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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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live panorama, in the studio elena sacheva, hello, from small settlements to. in large cities, the republican
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cleanup brought together millions of belarusians today, the president also worked in his small homeland, with what mood we put things in order and improved our land in the reports of our correspondents. big water continues to test the strength of the russian regions and not only the extreme flood has now overtaken the katyumen region, the strongest spring flood was recorded in kazakhstan and the debut of the belarusian club in medialge, huge ratings, emotions on the edge and a full house. see also in our issue. here there will be a city of garden and a country drowning in flowers. look, you see, it’s very low here. the symbolism of apple blossoms and the transformation of places where the homeland begins is firmly entrenched in our calendar and has become a good tradition for everyone, from the president to the private. 80 years after liberation
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, we open new pages of the heroic past, the battle of lava and the feat of eighteen partisans. today the government is here on subogenka. a tradition that unites. today, labor forces worked throughout the country. in the panorama are the emotions and mood of the republican subbotnik. belarus is on the eve of an important political event; there are literally a few days left before the all-belarus people's assembly. the delegates are ready to discuss issues that are significant for the country. and we will compete and draw the best for children without any restrictions. we'll talk about this today in the panorama. new competitions and
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unforeseen situations, young patriots continue to fight to reach the coveted final. we accept the challenge, we pass with guys all the tests. the fifth round of the belarusian football championship, another victory for evgeniy korolko in cycling , bronze medals at the world cup stage for gymnasts elena titovets and egor sharamkov. a tradition that unites a million. belarusians in the country today held a republican cleanup day: to restore order after winter and improve their land, where the brand of cleanliness has appeared in every corner of belarus since the very morning, from small settlements to big cities. and i must say that we accomplished the task of doing something useful today. about we’ll tell you a little later about how the subbotnik took place across the country in facts and figures, let’s start with the first one, where the president worked. this year , together with his team, alexander lukashenko planted an apple orchard in his small homeland, is there any?
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local schoolchildren will make apples from it. it turned out very symbolically: the apple tree is a tree that in our culture is responsible for the unbroken connection of generations. the elders set the tone, the younger ones support it, judging by the selection of varieties, the harvest promises to be good, which was facilitated by everything, even the weather. will continue katerina kortalevich. this is saturday, when belarusians get up early, not the only thing, of course, the season has begun, seedlings have already begun to emerge, potatoes are planted when the bird cherry blossoms, this is now, and the trees are all whitewashed, we had to be in time before the leaves appear, these are our belarusian conversations on any kitchen, because spring is the time to take care of the land, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a dacha, a vegetable garden near the house or even individual acres, this is how belarusians do it, this is how we have been doing it for generations and from time immemorial, all without exception, look, you see, it’s very low here, that’s why . then in general, with
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no one is relaxing during the cleanup, there are already... 411 trees in total, it is clear that you can then come from minsk a couple of times to look, but eat from them, and of course,
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local schoolchildren will take care of them, a good alternative to classroom labor lessons . as i said, every school should have its own plot of land, where you can dig around on the ground and... here, but this is already a dacha today, few people live, the heirs live here, they carved out a garden for themselves, we fenced everything off for them, and the rest, so as not to be lost, was decided to plant apple trees with separate varieties,
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there is a technology in the bookmark, a farmer helped, as they say, with experience and specialization, all his apples are delicious, even though he is a programmer by training, in a conversation with the head of state ... he will say that this is exactly what they emphasized, yours must be better than what you brought. igor, a farmer, a hard worker, and, by the way, not an agrarian, no, not an agrarian, an engineer, an economist, yes, bguir, but still on the land, an it specialist, in the village there were, yes, he lived, he lived, the first, the first four, three , three classes, graduated from molodechensk, you understand, if you were born on earth, it pulls you there to touch this earth. if not, it will be difficult to turn him into a farmer, here he is a farmer, how many hectares are 100 today, well , we are growing a little, a little, no, we can give you a collective farm, little by little, no need to go quietly, i advise you, before you figure it out, it’s a good farm take it, the land here is not bad, we have a main teacher, he
