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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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2 million visitors, by the end of the year it was possible to recover 3/4 of all construction costs, but the creative intelligentsia of paris and france were outraged by the eiffel project from the very beginning of construction and sent demands to the paris mayor's office to stop construction. the correct answer to our question is: yes. before we sum it up, i really want to share my impressions and collect your opinions and impressions. valeria, how did you like the first round, what question showed you. the most difficult, i can’t say that the first round was enough difficult, because there were questions from an area that interests me, which i can really answer without thinking, and what area, biology and chemistry, biology and chemistry, okay, yuliana, you see yourself in the second round, well, why not, you counted your correct and incorrect answers, well , i’m roughly estimating that there are still fewer incorrect ones than correct ones, fewer, somewhere around eight correct ones, i think.
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well, we will soon see this, elizaveta, do you think you will make it to the second round? well, i started to count, but somewhere on the third question, i got all confused, well, i don’t know, now we’ll see. alexander, how difficult or how easy was it for you to play in the first round? it's a shame for the white olympics. how many points do you think you managed to score? well, if my calculations are correct, and i am not a mathematician by any means. i have 11. well, alexander, let’s make sure of this. attention to the screen. alexander, albina, artyom, kirill, egor, ulyana, danilo, andrey, passed. juliana, nikita, elizaveta and valeria, unfortunately, are not. here it is, eight participants of the second round and alexander, it becomes clear that your calculations can be trusted. i think you're something. don’t
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finish telling yourself, i congratulate the eight players with whom we will meet in the second round and it remains to wish good luck to the four players at the bottom of the list, to whom we are saying here now, goodbye guys, thanks for the game, come on in, it’s a shame, the price of one of the oh-so-hot process, i could have answered correctly, but i pressed the button, then i thought, i really wanted to get to the third round, but god didn’t give me the will, as my mother says, the game is very i liked it, i think that i could achieve great results, but perhaps my excitement prevented me, because of it i answered the questions too quickly, perhaps i did not have time to think about them correctly, the question about the white olympics was quite easy, but i was too clever, with my game i i’m not disappointed, this is an experience in any case, at the moment i have slightly different goals, namely to successfully pass the exams, get into a good university, that’s it... it’s just a bundle of
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fresh air, as for the questions, i think they were interesting, rivals worthy, that’s why i’m not upset that i was eliminated in the first round. i didn’t set a goal for myself, i came only to participate, to find out my knowledge, in general, what i’m capable of, i’m still glad that i took part in such a large-scale project, i still consider myself a winner, we’re all great , we are all smart, we can all cope. we are starting the second round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second round. initially, this play by ostrovsky was called bankrupt. by what name is it known? but
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we will count our own people, b - poverty is not a threshold, and don’t get into your sleigh, it’s time. kirill, let's talk to you, as you answered, i answered option b, but it sounds about the same as bankrupt, that is, bankrupt is a person who... has become impoverished, well, poverty is not the threshold, that is, you we were just guided by the euphony of the name, but it suits the approximate topic, uh-huh, okay, there is someone who understands exactly what we are talking about and can tell us, andrey, i’m so bankrupt was originally called my people, we’ll be counted, it was quite popular, i don’t remember who, but someone said that in russia there are three plays in russian literature, if i... this is nedrosel, woe from
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wit and the inspector, i probably put number four on bankruptcy, well, in general, the dog is quite famous, now she bears its name people will be numbered. i won’t tell you at all, i ’ll tell you, a rich merchant decided to declare himself bankrupt so as not to pay creditors, in fact, a very common story, what is called a classic, but now this is happening, he transferred his property to his son-in-law, hoping that he would not leave him, but the son-in-law deceived the merchant, and the daughter disowned him, in this vein... the name “our people” sounds very ironic. the correct answer is option a. second question: what is the name of the philosophical discipline that deals with research, criticism and theories of knowledge. a, ontology, b.
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gnosiology, c-anthropology. time! artyom, what do you think, how did they answer? so, well, i started to go, excluding options that definitely do not fit, and the first i excluded was the anthropology option, because anthropology is a science that studies changes in the physiological, well, human structure in general, and accordingly, i was left with two options: ontology and epistemology, well, i suggested that epistemology would be a more correct option, because well, like any other name on...
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gnost understood you all, someone can tell the anthology what kind of science is about being, about the existence of man, about being, about the existence of man, and gnosiology is about knowledge, about knowledge, that is, according to your logic, gnosiology is recognition, well, then let's briefly go over everything, well, to consolidate, someone might discover something new for themselves, an anthology, a teaching about existence, a teaching. about being as such - a branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental principles of being. philosophical anthropology, mind you, i say philosophical. anthropology meets not only in biology, it is also found in philosophy, so here we have philosophical anthropology, and so this is the philosophical doctrine of
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the nature and essence of man, if you knew these two terms for certain, you would simply throw them out and settle on option b - gnosiology . what did you actually do? the correct answer to our question. option three question: the treble clef is otherwise called the clef of this note: a is the note e, b is the note g, c is the note b time who is good with music, who maybe still plays music? i studied at the music school.
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the curl is located exactly on the line where the g of the first octave is, you understand why i asked you. the correct answer to our question, option b: the note salt. fourth question: which attack has the correct pasta in the word? option a, option b, or option c. time.
