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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 20, 2024 10:35pm-11:36pm MSK

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the inscription ussr, yes, but suddenly it wasn’t there, it just wasn’t there, because you seem to know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, but a small nuance, but so indicative, well, look, here are modern textbooks, i always thought that the soviet school, school, exactly, yes, it was exemplary.
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some circumstances, the task of the school is to give basic knowledge, and the task of the second school is to take them on excursions, and to the same khatyn, the museum of the great patriotic war in minsk, but isn’t it a little too late to start from the ninth grade, so this is necessary for children in principle, a kindergarten needs these things, a good question about kindergarten, you know? mm, all of our children are so wonderful in kindergarten, then you look at how they grow up in school, you know, it’s very important to direct state policy towards kindergarten, because remember, here we are in our soviet childhood, yes, drunk , the furtopiana is there, our army is strong, it protects the world, it, we walked there, studied the capital of the ussr moscow, the capital of the bssr, minsk, they studied the anthem there, and it was right, because...
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no matter what happened there in the eighties at the end v the nineties, when we were besotted, but then you see, all the same, this childish upbringing is now manifesting itself in us, so i believe that the state should direct huge resources to educators so that they have a large salary, because a lot depends on educators , you know, when a person becomes 13-14 years old, it is very difficult to convince him of something, they educate him until he is 5 years old, then re-educate him. let’s even take up to 12, this is the period when a history textbook seems to be waiting ahead of them the great patriotic war, and we need to understand it now, that’s why we at the ministry of culture have developed a system of communication with the ministry of education so that museum-pedagogical classes are conducted for younger schoolchildren, we have a wonderful excursion, hello museum, when the kids come, they are not they are overloaded with information, but at least they understand...
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on another question, in addition to preserving the memory of the great patriotic war, i would return the lessons of the law of god, i heard that your brother paints icons, yes, this is how faith, in your opinion, can help preserve memory, historical memory, and well , war and faith are also inseparable, you see, if such questions are theological, i read a book about a serbian saint about a future war, when he wrote before the second world war, it’s still true many parameters predicted its future and what it will be, it is impossible to achieve victory in a holy cause without faith, but temporarily it is possible, of course, success, because why does it seem that the godless soviet state defeated germany, but because they still have feelings there were light, patriotisms, they really fought against evil, against the exhaustion of hell, therefore... the war must be waged, of course, thank
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god, i didn’t fight, but with respect to any enemy, you know, without mocking him, that is, when you ...
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all the rumors, immediately after a few hours the war begins, then the dilapidated temple stood as an object of a memorial complex, yes, in the ninety- fourth year it was decided to hand over to the believers, its restoration began, the rector of the temple, father igor , basically his life put it on its restoration, but inside the temple still has traces of battles, but it is very active. contrast, external beauty, yes, in a pseudo-byzantine style, you go inside, traces of battles, marks, yes, this is very important not to lose, because the energy there is very powerful, it’s true, and i believe that a warrior without faith cannot be real a warrior, a defender of his
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fatherland, because yes, i’ll tell you more, also touching on the patriotic issue, but how can we raise a patriot, fight the consumer society, which now prevails throughout... the world and over spiritual values, because, as the modern war in ukraine has shown, an egoist will not go to defend his country, because he only cares about himself, only a person who is not an egoist can give his life for something, but our task as a state is to help young people understand why you can give your life, we are not calling for them to die or anything, but he simply must understand that there is something more sacred than his life, this... in modern society, it is very difficult to educate, but this our task, well, returning a little to the main question, here on the territory of the brest fortress , excavations are still being carried out, remains are being found, and what new facts can you tell,
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really, when was the last such rasco, the question is that on the volyn fortification , according to their assumptions... the remains of the fifty-second fighters should be buried our separate specialized battalion of the ministry of defense carried out excavations, found 10 remains, which were reburied under the memorial slab, it is important for understanding to know that when the memorial was dug up in 1971 , there were the remains of 823 people, solemnly reburied, these are those who were reburied from the garrison cemetery, where they were before the construction of the memorial, found...
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this is a very clear illustration of the work that was carried out here in our museum, and they found 58 remains in this crater, a crater from a large-caliber 600 mm mortar shell karl, yes, she was found from photographs that. appeared - on the internet, how our prisoners dump the remains of the dead there, right? if i'm not mistaken, 11 medallions were found, but only two were read and one was identified from letters in partmon, here one of these three people out of 58
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identified was taglin, the defender of the fortress, just imagine that in the seventy-first year his name was symbolically according to documents, yes, according to memories, certified. in the military registration and enlistment office , eyewitnesses of his death were put on plates and memorials, 70 years after his death in 2011, his remains with a medallion were found, you know, this is... all together, all together, because we must
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be in one bundle, yes , to fight this, and moreover, it seems to me that a huge role in this lies with our higher education, with history faculties that produce history teachers, and these history teachers must be charged, they must be patriots of their side, because... children look to the example, but we cannot tell them about patriotism and at the same time behave completely like - to another, they will say: well , what are you telling us here, but who are you yourself? that’s why it seems to me, well, this is being carried out, we also have a commission under the administration of the president of the republic of belarus, and on historical policy, this is an important role for us to produce patriotic teachers who personal example, what can i say, there are...
