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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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in 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the partisan work on the construction of defensive structures, and then became the commissar of the partisan detachment, made a raid with the partisans to the pinsk forests, from 1944 a major engineer, commander of a sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was in as part of a landing party-sappers, while clearing mines from a building and... the streets of the city died, a street was named after vladimir alekseevich gaidaenko in pinsk.
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we will touch on several interesting topics, for example, let's talk about who really wants to see belarus at war, well, we'll start with the main world news. at first the world was waiting to see how iran would respond, now the same question is being addressed to israel. let me remind you that, according to the israeli military, on the night of april 14 , not a single drone reached israeli territory, all of them were intercepted from... jordan, the usa, great britain, all hypersonic missiles, according to iranian media reports, reached their target. iran announced the end of the operation and warned israel against further action. it sounds like this: our answer will be much larger than today's military action if israel retaliates against iran. andrey petrovich, this is how it turns out that we have two positions. some say that what we are seeing now. this is the rise
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of a new world war, others say that it was a very subtly planned, symbolic response from iran, which on the one hand does not allow the region to cross the red line, but on the other hand sends a clear signal that we have something to answer, and if necessary , all our shells will reach their targets. so what are you leaning closer to? well, i ’m inclined to believe that this is not so much a military victory as a political victory for iran, political and reputational, of course, reputational.
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as iran reported, we were waiting, he says a different result, that all this will be much more effective, well, today it’s clear, pr on the one hand, pr on the other, but nevertheless, the most important thing, the most important thing that rad has shown is that he is a significant player in the region and the united states by its actions, the fact that it negotiated, showed that with iran must be taken into account, israel will respond, which means, look, israel received, well, the first thing is that in addition to the fact that it received very serious reputational problems at home, that is... the first time
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such a blow was dealt to israel, the second, but it avoided a stronger blow in the grand scheme of things, third, he can agree, now, as they say, he can reconcile democrats and republicans, who will allocate the funds necessary for weapons systems to support military operations in the gas sector, but here it is important to understand one thing: israel has the opportunity delayed blow, well, nbc, really in continuation of what you said. tv channel, citing its sources in the us government, it is possible that israel's possible response will come outside of iran. this means that they can strike at regional groups, primarily considering the territory of syria. alexey, how do you think events will develop towards what we are seeing now? well, it is important to understand that all the events that we observe are not spontaneous in nature, yes, that is, israel struck 1 april. according to the iranian consulate in damascus
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for a reason, you know, they were sitting at the headquarters where we would strike, well, let's strike, it is clear that it was a provocation, they put the question to rest... israel did not know that iran would answer them, well, of course it knew , you see, that is , initially the course of events was predetermined, why this was done, of course, it was done for purposes related to additional, one goal is, well, let’s say, financial, yes, it is connected with the possibility of congress approving a package of military assistance israel, and separately from ukraine. but this one - this one where will the help go? it will go to the american military-industrial complex, because before that, starting in 2022, all american military-industrial complexes received state support thanks to ukraine. ukraine, of course, the project failed, it needs to be closed, it is ineffective, something
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else is needed. the situation in the middle east is ideal. here stanislav, join us, but first a few opinions on this matter. permanent representative of china to the un, futsu. said: israel violated international law by attacking the iranian consulate, iran reacted and took advantage of its legal right. now russia. post hi vasily nebendya expressed regret that un secretary general guterres did not attend the meeting at which the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria was discussed. at the same time, he took part in a meeting on the attack on israel. people are noticing everything now. your assessment of what is happening. in fact , this is what it is, hypocrisy. which we observe double standards, this is not the first time we have seen, yes, when, as they say, this is different, in fact, vasily nebenzya stated at the council that why don’t you condemned, not one of you condemned the virulent attack on the consulate in damascus,
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the iranian consulate, but at the same time every, literally, western leader came out with condemnation of the retaliatory strike on iran. you know, if we take it as a basis, yes, let's look at the foundation of everything that is happening, there is expansion, expansion of the west, points have flared up, they will support this conflict in each, in each of these points, weakening, diverting attention, ukraine, the ukrainian project today , yes, it can already be said that it ended unsuccessfully for the west, this is obvious to everyone, according to due to a number of factors, it did not work.
