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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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no, the adults planted an apple tree alley, this is a very symbolic place, today we came to support such a wonderful action, we came to plant new seedlings so that the young garden would bloom in this place and continue to delight us. when visiting, well, after all, probably, tears appear in a woman’s eyes, and a lump forms in a man’s throat, just from the thought of what happened here. it was just brutal torment, relationships - towards children, in order for this not to happen, we must remember what happened, all together, as they rightly said, together one family is doing everything to ensure that there is no war today. and another place of national memory, a memorial complex on the site of the shtalak-324 prisoner of war camp, where 20,000 prisoners of war died from hunger, wounds, disease and execution. concerned local residents paid tribute to the memory of the victims.
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flowers were laid during a minute of silence. a decision has been made to reconstruct this monument, now we will pour concrete under the base of the future installed slabs, where the names of the red army soldiers and civilians who are buried here and who managed to install. and work on the reconstruction of not only this burial site, but the rest in the grodno region will continue. we came here with the guys to help everyone's cause, to bring. this place is designed to honor the memory of the soldiers who died here. we work with pleasure, help others, and simply enjoy being part of a common cause. the minsk region also joined the republican marathon. the labor landing party landscaped the territory of the monument in memory of the military operations of the partisan brigade named after kalinin, near the village of labenshchina near minsk, rescuers worked today and more than 10,000 young plants were planted on an area of ​​2 hectares. belarus is our common home, so,
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of course, we need to restore order in our country, well, this year, of course, is a symbolic date - 80 years of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders, there are about 2.0 monuments in the minsk region, on the day of the republican cleanup, as much as possible throughout the entire region, we have brought order around these places, and the place where we we are working today, a partisan brigade stood here, in fact, this monument was made by the partisans themselves in the seventies. participants in those events, in vitebsk work was in full swing on the territory of the kindergarten of the elementary school in the bilevo microdistrict, the dense construction of high-rise buildings is decorated with a modern building, readiness is more than 90%, a swimming pool, a choreography class, sports and educational grounds, young families are waiting for its opening, and such in the microdistrict the majority, a voluntary desire to help, because a day off is still something where we can together collect.
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today , a police battalion under the command of konstantin vladimirov worked at the memorial complex, and also on the construction of a new building of the city emergency hospital in mogilev in many other locations throughout the country, a good tradition has united millions of belarusians to make our country even more beautiful. natalia ignatenko, marina romanovskaya, anna buikevich and yuri kornilovich, television news agency. the weather also
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worked hard for a good cause. yesterday's winter has today been replaced by a completely spring atmosphere. after the snowfall that occurred the day before in the northern region of the country, there was no trace left. good weather has returned to vitebsk. in the south of the country the summer is completely sunny. but april will continue to amaze with its weather contrasts. tomorrow the country is again at an orange alert level due to wind. heavy rainfall is expected in the morning and afternoon. wind up to 18 m/s. it's freezing in places at night. big water continues to test the strength of russian regions; extreme floods overtook the tyumen region, from populated areas 2,200 people threatened with flooding were evacuated. rescuers are removing animals from the ishim region. at the same time, the water in the ishim river continues to remain, its level has already reached 987 cm, which exceeded the 2017 record. due to the flood, the bridge span had to be dismantled, as the water raises a lot of debris from the floodplain and ... because of this, congestion occurs.
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the strongest flood was recorded in kazakhstan ; more than 118 thousand people have already been evacuated from flooded areas. the level of the ural river is approaching a critical level. up to 8.5 m only 22cm remains, with experts warning that water levels are expected to rise further. a high level of weather danger has been declared in forty-five cities in turkey. a hurricane is raging in the country in chankyry. the storm demolished the mosque's minorette. fortunately , there were no casualties, but neighboring buildings were seriously damaged.
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belarus, on the eve of an important political event, has a few days left before the all-belarusian people's assembly. active and caring professionals, responsible and dedicated people to the country. spc delegates are ready start discussing the most significant issues for the country's people.
