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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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hello, to belarus 1 and belarus24, the club of editors, we will discuss the most important topic of the outgoing week, i will introduce the guests who are present in our studio today, by the way, the leaders of the two largest parties in our country, but i will introduce myself later, let’s start with dmitry alexandrovich on our good terms traditions, and we keep traditions in our club, the head of the sb belarus holding, today olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of ntrk mir in belarus.
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how we all live on the eve of, as it seems to me, important, let there be no banal words, i in fact, i think so, i think that everyone here considers this an important, hopefully historical event, because well , naturally, we are people who are deeply immersed in what is happening inside our state, inside our country, we deeply know that is the all-belarusian people's assembly, why this meeting will hold its congress next week and you know, as always, we are monitoring the reaction of the collective west, which articulates its anxieties through the information service with a belarusian passport, i think that you understand that it works exactly like this, what some people pronounce, so to speak, who are fluent.
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you will have representation in this world. ivan mikhailovich, first of all, i would like to support your idea that this body is of a strategic nature. and i’ll say this: about the fact that when the union was being destroyed, one of the arrows, such critical arrows, was directed against planning, where to say, everything was planned, five-year plans, state planning, gosnap and the like, and many people believed this, that they didn’t you have to plan anything, life. will show, it develops naturally, the market decides, the market decides, at the same time the most successful countries at that time and which maintain their success are graying, i’m talking about the people’s republic of china, about the so -called asian tigers, they have
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strategic plans until the fiftieth year, perhaps now plans are already being made for the longer term, as if in the usa there is no planning; of course, there is also strategic planning there and there are large corporations that do this. for example, a whole series others, so, our country did not follow these slogans, let’s cancel planning, from the very beginning of the presidency of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko we began to plan, we have five-year plans, we have a movement from one task to another, which the belarusian people set for themselves assembly, other significant bodies of our country, so i see the task of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly is that we will again... look into the future, and not into the future for the short term, what will happen tomorrow in a month, into the future for at least years for a five-year period, and a truly approved concept of national security, the military doctrine of our country, i am sure that the president’s report will also outline the most serious underlying trends in the development of belarusian
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society, this will be the basis for years and decades to come, this is what i see as the main task of the all-belarusian national assembly, strategic planning, especially since the world order.
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russia to belarus, throughout the entire union state, to protect the country from the new yeltsin, from the new gorbachev, from some populist or some political force could break the country and its foundations, moreover, if someone starts talking to our opponents about democracy, then all the countries that teach us something there, they are protected, no matter who became the president of the united states of america, we understand perfectly well that globally the system of the united states of america is glorified.
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this does not mean that there is no arguing, but there is a strategy, here’s how to arrive at this strategy, figuratively speaking, we must prevent someone from ever appearing who came and said: union of russia we are leaving, we will completely exchange the country's course there to the west, there is no need for free health care, there is no need for education,
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that is, what we have achieved over the years, god forbid we start building again later, the last thing i want to say on this topic , this is still not a guarantor, so i remember very well the meeting with the president dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, he said about this that in general ideal mechanisms do not exist, and he himself answered later, so don’t do this, he said, do it, but how will this all work? we'll see later in any case, this is a completely new stage in the development of our country, yes, there were all belarusian people’s assemblies, but they were never a constitutional body, and the powers are now completely new, more serious, why are we doing this now, we can later correct something then, time will tell how it will work, how the system of power will work, the main thing is not to destroy anything, and to follow this evolutionary path, everything is correct, you said even more, that’s what the all-belarusian people’s assembly is the foundation on which will build further belarus, this is... the foundation of the belarus of the future, which is being laid here today, pay attention to the composition of the belarusian people's
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assembly, here we are not talking about the fact that the all-belarusian people's assembly will replace any of the existing, conditionally branches authorities or something else, legislators, executives and civil society will be represented there, everything will be evenly balanced, and this is what will give such balance, balance, calm and stability, this is what will balance between everyone so that the decisions that are made are absolute.