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has mastered gardening well, i honestly admit that i have never been involved in gardening before, it was already when i was president that i started a little bit... this is to delve into it, because we import apples, especially polish ones, and his apples are better than any polish ones, but the main thing is that they are cleaner, and cleaner not only because we are cleaner, cleaner, because he knows if he will put nasty things on the market, we will ask him, ask him, go with the poles, in general, gardens in belarus have always carried a certain symbolism, the long-suffering khatyn was once buried in bloom, as a continuation of his native gardens, it was apple trees that were planted after the tragedy by one of the few survivors, joseph kaminsk. forever frozen in bronze with a dead son in his arms. the monument to the victims of fascism was restored, and the park was restored. for 2 years in a row, the presidential cleanup was where the heart skips a beat. the apple blossom with the red and green ribbon is a symbol of our main victory. belarus
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is above absolute evil and we put it on on may 9th. apple orchards, alleys are planted with spring flowers, they go into adulthood . this is a very strong slavic tradition. thank you, how to grow a decent apple tree, advice from igor alexandrovich, even though he graduated from bgu, he returned home to continue his father’s work, this is a farm, inherited everything that i learned, applied, and introduced it technologies into agriculture. everything we have in the garden, a weather station, everything is computerized, all the tractors that work in the field, they are all equipped with a gps navigation system, we always see where, who is working, what operation is being performed, how much water we poured on each plant, we we can
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control any indicators, when we can control the indicators, only then can we influence them, but specifically at this cleanup, the apples were not all program, the manager felt that the journalists had not completed it. and suggested that we improve it, since everyone had gathered, what else is always needed in the village, firewood, in this crack, you have to, you look there, you see, it’s not so simple, here it is... the president’s attitude towards his small homeland is generally possible to learn, he always finds time and what is created during this time is then used by people; with a similar cleanup work began the improvement of the trafim krynitsa near alexandria, where for the miraculous water, in addition to its purity, it is believed that the one who gives it he will wash himself, return from everywhere unharmed, people are traveling at all. belarus or the banks of the dnieper, where thousands of guests go swimming every year , have become greener thanks to oaks, berries and
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lindens, this is also the result of saturday’s work. in 1920, the president worked in pripyat park; now pine trees grow there as a sign of the longevity of the returned chernobyl zones. in the nineteenth, pine and oak trees were planted on the stalin line. if you do the math, you get a forest, but it’s not an example for everyone. and it’s not so important what exactly you do today. plant remove the tree, not only in front of your house, but behind the fence, go home, help. parents on the site, and maybe even actually chop firewood for your neighbor. cleanup is about good deeds and creation, doing something more than we do every day, doing it not only for ourselves, but for everyone. katerina krutaleevich, lona krasudskaya, magilev region, especially for aten. watch even more exclusive footage from the president’s small homeland and more this sunday on the main broadcast. subbotnik presidential master class for cutting droft, the future harvest from the experimental fields of the first and inside.
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this is 4,000 more than last year. all this money will be used for the reconstruction of memorial complexes in the center for the patriotic education of youth. after all, even 80 years after the war, there are many unhealed wounds in belarus. a search is underway for the remains of those killed in the surviving archives , and the terrible pages of the great patriotic war are being restored. and today, during the cleanup day , many labor collectives carried out landscaping in the places of military glory. svetlana lukinyuk about what we are. unites. 80 years ago, in april
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1944, there were battles everywhere. belarus was liberated in july, but the struggle was not only on the front line, all 3 years of occupation, belarus is a partisan republic, after which they will say in all the chronicles they will write in textbooks. this is a struggle in the rear, we can hear it to this day, mass graves and obelisks throughout belarus. all these participants in the lava battle were practically our fellow countrymen, that is, these were natives of the kopal and uzdinsky districts at the end of forty-two they had to stay here one to save others. a punitive operation against partisans, many wounded , there was no time to prepare for battle, and the forces were not equal, but they held the defense until the last, making it possible to evacuate the hospital. afterwards their manuscripts will be found, with the words we die for our homeland, and the poets will devote their lines to their feat and the battle of lava. they are heroes even without medals for their contemporaries and current generations. the youngest was 15,
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the eldest 32. today, in memory of this feat , there are 18 people around the mass grave from the leadership of savmin. today we keep things peaceful and we will multiply what we gained back then in the forties to make our country more beautiful. we cannot imagine belarus without forests; the forest feeds us. shelters, heals, the most that is not an investment, of course, this is the foundation for us to have a wonderful green, beautiful country in the future, to work in the fresh air, and even when... it’s so sunny it’s always healthy and healthy, it’s unique the opportunity to talk with colleagues outside of meeting rooms. thoughts probably work better in the fresh air, they are more dry there, and here they are in a mood so close to life. we already went to one point and made sure that our light arm was growing well.