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yes, schoolchildren understand the significance of those laws, those events that take place in the country, what significance they have today. as a delegate, i feel great responsibility, because the all-belarusian people's assembly today is the main legislative body of the highest representative body in our country, where important state issues will be discussed and resolved. there are no analogues of such management in the world. so that civil society in this composition made a decision, at the all-belarusian people's assembly, according to the legislation, up to 1200 delegates will be present, these are representatives of the entire civil society, today we are in rather difficult geopolitical
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conditions, next to us, unfortunately, there are neighbors who are unfriendly to us, it is very important that that this year at the all-belarusian people's assembly a new military will be approved. doctrine and concept of national security. in your opinion, what questions should be prioritized? today to be submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly. since ancient times, since the 11th century, in the principality of polotsk there was such a thing as things, such a collection. it was a meeting of adult men to resolve important government issues. what's most important? the important thing is peace. therefore, of course, this is national security, this is sovereignty, this is stability.
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to our historical heritage, in this way they will learn both the history of our country and the history that took place during the great patriotic war, what we went through belarusian people, today we are bringing this truth to children so that they understand and prevent a repetition of a new war, because today we already see indicators of the substitution of these values, the all-belarusian people's assembly as the foundation of the homeless again the development of the country, the belarusian path to politics and economics are discussed by experts and guests of the editors club. who was included in the number of delegates of the supreme council, why is this community the most accurate example of the people in power. belarusians themselves decide the fate of their country. and the phenomenon of the ans, its formation is that
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our citizens, in particular the delegates, are being pulled up, as it were, to a higher level, or something, of public awareness. 100%. this is not about the quality of drinking water, roads or any of our other everyday problems, there is local government for this, by the way, they are all the chairmen of the regional executive committees there in the supreme people's assembly, yes, this moment... makes the delegates think about something other than this, what surrounds them every day , everyday, and about the future, about what will happen to our children, to our generation, this is the thing that radically distinguishes vns, let's say, from parliament, our democracy, our tradition, why the gna can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in sovereign history, and what happens if the state... is unbalanced, the new status of the gna and new functions, what are the contents for? the west
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is generating negativity, and what decisions belarusians will make together, we will tell you in a clear policy on monday after the panorama.
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the us house of representatives approved a bill to allocate a new aid package to ukraine, according to a document to the president of the states it is ordered to provide kiev with atakom missiles, among other things. implies the allocation of $61 billion, including $23 billion to replenish us arsenals. to the detriment of the dollar’s ​​already damaged reputation, the house of representatives also approved the confiscation of russia’s sovereign assets in favor of kiev. now the bills must be approved by the senate and signed by biden. let me remind you that some republicans tried to slow down the pseudo-assistance procedure by proposing various amendments. for example, it was required to include a provision in the law banning allocating money to... the nazis from azov. one of the amendments sounded like this: a congressman who supports the law will undertake to join the ranks
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of the armed forces of ukraine and go to the front. europe is also making every effort to ensure that the ukrainian conflict continues as long as possible. it is reported that the czech republic has already found half a million large-caliber shells out of the million that the european union promised kiev; hungarian prime minister orban said that europe is one step away from sending its soldiers to ukraine. budapest, however, is categorical. is against this and will not support this decision, orban noted. attempting self-immolation outside a courthouse in new york, a man doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire in front of the courthouse in manhattan, where the trial of former us president donald trump was underway at that time. the young man with severe burns was taken to the hospital, where he soon died. the new york times reports that the dead thirty-seven-year-old activist was unemployed and was on a list of people at risk of suicide. previously,
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he was also brought to justice, including for violating public order. damage to property. max azarella committed suicide shortly after he published the manifesto. not our war, under this slogan a spontaneous protest broke out in krakow. demonstrators once again oppose the involvement of poland and its inhabitants in the ukrainian conflict, in particular. against sending troops to the square of mercenaries who go to the northern military district zone. the poles are tired of paying for pseudo-help from outsiders. the city square was covered with black bags, which symbolize the victims of the military conflict. get to know belarus from the inside and deepen it connections for the comprehensive development of relations. a delegation of the communist party of china , led by the deputy head of the international department of the central committee of the chingzhou party, is visiting our country these days. minsk and
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beijing in the international arena. as the first secretary of the party of belarus alexei sokol noted, our countries have common points of contact and common paths of development. the main thing is, of course, there is comprehensive support in the international arena, that is what it is, but more... it is an even greater involvement of countries socialist camp in order to unite and promote in this most difficult geopolitical situation in the world, that is...