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this is the statute of the time. egor, how did you answer? i answered option b: lawyer. well, the correct answer, lawyer, is yes, because the statute is on, and the truth is kievan rus. he was guided by the fact that our truth is russian, our statute is lithuanian, and serdsky means lawyer listen, great, did you go by the method of elimination? yes, but where do you get such confidence that the statute could only be with the grand duchy of lithuania , it couldn’t be anywhere else, well, it was with the grand duchy of lithuania, well, great. but what’s stopping you in serbia, for example, from making your own statute, and danila? in general, as far as i know, in the middle
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ages it was precisely the statute that was, one might say, the basic legal code, some kind of legal document, and there were statutes not only on the territory of the grand duchy of lithuania in poland, but also throughout europe common. how did you answer, danila? statute. danila, you are absolutely right that there were statutes not only on the territory of the grand duchy of lithuania, on the territory of poland, indeed, there were statutes in many countries, but the correct answer to our question is option b, legalist. sixth question: from the latin word with what meaning did the word cellulose come from? a, cell, b, paper, c: plant. time. ulyana, what do you think, how did they answer? i answered option b. paper, but it seemed to me that it might. it would be more correct that paper came from cellulose, well, logically,
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but wrong. egor, what do you think, i answered option a, i was guided by the fact that in english a cell is whole, well, the pronunciation may not be correct, so cell, cellulose also has a root, very confidently, steadily, calmly, we are moving towards the given goal, yes, english helped, yes, you went from... in the same way, i also remember that in my opinion the science of cells is called cytology, the letter tsi seems to be present in both, so i chose cell, well done, after all, you needed english here, well done, andrey, in our case this word comes from french, forgive me, i won’t pronounce this weakness, i want to keep your ears in their original form, but this word means fiber and cellulose, well then... latin, for example, cell, that is, it’s also from latin a cell, and as we figured out, from
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english it is also a cell, and the correct answer to our question is option a cell. seventh question: in which state the share of the urban population is the smallest in the world and is about 13%? a qatar, b - mongolia, c - burundi. time. albino, what do you think? well, i admit, honestly, i’m not strong in geography, so i relied on some kind of intuition, for the most part, i chose option a, qatar, qatar, there are the least urban residents there, well, for some reason it seems to me that so, perhaps it is not so. and where do the rest of the residents live, well, in the boat, i mean, if they are not urban, rural areas. they have dachas, yes, the qatar gardening partnership, yes, very
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good, egor, but i was guided by the fact that kator is an island, no, peninsular state, i don’t remember the capital, and there are deserts there, therefore, all people will flock to the city, i still had the option of mongolia and the option of burundi, i chose mongolia because historically it has a nomadic lifestyle, it is a very poor state and the cities there are not particularly developed, except for... city residents , that is, dachik, as you understand, albino is not particularly favored there, but burundi, it’s always, please, there is 13%, the correct answer to our question is burundeev, the eighth question, according to uspomin. my books were so popular that hours later they were stolen from the library, and they
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were killed by the beast of the right adventurer and pride of light, viktar yarotskag. gety is a writer, and maxim garetski, b. mikhas zarytski, ts-zmitrok byadulya. time. such a genre is a big mountain, bad, yeah, but all mikhai zaretsky, we read in the 10th grade, all there was more of the present, the adventurism there would be, undeniable, and flawless, and there i say mikhats for retski, malachina, just malachina, yes, very
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malachina, read, yes, read, well done, he reads a lot, the correct answer to our question, option b. mihas zaretsky. ninth question: high cholesterol levels primarily affect the disease. a - blood, b - cells, c - vessels. time. danila, what do you think? well, biology is, let's say, not my profile, however, in my head. a clear picture has emerged that cholesterol primarily affects vascular disease, but what happens to the blood vessels? i assume that as cholesterol accumulates, it may clog them, well, that is, the patency of the vessel decreases, most likely by how much, let’s let’s just assume with you, it will probably be quite difficult for me to assume, but people rarely die from this, i think, although this hardly causes complications, very
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serious ones, it does cause complications and what else, of course, can the vessel become clogged? in different ways, i mean in volume, and in the amount of this very blockage, but it also happens that the permeability of the vessel is reduced by 90-95%, you can imagine, in fact, we are plugging the drain hole in the bathroom with a stopper, about what health can are we talking? the correct answer to our question is option c: vessels. the final question of the second round based on the structural paradigm. programming, any program consists of basic control structures, what structure is not among them? option a - algorithm, option b - loop and option c - branching. time!
