican cleanup. absolute freedom for american intelligence the us has extended its warrantless surveillance program abroad. the second meeting in the series up to three victories, the final of the belarusian handball championship continues. a tradition uniting millions of belarusians. the country is hosting today republican subbotnik. to restore order after winter and improve your land, where the brand of cleanliness has appeared in every corner of belarus since the very morning, from small settlements to big cities. our president always takes part in the cleanup. alexander lukashenko today works in his small homeland. an apple orchard of 411 trees of five varieties is planted there. these are the fruits of domestic selection.
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this place has become popular not only among local residents, but also tourists; in 2021, the president was engaged in landscaping the area around the site where the alexandria festival, beloved by guests from different countries, gathers friends every year for a swim. the cleanliness marathon is now in full swing and in every corner of minsk, the largest labor force, which is four hundred people, is now working on creating the first space park for active and...
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position, here we are helping in cleaning the recreation area, which will be dedicated to the flight the first belarusian woman into space, we received instructions, the main thing, of course, is to work carefully, help each other charge each other friend in a good mood, our main task is to clean up the green area so that our residents can walk here comfortably; in fact, this area is very interesting in itself and the landscape here is interesting. during the republican
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cleanup day, labor activists will lay the foundation for the future park, the impressive green area will be cleared of impenetrable bushes and dry branches. then the territory will be upgraded, the cosmodrome for recreation will be filled with benches, children's playgrounds and sports grounds, of course in space theme, the opening of a new location is expected by independence day. and in the park of the fortieth anniversary of the great october, members of the presidium of the council of the republic, secretarial workers and members of the youth council. trees were planted, the area was cleared of foliage , and the green area was restored after the winter. this year, the good tradition united about 50 people, including families with children. my dad and i are here transporting soil in wheelbarrows, digging, planting, raking, this is the second time i’ve come to the cleanup work, because i’m just interested in being close to nature, something planting, and well, for me it’s like an activity, a good hobby. this must be respected. this must
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be protected, this must be passed on to our children, you see, the little ones came along with their fathers, with their mothers, they have already joined this, this is great, and we will say this is a kind of... traetic impulse of the people in our country, to work together on such a beautiful day is wonderful, it unites the team, it’s really for the good of our city, our country, you know, i always think we are proud of our cleanliness, by our well-groomed streets, parks, parks, people often don’t think about what hard work it is, the work of those people who do this day after day, workers of housing and communal services, enterprises, organizations, and in order... for our country she always remained so beautifully well-groomed, of course we should appreciate that. the alley in honor of the 105th anniversary of the belarusian healthcare system was also planted by employees of the ministry of health, the minsk health committee and employees of the second children's hospital. to the republican
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trade unions also actively participated in the cleanup, with plans to improve more than 80 memorial places in belarus. it is necessary to restore order after the winter, update and carry out repairs, and plant green spaces. trade union representatives. took part in planting squares and alleys for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. together with mitso students, they are improving the territory of three memorial complexes created on the site of villages that shared the tragic fate of khatyn, dora, dalva and popov greda. the money collected of course, the federation of trade unions decided to transfer the meager money they earned to the same memorial complexes, in particular here in dalva.
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visit the memorial complex, honor the memory of our ancestors, who died innocently, who died very cruelly, unfortunately, besides, our university and the trade union organization as a whole helps us with this, organizes buses, helps us get there, try to get at least a little, probably, of that memory from this places, from this land, central place. improvement in the grodno region memorial complex on the site of the shtalak-324 prisoner of war camp. it existed from 41 to 43 on the territory of the modern folush microdistrict. according to preliminary data , about 20 thousand
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prisoners of war died there from hunger, wounds and disease, and were also executed. the names of more than 1,500 people were identified during search efforts. today, participants in the cleanup paid tribute to the memory of the victims with a minute of silence and laid flowers. the decision to reconstruct was made. this monument, now we will pour concrete under the base of the future installed slabs, where the names of the red army soldiers and civilians who are buried here and who have been identified will be inscribed, and the work on reconstructing not only this storage site, but the rest in the grodno region will continue, even despite the rain , the mood is very good, because we came here with the guys to help everyone's cause to put this place in order to honor the memory. soldiers who died here, we work with pleasure, we help others, we simply enjoy being involved in a common cause. picked up the baton of cleanliness and journalists, managers, presenters, reporters and other employees of the bel tv and radio company are sprucing up the area and planting trees.