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from abroad of certain structures or individuals with the aim of overthrowing
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the constitutional system by non-constitutional means, it seems to me that the participation of such people in such events should be completely excluded, if it were in the conditions in which we lived before, or in which people who have some contacts abroad behaved the same way as they do in the united states of america, in germany, yes, although it’s hard to imagine there... to shine, for money, of course, for money, but i would like to return to the vns, the fact is that
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you and i are eyewitnesses, it’s just difficult for us, probably for now, to understand, our view will change on this, an evolutionary change in the political system of belarus, evolutionary is a very important word, in our country a new constitutional body has appeared , whose decision is mandatory, but there is one more: another function, which has not been so widely discussed, the supreme council can cancel the decision of any government body if it does not ensure the stable development of society, with the exception of the decisions of the courts, and this very is important, but i would like to say one more thing: when we supported changes to the constitution in a referendum, and then for quite a long period the parliament of the previous convocation brought it into line with
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will depend on the perception of this body, but what can we talk about today, thanks to the president , we have passed this path of reforms without bloodshed, we have passed it calmly. without shocks, this was ensured due to , again, one of the most important demands of the head of state, transparency, all the steps that were taken were not done under the carpet somewhere, in the public media space, the president strictly demands that people clearly participate in this process, discuss
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fundamental documents, if we remember the concept of national security, and elect deputies. local levels, parliament, all these steps of openness of this new institution of the supreme national assembly are the basis of its legitimacy in the eyes of people, and this is also very important, because of course, now there will be attempts by our deepest people to discredit, of course, they will, but we need to clearly understand that this is where we will be mortgage the future, i absolutely agree with you, but also.
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i absolutely support dmitry aleksandrovich zhuk in that what is happening now, yes, the formation of the supreme national assembly, indeed, firstly, the evolutionary reformatting of our political system, this is very important, evolution, not revolution, revolution, as our president says, we have already had our fill, the 20th century, which was such a bloody stain in our history, showed that revolution, of course, sometimes in a certain way...
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out of the interests of the individual who must be protected and support, but at the same time relying on our traditions, some kind of communitarianism, and the understanding that the public good, it should be higher than the personal good, at some point individuals should moderate their personal appetites and tighten their belts a little, but we are developing own model of belarusian statehood, political... system, absolutely unlike anything else, what is the vns? here, as olga alexandrovna correctly said, firstly, this is the consolidation and representation of all branches of power at once, at the same time, the legislative authorities. executive judicial plus the involvement of that very civil society, which we have been told for so long that we don’t have, but now it has appeared, political parties and
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at the same time public organizations, and we have a state, let’s not be shy, there is a corporatist model of construction states, here is the western american model, what is easy for them to do, they have divided their society into a large number of small groups, they work with them, these groups are represented... they are essentially manipulated, that is, the state is there, or rather, if we already say, there is not a state there, but there are political-economic elites, rather even economic-political ones, who govern, who act based on their elite interests, yes, they are manipulating this civil society, which is specially atomized, fragmented, they push some people forward, push others in the opposite direction, pit them against each other. among ourselves, we took a different path, we consolidated civil society, we created a large representation, trade unions - this is really one big trade union
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representing all workers, but how many do you have? 80 people, women are represented in the supreme national assembly, no, in the party in public society, there will be a party, belarusian 173. there are 173.
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belarusian, not democracy, this people’s power, as you rightly say, is the quintessence of the belarusian specific model of management, leadership, based, in -firstly, on collectivism, but at the same time proceeding from the values ​​of common sense, traditionally belonging to the belarusian to the people, and acting in the interests of the whole people, and not a bunch of individuals, people's power is democracy, you just need to call it in your own words. yes, that’s what i wanted to say, look, we just discussed everything from the point of view of the sns as a collective body, but it consists of specific delegates, but here is the phenomenon of the sns, its
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there was a wonderful constitution, the supreme council of the ussr, how they were elected, these people saved the country at a certain moment, aren’t they all ashamed now for what they did there, starting with eighty-five, ending in ninety-one, i’m sure, and i know, they later admitted in an interview that many were ashamed of how they behaved then in those years, so this human factor is extremely important, we were lucky in ninety-four , the first presidential elections were held, lukashenko was elected, and if not for him, there would already be
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ukraine. they approached the selection of these delegates so seriously, because a lot will depend on this human factor; at a certain historical moment, these people can both save i will give my word to alexei viktorovich to destroy the country like that.