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kirill, then let’s just discuss with you how you answered? i answered logorhythm, smart guy, well done, because he loves computer science, smart girl, dance, now dance, yes , the winner for this question, and what is an algorithm in general, that’s what you say in your own words, as you understand, well, a certain set of actions may be performed, a sequence of actions, and some patterns of behavior, well, what i remember from computer science is that a branch cycle exists in programming, a cycle, i repeat... if the conditions is not observed, well , branching - i honestly don’t remember that, but i remember that there was a branching, the loop continues as long as the conditions are met, and as soon as they stop being met, the loop is interrupted and gives us something in the end, well, the correct answer , option a algorithm, everything else indeed there is, well, two rounds are already over, alexander, how do you like the second round,
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did it seem more difficult than the first, the second round seemed difficult to me in general, i... less, i think, maybe i won’t even pass, but what caused this complexity? oh, i don’t remember, you know, no, i’m not talking about the questions, but in general, well, that’s why the second round turned out to be, well , the questions, i didn’t know the answer, clearly, the questions became more difficult, no, well, some i knew, some i didn’t, i don’t think i answered, enough questions, ulyana, what do you think, which question seemed the most difficult, honestly not i remember i was wrong in most of the questions, i also watch this program, usually the first round. more difficult than the second, but now it’s like on the contrary, the first round seemed easier to me. well, let’s look at the screen like this, on a positive wave, like this with a smile, and see who is going where. albina, egor, andrey, others pass. kirill, danilo, artyom and ulyana, unfortunately, no. at the top of the list, as
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always, are the four players we will meet in the third round at the bottom, the four players we will meet. we'll give you a gift for the game and spend it from our playground, thank you guys, that’s all, i’m incredibly pleased with the game, i didn’t make any significant bets on how it would go, it was simply incredible for me to see how this process itself goes, because it’s one thing to watch it on tv , to take part in this live, to look at this floor, this whole atmosphere, it’s just amazing, in the first round there were good questions, i ended up third in the ranking, this was of course very encouraging, that’s it, but in the second round the situation changed, questions others, as a result, here i am now. i’m telling you my impressions, i wasn’t the least bit upset that i left after the second round, on the contrary, i really enjoyed the game, i’m very glad that i took part in this show, i can rate my game
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as an eight, because i was going home after the first round, but i’m very glad that i made it to the second, i answered all the questions that i could answer, some i could answer by guessing, two points were missing, but i’m not upset, being eliminated after the second round is not as disappointing as after...
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she wants to be with him, alone in time, he’s just playing, but he doesn’t know anything, he ’ll have to give up, she loves bright colors, she won’t leave me a chance to believe. what’s in her head, he says, he won’t let go, he shrinks from sadness, the baby doesn’t hang out with him, the baby has outgrown it, one more story, one more comment, love her a little less, she likes you, slowly gives, slowly flies away, a guy’s heart , now he’s growing up, we’re kissing and greeting surprises. sunset, between us, between us there is water-waterfall, between namida, between us water,
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between us pada, between us at the vada, between us huva yes. they shine high, their feelings are on fire, they feel so good, oh, yeah, it doesn’t hurt, the front flies away, the guy’s heart. it's about to melt, we kiss the surprise, we meet the sunset, between us, between us there is a water conduit, between us there is a waterfall,
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between us there is a vada, between us there is a namida.
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guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round and propose. postpone our competition program for a long time, take a short break in order to get to know each other better. egor, in which school subjects do you feel strongest? geography, because i will have a republican olympiad on this subject, and mathematics. mathematics is more controversial, i study it as a way to pass an exam, i write a normal rehearsal paper for 80 plus. how is this expressed in marks? math 10, all 10, i'm going for the gold medal. and in general there were nines in three subjects. it seems like what kind of subjects are all languages, all languages, belarusian, russian, english, what do you want to become in general in life, were you thinking about where to go, there is very little time left, yes, i thought, i’m planning to go to bsu for geography...
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faculty, well, the faculty of geography and geoinformatics, there is a specialty in geographic information systems, there is a course in basic, specialized programming, and after that you graduate as a programmer and as a geographer? he has been associated with geography for more than 4 years, and quite successfully competes at all levels of the republican olympiad in our academic subject, and the profession was chosen by himself, of course it seemed to me that his desire for the ability to work with children would still lead him to... . pedagogical activity, but he decided to connect his life with geographic information systems, and i absolutely approve of his choice, i am proud of him, and i am more than sure that he will realize himself there 1,500%. we have come to the main question: your favorite book is gone with the wind, because it is a very beautiful love story that is a little reminiscent of your love story, yes,
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it is, your story.
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hours, then i rest a little, about an hour, an hour and a half, if everything is fine, then 2 hours, then i sit down to do my homework, well , it’s clear that everything depends on the subjects that will be taught the next day, conditionally, if oral subjects predominate, paradoxically i spend more time on them than on written ones, because learning the same paragraph in biology, about genetics, takes much more time than deciding whether to cram several numbers in mathematics or to understand? about understanding, i’m 100% sure, as a math teacher, that albina’s ability to understand and shave is not about her. i have had a channel on youtube since 2018, at one time i worked with the zhoden city tv channel, filmed videos for it, how many subscribers do you have? oh, honestly, about 350, maybe so, but for our city this is
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a sufficient number to... be due to the fact that i shot videos for a tv channel, they recognize and know a lot more, great, you are recognizable, you are recognized in the city, yes, yes, you are a youtube subscriber- albina’s channel, of course, i’ve been watching albina for a very long time, probably since the sixth grade she already had such a channel, and while i had the opportunity, i watched a section with albina on the tv channel, very interesting, albina’s videos are completely different, what is it mostly about? school life in general about everyday life, don’t you like to cook? not i love you, and you won’t even cook scrambled eggs? no, well , i like to cook, but i don’t even know how to cook, if i’m in the mood, i can make honey cake, for example, i absolutely adore this, but in general i don’t like wasting time on cooking. in the future, who will cook? well, in the future - i hope to get married successfully, so that once i cook