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in 5 years, the foresters promise that young trees will definitely be visible in this field of one and a half acres.
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in the draft national security concept, these are the strategic interests of belarus. we need to educate generations with memories, we need to remember what we did so that what happened 80 years ago does not happen. but most importantly, the state secretariat came today with their families, with their children, so that the children could see how their parents this is how they treat such holy things. the idea of ​​nationwide defense of the fatherland has already become part of our genetic code. landscaping is passing by.
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landings today all over the country, because there are no big or small things, there are actions of inaction. belarusians have always stood up for themselves; our green and well-groomed parks are our pride. this is the second time i’ve come to cleanup days, because i’m just interested in being close to nature, planting something, and well, for me it’s like an activity, a good one, a hobby, to work together in such a it’s a wonderful day, it’s wonderful, it unites the team, it’s... really for the benefit of our city, our country, and as they say, there are never too many parks, today the first space park was created in the capital for active and family recreation, this is the frundinsky district, native to hero of belarus, our first cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya, remove branches, twigs, in order to subsequently create a good
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recreation area for citizens here in this place, we are here to help show. our civic position, we help in cleaning the recreation area, which will be dedicated to the flight into space of the first belarusian woman. the spaceport for recreation will be filled with benches, children's and sports grounds, of course, in a cosmic setting. we are expecting the opening by independence day, and today this is a common cause for both the mayor’s office and the deputies of the city council, the house of representatives, as well as state control. and even if i left someone at work, they would be offended. and god forbid, if we take this place. this afternoon there will be a gorgeous park, not to mention the fact that joint physical labor brings us closer together. the baton of cleanliness was picked up by journalists, managers, presenters, reporters, and all the employees of the beltv and radio company, who polished up and landscaped the area next to the television center. collective work unites, one might say, my first tree,
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i gave birth to children, planted a tree, all that remains is to build a house. it is this brand that we will keep today and tomorrow, new squares and alleys from trade unions, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, history lessons are being studied right in the places of our sorrow , planted villages.
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and such common things, of course, definitely unite make us stronger, just like these small seedlings will turn into tall and beautiful spruce, oak and linden trees in tens of years. svetlana lukenyuk, alexey young man, the whole team of the telenews agency. labor troops today worked throughout the country, cleaning, painting, washing, putting things in order in parks, on the territories of social facilities, and in the courtyards of residential buildings, improving memorials and places of national memory. funds collected. will be used for the restoration of the memorial complex to children victims of war in the zhlobin region. creation of the republican center patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kubrinsky fortification of the boris fortress, as
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well as the reconstruction and restoration of places of military and military glory of the minsk region. natalya ignatenko collected the emotions of the republican subbotnik. the kubren fortification of the brest fortress at dawn on june 22, 1941 , lead fell on these walls. downpour, before the war units of the 125th infantry regiment were located here. today this place has united true patriots. participants of the republican cleanup worked on the construction of a patriotic education center youth. this time we came with our son, who also wanted to contribute his, as they say, back-breaking piece of labor. he loves the brez fortress very much, we visit it very often. as soon as he found out that we were coming here, he immediately and unconditionally, no matter what the weather would be, he agreed to come here. this is our history, something that we must preserve, pass on without distortion to our children, our grandchildren, so that
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our country, strong, strong, prosperous belarus, will always be like this. love for your land, love for your homeland, begins with the simplest basic things. every person must understand that it is his personal participation in making our earth cleaner and more beautiful that is fundamentally important. memorial complex for children. victims of the war in the zhlobin region, there was one of the largest children's donor concentration camps; those who miraculously survived were sent to hard labor in germany. the memorial complex in krasny bereg is the only one in the cis, it is in memory of the children of the war, whose childhood was trampled by the fascist boot, an apple orchard, an empty classroom, a boat of hope, a sculpture frightened girl, every year this place is visited by 40,000 people, children's khatyn, today here are those who remember... what war is and knows what peace is, eco-marathon participants planted an apple alley in memory of those who will never become adults ,