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washington wants, maybe wants, wants, yes, but we have our own interests, we must proceed from them, we have our own geopolitical space, the historical space in which we lived, coexisted, and we must under no circumstances lose it , therefore, all these desires to reorient belarus towards the western vector, to begin to lure it with sweet carrots, as they have been luring ukraine for many years, european integration, nato integration and everything else, we must understand very clearly that this won't happen. it is necessary to understand very clearly, yes, that this is not in the interests of belarus, has never been and will never express the interests of belarus, therefore the all-belarusian people's assembly is a deterrent that will really prevent the country from changing the foreign policy course, plus
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this is what new, yes, our all-belarusian people's assembly used to meet once every 5 years, now, since it will be a body, as you say correctly, for strategic planning, implementation of plans.
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that's what i want, that's what i want to say,
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that there is a very good trend in the post-soviet space due to the fact that many countries have had enough of western intervention, in georgia, you see what is happening, yes, well, i really liked it, or rather i didn’t like it, but i liked it because it is extremely indicative when the representative collective west hits its opponent in the face, this reminded me of the action of our so-called opposition, actually extremists in the twentieth year for that ...
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society, decades of work of western services, ngos, they did not pass without a trace, and there one must think that everyone is paid, many people come out sincerely, my experience of being in georgia is very limited, i was once there on a tourist trip, it says the following: georgian youth almost don’t speak russian, but they speak good english, well, one of the educated ones, in one of the stories that i saw literally yesterday or the day before yesterday on the internet or on television, a young girl, with a beautiful face, speaks good english.
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you say paid, what the heck, what does paid mean? on the territory of these states there are thousands of ngos, each employing more than one person, not two or five, i am sure of this, well, just do the math, they are there on salaries, all this is covered up by such blogs, work, but there are, for example, student youth who which has, in one word, remove all these funds, plan for 5 years, colleagues, we just need to realize that you want to cast it in metal, somewhere else, in the eyes of the west we are not partners, we are a food source for them, and that girl who
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looks great and speaks good english, that's the sheep they raised, which itself will go to slaughter, that’s what i’m talking about, that’s what i’m talking about.
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they openly tell the camera that when there was a revolution, the president decided to stop it, and they turned off the lights everywhere, and we took over, installed generators, printed these protest newspapers at the american embassy for american money, went to distribute them to people there, stirred up the people, and there there were also these young revolutionaries, sub-revolutionaries, as i call them, young graduates of all these soros foundations, foundations. these are specially took them to trainings in the usa, taught them how to make revolutions, then they came here, you know, what amazes most is not the fact that they do it, we know this, it’s how they don’t...
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to the progress of georgia path to the eu, i can only congratulate georgia on this, this law does not correspond to the basic norms and values ​​of the european union, and there is official information circulating that the eu is preparing a fairly tough law that will also limit foreign influence, including in the media field, yes dmitry medvedev writes that the european union is now planning to adopt its own version, and this is what he says about the law on foreign agents, even tougher than in the united states, where it has been in force since 1938. seriously limits the childbearing of a wide range of legal individuals who represent the interests of foreign structures and figures, fines, prison, deportation, restriction
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of the rights of undesirable persons and organizations, the whole arsenal is at the ready and it is applied instantly, however this is considered quite normal, but we are all about we know this, and at the same time borel said a week ago that the fact that there will be no elections in ukraine is an internal matter of ukraine and this is their democracy, that is, double triple standards, they look at everything from the point of view of geopolitics. the experience of the color revolution, what i want to say, we must not forget about the so-called civilizational identity, these are the countries
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of the east, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and so on, this is central asian, and georgia, it is an orthodox country, that is, in religious terms, it may be closer to europe, but still not historically, geographically, look what happens, it turns out to be an explosive mixture, when all these ideas, false ideas, which are already... all destructive, but also fall on this eastern soil, where the traditions of what, regionalism, are strong a certain hierarchy associated with your origin, the clan to which you belong, ethnicity, maybe the group that now rules and which is on the periphery of power, this generally gives rise to completely ugly forms of political life, and no progress at all it is impossible to say that as for georgia and many...