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a generation that ensures the political transition from upheavals, protecting, again, the belarusian law about genocide, it seems like there are all the laws, but they must work, here, probably, even more the role is to ensure that these laws begin to actually work, to ensure that they work, then, if we talk about such ordinary things, you know, sometimes this abbreviation of the second world war is confusing, you think, well, what the...
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so that memorials have a special status places, because now it is often necessary to be faced with the understanding that the brest fortress is a tourist site, no, the brest fortress is first of all a memorial place, a memorial complex, so there should be some restrictions there on many issues, and people should come. there shouldn’t be a plan, it’s probably a difficult question, no, let’s
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say it straight, if this is a memorial complex, there definitely can’t be a plan, the state should, of course, in my opinion, take on very large financial obligations, because culture is, yes, some kind the financial question must, of course , earn money, but it is primarily about something else, yes, it is difficult to cross money, and spirituality, because this is aleksandrovich, don’t even continue, i’ll tell you that... thought that i always try to impose: ideology cannot be free, but leaflets cannot be sold, you need to spend money on it, invest in it. because then the losses from stopping the economy for ideological reasons will cost us all much more, and we return with you again to the topic of 2020, when we were tortured in this way, it turns out we and somewhere here the belarusian dimness did not want to offend the same neighboring poland,
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not to touch on some issues of 1939, everything turned out so that they invested this... serious money there in a pole’s card, there in other things, in the internet , on social networks, which very successfully manipulated our good people, because i know, well , a lot of people who, you know, just seemed to have replaced their brains, that is, not, well, nlp technologies, let's be honest, they were used, if not us let's educate our generation, but let's not educate them, other people will come who will educate them the way they need. i am very sorry that i am forced to ask the last semi-philosophical traditional question: a lot of films have been made about the fortress, why do we need to learn from them, and
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what do we need to learn? there are such beautiful words, he says, but what does he say? why even in those villainous times people were different, but because they loved their homeland more than is customary now, and these are the key words in their memories, pride in the country, this is sorely lacking, i repeat once again that without pride in the country it is impossible to fight for it, and the state cannot develop without people feeling this pride in their country, in what has been done. this is thank god, we understand everything, then the next question is that people gave their lives, yes, repression, again, so i raised the question in the film brez fortress in the credits, according to gavrilov it is said, but about repression and how many experts do we have in the brest fortress they said, here you have gavrilov repressed, never been repressed, read the title, it says subjected
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to repression, which means that gavrilov, yes, was forced out of the army. that with the mark of a prisoner he could not get a normal job, he worked as a watchman in krasnodar in some khalupa, which he knocked down with his own hands, is this a place for a hero? we should not turn a blind eye to the negative aspects in history, because when we embellish it, let’s see if we do it, young people will not believe this story, so we should also talk about these relations towards former prisoners speak in the history of the fortress, but what is significant is those who survived, even were subjected to the unfair treatment of the soviet state, and in the first years after the war there was küng, nikolai fedorovich, the same defender of the fortress who was beaten there for several months in prison , because in buchenwald he was among the participants in the uprising in the camp, and they tried to confess to him that he was an sdm agent there and so on, and what do you think,
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they lived with a grudge against their country, no, until the last days of their lives . and here i am thanks to the fact that i came to the fortress a long time ago, i even corresponded with them, they wrote all the time in letters about how we could develop russia and belarus, that is, they worried about their country, the quality of a patriot, because patriotism is not only in the biological feeling of love, no, patriotism must be conscious, we must understand and see the shortcomings and think about how we can improve the country, you know, life in the country, and the defenders of the fortress teach us all this, because in fact, you know, some historians... they say that they won the war. ten-year plan, that is, education, culture, which we must invest our people in, this is what i am not an economist, i understand that economic programs are put in first place somewhere, but if we miss education and culture, then who will we grow up, yes you can’t have this moment from childhood, so i want
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to end here, and i want to really be heard, you need to start from childhood, from kindergarten, from kindergarten, right? they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband, sergey, was the first to come here for work and... i really liked it here, i was born in tselinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there, first there was tselinograd, then akmala, everyone found something here for themselves. here is our favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, i
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came and declared, that is, what i want, that i want to have my own team, i i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. minsk is very good conditions. in order to live with a family, especially with small children. i love belarus, and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world. happened in a week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series
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of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, an online journey through our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. we are propagandists, what we propagandize: the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes: the sovereignty and independence of belarus, yes, naturally, the head of state has emphasized many times that power is for him this is service to the people and welfare under... welfare means peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to the calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads,
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beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart children's saris and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i’m pleased, i’m sure you ’re happy too, we built it as best we could, as best we could, we were sincere about it.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. with the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was the basis for...