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this is a very symbolic place, today we came to support such a wonderful action, we came to plant new seedlings so that a young garden would bloom in this place and continue to delight us, when we visit, well, after all, probably, the women have tears in their eyes, and in men - a lump forms in throat, just from one thought, what happened here, it was just brutal torture, attitudes towards children, in order for this not to happen, we must remember what happened, all together, as they correctly said, together as one family they are doing everything to ensure that there is no war today. and another place of national memory, a memorial complex on the site of prisoner of war camp 324, from hunger, wounds, illnesses and how... the decision was made
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to reconstruct this monument, now we will pour concrete for the foundation of future installed slabs, where the names of the red army soldiers and civilians who are buried here and who were installed will be inscribed, and the work on the reconstruction of not only this... preservation, but the rest will be continued in the grodno region, we came here with the guys to help the whole cause to put this place in order to honor the memory of the soldiers who died here. we work with pleasure, help others, we just enjoy being involved in a common cause; i also joined the republican marathon minsk region, the labor landing landscaped the territory of the monument in memory of the military operations of the kalinin partisan brigade, near the village of labenshchina near minsk, today they worked... personal date 80
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years of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders on the territory of the minsk region about 2000 monuments per day republican subbotnik as much as possible in the entire region, we brought order near these places, and no exception, the place where we work today, here stood a partisan brigade , in fact, this monument was in the seventies years, the partisans themselves, the participants in those events, did it. and in vitebsk, work was in full swing on the territory of the kindergarten. a swimming pool, a choreography class, sports and educational grounds, young families are waiting for its opening, and these are the majority in the microdistricts, a voluntary desire to help, because a day off is still something where we can get together and organize, together,
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do good, good case. plant a tree, clean up the area, and not only here, you can also clean up the area near your home, in your park, where you walk with your children, subbotniks, republican, regional, city, and probably every enterprise does such things, i think it’s right, a good tradition, a good tradition, and i would like us to really do everything together, do it together, work today for memorial complex, a police battalion under the command of konstantin vladimirov, and also on the construction of a new building of the city emergency hospital in mogilev in many other locations throughout the country. a good tradition has united millions belarusians to make our country even more beautiful. natalia ignatenko, marina romanovskaya, anna buikevich and yuri kornilovich. tv news agency. the weather did nothing but work for a good cause. yesterday's winter
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has now given way to spring. the atmosphere after the snowfall that happened the day before in the northern region of the country there was no trace left, good weather returned to vitebsk, it’s completely sunny in the south of the country, but april will continue to amaze with its weather contrasts, tomorrow the country is again announced orange level of danger due to wind, heavy precipitation expected in the morning and afternoon, wind up to 18 m/s, frost in places at night. big water continues to test the strength of russian regions; extreme floods have struck. which are in danger of flooding, 2200 meninsky region were evacuated from populated areas, people, rescuers are taken out of animals in the ishim region, while the water in the ishim river continues to remain, its level has already reached 987 cm, which exceeded the record of 2017, due to the flood it had to be dismantled span of the bridge, yes how water lifts a lot of debris from the floodplain and this causes congestion. the strongest flood was recorded in kazakhstan.
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more than 118 thousand people have already been removed from flooded areas; the level of the ural river is approaching a critical level: only 22 cm remains to 8.5 m. at the same time, experts warn that a further increase in the water level is expected. a high level of weather danger has been declared in 45 cities in turkey. a hurricane is raging in the country in chankyry. the storm demolished the mosque's minaret. fortunately, there were no casualties, but neighboring buildings got serious.