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amusement parks are returning from vacation, the opening of the season in the capital is planned on april 26, all attractions have undergone off-season maintenance, and five have also been purchased for the existing minsk parks new attractions. the park named after ugachavis will greatly update its appearance, 10 new equipment will be installed there, and areas for extreme sports will appear. supervises preparations for the start of the season from the beginning of the month experts from the ministry of emergency situations. a tv news agency film crew joined one of the checks with details from victoria radevich.
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there are no such extreme attractions in minsk yet, but they all undergo serious testing, they meet the beginning of the season fully prepared, the owners of attractions and parks, as well as specialists from the state industrial supervision ministry of emergency situations, take care of this. currently, the attractions are being prepared for the operating season, we are conducting... technical certification, making sure that the attraction is technically in good working order, as a rule, all the attractions that are presented to us for inspection are already tested the first time. violations that may be some deficiencies identified in the technical condition, some hidden, they are eliminated
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by the manufacturer and a re- inspection is carried out. in the spring, when the attraction is removed from storage, the owners conduct. there are even some tears, but all this is then inspected and eliminated later after the season, for example, after wintering they check the zodiac that is popular among the guests, the inspection is carried out by an expert from the state industrial supervision service of the ministry of emergency situations, so that all protection elements are reliable, as is the overall design of the attraction. and this is the final stage of testing the attraction, it is launched with a load of 75 kg, this is
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the standard weight designed for one seat. this test is carried out after the ride has been installed. visually looked at the defects, tested them under double load, and there is a nuance here: the equipment, even if it is in good order, will not be allowed to work if the personnel have not passed the test. an extraordinary incident occurred in germany, last fall, in an amusement park in western germany, guests were simply forgotten on the ferris wheel. the two guys in the cabin were already high when park employees turned off the ride and then went home, the local newspaper reports. while waiting for help, the hostages of circumstances managed to shoot a video of their adventure, which received millions of views. on social networks, of course, the park administration does not believe in the guilt of the responsible employees, suggesting that the young people hid on purpose for the sake of hype. in belarus , the approach is serious in this regard, an emergency situation, even though they have happen to us and...
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five accidents with visitors were recorded this year, but this was on water slides, and all these cases with visitors are precisely related to their violation of the rules of use. in total , there are 187 attractions throughout belarus, of which more than 60% are those that have already completed the service life assigned by the manufacturer, but experts assure that this does not mean that such attractions are dangerous, because they undergo double testing. victoria radevich. roman filyutich, telenews agency. today in minsk at the dynamo stadium the belarusian club played for the first time in the media league, which over the course of several years turned into a large
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rating project and, thanks to the team from minsk dimedia, received international status. our club, made up of bloggers and formerly famous football players, held a meeting against the media team of moscow spartak, a people's team coached by the legendary former goalkeeper of the russian national team alexander filimonov. as a result, ours achieved a victory with a score of 1:0. having scored a goal in the final period, the character of the belarusians that day was stronger and sportive confidence, a little earlier, the stands of the dynamo stadium were close to a full house, when some of the most popular russian media clubs, different planets, played their match in minsk , and here they are throwing stones into the ground, and there are just different different types of football, so to speak, that is, they can exist in parallel in parallel, yes, absolutely yes, i don’t see any problems.