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liliya aleksandrovna karostoyanova, participant in the partisan movement during the great patriotic war in the fall.
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on the night of march 15, 1943, the newspaper's editors received a radiogram from a partisan unit about the death of korostoyanova in a fierce battle. she was only 25 years old. for courage and heroism, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree , posthumously. named after the correspondent streets in gomel and minsk.
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good morning everyone, hello, hello, i'm almost late, well, i made it, my, what good embryos we have, big, strong, a boy and a girl, great, let's take it, we'll pollinate,
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hello, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, i understand, you can't come back right now, openly, nothing, i'll wait, ver, i was out of my mind. mom’s death blew my mind, you know, the traffic jams went out, i don’t understand what happened to me, i’m sorry, i didn’t think you would decide, this is a return.
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well, that's it, why are you crying, little one, well that’s it, what happened, why are you screaming, what ’s big, let’s see, tummy, colic, no, tummy, no, well, you’ve eaten, you don’t want to eat, why are you crying, you’re tight, you gave us a bath, so what.. . relax, now daddy will come to the bathroom, what time, should have come a long time ago, ma, i beg you, please, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, sit, baby, sit, quietly, sit, don’t
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cry, just a second, wait. , mom will make water now, t-shirt, i beg you, please wait, you can’t have boiled water outside yet, well, don’t scream, mommy, i beg you, now everything will be fine, baby, just wait, listen, don’t yell, now i’ll give you water, but i’ll make you some water, there’s no way yet, the dad is a parasite, but he’s stuck somewhere, his daughter isn’t coming bathe, well , we’ll give him a task, yes, quietly, quietly, well, okay, may, arist, do you hear, i have boiling water in my hands, careful, mike, i’m begging you, baby, well, i’m doing it, wait, mike, wait, don’t scream, i beg you, can you hear me, my mother’s head is about to explode, you know, don’t scream, i beg you, don’t scream!
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car for a while, but no, serezhenka, honey, i i can understand everything, really, i can understand everything, if you, spending days and nights at your job, would bring money from there, but we really have half a pack of diapers left, we can still come to terms with this, but neurosis for maya without this no way, it costs money, even in the simplest, most simple district clinic, you understand, well, you are a great friend, great, i hope, i really hope that syulivanov is able to appreciate how lucky he is. but here it’s dripping and dripping, you expect me to go to jail myself, yes just like that with may in my arms.
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i'm tired of life and look where it's going? a woman driving, a monkey with a grenade, a fool, look at yourself, a freak,
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you'll wash yourself from the iv, can you at least get there on the elevator without accidents? what would you like? the vice president has arrived, are you ready? is there something i don’t like about your mood? you are some kind of fool who just got caught under the wheels, you also yelled at me, such a typical, real man, urgently forget about it, you need to make a good impression. definitely, oleg
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viktorovich, please come in, thank you, oleg viktorovich panomariov, vice-president the gen company, which intends to launch your invention on the international market, vera grigorievna nikolaeva, inventor of the ico branch, a monkey with a grenade, very nice, yeah. come here, please, let us show ourselves to the doctor, we study according to a special program, a teacher, a speech pathologist visits us, okay, yeah. in the correctional
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center we were told to talk to the girl more often, now the active formation of neural connections is underway, the more often you talk to her, communicate, stroke, play, the more of these connections are formed, and the more stable they will be, so she talks to her all the time, reads, retells fairy tales, her reflexes are normal. work out, go to the pool, go to the correctional center , yes, but the reflexes are fine, continue the center, do gymnastics, massage, we will observe how pronounced the syndrome is, it will become clear only when speech appears, yeah, let's look at you some clothes, books, new movies, what do you want?
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your change, thank you, i took it all, come on, let's go, let's go, woman. show me the bags,
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actually, we need to keep an eye on the child, you see, she... had never been to the store before, never at all, she, that i ’m making excuses for you, let’s go, let’s go, wait, here’s a complete explanation of what happened, i had to explain it to the girl. and that she
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really has never been to the store? i love dad, come on, tell me, try it, i love mom, come on, let's play, come on! “mom will never come back for me, yes, she abandoned me, just like everyone else in the orphanage, come on, come on!”
