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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:36pm MSK

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it’s called krashenka, so, this is called pysanka, it’s written with wax on a raw egg, light white, the rest is a secret for now, but i’ll show you how it’s done, and in the old days we also had krasbanks, it’s the other way around, this is it our painted egg, which we are used to seeing on easter eggs, yes, the pattern was scratched, so we remembered the difference, now let’s get to the most interesting part, so, we will need a raw egg, a cart, fire to melt it, and an armalamp or pesak will be perfect here, that’s all from scrap materials, take a pencil, and so from combs have these studs, i’ll tell you that here they are round, so it’s inconvenient to write conveniently with the studs, it scratches the droplets, they turn out uneven, we dip, you see, a droplet accumulates, you see, so we’ll just apply this droplet to the egg and pull it up. this was all
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done without markings, so we put a dot, then you will get them a little smaller, a little larger, but that’s the beauty of the speaker, in general , here we can draw anything, anything, even leave some kind of message, yes, birds , letters, ornaments, principle it’s clear, now the main thing is not to spoil the creation, here it is also important that it all be even, for a beginner, i’ll tell you, it’s not very easy, although in general, in general, the composition is already taking on a good look, i ’ll tell you, and this only the first egg, there is a whole package in front, after the egg is painted, we dip it in any coloring solution, preferably 24 hours, the untouched part of the egg is painted, and the design will stand out effectively, if desired, the whole process can be repeated, more than once. thank you
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very much for introducing me to this view. creativity, and i’m going to go paint my egg, we’ll definitely send a photo, but in general it’s very cool that it’s available, and we know where to buy wax and eggs, we all sit and do creativity, this trip turned out to be so interesting, full of meetings and discoveries, if you want also, then come quickly. and i was with you, vika poplevchenkova, see you again, friends.
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what we are proud of is the quality of our products, the history comes from there, from the soviet past, we are probably the first light industry enterprise to receive quality mark of the soviet union. and today it’s nice to read reviews on marketplaces from our customers, customers who are loyal to us, those who remember us, it sounds like 18 years ago.
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river textiles is a full production cycle company, the enterprise was born in 1927 in the form of an ortel.
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paid attention to terry products, became very interested in this, subsequently organized a visit to the enterprise that produced these products, were able...
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my job is to make the problem of tasks not only in my head, but in my head subordinates, this is probably the most important thing, as they said, moscow doesn’t believe in sleazes, yes, teach your first two deputies to work and then easily manage the plant,
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yarn comes to us at the enterprise, and it’s always natural, one hundred percent cotton, or solo cotton, only from these materials we make... great attention is paid to quality at the enterprise; since 2004, we have implemented a certified quality management system that meets the requirements of msu 9001. well, when raw materials arrive at the enterprise, there are laboratories passes entrance control. first thing. we check the yarn for linear density on this equipment, we make 100 m of winding, then we weigh them on scales to establish the thickness of the thread, depending on how many tons of yarn came, we take, for example, if it is already more than 10 tons, then we
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take to check 50 bobbins, no less, this is a tensile machine for checking a thread break. i’m currently adjusting the speed for this thread so that a break occurs within 10 plus or minus two seconds, from each bobbin, if it’s single, i’m like this i do the tests 10 times, if it’s a double thread, then we do it five times from each reel, if the results are positive, permission is given to... launch the raw material into production. quality control is carried out at all technological stages of the production cycle until the products are shipped to the buyer. the finished product is checked according to physical-mechanical and physical-chemical indicators,
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density, tensile characteristics, absorbency, color fastness of the products themselves to washing. the products pass safety standards. this is natural cotton from uzbekistan. there are companies that use either regenerated fiber or yarn containing polyester, this makes it cheaper. in this regard, we are conservative. when the owner chooses our products, she is 100% sure that there is only natural salt here. this is our
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principled position. the yarn comes from different regions. our suppliers are also belarusian enterprises. we have long-standing production ties with uzbekistan. our motorcyclists install the spools on a special machine, licensed winding, like this a smart word, which... if the layers in a bobbin have different densities, then it is clear that the dye in denser layers settles more, yarn of different colors is obtained in one bobbin, we have a cartridge as a sample, it has holes, i do this specifically in order to dye this yarn in a dyeing machine under pressure... from start to finish, holes through
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which the solution is supplied to the bobbin itself, the bobbin of yarn in this process works as a filter, the next stage is the dyeing participant: we lower the basket of yarn inside dyeing apparatus, this is dyeing under pressure, the lid closes tightly and hermetically and all processes take place there. decorations, this equipment is all computerized, that is, it is connected to a network plus, there is a computer in our technologist’s office and she practically controls the processes here. the dyer and dyeing operator can only follow the established program, loading yarn in a timely manner, supplying dyes and chemicals. it all started with manual labor, of course. we walked step by step to modernize equipment and in recent years a major reconstruction and
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modernization of production has been carried out. today we do not have a single piece of equipment that was produced before 2000, everything is as automated as possible, and this, of course, has greatly increased productivity. the dyeing process, if previously it took us from 10 to 12. before modernization, today it is 6:8 - this is the most complex dyeing, drying before modernization took from 6 to 10 hours, today from 60 to 90 minutes, with from a practical point of view, when you buy, the first thing you probably think about is whether to dye this product in the washing machine, we give a 100% guarantee that it will not dye, we are confident in our dye, every batch of yarn. is undergoing research, we are now in the warping