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sport gives the family strength of spirit year after year, today it has expanded its horizons and given many children who took part in competitions bright emotions that will last for a long time will warm their hearts. not only families, but also children with special needs took part in the flow. andrey kozlov about a real sports miracle. be interested, communicate, don’t give up and much more. each inscription on the steps of secondary school number 204 in minsk, in fact. shows the right path in life, sport always gives such an opportunity, so here it is especially attentive to special children, within the framework of the city competition, sport
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gives stronger spirit every year, and this year we are holding it under the motto sport of equals opportunities. in our moscow region, in the physical education and sports center for children and youth , an adaptive swimming interest association has been operating for the second year, and we wanted to show, by involving them in this event, that in reality... even for children of this category, nothing is impossible. adapted swimming competitions took place as part of the annual sports health celebration. family holiday is another value of the modern world; sport helps to develop physically, as well as adapt to a fair competitive environment. but it is also very important to find your coach. legs raised, legs raised, head up, good, let's go with our arms, well done, work with your legs, work with your legs, quickly, unwind your legs, okay? come on, don't be afraid. the main approach is to treat them, well, with more soul, they are not afraid of such children, many are afraid to work with them, because they have special needs, the main thing is just not to be afraid of them, to understand that they are the same as us, the
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same , like us, yes, you need to talk to them absolutely calmly, then everything will work out, well done, well done, good, good, ok, don’t hang your head low, raise your head a little, raise your head a little, come on, today is a unique day for misha yushchenko in such a pool, in such an atmosphere, and when his parents are nearby, never... the swims went on non-stop, followed by family starts .
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without creativity and fine arts, there was a competition in which the winner was determined by the number of these stickers, that is, everyone who came to look at these pictures left theirs, whoever gets the most will win, so as i understand it, there are two favorites here , one of them is the headquarters of the national olympic committee, and the second, surprisingly, is a stombardist. it was a great day for all involved that will be remembered for a long time.
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dad, my sports family! andrey kozlov and ivan mazgo, telenews agency. and now the brave, strong-willed schoolchildren are at the finish line. the public association patriots of belarus and the military academy have once again challenged those who are not new to the army way of life. my colleague katerina strekha is again on the front line and ready to share details.
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seven teams continue to fight for the coveted ticket to the finals during the qualifying stages, which our film crew did not have, we went through a run-in with tanks, overcame an obstacle course of contaminated areas in a gas mask, with young recruits we are always on the battle front, and today too not... the territory of military operations, the so-called red zone, where the battle with a conditional enemy is carried out, mainly in the prone position, since any attempt to rise is fraught with fire damage, that’s all, that's it, lie down, undress him, take him, the main
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principle is grab and drag. this applies to providing first aid to the wounded. the task is to stop the bleeding and evacuate the victim to a safe area. bean burns a scarf from the trails, the soldier always has it at hand. that is, the tourniquet is applied just under the groin, just above the knee on the palm of your hand, so that the nerves do not die, and the middle third of the shoulder is not applied. well, let’s say a fighter is wounded in the arm, right. that is, our task is to stop the bleeding. we tell him. we do it under the arm very much we don’t put tight rounds above the knee on the palm, that is, it’s best to wrap it right under the groin. how are you feeling, fighter? alive, thank god, so are you ready for evacuation to the yellow zone? ready. on the already familiar
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obstacle course there are seven strongest teams from different parts of belarus, the tension is growing every minute, a ticket to the final is at hand. ulyana, how are you, oh, considering the fact that i’m very afraid, i’m just withdrawn, very scary, here are the guys at a new point on the route, a saboteur. captured the flag, the task of the young patriots is to find it before the team rivals, we need a frequency of 39,800, collected, and for a successful outcome of the matter we need to lay a communication line and transmit a special code, reception, reception, yes, yes, that’s it, we found it, call
