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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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hello, the truth program is on air, i’m inga belova. today we will visit a historical place, the holy cross, boris and gleb cathedral in the city of mogilev. information about the temple was first preserved in documents from the 11th century. in ancient times , a wooden exaltation of the cross stood in this place. temple.
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the holy cross boris and gleb cathedral in the city of mogilev is an object of historical and cultural value of the republic of belarus. we are with you in the church of the holy cross, boris glebsky. this is one of the oldest surviving temples in mogilev. before the revolution of 917 there were many churches, but our church,
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the orthodox bishops in the mogilev diocese , was founded in 1611 with the participation of the patriarch of moscow filloret. this event marked the beginning of the strengthening of orthodoxy in the mogilev diocese and prepared the ground for the development of the diocesan structure in the region. from our history it is known that our belarusian land, unfortunately, experienced all sorts of wars, all kinds of disorder. and... there was such a period in the history of belarus that was calm, and so it turned out that orthodox churches were closed, and this land on which the monastery stood, it was the residence of orthodox bishops, the first residence, and this land was bought by orthodox merchants, and their property, only they could dispose of it, that is , in this way it turned out that this land was impossible for them there was no way to take it away or build it up with anything, that is, this temple remained.
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orthodox always, and even during the hard years of the theological power, this temple remained. the most valuable thing for any parish is not the building, but the people who come to church. i i have been serving here in this church for 26 years, and i already know many of the parishioners by sight. the little children that i baptized 26 years ago are already big parishioners of our church, so we know many of them, they already bring their children in turn, so this, you know, is like a family church. that is, we know our parishioners by sight, even for generations, for any priest, besides his main service, this is the liturgy, yes, these are divine services, these are also the parishioners with whom you communicate, you meet, and there are many of them, even for a priest, who cares? such lessons, or something, when god, through some people, either consoles a priest, or directs a priest to a meeting with someone with whom a person needs at the moment, we have:
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he came here, stopped on the way to germany, to the hospital, we communicated with him, became friends, at some point his son was born, he called me and said: “father, i want you to be godfather.” and in the conversation it turned out that he came to our temple for the first time, and we told him about the temple, about this icon, and he prayed in front of this icon peter ivroniy, to start a family and give birth to a child, and the man, imagine, he had seven chemotherapy treatments, that is, he... being
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such a sick person, gave birth to a son. when a whole generation of believers comes to the temple, this is especially valuable, when a family has been going and... praying in the same temple for more than 100 years from generation to generation, today, when i came here, i remember the time when i my grandmother brought me, i was still teaching at school, and my grandmother went to this temple and took me with her, i came, then in general my great-grandmother still went to this temple, i am already a great-grandmother myself, and my great-grandmother went, there was a time when there was already a school, a college, a technical school, an institute, i didn’t...
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but we always came here to this church, prayed, confessed, we haven’t had such a time that if there’s a resurrection, a liturgy, so we miss it, or some holiday or whatever, you come here as if you ’re at home, because somehow you know everyone, you already know everyone’s faces and the priests and my grandchildren come here , this eldest grandson of ours used to come here in the dark, this is our temple, our temple for generations. turns out to be a generation. during the northern war, during the retreat of the swedish troops , many churches were damaged and plundered by the enemy, but the borisaglebskaya church miraculously survived. it was preserved during the withdrawal of the troops of peter i, who ordered the city to be burned in 1708 . the holy cross cathedral or
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the church of saints boris and gleb in mogilev is a perfectly preserved monument of the retrospective russian style that has survived to this day. archpastor mogilevsky, as a graduate , sent me to babruisk, there i stayed in babruisk for several years, in ninety-eight he i was sent here to mogirev, and here we have such beautiful linden trees growing around the temple, i love to pray in nature,
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i read the prayer rules, prepared for the service, and somehow i thought about it after the canons, i thought about it, i think, how... then i was stuck for 3 months without... a decree, without a definition, here’s the thought: i would serve in this church, well, this thought came to me, and i forgot about it, on the veil, archbishop maxim summoned me to his reception and said the following words: “stop hiding behind your shoulders, it’s time to work, here’s a decree for you, you’ll be rector church of the exaltation." i remembered my thoughts that i was thinking there, a few months before this decree , two priests serve in our church.
