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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 6:35am-7:36am MSK

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no stonework to czeslav kazimiravich bagenskaya persham at the factory, he was branded with a saabista. yakasts. these mottos were followed by the abbotniks of ab'yadnaya pramen, and the hell lay hidden by the shteparshchytsy ramualda strok and the hell of the galina kandymavay hell by the mustache charavichki that fluttered about...
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like birds from the sky, songs come to our life, so that with an invisible wing they touch the soul, visit and fly away. without milking, so that one day they will return again, the songs return, but in the hearts of the prior, the songs return, sooner or later, the songs come back old. friends, songs
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return, stay with us, songs return, remain with us, like birds from the sky, songs return to us, dear ones come to life. we lose, we find, the world comes, we leave, our songs of life are a bright country, the songs return, but disturbing the hearts, the songs return, sooner or later. songs come back as old friends,
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songs come back and stay with us, songs come back and stay with us. the songs return, but disturbing the hearts, the songs return, earlier or later, the songs return as old friends. songs
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return, remain with us, songs return, remain, removed, remain. i remember as a child i listened to my grandmother’s story by the fire, and the heroes and magical dreams, and the good fellows. red vevitsa, and
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the russian troika, so that it flies ringing,
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more, several films appeared, joint performances with other artists appeared, well, little by little our life continues, and today we meet with you, on. to the sunny dream, forever our russia, i am proud,
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i am grateful to the good fellows and red children, i bow to the people's troika, the fires do not go out, the honored artist of the republic of belarus dmitry kochurovsky sings dima come on! and the cruel nordost lashed, knocking him off his feet, their lips worshiped a handful of water,
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the tongue twister's cry trembled on the head, their fires burned on the ground in the night. the fires don’t go out, the night fires don’t go out, the fires don’t go out over the eternal river, the fires argue, the fires argue with the silence of the night, the boat is empty and the shore is night, i left the house to meet them a long time ago, but it seemed to me... i knew them and loved them as if i had heard their names for many years, as if i had friendships with many telil, fires do not go out, night fires,
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fires do not go out, over the eternal river, fires argue, argue. the empty boat beats with the silence of the night, and the shore is night. the fires do not go out, the night fires do not go out, the fires do not go out over the eternal river, the fires argue, the fires argue with the silence of the night, the empty boat beats
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, the shore at night, they were flipped over, knocking them off their feet, the cruel nordost, their oaks... idolized the mountain of water, rehearsed at the mach warmth, patter, on the ground in the night they burned. their fires, the fires do not go out, the fires at night, the fires do not touch the eternal river, the fires argue, the fires argue, with the night the empty boat beats with silence on the shore at night.
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you dreamed, you dreamed, you dreamed of finding your ideal in life, you finally found what you were looking for, but you lost me, but me, the novel has a sad ending, the ideal didn’t become an ideal, that’s all, you alone, me. .. alone, between us and the sky is a wall, but i don’t cry, but i don’t cry, even
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if i don’t mean anything to you, i laugh, dance, sing, flirt, you always wanted to have a woman like that, but i don’t cry, but i’m not crying, but everything in our life could be different, i laugh, dance, sing, flirt... i don’t die without you and i’m not sad, i hope, i dance, i sing, i flirt, you always wanted to have a woman like this, i live without you as i lived. even though everything inside was burnt to the ground, so what, the lilacs have faded,
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there is not enough warmth in the soul, there is a bright light in the window, again someone is drawing a plot, he will certainly come to me, in my dreams he loves me and is waiting, and i i'm not crying, but i'm not crying. for you i don’t mean anything at all, i laugh, dance, sing, flirt, yes you are a woman, you wanted to have one, but i don’t cry, but i don’t cry, in our life everything could be different, i laugh, dance, sing, cast, i don’t die without you and don’t yearn, i sit, dance, sing, flirt, you are always a woman,
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and i don’t cry, and i don’t cry, in our life everything could be different, i live, dance, sing, flirt, yes you wanted to have a woman like this, but i don’t cry, and i don’t cry, even though everything in our lives could be different, you dance, i howl, i float, i don’t die without you and i don’t grieve, i laugh, i dance, i sing, i flirt, you always wanted to have a woman like this, you always
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wanted to have a woman like this, you always wanted to have a woman like this. manage a lot in 7 days and even more. in in our project, you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema.