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, once my husband cooks. do you think it's good to get married? no, well, getting married successfully is in other criteria, let’s say, but i believe that in a family everything should be equally distributed, since this is a union, everyone should contribute an equal share of effort. to our program, prepared, specially repeated something, some subjects? it seems to me that albina is always ready, she is a very erudite person, she has a lot of knowledge, a lot of hobbies, and she does any subject perfectly. that even to say that something is wrong, well, it’s impossible, it’s just physical education, everything else we have is great, it turns out that knowledge is well said, there is erudition, there is speed, as in the third round they discussed this point, and i i think that albina is a purposeful girl, and where necessary, she she can concentrate, everything should work out for her, i’m sure of that, well, let it be so, we wish albina good luck in the third round, yes, now let’s meet
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alexander, you... not for the first time with us, yes, it turns out like this, yes, not just not for the first time, you are the winner of the super final, an intellectual show, i know, 4 years ago, that’s a long time ago... water, time flew by quickly. a legitimate question: why did you come a second time? interesting, just for fun, so to speak. you are not afraid to fly out, for example, to third round and never made it to the super final? of course, i wanted to get to the super final, but if i recover, i won’t cry or laugh. you don’t like computer science, this is probably the most unpopular version of the answer to what subject is now in the 21st century. you like me, computer science, why? well, unfortunately, i just don’t understand her, who do you want to become? well, in general, i would like to connect my life with geography, in many directions at the same bsu, i’m not his class teacher, but i’m a geography teacher, but we work very closely with
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sasha, since sasha came from the seventh grade and we started studying hard, i saw the potential in this student and revealed him as a creative person, how did you see the potential in him? one paragraph was not enough, yeah, he needed to prepare additional information, so, starting from the seventh grade, we began to study extra and spent a lot of time, just with him alone, i want to pass the republican olympiad in geography, if it doesn’t work out, i won’t have a diploma, that is, the city of brest, why is it so good for geographers? i already have, well, a first-degree diploma at the regional olympiad. which gives admission to a regional university, directly automatic, automatic, well, he didn’t write anything in the column for the main achievements in life, he was modest, so he was modest, yes, in fact he, tell us about his achievements,
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the achievements of his achievements quite a lot, with eighth grade, eighth, ninth, tenth grade, he is the winner of the final stage of the republican olympiad, in the eighth grade he received a diploma first degree, in the ninth grade he received a third degree diploma. intellectual show intellectual show this is specifically for i know ordinary or extraordinary well , for me this is an extraordinary situation at the very beginning i had excitement, and the excitement is not very strong, but it was present, especially at the very beginning, when we came in, now it is almost gone, but there is such a slight fuse, such excitement for the game, do you have a strategy? well, you know, the game is also good, there is excitement, but also a bit of luck should be, because this is a game, there is little time to think here, you need erudition, so you also need to cope with yourself, with your nerves and excitement first of all, let’s
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wish him confidence in the third round, self-confidence, good luck, i believe in you, everything will work out for you, thank you very much, i have no doubt either, we just have to get to know andrey, this is not your first time with us either, right? 4 years ago you already participated in the clear 5 years ago 5 years ago, how did it end, tell me, in the first game i took second place, but in the super final, unfortunately it didn’t work out and i was eliminated in the first round, which got in the way, speed, knowledge, to be honest, i don’t remember anymore, in my opinion, knowledge, how andrey prepared to conquer again, i know, he’s still a member of the team, what where when occupy prize-winning places in the city and in the region, i think this also helps him, but... he is a very well-read person, he knows a lot, reads a lot, in all industries, and why did you come now, a new challenge, new perhaps acquaintance, adventure, it’s always interesting, i believe that in life you need try everything new and strive for something new,
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this time victory is important to him or did he really come here to have fun, you know, i told him, andrey, you are coming, of course, but for victory, of course, each of us wants to win on the pedestal , but it’s easy to feel this game. as they say, children have a blast. what school subject can you say that you are like a duck to water? i probably won’t name one, but it’s most likely mathematics, english, russian, russian literature, because in these subjects i’m preparing for olympiads, he has there is no grade of nine, starting, probably , from the fifth grade, he has a grade of 10, he consistently achieves tens. do you play guitar? yes, i play in a group, we participate in various competitions. republican, international, what direction, is it a rock band, more like rock, yes, you break tvs in hotels, throw them away, not yet, well, who knows where he is going to go, well, i don’t know, it’s of course secret, i think so, but he is studying mathematics,
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a foreign language, he loves the russian language very much, he cooks, he reads a lot of russian literature, let's hope that these items will help him in the third round and wish him good luck, like all the guys, because the third round is ahead. very interesting, but very treacherous. vasya, let's start. we are starting the third round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the third round , the host asks 10 questions, and the participant gets the right to answer. first question: you can’t put a loaded gun on stage if no one intends to shoot it, you can’t make a promise. state the first and last name of the author of this quote. andrey, this. chekhov, anton chekhov, that would be enough, the correct answer,
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let's move on, the second question, and this is a video question, this is graffiti by the french street artist zabu, who is depicted in it? alexander, this is the mexican artist frida kahlo, frida kahlo, you said it correctly in the first case, yes, this is the correct answer, yes, well done, it is. in art. third question, and this is a question from the chest. what is in the chest has long been known as cologne water. and by what name do we know it? alexander? adicalon. adicalon. let's watch. well well, indeed, this is adikalon.