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sunday school, it is located in a unique historical place, the house of archbishop george kaniskogo. one of those who in our lands, along with the venerable efrasinya, abbess of polats, the great preacher of turov and gumen athanasius, they are considered the pillar of orthodoxy, it was thanks to the low that orthodoxy was preserved in the land of mogilev, i came . here for my husband, that is, even before he and i got married, and we met and went to this temple, then we got married in the same temple, we baptized our children here, we have been here for more than 15 years, our children too,
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and we love our parish very much, we love our rector, i myself attended sunday school lessons, watched how the lessons were taught. i was interested in this, then at some time i replaced the teacher, and i liked it, i stayed, i always wanted to bring some benefit, but not just being a parishioner of a church, not just praying at home. with children, teach them, do something else for god, something useful, we talk with children about god, study the law of god, learn to pray, talk about holidays, prepare for events, for easter, for christmas and other holidays parish, a sunday school teacher, he is also like a little preacher, he tells, yes, he spreads our faith, and i am pleased, i am happy that i am participating in this, and i am grateful to god that i have such an opportunity to benefit people, well and for my soul, i think this is also useful. adults also want
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to expand their knowledge, because many come to the temple at an old age. to understand the truths of faith, to learn christian life, it is necessary to study literature, and sometimes simple communication with churchgoers. our sunday school has existed for a very long time, but it is in this house, in the house of archbishop george of kaniya, that we are located, well , there is almost order. 20 years for me and for all of us this is a place of joy, this is a place where we can meet and share not just events, that happen in our lives, but to communicate, learn something from each other, pray together to god, about some of our urgent requests, sunday school for adults arose somehow by itself... by itself, and there are probably people here for whom
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the meeting with god is not limited to participation in divine services, it is some kind of internal desire to meet, but to recognize god, go to him, change, and you know, there are wonderful words in the apaltir, what is good and what is red, how to be and brothers live in a compartment, so this is good and... the one who is born at our meetings, this is probably the most valuable thing that adults should meet for. we have in mogilev the fifth brigade of internal troops and the 188th engineering brigade of the ministry of defense. and so i, as a priest, care for these two parts. we have the st. george church in the brigade of internal troops, and my activity as a priest is worship in these.
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the first orthodox military-patriotic club in belarus called peresvet in honor of st. alexander peresvet, now our activities parish, it is connected with worship, with parish duties, and also with such unusual activities for priests as the patrician club, and it has been operating for a long time, for 24 years, and thanks to this club we can help our military personnel, officers, replenish the ranks army. worthy military personnel, or simply to educate good citizens, the main emphasis is that this is
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, after all, an orthodox club, that is, we are required to come to church services, to worship, uh, our students study the basis of orthodoxy, study the history of our church, study the history of the region, and, uh, if health allows, prepare for military service, go in for sports, do martial arts, go in for parachuting , mountaineering. uh, orientation, that is, what can be useful to a military man or a man as a defender. we try to instill in our students a feeling of love for their homeland, a sense of faith, so that uh, our cadet tries to live correctly, because it’s very important that uh, our children correctly perceive what they see around them and they appreciated what they had, but we know that nothing grows in an empty place, so that something... what needs to be sown for? so we try to sow good, kind beginnings for our children, so that they are not only
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physically healthy, but also spiritually healthy. we need to show others how to live correctly , first of all, by our own personal example, because only when we ourselves follow spiritual principles can we inspire and support others on their path. this is where we have theoretical classes, this is where we have our headquarters, this is where our... we also hold meetings with interesting, famous people, with officers, with military personnel, and here we plan all our events, and we also hold our tea parties here, birthday days, that is, we meet with the guys, communicate, schoolchildren also come to us here to get to know our club, the club will be 24 years old
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this year, so over the years we have accumulated some successes. some awards, because the guys take part in hand-to-hand combat competitions, take part in competitions in other sports, the guys do martial arts, orienteering, uh, we quite often go to neighboring russia, and competitions are held there too. camping trips for the club's cadets take place at any time of the year, both in snowy winter and rainy autumn. now, as soon as the snow melted, the guys... packed their backpacks and went on a hike. initially, in my circles, my parents knew about this club, and so well, they told me, i decided to try, i came, immediately - i made friends, found a lot of new friends and acquaintances, went on my first hike and, well, i i liked it, it got longer over time, and well, now i’m
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almost in my fourth year at the club, along the way we have every vacation, in the summer we especially have a lot of them, we have, well , river rafting, we go on hikes, help each other, well, you can feel real friendship here. the st. borisoglebskaya church of the city of mogilevo was renamed the holy cross cathedral by decree of metropolitan filoret on april 1, 1986. at this time, the rector of the temple was archpriest evgeniy ameliyanyuk. during the years of soviet power, all churches in the city of magilevo were closed, or blown up. destroyed, our temple, it was the only one left for the whole city, and all the priests who were here in the city were sent here to the temple, so there were many priests here, and many shrines were brought here, many icons from different churches that were possible to save, if they managed to bring the shrines, there is an iconostasis or kivots with icons, but when the churches began
