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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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collective war, therefore, our president is correct in saying that a lot can depend on how we behave, the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. live news on belarus-1 in the studio elizaveta lakotka, good afternoon in this episode. not my traditions, the president of belarus
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worked on subbotniks, alexander lukashenko planted an apple orchard. everyone is working, the republican marathon of cleanliness is bringing order to places of military glory, in cities and forests. discuss peace initiatives on international arena and get to know belarus more deeply. the delegation of kom, party of china is visiting our country. rescue bugs and robot waiters are the world's best. achievements of science in unusual forms. a tradition that unites millions of belarusians. a republican cleanup day is taking place in the country today. to restore order after winter and improve their land, where the brand is clean, the very morning came out in every corner of belarus, from small settlements to big cities. our president always takes part in cleanup days. alexander lukashenko today he works in his small homeland. an apple orchard of four is planted there. these are
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the fruits of domestic selection. belarusian sweet syabryna, kovalenkovskaya, candy, as well as redfree, a summer variety that came to belarus and the usa. 186 trees have already been planted in advance, and there are still 225 trees to work on today. then this entire area will be handed over to the care of local schoolchildren. we do this so that we can then pass it on to schoolchildren so that they can take care of the results of their labor here. took it for themselves, as i said, from every school there should be your own personal plot, where you can dig around on the ground, walk around and touch with your hands, so that there is less stupidity in your head, so these schoolchildren, well , they will work here as their personal plot, this was a wasteland, we developed it for the future every year we plant the garden in the fall, yes, we cultivate it, add the necessary fertilizers.
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he mastered gardening well, i honestly admit, i had never been involved in gardening before, it was already when i was president that i began to delve into it a little, because we import apples, especially polish ones, and his apples are better than any polish ones, but the main thing is that they are cleaner, and cleaner not only because he is cleaner, cleaner, because he knows that if he puts crap on the market, we will take him out let's ask, ask, go with the poles, just like healthcare. education, so you
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know, if a doctor takes a scalpel in his hands, he knows that he must work from the heart, because they will ask, everyone was invited to work, this is known. the principle of the president, those who work alongside him every day during the subbotnik exchange microphones and cameras for rakes and shovels, well after alexander lukashenko considered that the journalists had not completed their work and invited them to chop wood, the master class took place at full capacity, well, it needs to be stronger, good, but stronger, the head of state has a special warm attitude towards his small homeland, for example, the subbotnik in 2018 alexander lukashenko: with three sons he worked on the improvement of trofimova krenitsa near the agricultural town of alexandria. now this place has become popular not only among locals, but also tourists. and in 2021, the president was engaged in landscaping the area around sites where bathing is held annually , a favorite among guests from different countries.
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the alexandria festival brings together friends. in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, special attention is paid to establishing order in the territory. memorials in places of memory of victims of the great patriotic war. one of these mournful places is the memorial complex to children victims of war in the agricultural town of krasny bereg, gomel region. this is the only place in the cis where the memory of juvenile prisoners is immortalized. during the war there was one of the largest children's donor concentration camps. blood was taken from the guys for german soldiers and officers, and those who remained alive were sent to germany. about 2.0 children went through terrible torture. got this place. the name of the children's khatyn. 35% of the funds collected at the republican cleanup will be used for the reconstruction of this memorable place. participants in the green marathon honored the memory of the victims of the nazis and replenished the apple orchard with young seedlings. we were first instructed, here's how
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to plant a tree correctly, so that the most important thing is so that it takes root and so that a truly beautiful apple orchard grows here in this wonderful place, that’s why we are here today. we don’t try to do everything efficiently and beautifully, today the weather is just favorable to us for this, it’s an annual tradition, yes, that is, throughout our modern belarus, we have had subbotniks for 30 years, yes, that is, every time it becomes more so mass action, where more than 350,000 people take part in the youth and adult generation in the gomen region, it is planned to gather more than 2.7 million. belarusian rubles. the central place of improvement in the grodno region is the memorial complex on the site of the shtalak-324 prisoner of war camp. it existed from 41 to 43 on the territory of the modern folush microdistrict. according to preliminary data
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, about 20,000 prisoners of war died there from hunger, wounds and disease, and were also executed. the names of more than 1,500 people were identified during search efforts. today, the participants of the cleanup paid tribute to the memory of the victims with a minute of silence and laid a flower. a decision was made to reconstruct this monument, now we will pour concrete under the base of the future installed slabs, where the names of the red army soldiers and civilians who are buried here and who were able to be identified will be inscribed, and work on the reconstruction of not only this storage site, but the rest of the grodno region will be continued, even. .. despite the rain, the mood is very good, because we came here with the guys to help the general cause, to put this place in order to honor the memory of the soldiers who died here. we work with pleasure and help to others, we simply enjoy being involved in a common cause. it is necessary to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism where
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the soviet people accomplished a feat during the great patriotic war. in the southwestern region, the main point of the green marathon is the territory of the republican center for patriotic education of youth in the brest fortress.