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andrey, lithuanian farmstead, lithuanian farmstead, the correct answer, the boys, of course , probably also provide their own experience, you read, and you develop literacy, and of course, the sixth question, pay attention to the screen, a still from the filming of which film do you see on the screen, andrey , titanic, the hero leonardo survived, yes, he came out, he noticed. survived here, yes, but not for long,
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the correct answer, titanic, you are absolutely right, the seventh question, straighten the memory, andrey, pyasochny, gadzinnik, pyasochny, yes, chamu not pyaschany, geta, kali i’m not thinking about it, paronyms, pyashchany - geta zrobleny za pyaska, pyasochny - geta toy, yakim skladze getaga prametta skorubleny za pyaska, exhaustive answer, thank you. eighth question: this instrument comes from ancient musical signaling instruments made from animal horns. so its name translated from german means rock. what kind of instrument is this? let's listen. andrey, did you press the button earlier? maybe this? trombone trombone yes no this is not him egor tuba
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alas no not tuba alexander fanfare no this is not fanfare albina well i can guess bugle perhaps this is already the correct answer, this is the bugle, bravo albino, thank you ninth question, by what name is the region highlighted on the map known? alexander, blue banana, yes, well done, sasha, why is it called that? and when the headlights are shining, and the lanterns, yes, this is the second, most importantly, the blue banana, this is the correct answer, yes, the tenth final question of the third round: winston churchill once mentioned two women for whom crimes brought enormous income, the first second woman is separated by more than 400 years old, first - this...
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well done, there is one more place, you will obviously have company, and this company will be with you, a player who scored 35 points, a player who is not the first time, alexander, you are going through the fourth round, alexander, so lost, yes,
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but he closed the gap between andrey and alexandrite. my congratulations, we will meet with you in the fourth round. egor and albina, thank you for your participation, you’re great, come on in! oh, guys, it seems to me, of course, it was difficult to compete with such regulars as alexander and andrey, who we already had here and were quite good the results showed, moreover, alexander was generally the winner of the super final. i'm right, albin, you tried once, could you still answer the questions? i could answer, i was confused, here’s a question about frida kala, i knew, i knew, but i was just confused, i also knew about the inscribed angle, but these are just some elements of excitement, it seems to me, well, how are you filming your vlog, you have
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youtube - your channel, tell us about your impressions of filming in our program, maybe you decided to become a journalist after all, i really enjoyed it today. very much on surprisingly, i didn’t have the slightest bit of excitement, that is, the filming pavilion is very comfortable, a very pleasant atmosphere, the aesthetics of television itself is right here today, i’ll remember it for a long time. oh, thank you very much, we are very pleased, especially to hear from a blogger. tetyana vladimirovna, are you satisfied with albina’s performance? i’m very, very pleased, as if albina even revealed herself to me as a mathematician from a completely different side, as if i always knew that this was...
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i didn’t come here, i came to show off, well, not even to show myself, to relax, relax, yes, i enjoy it. from the game, especially the intellectual one, well , i like to talk, is it really possible to relax on our program, managed to relax, no doubt, no doubt, what i liked, which round i liked better, which question i remember, liked, well, the second one, because i answered well there, but it was just here in the teachers’ room that we found the second round to be the most difficult. vladislav vladimirovich, share your impressions, how do you like our teacher’s meeting, how do you like egor’s performance? everything is great, everything is gorgeous. the most important thing for me, that my mentee, my student, the person with whom we work constantly, yes, one whole, he received incredible pleasure today, rested, recharged himself, charged with new emotions, impressions, and for him this is the first experience of such serious filming, and it is really very important that he
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was able to show himself, relax, and learn something new for himself that will really be useful to him in his future adult life. it’s great that you have such impressions, well, our game continues, let’s find out who will be the winner, alexander or andrey. vasya, it's time to start our finale. the fourth decisive round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and. if the answer is correct , he receives four points; if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game, the correct option earns him two points. andrey, you are the leader in points, you should choose the first category, russian literature, pay attention to the screen, tell me which of the heroes
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does dostoevsky pronounce this monologue? guess what? this is rodion raskolnikov. alas, it’s not him, alexander. you have the opportunity to earn two points. i do not know. the opportunity to earn two points is closed. who preached the theory of the whole caftan? pyotr petrovich. luzhin. luzhin, he is the one. it's okay, let's not slow down. alexander, choose a category. there are cities in the world. oh great, i choose this category. name the world's largest port in terms of cargo turnover, e.g. shanghai, shanghai, of course, he andrey hod is returning to you, let 's do it - poetry is already the end of autumn, but the green mandarin believes in future days,
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name the author of this haiku, well, if it is haiku, then most likely it is matsu basho, my god, how do you know this , well done, that’s right, it’s him, this is the correct answer, alexander, the move comes back to you, let me choose a story. on which river did the battle between the army of the princes of russia and the mongol empire take place in 1223? oh, if i'm not mistaken, it's kalka. well done, well done, well done, oh, the fight, the clash of the titans. kalka, you are not mistaken, the correct answer. andrey, what kind of fight is this? music. what is the name of the musical instrument you see on the screen? this is an accordion. how did you distinguish it from the button accordion? on the right side, it has the same keys as on a piano, and not dots on both sides, dots on both sides, well, dots
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, buttons, round, yes, round buttons, yes, this is the correct answer, accordion, alexander , choose a category, let it be religion, what diocese was formed on the belarusian lands in 1005, let it be turov. what is the name of the period of time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease, this is the incubation period, it is the most incubation period, well done, it’s easy too, and andrey is somehow lucky with his questions. alexander, at your place? well, let there be painting. what phraseology gave the title