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everyone here. as if they said in a visible place, but this is the fawn box that could be, but i think we need to find some kind of iron box, some kind of lame key, so that it cannot be found, so in the end the box was found. the relay is over, the patriots are having a sports festival, and even here, four people from the team are confident in their abilities, they once played basketball, it turned out well, we were hard at work on the military shift, we took second place in the republic in basketball, you plan to connect your life with the military sphere, of course, the next test for our patriots is throwing a grenade at a distance. here is katerina, we have changed you into the sports uniform of a military service member of the armed forces, and accordingly, before throwing a grenade, we need to do a general warm-up, but pay special attention to the upper shoulder girdle, we begin
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our run-up, stop in front of the line and we throw at an angle of 45°. the challenges don’t end there, you need to choose the most dexterous and fastest student, representatives of seven teams need to overcome a distance of 400 and 500 meters, come on, come on, come on, come on, we had to save money. at the end i didn’t calculate it, i couldn’t catch up, but the support of the team was felt, of course, at the finish line, it took a lot of effort, what result did your
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team show in this test for... five people, we did about sixty pull-ups, are you dissatisfied with yourself now , i'm not happy, okay, this is my maximum, in fact, i did everything i could, i did everything, compared to the first time we went, we had to prepare, take a very responsible approach to this, to ask for all the obstacles and for everything to go smoothly, pulling up, but this seems to me to be a good result for a girl, well , it’s normal, but before it was more, now i’m just not in shape, well, it’s just the third day of your tests, probably everyone is a little tired, well, a little, but i’m full of strength, now i’ll run, my preparation is on point , the organizers note,
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the maximum number of pull-ups is 31, only in the final everything will be much more complicated and confusing, reveal a little secret, one of the final tests will be a test of lifting with a flip, our future finalists, show, the guys are ready for the final test, without special training, a participant in one of teams, accepted the challenge. where did you learn this? i was studying at home, my dad made me a horizontal bar and i was practicing for 10 years. four teams from bresse, vitebsk, grodno and gomel regions reached the finals. 26 in april, schoolchildren will once again find themselves on the front line. and today we accepted the challenge. katerina strikha, sergey matveychuk, ilya maksimov and alexander samailovich.
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kristina kamysh will continue the sports theme with an emphasis on patriotism. christina, hello, you have a lot to be proud of today. thank you, elena, egor sharamkov and elena titovets. at the final stage of the artistic gymnastics world cup they won bronze medals, but at the start of the program there was news from the football fields of belarus. the information picture of saturday will be complemented by sports day. hello! for the fourth time in a row, naftaan’s footballers won the world championship in the belarusian championship in the away match of the fifth round with minsk, novopolotsk team vi.
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the most expensive football player of the belarusian championship, egor pogostynov, shared these plans with our film crew. the transfer cost of the team defender from derzhinsk is estimated at 15 million euros. the defensive line player has scored one goal in 13 matches in the rpl . but pogostnov came to our country for practice and considered the local club a good option for professional growth. if you're just training. if you don’t play, as i
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spent the last six months, because i had an injury after being dropped from the squad, then this also does not bring any development, because game practice is necessarily important, through games you grow and progress, and here there is game practice, even if the level is even lower than the belarusian league, but still you play here in a strong championship, constant combat, high attackers, this is what you need for... who else did yegor pogostanov transport to the capital of belarus, as the defender loves spend your free time and how you came to the number one game, about this and more, see in the big interview next tuesday in the sports frame project, starting at 20:05. the belarus national mini-football team defeated the turkmenistan team in a friendly match , alexander chernik’s team sent four goals into the guests’ goal, which were left without...