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department of the weaving department, the yarn after dyeing ends up here, we have it beautiful, dyed, and the job of the warping equipment operator is that, according to the instructions of our artist, she puts the yarn on the paperwork, at a certain sequences of different colors, here... we see, by the way, an example of the artist’s work, the colors that will be used on the product, this is the sequence of colors that the dreamer should put on the creel to make a beautiful, rainbow-colored product, when the dreamer put the yarn out base, large spools of thread, it is important for her to maintain the winding density and winding speed, if she makes a mistake, then 300 kg of yarn, 300 kg spool, it... can be damaged, can be compared with what the founder is working on
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solves math problems every day. the reel, which is placed on the recoil machine, contains two food boxes. on our creels, you can put only 380-400 spools. it turns out that she must calculate the number of ribbons, arrange all these threads in a certain sequence in order to get the desired pattern and what is needed. threads on the basis and the next section are quality, our production is organized in such a way that in fact it lives in the rhythm of tkatsky, he sets the pace, he works like a heart, draws himself in to the right thing at the right time, and pushes out finished products. we are now in the reserve areas of katsky section number two, and you and i can hear the same knocking.
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the product that comes to your home is born, it can be thick and fluffy, or lighter and airier. or maybe terry, maybe waffle, the pattern is born there, the design is all about jacquard equipment, jacquard allows each thread on the machine to set its own program, thanks to this we can make a product with a photographic effect, or any logo. the sewing section is the most
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interesting, and for me, as a production manager, it is probably the most difficult today. more than 25 people, yes, a lot of different operations, i would say that in the neck area we give our product the final gloss, that is, we bring it to perfection, fabric from weaving comes to this place, this is the machine on which we accept rolls , from the katsky site, the receptionist counts them all and processes them again. accompanying documents, all our products are accompanied by documents, and we can calculate - from the towel - who was winding it - in the winding section. of course, the hands of a weaver and a motor operator are used, but because of their productivity, much fewer of these people are needed. and if earlier our
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personnel structure was more leveled out, preparatory areas, weaving departments, then today it is on its own. the sewing section became a large area, this is the final stage, and there we still have a lot of manual labor today, we rewound, folded into rolls in the second stage - this is sewing on the longitudinal hem line, this is probably the only automated operation here is more automated by sewing, the rest is all manual, that is, at the input we have a roll with the edges not hemmed at the output, so they are neatly sealed. the next stage is a knife, on which the products are cut and go to assembly, the assembly worker writes out new routes, with this route the set of products goes to the seamstress, this is the person who determines the salary of the sewer, but it must be distributed evenly to everyone, as she distributes so much sewing will make money, so with her
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everyone is friends. has become a thing, but such work that is difficult to automate, or is very expensive, special devices on the equipment can be seen to speed up the process, we call it differently, each in its own way, here is a snail, it is technologically correct, this is a slightly different name , it helps to turn up the edges of a sheet or blanket, here all four sides, this is the work of a seamstress, we saw on towel products, that is, part of the work... is done by the longitudinal hemming line, so all you have to do is use this here is a 10 mm snail, we have switched from large-scale, medium-scale production to small-scale or custom-made with an exclusive design, and this allows us, among other things, to work on the market today, because we can compete on price with
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large plants that may have yes at the input. .. the same field on which cotton grows, the output is a mass-produced product, but cheap, well, producing the same thing is impossible, you can be different in some way, we play in the market due to small volumes of exclusive products, or we develop individual collections are small, we often carry out orders from special customers, when you need to make a logo or some special congratulatory inscription on a towel, artists develop this design, the embroiderer tries to make it, it doesn’t always work out the first time, so sometimes we have a whole range options for this product. if we have an order for fabrics and sewing products, through this sewing division we turn the fabric into final bath accessories,
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robes, capes, mittens, turbans for women for hair. this is the cutting section of the sewing section, this is where the path of all sewing products begins. now we are developing a new technology; we have an order from our partners for the production of blankets. in the twenty-second year, we acquired the latest modern equipment, this is the final finishing, the last stage, thanks to this. we were able to develop a whole range of new products and launch production. at the entrance we have a terry loop, a fabric with a terry loop, at the exit... already vilour. the haircut gives a completely different look to the product, it the metallic paint on the car becomes velvety, and here this
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gloss is given to the final product. this is one of our first products that we launched with them in, well, let’s say, for, in our understanding , the premium class. in the kaz region we have implemented new structures, these structures are becoming. voluminous in this finishing, we give the product softness in the finishing, this is also a sewing section, here we have an example in front of me in my hands, this is the structure of the soufflé, which before processing has such a flatter and stiffer structure, and after finishing it becomes a light, airy and voluminous product during finishing. the initial product, which is printed with a large size, shrinks, due to the fact that its geometric dimensions become smaller, and volume appears.