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now there are more than a hundred of them on the territory of tui alley. speaking of making such a living green fence, the president spoke at one of the meetings, journalists took it into account. great mood, great weather. good, the sun is invigorating, although, to be honest, i was returning from work yesterday, driving through the city, and thinking about the fact that tomorrow is a cleanup day, i looked at minsk, i think, why does minsk need a cleanup day at all, because i have visited many countries in my life, it seems to me that this is the cleanest, most well-groomed city of the dozens, if not hundreds, that i have seen, but nevertheless there is always something to do, and another reason for everyone to get together, team . labor unites, one might say, my first tree, i gave birth to children, planted a tree, all that remains is to build a house, only we go out to plant these beautiful trees of our beloved company, opaques, sunshine, everything is glowing, everything is warm, amazing mood, super, maybe for the action
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everyone join, clean up your entrance, near your house or in your yard, let’s make the country cleaner together. the us congress has extended the warrantless surveillance program abroad for another 2 years, american reports. washington post publications. this law allows intelligence agencies to listen in and view the electronic correspondence of anyone they find suspicious. all internet providers are required to provide intelligence officers with total access to any private information. the only thing that has caused controversy is the surveillance of its citizens, who come into contact with suspicious individuals. but in the end they decided to ignore the rights of americans. surveillance abroad can be carried out without restrictions. great britain. used less than half of the funds that were collected by nine countries to purchase weapons for ukraine, the
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guardian newspaper writes. it is reported that the special fund contains almost a billion pounds sterling. the british refer to bureaucracy when concluding contracts for the purchase of arsenals, but they are suspected of stealing. the fact is that while the funds are not spent on kiev, they are being used british. a similar situation has developed in the eu with frozen russian assets. there is a lot of talk in brussels that they plan to transfer them to kiev. but now all income from the arrested capital remains at the disposal of european bankers. severe forest fires have engulfed several regions of the canadian island. the flames came close to army warehouses where ammunition is stored. the authorities began evacuating the local population because it was impossible to control the fire. this location contains the lion's share of canadian arsenals, with the military has already come to terms with the inevitable loss of a significant part of them. and belarusians continue to be surprised by low temperatures in april:
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rain, sleet, fog on the roads and fog are expected in the country today, plus a squally wind, in some places up to 15-18 m/s. the day before, the north of belarus was completely covered with snow; in vitebsk, due to gusty winds and heavy snowfall, rescuers went out seven times to clean up fallen trees. eight cars were damaged; the ministry of emergency situations, together with road services and housing and communal services , is cutting them up. energy workers have switched to high alert. excess moisture in the fields should be beneficial, but temperatures below zero can harm growth and disrupt the growing season of plants. therefore, sowing has been suspended in the fields of the vitebsk region. we switched to other types of work that can be carried out under these weather conditions. our spirit is not broken; when favorable weather conditions arrive, positive temperatures return, when the snow melts, let’s say, from the fields, we will monitor this. and let’s give the result: it affected the condition of winter cultures or not. a new cyclone will arrive on
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the territory of our country at the beginning of next week, heavy rains and gusty winds will continue from the bryansk region. traffic police inspectors identified over eight hundred violations among taxi drivers as part of a set of preventive measures. the traffic police crew carried out raids throughout the week. most often, protocols were drawn up for speeding and failure to comply with road signs. and markings, unfastened seat belts, and failure to allow pedestrians to pass. in order to reduce accidents on the roads and suppression of gross violations of traffic rules , the capital's traffic inspectorate monitors compliance with the requirements of current legislation by taxi drivers using telecommunications and the global computer network internet. during raids, employees pay increased attention to compliance with the rules for transporting passengers and the requirement that they use seat belts. the traffic police emphasized that such
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raids are aimed at improving driving culture and road safety. cornflower, as a symbol of warmth, mercy and charity , a republican youth ball was held in minsk, which raised funds for the animal assistance center valley of the three whales. this beautiful event organized by the belarusian women's union already has its own history. last year the ball attracted many people. this time it was attended by 120 cadets from the civil defense university of the ministry of emergency situations, 40 students each from the academy of management under the president, bsu, bsmu and mslu. the security center of the ministry of emergency situations again became a welcoming platform, the guys could not just make acquaintances, chat, find common interests, but help homeless animals. the funds vasilko purchased for his couple will go to charity. what sets us apart from all other nations? well, it seems so to me, right? this is our special feeling before...
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look, and today’s event emphasizes that our youth are absolutely versatile, we are making great efforts so that future teachers, future defenders of the fatherland, create truly strong families, so the task of this ball is multifaceted, with on the one hand, to get to know each other, to communicate, on the other hand, of course, to...


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