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so they were preparing, sorting out the opponent, well , it was nice, good sparring, such a good level of the team. the return game will take place on monday in minsk. fastball remains in the capital, the main cup of the republican handball competition was won by young men from dushor named after miranovic. the fast ball gained great popularity
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back in the days of the soviet union; the competition has been held in belarus for 17 years. the main difference of this year's draw is the record number of participants. immediately 24 teams from all regions of the country, made up of handball players no older than 15 years old, competed for places on the podium. the teams were divided into six groups before the decisive match; in addition to minsk and dushore named after mironovich, the guys from...
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experimental season. zdyushor-gorodnichanka won the bronze medal of the competition; by the way, all the winners received special awards and gifts from the presidential sports club. for the girls, a week ago, let us remind you, the team from novopolotsk became the winner of the tournament. in the russian super league , volleyball player menchanka in the fourth match.
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atom kursk won the consolation mini-tournament, which determines places from ninth to fourteenth lines, 3:1. olga polchevskaya's club, in a tight fight, gave only the third set to their opponents, 26:28. belarusians have only to hold another match against dynamo krasnodar. let us remind you that the team that takes fourteenth place will leave the elite division, and the thirteenth place will be forced to challenge its presence in...
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this year it set another record for belarus, accordingly, but i don’t stand still, i’m progressing, developing and - at any moment i will be able to return to the international arena to fight for high places there. among other results of the second stage of the cup, we note the victory of sergei shevchenko and anna vasilkova in the group race, as well as gold medals evgenia korolka and polina konrad in the time trial. in total, about 280 racers from all took part in the competition. regions of belarus, as well as guests from kazakhstan and russia. the third stage of the competition will take place in vitebsk at the end of july. elena titovets won bronze in the exercises on the uneven bars as part of the final fourth stage of the season in the world cup in artistic gymnastics in the boat. this success was
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the second for belarusian in the current competitive year. let us remember that previously in germany she took silver, the girl was a little short of an olympic license. she stopped one step away from qualifying; also in doha today, egor sharomkov won bronze in the vault. and even more sports in the nightly edition of the program, kristina kamysh worked in the studio. see you.
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there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe, indeed preparations are underway, the poles for the most part really don’t want to fight, but it’s one thing for the population, another for the elite to have a gun lined up, it first you need to charge it, hang it on the wall, and in order to start a war...
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we deceive, we don’t cheat, the only correct approach, which we have been voicing for 30 years in belarus, is a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically, politically, states that complement each other each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. what name was given to the peace treaty, ensuring. their larva with an elongated body and tuberous its skin resembles a tiny alligator, name these beetles? we also thought here,
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we have several options, please, your guess, we had a cockchafer, we had a lady's box, we hope we will have three points, any adult will envy their erudition, is it true that this is normal for an adult a person has four fangs, denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectually entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. zaslonov konstantin sergeevich, partisan
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pseudonym uncle kostya, one of the outstanding participants and leaders of the partisan movement in belarus during the great patriotic war, commander of the partisan detachment of the brigade, commander of all partisan forces in the arshan zone. from the very first days, the zaslonovo detachment launched active combat activities. in a short period of time , the zaslonovtsy destroyed about ten food warehouses, boldly attacked german garrisons located in villages near orsha, and organized the collapse railway trains heading to the front line.
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the legendary kambrick died. he was 33 years old. during the great patriotic war, his name was given to two partisan brigades operating in the occupied territory of belarus. he was awarded two orders of lenin and a medal. on march 7, 1943, he was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously, the name of konstantin sergeevich zaslonov is forever included in the book of national
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glory. the information picture on saturday will be complemented by sports day. hello! naftaan football players for the fourth time in a row they won the world title in the belarusian championship. in the away match of the fifth round with minsk, the novopolotsk team won, but did not retain the victory. the final numbers on the scoreboard are 1:1. marukhin opened the scoring, but then yallet cut the ball into his own goal. in the central meeting of this weekend, slavia hosted dynamo bresse at home. the mozyrs were walking. no losses, result 1:1. rodikovsky's double brought success to the derzhinsky arsenal over soligorsk.


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