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belarus, on the eve of an important political event, has a few days left before the all-belarusian people's assembly. active and caring professionals, responsible and dedicated people to the country. the spc delegates are ready to begin discussing the most significant issues for the country’s people. why did you decide to become a deputy, and now a delegate of the all-belarus people's assembly? i take part in election campaigns more than once, i decided for myself that i already have sufficient experience and knowledge to in order to benefit our city and
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republic. in order, probably, to pass on experience to the younger generation, because schoolchildren do not always understand the significance of those laws, those... events that take place in the country, what significance they have today, as a delegate, i feel a great responsibility, because the all-belarusian people's assembly is on today is the main legislative body of the highest representative body in our country, where important state issues will be discussed and resolved, analogues of this there is no governance in the world for civil society in such a composition to make decisions at the all-belarus people's meeting... up to 1,200 delegates will be present on legislation, these are representatives of the entire civil society. today we are in rather difficult geopolitical conditions, next to us are, unfortunately, unfriendly neighbors. it is very
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important that this year at the all-belarus people's assembly a new military doctrine and concept of national security will be approved. in your opinion, what questions are first? their turn should be submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly today. since ancient times, since the 11th century, in the principality of polotsk there was such a concept as things, such a collection. it was a meeting of adult men to resolve important government issues. what's most important? the important thing is peace. therefore , of course, this is national security, this is sovereignty, this is stability and stable economic development of our state, its prosperity. today it is necessary to educate young people so that they not only preserve, but also increase what we we have at the moment. today we are again reviving those traditions that were once invented by our parents, the creation of military-patriotic
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clubs, which were in trend back in the fifties, today again this good good tradition is being revived, it allows young people to join our historical heritage , in this way they will learn the history of our country. and the history that took place during the great patriotic war, what the belarusian people went through, to date we bring this truth to children so that they understand and prevent a repetition of a new war, because today we already see indicators of the substitution of these values. the all-belarusian people's assembly as the foundation for the bloodless development of the country. the belarusian path in politics and economics is discussed by experts and guests of the editors club. who got it? the number of delegates of the supreme national assembly, why is this section the most accurate example of the people in power, the fate of their country is decided by the belarusians themselves. and the phenomenon of the vns, its formation is that our citizens, in particular delegates,
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they pull it up, as if they pull it up to a higher level, or something, of public awareness. 100%. vns is not about the quality of drinking water, roads there, or any of our other everyday problems. independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in sovereign history, and what happens if the state is unbalanced? the new status of the vns and new functions, why the kept women of the west generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make together, we will tell you in a clear
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policy on monday after the panorama.
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the us house of representatives approved a bill to allocate a new aid package. execution of the arsenal in the united states. damaging the dollar's already tarnished reputation, the house of representatives also approved the confiscation of russia's sovereign assets in favor of kiev. now the bills must be approved by the senate and signed by biden. let me remind you that some republicans tried to slow down the pseudo-assistance procedure by proposing various amendments. for example, the law was required to include a provision banning the allocation of money to the nazis and solicitation. one of amendments sounded like this, the congressman who will support the law. undertakes to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and go to the front, makes every
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effort to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible and europe. it is reported that the czech republic has already found half a million large-caliber shells out of the million that the european union promised kiev; hungarian prime minister orban said that europe is one step away from sending its soldiers to ukraine. budapest, however, is categorically against this and will not support this decision, orban noted. to self-implantation at the walls of the court in in new york, a man doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front of the courthouse in manhattan, where the trial of former us president donald trump was underway at that time. the young man with severe burns was taken to the hospital, where he soon died. the new york times reports that the dead thirty-seven-year-old activist was unemployed and was on a list of people prone to suicide. previously, he was also brought to justice, including for
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violating public order and damaging property. max azarella committed suicide shortly after he published manifesto. not our war, under this slogan a spontaneous protest broke out in krakow. demonstrators once again oppose the involvement of poland and its inhabitants in the ukrainian conflict, in particular against the sending of troops to the independent mercenaries who travel to the northern military district zone. poles. tired of paying for pseudo-help, the squares of the city were covered with black bags, which symbolize the victims of the military conflict. get to know belarus from the inside, deepen ties for the comprehensive development of relations. delegation of the communist party of china to the head of the deputy head of the international department of the central committee of the chenzhou party is on a visit to our country these days. the first point in a busy schedule was, of course, a meeting with the leadership of the fraternal communist party.
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visits to other political parties, a meeting
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with the leadership of the house of representatives, the presidential administration and a number of other events designed to demonstrate not only the level of development of our country, but also to reveal the national code of belarusians. one of these points that helps you get even closer to understand the belarusian soul, has become a museum of the history of the great patriotic war. the common memory of the pain that our peoples experienced during the years of that terrible war has forever left its mark on the destinies of our countries. the distinguished guests from the middle kingdom seem to have succeeded. let through all the grief and strength of courage of the belarusians. at the end of the excursion, jen jou left a memorable note in the book of honored guests with a call to generations to preserve world peace. connected.


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