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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country and the goal was to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen at once, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict leadership of our district and region, ministry of culture, it was decided that it would be an unusual project to update , firstly, the building itself in the form of these shed shells, by keeping it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization,
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let’s get to know the people, who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we work miracles, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polling stations, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed that they are wrong. the collective west, though it didn’t appreciate or understand it, but it’s just different. regions that
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ukraine does not stop terrorizing, and this is donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here. in both russia and belarus, we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries, instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western sham, we have another word, justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. at the last stage, our products undergo 100% control, that is, each unit of product passes through the hands of an inspector, one side is examined, the other, the quality of the seam is rejected, it goes to our senior controller, if there are doubts, how.. . belarus category linen bed towel mahrola river textiles, three-piece pattern, dark blue, article number such and such, size such and such, we do the packaging.
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fashion trends, and also updates the good old classics. classic representative the product of our company is the so -called rainbow warp towel. for many years they have been the calling card, the face of our company, and still remain very relevant. there are several colors on one product. they are bright, life-affirming, and there are regions that prefer plain, calm pastel colors. even within belarus, we find that what sells well in the mogilev region remains at the base of brest, so we invite all our sales specialists, they are present and say: this is for our customers in st. petersburg, we leave this product, this is for ours from rostov, we try to please everyone.
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technological capabilities allow us to make such products with a very complex jacquard weave, we can also transfer a photograph to our product, these can be jacquard designs, also more laconic simple products with geometric stitching, plain products with various types of oak edge variations, plain products with different loop heights, our experience is a fresh idea, they give birth to our new collection. we did not limit ourselves to producing only products containing cotton. ours, we all know that our belarusian national treasure is flax, we also produce our products containing flax. they are in quite natural warm shades, this is a shade of linen and a natural shade of cotton. and we added and expanded this line last year. one side of such products is a natural classic weave of solo cotton, where a classic loop is inserted. on the reverse side,
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this is a product. on the other hand it's enough a classic product with a massage effect, that is, two products in one, i would say that our girls artists are somewhere ahead of fashion, in those territories where we mainly work, and we are making a collection, well, not this season sales for this collection, and after three... years it happens that the product shoots up, its time comes, continuing the theme of ecology, i would like to talk about such a line of products as ecolay, these are the products, they went through a short boiling cycle, as a result of which they acquire this is the color of baked milk, the pattern was applied using the disappearing vortsa method, the patterns can be different, this year a line of products called strokes was born, its yarn is a little lighter than this ecoline, because its boiling cycle
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is longer, that is... it is longer boiled in water, the product turns out to be simple, stylish, harmonious, and fully in line with the latest trends in ecology and color schemes. 90 years of experience of our company, 90 years of our history, it obliges us to be today and to be tomorrow, so every day we need to turn problems into tasks solve them together. the greatest pleasure i get from my work is when i manage to do something new, it turns out, despite all the difficulties and resistance, to take another step forward, in technology, in the culture of our internal relationships, i see the goal of my work as creating a team, in which every participant would be involved in
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... he makes sure that at his workplace everyone thinks about how to make this workplace, this process, this product that comes out of your hands, a little better. we don’t tell dry historical facts, we...
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surely not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t end up with a disaster, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we have finished a short new day, and we are working on this downfall. i’m making music, music, what a lot of inner skin is behind us. yana pausul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at
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the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, aspirational thoughts, and opens before us thousands of gifts. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music is inside our skin.


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