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islamic neighbors, such and such a king in such and such a year entrusted his people to russia, and god's grace descended on georgia, since then it has bloomed in the shadow of its gardens beyond, without fear of enemies , beyond friendly bayonets, they once saved, once made it so that the aggressive iranian state, the persian state, other countries that were nearby and were ready to cut out georgia, carry out its genocide, it was simply saved as part of the russian empire, today ...and if they
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somewhere they can be preserved, then only in the closest integration with the post-soviet space, with belarus, russia, with some other countries, not at all along this european path. historical memory is very practical, it provides the basis for making the right decisions aimed at the future. and at the same time, these very organizations that are financed by the west are aimed at ending the constitutional system here, but at many of them, you know.
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report, he created the company to which the money went, this is also no secret, this one a fighter for democracy, but the most amazing thing is, we have said this many times in this studio, most of these top functionaries dream that the power of belarus will never change, that they will fight all their lives, that they will receive money all their lives, otherwise everything is lawless, by the way , there is more and more evidence of this, they are now traveling to different countries, by the way, they are no longer asking to overthrow lukashenko, they are simply asking for money.
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stories, yes, the most important thing is that we have also discussed many times, they are any freedom of speech can be blocked, having access to the platforms on which this expression of speech is carried out, yes, so in this case,
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we see china, for example, the only opportunity today to resist the pernicious influence of the west, to simply close its information space not only whatsapp.
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only now, as a person who has worked in the operational service for more than 18 years, i want to say that only a fool can believe that in some country the special services, which, as part of their duty, must deal with these questions, something is not looked at and analyzed, moreover, we must strive to ensure that our special services do this in our country, god forbid that other special services look at us, be glad that the belarusian kgb is watching you, be glad when a belarusian policeman.
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this is to mislead, to deceive a rival, uh, enemy, all these social networks are exactly the means, but they are fighting with us, we understand this perfectly well, they were created and implemented.
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in the same china, which lives in its information bubble in the usa. well, let's let’s compare the murder rate, all these mass-shutings in the usa, have you heard anything similar in china, no, i’ll repeat the phrase they said, they cleared freedom, but at the same time biden comes to the podium and says: listen, it’s bad in china, they produce everything themselves, don’t buy anything, a huge number of migrants don’t come to them, that is, this is bad. lord, how can we get to a country where, dear colleagues, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that now we have identified a very interesting trend, which is expressed not only in the sphere of economics, regionalization, the formation of large regional unions, blocs, politically, but also informationally, and this trend should deepen, why? colleagues quite rightly noted that this is a counteraction to, as they used to say, pernicious, and i will say this now, seriously, pernicious, destructive, destructive influence from the outside, primarily the west. once upon a time this was completely
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outdated information, but in the nineties it was like this, for one byte of information going from east to west from asia to europe there were 40 bytes of movement in the opposite direction, that is , information flows were forty times greater than the counter-movement of the west and, of course , something had to be done about this, because among the good information, there was educational content and so on, there was a lot of such ideological stuff. and now many countries of the world, including belarus, russia, and china, are faced with the need to form their own more or less secure, more or less closed information environment in which we will produce information, technologically, our technological platforms, we first talked about the sovereign internet here, probably 6-7 years ago, you know, today we can clearly confidently say that the globalization that the golden billion carried out on...
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and how everyone was indignant, but fortunately or to unfortunately for this woman, the court decision was made against rebecca lawrence, this is a resident of colorado, better known on social networks as a praying grandmother, she remembers when they came on a tour of the capitol, then it was still the twentieth yes year, in my opinion, in the twentieth year a lot of criminal cases were initiated, and on january 6, the twenty- first year it was, so you see what kind of terrorist is walking around.