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and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more. in the weekly project air 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. everyone hello, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be. a pediatrician and the children love me, the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience, and what should a person do to achieve success? they think that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy for them to get up, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original,
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and sometimes uncomfortable questions, you every. day do you see illness, death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. blood comes when you don’t expect it, turning the world into a million colored lights, for the one you dream of calling yours , suddenly a white lotus flower blooms in your soul, love has come to me, i believe in happiness. throughout the vast land, bells are ringing, see you, i say, but my heart whispers, hello, the earth disappears from under your feet, it seems small, you follow her day and night in your thoughts, i’m sure
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you won’t love anyone more. you embrace her with your gaze, you are sick of her, in your silence they sound purely tender words, love has come to me, i believe in happiness, all over the earth, huge pigs are bells, i say see you soon, and my heart. clings, hello, the earth leaves your feet and seems small, i want to be together with this woman all my life, my world became brighter when she is with me, the winds sing about her, the heavenly organ, created by the almighty, sounds,
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invisible, magical, unearthly, when fate waves its hand from afar, the whole world around changes the smell, taste and color, you want to meet her more often every moment, it’s as if you are coming into the world again, light is born, she came to me. love, i believe in happiness, all over this vast earth, pigs golokal, see you later, ah... the heart whispers, hello, the earth disappears from under your feet and it seems like a bolt, love
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comes when you don’t expect it. my head was spinning, summer was in full swing, my heart was stupefied, song until dawn, in the sky the stars were falling right into the palm of my hand, boy, gray-haired boy, gray-haired boy, do n’t rush, wait, wait, the raspberries are ripe, it’s time to pick raspberries, timid boy, inept boy, raspberry lips,
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who will kiss, timid boy, inept boy, raspberry cups, time to kiss, quickly got mixed up, scattered by the wind, little gray-eyed boy, hurry up with your answer, the night has spread a blue shawl in the sky, if you don’t... you dare, if you don’t dare, it will be a very, very pity, in the garden the raspberries have ripened, the time has come to pick raspberries, a timid little boy, an inept boy, raspberry lips, who will kiss, the boy is not brave, the boy is inept, raspberry lips, time to kiss, wow! love destined has 100 paths in the world, but
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unmet love has never sung songs, gray-eyed boy, believe your fate, very soon, my dear, very soon, my dear, you will meet her, you will meet her, the raspberries are ripe in the garden, the time has come pick raspberries. the boy is not brave, the boy is inept, raspberry lips, who will kiss, the boy is not brave, the parmishka is inept, raspberry groups, time to kiss, everything, everything everything, everything! marina has ripened, the time has come for marina to collect, the little boy is not brave, the boy is inept, raspberry lips,
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who will kiss, the boy is timid, the boy is inept, raspberry lips, time to kiss, raspberry lips, time to kiss. day after day after year passes by and we live without worries, although we would really like it to be the other way around, life
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suddenly became clearer for me, from the weariness of having given up everything around, one day such a day comes and tells us the heart to serve, to meet love take a step, one little step, towards happiness. there's still a little way to go, you won't be able to resist love for anything in the world, you can hurry up, love is just a stone 's throw away, love is just a stone's throw away, days pass , we notice that there is no love and we are not in love, that we are on the sand we are building a castle, in vain we believe in dreams. many of us will not forget to repeat our mistakes again, when we like someone, our heart tells us again.
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to meet love, take a step, just one step, just a little, towards happiness, take a step, there’s still a little more to go, before love you won't be able to resist for anything in the world, if you're in a hurry you might be late, the sight of love is just around the corner, the sight of love is just a stone's throw away, happiness is just a step away, there's still a little more to go, you won't be able to resist love for anything in the world, if you're in a hurry you might be late, you love is just a stone's throw away, because love is just a stone's throw away, because love is just a stone's throw away. fall, because you
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fall by the hand of love, look for me, look for me, i
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repeat directly every day. look for me, look for me, i will wait, we will meet, i know, look for me, look for me, about our meeting, i have been dreaming for a long time, look for me, look me, your face out of a thousand will be recognized, maybe you will find me, if you’re lucky, a white stocking above the wave, in the sky among. stars, color among the days and weeks, so different, reflected on both sides, in old mirrors, yes, yes, yes, yes, look, look, look for me, i stubbornly repeat every day, look for me, look for me, i will wait , we will meet, i know, look for me, look for me.
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i have a kind dream about me, about our candle, look for me, look for me, i recognize your face from a thousand, when before departure, among the flocks of birds. visible directly in the horoscope, in blooming may, in tram stop, in the pre-blooming glazes, in a dissolved window, in drops of glass, yes, yes, yes, yes, look for me, look for me, i stubbornly repeat every day, look for me, look for me. i will
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wait, we will meet, i know, look for me, look for me, i have been dreaming of our meetings for a long time, look for me, look for me, i will recognize your face from a thousand. look, look, look for me, look, look, look for me, look, look, look for me, yes, that's not all, yet, look for me, look for me, i stubbornly repeat every day, look for me, look for me, i will wait, we will meet, i know, look for me, look for me.