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come. traditionally, brest border guards take an active part in the cleanup. on our site there are a large number of military graves and memorial sites. there are more than 40 places along the border alone where they committed feats. time our predecessors and on this day we also restore order there. in addition, we are taking part in restoring order at the border guard memorial complex. the brest fortress of heroes memorial complex is also being put in order today; in total , about 350 thousand residents of the southwestern region are participating in the republican cleanup. we have already collected almost 1,700,000 rubles. and now the first figure of the cleanup has already been collected for 400,000 rubles. more than last year. reported this. deputy prime minister pyotr porhomchik. today's guide worked in the kopol forestry district. in 5 years
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, the government headed by the prime minister, foresters promise that young trees of the future oak grove will be clearly visible in this field. in general, today each work team had its own responsible area of ​​work, because this is a common matter. as of today , 2,400 people are participating in this wonderful labor holiday, subbotniks, and the most important thing is that the funds that have already arrived, even before this holiday, a great holiday was announced - here is the planting of forests, and
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here, too, more than 80 thousand have already taken part, and it’s nice to celebrate what is participating from small to large, that is , our power structures, these institutes, universities, these are school children, and it all turns into such a good holiday, in a good mood , the leadership of savmin honored the memory of eighteen partisans who died in these places in the battle of lava. the youngest was 15, the eldest was 32. they held the defense until the last, making it possible to evacuate the hospital with the wounded. today, in memory of this feat, there are 18 thujas around the fraternal graves. employees and management of the state secretariat of the security council joined the marathon of clean order. they were engaged in the improvement of the memorial complex in memory of the soviet wars and partisans who died during the second world war. monument. located in the volozhensky district. in a conversation with journalists, alexander volfovich emphasized that issues related to historical
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memory and its protection are included in the draft national security concept among the strategic interests of our country, aimed at ensuring sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, inviolability of the constitutional order. the protection of historical memory, indeed, is our strategic interests, because we need to educate generations using memory, we need to remember what. they did so that what happened 80 years ago would not happen, but most importantly, the state secretariat came today with their families, their children, so that children could see how their parents relate to such sacred things, this is very important, to educate the younger generation, so using just such examples, personal examples, well, let’s bow down to that historical memory, the memory of our ancestors, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. a delegation of the ministry of internal affairs led by the minister went to mogilev. the region is working at several locations, including the memorial complex of a police battalion under the command of vladimirov.
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employees of the internal affairs body are today working near the monument to the fallen employees of the internal affairs body, restoring order, as well as in the kozey park, where our youth and our patriotic clubs work. it is on the example of the hero of the soviet union that we educate our youth today, and today in the park marat kozei, turned around there. thus, a labor landing party led by governor alexander turchin landscaped the territory
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of the monument in memory of the military operations of the kalinin partisan brigade. in every house, we always clean and clean ourselves. belarus is our common home, so of course we need to restore order in our country. well, this year, of course, is a symbolic date - the 80th anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders. there are about 2.0 monuments on the territory of the minsk region. so here it is. belarus vadim senyavsky.


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