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feels what real democracy, freedom is, well, god is punishing them, the medeninkaya checkpoint caught fire because they didn’t let people through, this is a sign from above for them, neo-nazism, no, or, to put it journalistically, it’s a stamp, i think it’s not a stamp , i think that this is
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neo-nazism and i have already spoken out about this, nazism in general has a european nature, well, that’s how it all started there about 90 years ago back, and there’s probably no way to talk about it here. to speak deeply, but i would like to say that the myth that nazism was formed in germany actually has british roots, and since now it is the anglo-saxons, british americans who carry out policy in europe, or at least significantly influence influence on european politics, any policy itself, on cultural processes, cultural policy, then many nazi ideas, ideas of superiority, man over man, people over people, the idea of ​​segregation, these are worthy, these are unworthy, of life, social benefits and the like, we see all this, so those ideas and practices that are being implemented today are called nazism, i don’t think this is a journalistic cliche, this is reality, another story that this will end, well
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, it will end badly, history again tells us what, that there is no society that built its activities on man-hatred, on the destruction of people by people, man by man. had no future, no long history, so this is the basis for my understanding that europe, in the form in which it is now, has no future, they are either deeply transformed, for example, i don’t see any prerequisites for this, everyone there is happy with themselves, or at least the majority think, that they are moving in the absolutely right direction, or they will simply be erased from history, i have already spoken out about this, besides nazism, there is also demography, this is all with... the value system that europe has, it does not at all contribute to the preservation people, promotion
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him into the future, so this ideology will most likely become the shovel that will dig the grave of europe and its civilization. unfortunately, a lot depends on how we behave, it’s not for nothing that i picked up the news about georgia and kyrgyzstan, it seems to me that this is very important news, this is such a signal to the west and, by the way, western analysts are talking about this.
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there is a real chance, then this could work for russia, for at least the fourteenth year , none of these conditions were met, moscow has long been acting on the basis that that sanctions against it will never be lifted, but the fiasco of anti-russian sanctions was not just a serious miscalculation of foreign policy.
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understanding that no one will do your business for you, no one will raise your children for you and no one will defend your country for you, and that you must take care of yourself and not rely on some uncle, especially sam, yes, this is very important, the fact that this has returned to our awareness, to our society, and this is very sensitive for the west, and that’s why they are going crazy, i wouldn’t he called what was happening amagonic, but he was not extremely nervous. to our position, to belarus, in particular, about these sanctions, yes, here is the article, remember, when
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such a tough package of sanctions is imposed on us, what the president said, you will choke on your own with these sanctions, this is the best answer to this, and we are coping so far, here are two headlines: spring of twenty-two, britain will achieve the complete destruction of the economy of the russian federation, russia will turn into a country of the 19th century, the economy of the russian federation will torn apart by sanctions, 2024, come on. what our western colleagues write there, and the imf, yes, the imf statement, russia will grow faster than all developed countries, well, i want to remind you that belarus’ gdp grew by 4.1% in the first quarter, i think they planned 3.8 , yes, the best, yes, the best answer, and you also know, regarding sanctions, so that we calm down, sanctions are, well, on the one hand bad, on the other hand, they are an indicator of our strength, because... first of all , after all, the americans did not beat those who were weaker with sanctions, they
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they bombed yugoslavia, they invaded afghanistan, they invaded, they invaded libya. some western propagandists prepared an article that our troops are moving there to the side, i don’t remember the southwest, and there is information that they are going to blow up an oil refinery, yes, well, you’ve heard about this, but knowing the americans, especially the british, about whom you recalled that in 90% of cases this is the preparation, so to speak, of the ground for all this,
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today ukraine, by the way, was not discussed, soon there will be nothing there, unfortunately, there will be, apparently , to discuss. as we said, help we are already running out of time, they will allocate assistance, the americans will allocate this assistance until the end, but suddenly it turned out that almost all the loans, already loans, loans are what does not remain in the american economy, most of the money simply remains in the usa for the production of weapons, that is, updating the military-industrial complex will not be necessary for the americans now, the old abrams, zelensky passed the law, signed the law, and he is mobilizing.
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more people, more people, and at this time let europe weaken further. thank you very much, it was the editors' club, we'll see you in exactly a week on friday, stay on tv channel belarus 1, goodbye. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said that medicine treats people. we also train pharmacists. this is our only university that
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trains specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day. specialists to learn everything about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we were pioneers to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those professionals who care for the health of animals every day. it’s not in vain that they say that artists should be like children, naive, so they should remain at this childhood age, oddly enough, the role of mary poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too old, an organization was founded in germany source life, its
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task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true orians, as well as to increase children in the european union countries, but this is different, in one in some cases, they forcibly seize children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia; in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women, when you make false documents, and supposedly original ones, you say that children orphans, when you know that they have parents, here...
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lebedeva on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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sunday, april 21, i will tell you the main thing by the morning hour.


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