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to be revived again, the icons began to well... replenish other churches. in recent years, the temple has been spiritually enriched with the holy relics of boris and gleb, righteous ian of karmian, noble princes peter and fevronia, st. luke of crimea, st. sergius of radonish and the optina elders. in our church there are several unusual icons, well, it’s probably wrong to say unusual, but icons that have a certain history. and here in our church there is an icon. has no longer survived, but the icon is unusual in that it is regimental, that is , it is known from history that the 159th gurian regiment was stationed in mogilev, this is in tsarist russia, the military personnel who
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rested here, recovered, and fought in caucasus, in the regimental church there would be... protection. with the same warmth, prayers , parishioners worship modern icons in an image that symbolizes strength, wisdom and tears. in our church there is an image of a saint, who has already become famous in our modern orthodox history, this is st. luke of war of the isenets, or as it is written on the icon,
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st. luke of the crimea, he, being a doctor, a physician, was a believer, but he... for yourself or for your loved ones, this icon contains a particle of relics, we brought this particle of relics from crimea, back in 2004 . we were with the cadets of the peresvet club on the crimean campaign. the icon of the mother of god is the dormition and it is unusual in that it is embroidered
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with beads. the feast of the assumption itself is special to the church; the assumption fast, a two-week, strict fast, is even dedicated to this holiday. and we glorify the virgin mary, whom the lord himself, as depicted here on the icon, accepted her soul, and now she intercedes before god for all people. the icon depicts. this icon is very revered in the orthodox church. in our temple there is an icon with a short history, unusual. when we see icons of the mother of god, on almost all icons she is depicted sad, sad. she is depicted with this, well, look, when she worries about her son, this is the vladimir icon, even the name quenched sorrows, everyone. mourners of joy, in our church there is an icon of bethlehem, on which she smiles, this is the original of this icon kept in bethlehem in the church of the nativity of christ. in
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2014, i was a pilgrim to holy places and i really wanted to have such an icon in our church, and it was morning, and i had to the local arabs ask, they are perplexed; the priest asks not for souvenirs, not for a photograph. jerusalem, here is a photo of an icon, and not a small one, a big one, they looked for this icon for me for a long time, they searched there for a long, long time for several hours, but in the end they found it, in general everyone was happy, and i was happy, they were happy, our parishioners they are also happy, because in our church there is an icon where the virgin mary smiles, rejoicing at her great destiny and her great path, to become the virgin mary, to become a non-bride bride. and show the world our savior jesus christ. in 1869 , a stone church was built with donations from orthodox believers in the mogilev province.
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its main altar was consecrated in memory of the erection of the holy cross, the rightmost altar was consecrated in memory of saints boris and gleb. the peculiarity of our temple is that we have two thrones. two altars. and the central altar in honor of the life-giving one. the cross of the lord, the second is the altar in honor of saints boris and gleb, here we have an icon with particles of their relics, these are saints, probably the first saints in russia but, well, the russians, that is, these are saints boris and gleb, these are the sons of that same prince vladimir who baptized russia, and the church calls them passion-bearers, because they sacrificed their lives. so that a fratricidal war does not break out. the borisglebsk church with its domes attracted the gaze of every person. our church
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of the holy cross borisoglebsky. and it is located in such an interesting place that there is a private sector all around, and it rises so beautifully here. so majestic. and the architectural style is called pseudo-russian. five blue domes, white walls. here it differs from - ordinary churches of belarusian architecture in that it has this kind of kakoshniks with all sorts of beautiful patterns on the windows, that is, such an unusual architecture, since we are as if in a small monastery, that is - for periods there is no one here at all there are strangers, that is, there are no people passing by, it’s quiet, calm, so people come to pray and, uh, it’s like a little skid made from fences. on the territory of the temple there is the main building of the temple, and our exaltation church, a small church, as we call it, a baptismal one, where we baptize children and
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a water-blessing chapel, a chapel, where we illuminate the water for the feast of the epiphany, where there is holy water and people can use this holy water. the temple has survived to this day and is a true witness to the words of christ the savior. i will build my church; the gates of hell will not prevail against it. just as a tree can provide shelter from the rain, so a temple protects believers from life’s storms and spiritual adversities. the temple is the house of god, and the people in it are one big family. and it’s good to be at the head of this family there is a good shepherd who leads everyone to god. in april, the rector of the holy cross boris gleb cathedral of mogilev, father sergius, celebrated his anniversary. creative team of the program truth from everywhere. congratulates him and wishes him to strengthen his mental and physical strength in his service to god and people, istnotil’s program was with you all
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the best to you. works in their small modeling, this is already different, i don’t know what will happen, but for me creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you have there. target this hall is to distract children from the street, attract them to boxing, former students, grandchildren are returning with their families, you can already count grandchildren, you know, it’s very nice there. they have many interesting stories behind them, and are ready to surprise again. when i gave...
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viktor ivanovich sukharukov’s work, he looked at it, was silent, then somehow he took it and said: “my god, some children have already been dismissed from their studies there, they lead a normal, well, normal lifestyle.” there, let's say, they don't commit bad deeds, they have become on the path of truth, they train, they have other goals, other tasks. watch the project "belarusians" on our tv channel. everything that modern belarus lives with today - watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country.
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