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i have been dreaming about our meeting for a long time, look for me, look for me, your face out of a thousand will be recognized, look for me, look. look for me, i’ll recognize your face from a thousand, look for me, look for me, and you will find me, i know for sure, it will be in our film, maybe. you and i, flashes of light, the whole plot, faithful night will give us a drink, you and i, flashes of light, the whole plot, faithful night will give us, disco is playing, i
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said that the one you dreamed of, you can turn your head, and cast spells. tell me what answer you expect, yes and no in my smile when i look into yours eyes, i'm flying into the sky, pi & will be in our film, or maybe you and i flash light the whole plot, i believe the night is enough, but happy. no need for words, no need for words, yesterday's meetings, yesterday's dreams, my hand is in your hand, what a pity that the night is so short, when will i return
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home, everything connected with you, i will remember with sadness, music will sound.
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maybe it will make you feel a little better if you tell me that... you keep the past in your soul, the candles are extinguished inaudibly, tell me the secret, because we are alone, maybe you live completely not as you wanted, your days are colorless and
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anxious dreams, don’t be afraid to tell me about your losses, secretly reveal to me, because we are alone, tell me. tell me about the clear spring days, tell me how you lived without me, tell me with whom you met the dawn, tell me, tell me , tell me about the clear spring days, tell me how you lived without me, tell me what happened to me. maybe, no, maybe one day he will hear you and come, break through the fire and smoke, in difficult times he will support you and help you survive,
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it is no coincidence that you met him, he is love, he was looking, wanted to find someone, he dreamed of happiness in the bright light of day, where... he is this strange, unknown someone, if you don’t mind, it’s me, tell me, tell me. tell me about clear spring days, how you lived without me, tell me with whom you met the dawn, tell me, tell me, tell me about clear spring days , tell me how you lived without me, tell me what was forgotten and maybe not. tell me,
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tell me, tell me about the clear spring days, tell me how you lived without me, tell me who you met. and you dawn, tell me, tell me, tell me about clear spring days, you walked without me, tell me what came true, or maybe not, maybe you will feel a little better if you tell me what is in your soul ,
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy, you have belovezhskaya pushcha right there... yes, in the yard, how far is it, well, just like that, just meters away, so that yes it is opposite the house, today we will walk through a real swamp, so through the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, uninitiated, seeing this building, he will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, leading from the capital, he will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, it’s been... 40 minutes, not like birds, it seems to me that not even a fly
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has flown here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well , okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades on this mill, yes, the uninitiated may wonder how this mill actually works , and why does it grind as usual, ordinary mechanical mechanisms froze in winter and did not worked, and this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round about... you’ll get a job as a teacher, yiddish to the people,
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comrade five, what are you doing, people are watching, let them watch, what if they call the police, let them call, jacket, yes, of course, yes, here are the candidates that i selected, komsomol members, one criminal, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you go as an accomplice, you will sit, of course, i don’t promise you justice, i propose to benefit your homeland, if you agree, i'm today i'll credit you. in front of each of you are three books, the first contains the insignia of wehrmacht personnel, in the life of the mistress of the right officer you can find out the plan of an entire army, it’s not so beautiful, but it works. watch the scout series on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. it’s quiet in the swamp in the evening, there’s peace in the swamp at dusk, a flock. here once lived a glorious frog, that the princess became the opposite of everything, every frog dreams of becoming a princess, every night the frog dreams of her tserem, and the fat vanushka, who will certainly come to the floor after the neglected
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like an arrow, each frog lives its own age of sadness, but somewhere life is in full swing and joy. and you can’t count them, the frogs need to be noticed too, you have their mysterious smiles, there is something, at least in their mysterious smiles, there is something, frogs, the princess, there is a memorial museum in the swamp, here are her portraits on the walls, surrounded by loved ones and friends, in the evenings. girlfriends walk, and the commandment for us to remember to dream, the frogs chorused until the morning that they want to become princesses, each frog dreams of becoming a princess, frogs dream of towers every night
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his own, and the fat vadushka, who will certainly come into the fray with a tearful arrow, each frog. lives its age of sadness, and somewhere life is noisy and there is no end to joy, frogs need someone to notice, there is a path for mysterious smiles, there is something, a path for mysterious smiles, what is there, dad, every frog dreams of becoming a king frog every night from below then his own and that levanushka, who will certainly come to the hollow with a tearful arrow, each frog lives
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his life in sadness, and somewhere there is a life of joy that cannot be counted, the frogs need them too noticed to be. what can a man say who, at the end of the road, has finally found his soul mate