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to this painting by british artist richard westel? sword of damocles. hooray. well done! sword of damocles, of course. how do you understand this phraseologist? this is a threat, so it is potential, which can soon become acute and lead to big problems. doing your homework is a sword of dodocles, but it’s clearly not for you. andrey, astronomy. which series of spacecraft discovered the presence of rings on the planet jupiter? these are voyager 1 and voyager 2. voyager. correct answer. yes, this is voyager. alexander, last category. oh oh oh. i don’t even know all the items. which i don’t really understand, but i think, after all, let there be chemistry. by
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what name is the qualitative reaction to compounds such as aldehydes known? oh, i don’t know, let there be a silver reaction mirrors, and let it. do you know any other reactions? no. and this is the correct answer. he's not good at chemistry. but you see. he knows this and this is exactly what he got, the reaction of the silver mirror was amazing, especially pleased, well, not that it pleased, but so to speak, the reaction of andrei, who, well, it is obvious that if you were mistaken now, would definitely have earned his own, attracted attention, well, let it be two, but points, you know, i want to add that i communicate very well with chemists, i went with him to training camps, so how they showed us test tubes, in of which the silver is so beautiful, well, that’s all. what i learned from the chemists, i’m very grateful to them, how great, hello to my friends, chemists, yes, hello to my chemist friends,
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can i say hello, yes, i say hello to my friend arseny, and also to my chemistry teacher, you know, guys, it’s so great to finish our game, the fourth round, our game in general, on such a positive, friendly note, before the start, you wished each other good luck, let it be a friendly game, if i... heard everything correctly, friendly it was a game, otherwise what will happen next, well, a natural consequence of any competition program, please treat it philosophically, pay attention to the screen, alexander, alexander, i congratulate you, and with a result of 55:53, today he wins. alexander, thank you for this game, it was amazing, andrey, i hope you are not upset, i hope you understand everything that
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happened, you proved yourself, and i am sure you have found your own circle. fans, thank you for the game, you fought brilliantly, pass, andrey, one question, dostoevsky let you down, well, so and so, russian literature, which i was counting on most, was the first to choose, let me down, well, well, i want to tell you that, in principle, you were very lucky with the categories, i’m right, i think so too, yes , well, in general, how...
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i wasn’t a little upset, it’s true, you said two points, here’s dostoevsky, if he had answered, then history would have improved, yes, it wouldn’t repeat itself, but what is it like to play now in the sixth grade? , well, now i’m older , i was there once already, now i’m more experienced in terms of this same game, so now it was a little easier to play, but more exciting, tell me the second time or not, it’s much easier, experience helped you, svetlana vasilyevna, are you happy, are you satisfied? i’m of course very happy, of course, that we will take the highest level, but i think that he’s generally great, he’s great, just great, svetlana vasilyevna, you see, a maximalist cannot accept, secondly, i would like to be on the main stage now, well it’s all the same, it’s nothing, next time we will be on the main site, but the chances of being on the main site remain, because there is super final, we are waiting for you, get ready, don’t
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relax, i hope to see you soon, and i ’m going to the main site to congratulate the winner, the game is over, it’s time to reward the winner, this wonderful bouquet is for you, congratulations on your victory, that’s it, the game has come to in the end, you don’t have to worry and fully share your impressions, how do you like the game? i quite liked the game, there was such competition, so i would say... it would be jerky, since in the first round i had, well, among everyone there was a maximum the number of points, and then i went down the stairs, and then snatched victory, and then in the fourth round, thanks to my memories, i was still able to score the maximum number of points in this game, thanks to the chemists and that very expedition, yes, which was, inez petrovna,
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i saw tears of happiness, share your emotions. a lot of very positive emotions, because in any game the strongest wins. i congratulate sasha. sasha turned out to be the best today. and i want to express my gratitude to the organizers and presenters for the warm, sincere the atmosphere you created for us today. for us it was our own holiday. thank you very much. thank you for this wonderful game. thank you. another participant made it to the super final of our show. we are waiting for the final qualifying game to find out the name. an eleventh grader who will join the super finalists. we wish the participants who will appear on this platform good luck, and the spectators a spectacular and exciting show. see you later, bye! is bubsleigh really an olympic sport? thanks smesharik, i know what a bubblesleigh is, but i i really don’t know if this is
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an olympic sport, i answered: yes, purely intuitively. wait, how miraculously he got into smeshariki, there was an episode about babsley, but they didn’t tell it there, in the olympics they didn’t tell it, an omission, i should write to the authors.
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people, fathers of the fantasy lands, let us grow, strength, map, we, brahmi, give pain, lands, glory be to the land, our bright name, hail the people.
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from time to time, husband and wife, we dropped, childbirth at times, flew by ourselves, with you, ours, got lost in work, layers of earth.
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belarus, our beloved mother, without ours, yes. live panorama in the studio elena
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sacheva, hello. from small towns to big cities. the republican cleanup day united millions of belarusians today. the president also worked in his small homeland. with what mood we were putting things in order and improving our land in the reports of our correspondents. big water continues to test. the strength of the russian regions and beyond, the extreme flood has now overtaken the tyumen region, the strongest spring flood was recorded in kazakhstan and the debut of the belarusian club in the media league. rallies, emotions on the brink and a full house. see also in our issue. there will be a garden city and a country drowning in flowers. look, you see, it’s very low here. the symbolism of apple blossoms and the transformation of the places where the homeland begins is firmly entrenched in ours.
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there are literally a few days left before the all-belarusian people's assembly, the delegates of belarus, on the eve of important political events, are ready to discuss issues that are significant for the country, let's compete and draw the best children without any.
