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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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try something new, string, motherwort, but this is the first time i’ve seen lapant, but these are also heart plants, here we have cardiovascular plants. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation, and of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it. with handles, and with two handles and knock it down, it’s strong, i’m scared, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, let's try to help someone? of our
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tv viewers, who, having watched it, will become a little bolder than they were before watching this program, and perhaps, if such thoughts came to mind, yes, he understood how to do this, first of all , let’s start, if it concerns children, this is a psychological and pedagogical service, who is ready to come at the first call, not even a request, a challenge, many will now be worried, will i be able to handle it financially, will that be enough?
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please help us, they just help us with hay, sponsorship, they will help us with grain, this year we were given potatoes 2 tons of food for our orphanage, straw there, well, as if we we we never heard a refusal from the authorities, with living space, for example, like well, well, i don’t know the person, but now there’s only one apartment.
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yeah, and here is the children's room and these are all bedrooms, four bedrooms, it turns out, the children's room, there is a mixed bedroom, and this is the living room and kitchen. i see the diploma - to alexander iktorovich, sasha is very good, he is such a hard worker, a very, very good son, and we are proud of him, because he really works very hard, he does not study maybe he got to you late, late, and... he was neglected, yeah, but hardworking, what do you stop, stop, stop, and as now, according to reviews, he is also appreciated at work, we can say that if a child comes to you conditionally falls at the age of 12-13, firstly, this is a difficult period in the life of everyone, yes a young person, hormones and so on, and if by this moment the school has already been launched, you do not insist, as i understand it, no, no, we are looking , if you’re struggling, then we’ll help, we’ll hire tutors, we’ll help. who, let’s say,
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is specially launched, but has more abilities, and if the child himself is weak, still neglected, well, it’s useless, only then we can teach him. so that you don’t get lazy in life, you don’t get depressed. as for creating families within a foster family, our heroes have one very simple rule: while children are under 18 years old, while they are studying at school or at a higher educational institution, there can be no talk of any relationship ; after 18, children have the right to listen to their hearts and act the way it says. how do most children end up with you? there is one, well, the most common one the reason, or what? yes, why are they left alone? mostly drinking parents, basically, it’s a scourge, it’s a problem, alcohol, alcohol, alcohol addiction, and of course, well, we
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explain to our children, let’s say, for our children we tell them exactly the harm of all this, that there are some consequences, well i do not want. of course, taking parents as an example, we explain that the fact that parents are temporary for them, such a period, well, of course, unfortunately, this is precisely the reason, in our family we also faced drug addiction, there were some parents some drug addicts, well, in general, of course, probably, pure irresponsibility, probably, i think so, of parents, leads to such consequences, so it seems to me that the state took it. themselves very much cared for, they feel it, their parents are irresponsible, that ’s why they exist, the state does a lot for them, they, well, i don’t know, i don’t want to talk bad about them at all, because well, there are all sorts of stories, but however, it may even be
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possible to create such settlements where there will be such parents live and grow something, yeah, work. yes, somehow unite them, not only do our heroes try to build houses for their children in the required quantity, but they also worry about the place in which they live, i really don’t want there to be abandoned areas on the plots next door, but what is this for the land behind us, is this also your land for construction or what is it? no, this is not our land, this is state land, but since there is a swamp here, there are springs somewhere and it’s just such a wasteland. it turned out here there can’t be construction, the zone is a security zone, then we want to improve it all here, make a pasture for sheep, yeah, walk a little, sow the grass, mow it all,
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dear, you say, well, for the fence, firstly, secondly , we want to improve it, because there are reeds here, all kinds of grass, a swamp, yes, yes, swampy, water, literally half a meter and...
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take it away, so this was the beginning. it's time to sum up our day, and looking ahead a little, i will say that we will do this in an unusual way. summarize in the usual way, as we do in other programs, it probably won’t work here, but just look at this
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family. it seems to me that it would be inappropriate to sum up, to wish for something, the only thing that definitely needs to be done, and it seems to me that i really want to do it for every child. for an adult who is present here, this is to say to these wonderful people: thank you, we will do it in our own way, we will just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles , thank you so much. after meeting today's heroes, i personally realized that many of the problems that i think exist in my life are such a trifle. i think you caught yourself thinking the same thing. health and happiness to this wonderful family.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belorusskaya. beauty gaming is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work. i think the game wasn't bad, it just lacked completion. it is also necessary to take into account that the transition field and coverage are different. bright moments, real emotions. it's the playoffs. everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but
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it was hard every game, the opponent plays like that, so, to the extent you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his moments, he always plays like this, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. one moment will overshadow 30 years of your happiness. you are blind because you see only the path along which i walk to death. by what right are you? leave next to one minute of death the happiness of a lifetime.
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why did you live, why did all this happen?
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here. veronica, yes, it’s me, last year i was a teacher at the gymnasium, and now i’m a servant.
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stop guessing, hanka!
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so, panie żmiejestka, bardzo kochamy się z paulem.
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well, how are you guys, we’re finishing the third thousand, we promised four, we’ll do it, well, tell me how you stretched, it’s funny to you, but i hurt my knee, i’m tired. serve you devils, the paper is running out, i told yanyk, they promised to send it tomorrow.
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what does this mean, olga? where is the veal, butter, fruit? you've been to the city, haven't you? i won’t buy, that is, i won’t, we ’ll be shocking here, and the money from the party treasury was collected by hungry farm laborers, i’ve had enough of playing the role of a wife, wife of your husband, i will report to yanyk about your behavior.
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fuck it, let's sleep, yeah, who's there? pan brzeciński, to ja.
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otworzcie telegram.
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who, who betrayed? what if it’s one of those who knows a lot? dzishchey issued a warrant against our comrades olga and pavel. it's a hard day. olga and
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pavel were sentenced to 4 years in prison. the secret police are confident that the central committee printing house is finished.
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magic ruin. the king was killed, zygmont was killed, janik was killed, the strike was shot, but he turned out to be one of those who knew a lot, gregory. you
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betrayed us, well are you going to judge me, kirieleison.
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you are not much older, you could have been among them, yes, but there is
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a child writhing under my heart. and my communion in another church. veronica karcheska in the polish territory. born in 1909, a komsomol member since the age of 15, a communist since the age of 18, i am a member of the functional party of poland in western belarus, organized anti-government strikes. demonstrations, arrested for the murder of a defensive officer, pregnant.
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dear veronica, there was a trial or as long as possible, for life. divchinta, kohane, still wearing. how do you feel, what have you heard about pavel? i don’t know what cell you’re in, today you’re being transferred to a general cell, remember ours is 207.


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