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people who leave us, it doesn’t mean that we are bad or that there is something wrong with us, why with us? maybe with them, we need to learn to understand, forgive, to be together, to try, now wait. i will try, i will not leave you, i never promise
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to know everything. perhaps, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? masha, what do you think? i chose option a, the treaty of brest-litovsk. the culture of belarus is close to you, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently took our exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva has an elongated body and tuberous its skin resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we're here too. we thought we had several options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer and we had a ladybug, so we hope we will have 3 points, their erudition will be the envy of any adult, is it true that an adult normally has four fangs , denis, what do you think, well, i think there should be
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four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, that’s how it should be, an intellectual and entertaining show: i know, watch it on the belarus tv channel 24. we are going on an expedition through the corners of our country. we are going there, where you can dakranutsa and inform you about the minutes. things will happen again and again in the past. palessya. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 centuries. residents of the magnate family of safi. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. that's why. idze, idze, karavo, karavo, all the spectators are in full view. one, two, three, they tore up the gulch. and we just sowed and sowed. and
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give new life to old traditions. give me a lesson. just ahead of time with projects on tv channel belarus 24.
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the doctor told us that we need to go to the swimming pool for cool kids, right there. an important office, this needs to be done every day, seryozha, we need a car, well, just something to drive, well, an automatic would be better, of course, i’ll just drive my car, you? i didn’t take anything, faith after the divorce. i don’t know, seryozha, but you just know, it seems to me that i’m doing my part of the responsibilities and i expect from you that you you will do yours, it’s so simple, but i definitely shouldn’t think about the pipes, when you
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go to school, tomorrow, i’ll try, well, buying a car will take some time, i work, you don’t work, you’re sitting at the computer, when... work brings money to the family, seryozha, please think about a better paid job, all the best, thank you, i don’t understand anything at all about these contracts, licenses, patents, films...
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goodbye, hello, hello, very glad for thank you, thank you, absolutely nothing, before you, about the genome, congratulations, listen, u it’s somehow not easy for me now, especially with money, i need a massage, a swimming pool, a car, in general, i’ll have to leave... tut, i heard at the genome that they pay well, could you help? i will ask, i would be very grateful to you.
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and i’m not saying that i’m going to feed her, i’m just feeding her, just changing her clothes, just preparing dinner, just washing the dishes, just doing everything, doing,
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you have no conscience at all, or what?
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completely crazy, the potential of the invention is enormous, nikolaeva’s cups will be in all reproductive medicine centers around the world so that to avoid loss of profit from counterfeits, i suggest starting selling immediately.
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i’ll take you there myself, lyuba, do you want to see what all the people look like at first? look. what is this? at the beginning of his life, every person is first two cells, then four, then eight, then 16, then, as i say above, in general, the greatest miracle of nature is that from such identical
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cells we then turn out to be so different. how did he get there? it's simple, desire and patience. hello. good afternoon. lawyers should have brought the agreed contract for signature. i decided to do it myself. here is a patent for your invention, we have filed it, thank you very much, and this is lyuba, i don’t know how to entertain children, so i brought it to work, hello, hello, are you bored, do you want a
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paper bird? so, vera grigorievna, yes, oleg viktorovich, can we just, vera, our acquaintance, yes, really. it didn’t start perfectly, forgive me for calling you then, no, it was you, forgive me, i behaved just like a war blues, can i somehow make amends, well, in general, in general, you can, your company
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after all, he is engaged in research in the field of gene blocker? yes, you know, i have one friend, a very good geneticist, if he has interesting developments, ideas, i’ll be happy. i’ll meet, yes, yes, yes, he just has one very interesting job, let him come to my office, thank you, that’s how they say the crane brings happiness, vera, i presented... your project to the swiss partners, they invite you to the reception at the embassy, ​​if it would be your pleasure, thank you.
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sergey anatolyevich nikolaev, uh-huh,
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uh-huh, well, at least the idea is interesting, even really, use not the suppression of pathogenic fragments, but recombination with... connections, i’ve been doing this for a long time, but somehow there was no way to bring it to fruition, well, it’s obvious, yeah, yes, i’m listening, oleg viktorovich, they’re calling from the swiss embassy , they ask you to confirm whether you will be at the reception today, yes, of course, yeah, but so far there is no breakdown of the phases of embryo development, this is an assumption, a good, interesting, promising one, but an assumption that needs to be seriously refined. will be able to within 2-3 days, of course, the subscriber is not available, you can leave a message after signal. vera, i desperately need to talk to you, very much about our hypothesis,
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which you and i once developed together, well, at least half an hour, any place, time, please. hello, sergey, you have 40 minutes, i will be getting ready for a meeting at this time. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya. this is a fascinating meeting with unusual people. hello, how lovely.
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