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we accept the challenge, we go through all the tests with the guys. the fifth round of the belarusian football championship, another victory for evgeniy korolko in cycling, bronze medals at the world cup stage for gymnasts elena titovets and egor sharamkov. a tradition uniting millions of belarusians. a republican cleanup day was held in the country today. to restore order after winter and improve their land, where the brand is clean, they set out in every corner of belarus from the very morning, from small settlements to big cities. and i must say that with we completed our task for today to do something useful. we’ll tell you a little later about how the subbotnik took place across the country in facts and figures, let’s start with the first one, where the president worked. this year, together with the team, alexander lukashenko. an apple orchard in my
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small homeland, and local schoolchildren will eat apples from it. it turned out very symbolic: the apple tree is a tree that is responsible in our culture for the unbroken connection of generations. the elders set the tone, the younger ones support it, judging by the selection of varieties, the harvest promises to be good, which was facilitated by everything, even the weather. katerina krutalevich will continue. this is saturday, when belarusians get up early, not the only thing, of course, the season has begun, seedlings have already begun to emerge, potatoes are planted when the bird cherry blossoms, this is now, and the trees all commanded, we had to be in time before the leaves appear, these are our belarusian, conversations in any kitchen, because spring is the time to take care of the land, it doesn’t matter whether the dacha is a garden near the house or even individual acres, this is how belarusians, this is how we have been doing it for generations and from time immemorial, all without exception. look, you see, it's very
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low, because, in general, no one relaxes with the president of the subbotnik, this is already from experience, but there is always a result, next to him is the one who works with alexander lukashenko, constantly including journalists, the cameras were put aside, the shovels were taken and forward, so let's go , one operator will be all that’s left, there’s enough of these...
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cool labor lessons, as i said, every school should have its own garden plot where you can dig around on the ground , walk around and touch with your hands so that there’s less stupidity in your head, so these schoolchildren , well , he will work here as his personal plot, this was a vacant lot, we developed it. next year we will plant a garden in the fall, yes - we cultivate it, add the necessary fertilizers, well, so that it is technologically advanced, it’s exactly the same here, these were peasants. estates like this from the house to here, but this is already a dacha today, few people live here, the heirs live here, they cut out a garden for themselves, we fenced everything for them, and so as not to waste the rest, we decided
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to plant separate varieties of apple trees, there is a technology in the bookmark , the farmer helped that called with experience and specialization, all his apples are delicious.
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it was already when i was president that i began to delve a little into this, because we import apples, especially polish ones, and his apples are better than any polish ones, but the main thing is that they are cleaner, and cleaner not only because we are cleaner, cleaner, because what does he know, if he puts nasty stuff on the market, we will ask him, ask him, go from the poles, in general, gardens in belarus have always carried a certain symbolism, the long-suffering khatyn was once buried in bloom, as a continuation of the native gardens of the apple trees. after the tragedy, one of the few survivors, joseph kaminske, was grieving, forever frozen in bronze with his dead son in his arms. the monument to the victims of fascism was restored, and the park was restored. for 2 years in a row, the presidential cleanup was where the heart skips a beat. apple blossom with a red and green
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ribbon is a symbol of our main victory. belarus is above absolute evil. and we put it on on the ninth of may. the apple orchards of the alley are planted by graduates, and with the spring flowers they go into adulthood. this is a very strong slavic tradition, this is exactly what a tree reflects a memory that connects generations, so if you don’t have your own apple tree yet, it’s time to fix it. thank you, how to grow a decent apple tree, advice from igor aleksandrovich, even though he graduated from bgu, he returned home to continue his father’s work, this farm was inherited by everything that he learned. applied and introduced it technologies into agriculture, everything in our garden, a weather station, everything is computerized, all the tractors that work in the field, they are all equipped with a gps navigation system, we always see where, who works, what operation it does, how much
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water we poured on each plant, we can control any indicators, when we can control the indicators, only then can we influence them, but specifically at this cleanup the apples turned out... not for the entire program and the manager counted , that the journalists did not finish the work and suggested that they finish it, since everyone had gathered, what else is always needed in the village, firewood, in this crack, you should, you look there, you see, it’s not so simple, it’s moldy, it seems, yes, it seems you took it, thought x, well, you need to be stronger, okay, well, stronger, oops, you can generally learn from the president’s attitude towards your small homeland, he always finds it. time and what is created during this time is then used by people, with a similar subbotnik began the improvement of the trafim krynitsa, near alexandria, where for miraculous water, in addition to its purity, it is believed that the one who washes himself with it will return from everywhere unharmed, people go with throughout belarus, or the bank of the dnieper, where
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thousands of guests walk every year for a swim, has become greener thanks to oaks, berries and lindens, this too the result of saturday's work. in 1920 , the president worked in pripyat park, and now pine trees grow there as a sign of longevity. and it’s not so important what exactly you do today: plant a tree, clean up, not only in front of your house, but behind the fence, go home, help your parents on the site, and maybe even actually chop firewood for your neighbor. cleanup is about good deeds and creation, doing something more than we do every day, doing it not only for ourselves, but for everyone. katerinaevich, ulona cross! watch even more exclusive footage from the president’s small homeland and beyond this sunday on the main broadcast. subbotnik presidential master class on cutting. the future harvest from the experimental fields of the first and inside information from the palace of independence, all this in our section time of the first, when
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the president’s decision is invigorated in every sense, there will be no results this year, expect the most severe repressions, a couple of days then the all-belarusian people’s assembly, who will get there and how to the presidium, we will learn about this only based on the results secret... voting, where do the ministers go? you are a senator, what now? the president knows better about each of us, we harness ourselves and work on the republican cleanup, together with the first one. so, come on, one operator will be all that’s left, a personal example, what kind of harvest are we expecting in the presidential fields, well, this field , one might say, is watered with my sweat,
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24,000 people, about 14.5 million rubles have been collected. this is 4,000 more than last year. all this money will be used for the reconstruction of memorial complexes in the center for the patriotic education of youth. after all, 80 years after the war, there are many unhealed wounds in belarus. the search for the remains of the dead is underway, and the terrible pages of the great patriotic war are being reconstructed from the surviving archives. and today, during the cleanup day , many labor collectives carried out landscaping at the battlefields.