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? found. i found you, you exist, you are here next to me, i ’m sure, i’m sure, you came to me today, take my heart in your palms to warm it with your warmth, and don’t ask, don’t ask why this happens, the heart needs it, it really needs it, to finally have my home, i want to hide my days, i want to be in your palms, let me stay and be with you, understand and calm down, don’t ask me where i’m going from where, i walked here, at the end of the day,
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to meet you, i’m sure, i’m sure you came to me today. take my heart in your palms, warm it with your warmth and don’t ask , don’t ask why this is happening, my heart needs it, it really needs it, to finally have its own home. “i’m sure, i’m sure, you came to me today, take my heart in your hands, warm it
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with your warmth and don’t ask, don’t ask, why this is happening, my heart needs it, i really need it, to finally have my own home, i’m sure, i’m sure , you came to me only. day to take my heart to ladogi with your warmth and don’t ask why this is happening, my heart needs, really needs to finally have my own home, my heart needs, really needs to finally have my own home,
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peron let go, you can leave, now i need flowers , there is no one to give for... but i just stood there, different from you, i met you from the train, natasha, natasha, if a miracle happened and you suddenly became beautiful, maybe then you would be able to notice that i’m next to you , alone in the whole world, passing by, hello i'm playing. as if through me, as if you were looking along, i will tell you who i was yesterday,
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the funny boy from our yard, natasha, natasha, if a miracle happened and you suddenly became ugly, maybe then you could notice that i close to you? alone in the whole world, every day i waited, went to the station, put a cross on the calendar, marked the days, counted, waited for you to pass, honor the old creature, waited, as i always wait, a quiet gentle look at... natasha, natasha, if a miracle happened and became, you suddenly are ugly, maybe
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then you would be able to notice that i am next to you, alone in the whole world, natasha, natasha, if a miracle happened or became, you suddenly looked ugly, maybe then you could notice that i was next to you, alone in the whole light, natasha, natasha, if a miracle happened from... you were suddenly ugly , maybe then you could notice that
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i am next to you, alone in the whole world, that i am next to you, alone in the whole world, that i am next to you, alone in the whole world, hands. this is such an unhappy love, bravo!
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with wingling stars, kids are waiting they counting their owns and soon we believe, santa claus on his way, sparks will light up children nice today, and hopefully yes, if we present away, that ours will come, hell the morning with present the one. bring en joy of new year, new year, then you hear, it will makes our dreams come true,
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happiness will come everyone. stay on heart, try your best whatever you do, don't forget to help so far, as i cl midnight let's all cheer with joy, we're welcome new year, may bread us love, we love just the future pride every fr. again and hopefully yes he will be here by the morning whispers in the lighter and bring joy of new year new year.
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my parents bought me a terrier puppy for my anniversary, there is a boy alone, we go with him, walk the dog in the park, there was a small dog, the question was clear who was leading by the reins, now we are following him, running and running, but now he knows the whole city, now we are behind it. we run and run, now the whole city knows us, corseli knows where in the park, they don’t like us in the children’s carseli, i don’t know, i don’t even know wants that i like the boy very much, they caroused and money in the sphere, the dog doesn’t like pride since childhood, the dog doesn’t know, doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy very much,
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the dog doesn’t know, doesn’t even want to know that i like the boy. not very good, in coffee, sit down with him, calm down, ice cream, dreaming, i’m falling in dreams, holding the leash, still not sure about vanya, people take into the house, cooking, bags and parrot fish, and the worse the dog is, he’s grown up nicely, with difficulty we catch up with him, and the worse the dog is, he has grown up nicely, with difficulty we catch up with him. not wants that i like the boy very much, they said in the village in the park, songs love in pet , they caught fire, the dog doesn’t even know doesn’t want to know that i like the boy very much, the dog doesn’t even know doesn’t want to know that
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i like the boy very much. he doesn’t know, he doesn’t even want to know, that i like the boy very much, the korzeli, the money was brought together, the dog hasn’t liked corseli since childhood, the dog doesn’t know, doesn’t even want to find out, that i like the boy very much, he even knows the sands... doesn’t want to know that i like the boy very much, the dog doesn’t know what to know doesn’t want that the boy likes me very much , yes, i’ll fall, i’ll fall
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, i’ll let you know, we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and styles. the temple at mosar - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaknuty spirits. italian renaissance, in a simple way, in a kanfiguratsy way. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta is the 790th bastard,
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rach paspalitay knew. and with this we say, the end of the famous baroque style. and all the guardsmen here take us away from the peina such a dead end, because... after documenting the architects, there would be myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained enough strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel.
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