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their lines to their feat and the battle of lava. they are heroes even without medals, both for their
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contemporaries and the current generations. the youngest was 15, the eldest 32. today, in memory of this feat, there are 18 people around the mass grave from the leadership of savmin. today things are peaceful we preserve and increase what we gained back in the forties in order to make our country more beautiful. we can’t imagine belarus without a forest, the forest feeds, shelters, and heals, the most important thing is that it is not an investment, of course, it is the foundation for us to have a wonderful, green, beautiful country in the future, to work in the fresh air , and when it’s always so sunny and cool, this is a unique opportunity to talk with colleagues outside of the boardrooms. thoughts probably work better in the fresh air, they are more like that there dry, but here they are... with a mood so close to life, we already went to one point and
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were convinced that our light arm was growing well. in 5 years, the foresters promise that in this field of one and a half acres , young trees of the future oak grove will definitely be visible. last year we planted a pine tree and today i asked, they say it is growing, nothing has dried up, so this year it is oak, and the tree is powerful, an eternal symbol of strength. resistance, so for our country, i think this is the most suitable tree at the moment. belarusians are for recent years have proven that they can do a lot themselves. we master the most complex technologies and share them with friends to increase productivity. yes, this is ours, once at biolaz our designers came up with this design in order to facilitate the work of planting timber. so this is all our family. belarusian, who, if not the older generation, will show by example
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how to work and tell their children and grandchildren how it was then and what is important to do today so that the horrors of war...
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the day is wonderful, it unites collective, this is really for the benefit of our city, our country, and as they say, there are never too many parks, today the first space park was created in the capital for active and family recreation, this is the frundinsky district, native to the hero of belarus, our first cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya, remove branches, twigs, so that
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in the future here in this place we can create a good recreation area for the townspeople, we... are here to help, to show our civic position, we help in cleaning the recreation area, which will be dedicated to the flight to the space of the first belarusian woman, the cosmodrome for recreation will be filled with benches, children's and sports grounds, of course, in a cosmic setting. we are expecting the opening by independence day, and today this is a common cause for both the mayor’s office and the deputies of the city council, the house of representatives, as well as state control. and even if i left someone at work. they would be offended, and god forbid, if we take this place, this afternoon there will be a gorgeous park, not to mention the fact that joint physical labor brings us closer together. journalists, managers, and presenters, reporters, and all the employees of the beltelerdiocompany have spruced up and landscaped the area next to the television center.
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collective work unites, one might say, my first tree, and the tree gave birth to children. planted it, all that remains is to build a house, now at makayonka 9 there is a whole tui alley, there are more than a hundred of them, by the way , the president also spoke about such a living green fence at one of the meetings, said, done, yesterday he was returning from work, driving through the city, well, thinking about the fact that tomorrow is a subbotnik, i looked at minsk, i think, why does minsk need it at all? subbotnik, because i have visited many countries in my life, it seems to me that this is the cleanest, most well-groomed city of all. the liberation of belarus, the lessons of history are studied right in the places of our sorrow: burned villages, dora, dalva and popova gryada. the youth who study with us, who live in our country, they
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must remember that such moments existed, and so that they know this story and do not repeat it. alleys in minsk from the ministry of industry at the legendary integral plant in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of the ministry of industry and from the ministry of health in honor 105th anniversary of the healthcare system. young linden trees are the mother tree, which gives children everything they need for life. and such common deeds, of course, unite us and definitely make us stronger. just like these small seedlings, after decades they will turn into tall and beautiful spruce, oak and linden trees. svetlana lukenyuk, alexey young man all. tv news agency team. labor forces today worked throughout the country, cleaning, painting, washing, putting things in order in parks, on the territories of social facilities, in the courtyards of residential buildings, improving memorials and places of folklore. memory. the funds raised will be used for the restoration and restoration of the memorial complex to child victims of war in the zhelobensky district. the creation of the republican center
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for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress, as well as the reconstruction and restoration of combat and military places.
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this is fundamentally important. memorial complex to child victims of war in the zhlobin region. here was one of the largest children's donor concentration camps. those who miraculously survived were sent to hard labor in germany. the memorial complex in krasny bereg is the only one in the cis. it is in memory of the children of the war, whose childhood was trampled under the fascist boot. an apple orchard, an empty classroom, a boat of hope, a sculpture of a frightened girl. every year this place is visited by 40,000 people. children's khatyn. today here are those who remember what war is and know what peace is. eco-marathon participants planted
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an apple alley in memory of those who will never grow up. this is a very symbolic place. today we came to support such a wonderful campaign, we came to plant new seedlings so that the young garden will bloom in this place and continue to delight us. when visiting, well, after all, probably with a woman. tears appear in the eyes, and men have a lump in their throat, just from one thought, what happened here was just brutal torture, attitudes towards children, in order for this not to happen, we must remember what happened, all together, as they rightly said, together as one family, they are doing everything to ensure that there is no war today, and another place of people’s memory, a memorial complex on the site of the prisoner of war camp shtalak 300... 24 , 20,000 prisoners of war died here from hunger, wounds, disease and execution. concerned local residents paid tribute to the memory of the victims.


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