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these manipulations carried out by the information campaigns of the media monster, which we know, belong fully to the western world, this is more than 90% of the global media, these are all social networks, and it is correctly noted that we actually do not know exactly how many flying objects flew into iran, for example, how many some of them were shot down where they were actually flying. we saw in a video spreading across the network on television that some were flying into the desert altogether, yes, that is, the question arises, then, really, what are the goals were pursued if it was an informational fluff in order to create tension in society and draw exclusively attention,
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distract from other events on the geopolitical side, which you are more inclined to do, i am inclined that it was more of an informational one. an operation that, in principle, had no physical effects, stanislav, and then i still wanted to return, you said a remark that alexey alekseevich also said this about the fact that the ukrainian project did not work out for them, yes, but i’m right i understand that i don't it turned out if we take into account the idea that ukraine is winning on this front, but from the point of view that they are raising their military industry, disposing of old weapons, converting them. to ukraine into a black hole that sucks in the entire security system of europe, besides doing the worst thing for us, that is, one of the three key slavic states, well, turns into an enemy, and two close, closest peoples are at war with each other, in this sense, perhaps they didn’t win, or
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rather, is their project unsuccessful in this? i mean, let’s look at it from the other side, our geopolitical adversary and ideological enemy is the west, today who is more depleted, their military industry, their economy is depleted, isn’t it, in fact , it turns out that today, well... let’s be to call a spade a spade: ukraine has turned into a testing ground where two forces came together, it is clear to everyone that this is of course not ukraine, but it is the west and the east, russia in particular and the collective west that came together. both sides hone their abilities there confront each other, study weapons, study methods, study tactics, study the ability of their own soldiers, and there is combat coordination with the russian one.
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testing each other's strength, while studying all those maneuvers that were listed, therefore.
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to iran, that they could answer, let’s say,
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passionately, then it was a completely different conversation, they answered sensibly, interestingly, in a modern way, sensibly, interestingly in a modern way, no one was hurt, yes, that is, they demonstrated that they can , moreover, according to many experts, these were not the newest weapons they had, yes, that is, they sort of shot off those weapons that had long required disposal, so to speak, there is such an opinion, so yes... iran was pursuing its own interests , he had to answer in order to keep face, he carried out this answer, how they will react to this and how events will develop in the future, this intrigue, how israel will respond now, how it will perceive the situation, will it be a delayed blow, or will it be some kind of - other events, well, what are you leaning closer to, i think that this is staging, choreography, distraction, whatever, that is, is it an attempt or not an attempt, and will the israeli event do the same, or could there be a harsher story there? israel will take advantage of the situation at the moment when it needs to respond, it will respond exactly
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like that, that is, it has, not just an ace up its sleeve, yes, it now has a chip that is a trump card, yes, they will respond at that moment , when they need it and how they need it, and having said, sorry, we warned you, you can also add, let’s do it let's go to ukraine, which has already been affected, well , look, the most important thing is that the result of this strike showed that the united states is not ready for... an escalation of the conflict in this region, this is the first thing. the second is that the united states and its western partners are not ready to fight a second major regional conflict. this is important to us, why? in all likelihood, the possibility of a large-scale conflict is being relegated to the background. third, western countries saw that, in principle, it was time for unpunished blows to punish the guilty, whom they themselves determined by some rules, also passed. these are the third world countries that they think so, yes, they just saw that there is a possibility of striking
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a retaliatory strike in order to, in order to defend some of their interests, since they started talking about ukraine, let's continue, kiev will make an attempt destroy the crimean bridge by mid-july, writes the british sun newspaper, citing ukrainian officials interviewed by the publication, experts suggested that ukraine could use at least twenty to hit the bridge roadway. up to 40 stormshadow missiles and an f16 fighter, and use unmanned boats to blow up the supports, that’s the attitude, andrei petrovich, on the one hand they are talking about swiss, swiss. gur, who basically takes this responsibility, yes, he seems to have a new scenario every time, a new scenario for the destruction of the crimean bridge, the first time we did it with a truck, it was a whole
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epic, the second time, it was with the use of underwater drones, surface drones, they blew it up, which is what they are preparing for today. well , first of all, there are two, two weak points that they talk about and that they see, the first is, of course, that russia’s space reconnaissance group is still insufficient, but it is growing, i think that this hole will soon be, as they say, the problem has been closed, the second is the problems with the use of the a50, we have seen these two, according to some estimates, there are three, a50 xbi, that is, we do not cover with long-range regulatory detection aircraft the possibility of approaching these missiles, and so... of course, we also see the low efficiency of the use of the black sea fleet due to the reasons that well, unfortunately, this is not only a problem of the russian fleet, this is a problem of almost all modern fleets, that they were not ready for this largely modern war using surface, underwater drones and everything else, but what is important to note here the sbu or the gur, who will
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deal with this, have problems, and the first problem is connected precisely with the fact that quite recently... we remember there was a very serious scandal with the wiretapping of recordings of bundesfern officers who clearly said that today , military specialists from the respective states are already being used to launch some missiles there using the same stormheads. i understand that these respective states, which are sending these stormshadows or the same scalps there today, are well aware that the iran-israel events have just occurred, where... that is, there is also a reason today to think about this and the international community, if it was not ready for such a development of events just a week ago, today it is appearing. why am i talking about this i say that it is important here, i think that today we will talk about ukraine, why very often the russian federation
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still tries to help western countries get involved in the ukrainian one, but here i wonder why. kiev, or they have no agreements between london and washington, they are once again simply sharing the skin of this ukrainian, but not a bear, i don’t know what kind of logic there is of the ukrainian leadership in general , it’s very difficult to trace, this is a well -known peacemaker, of course, of course, he is now resolving his issues in the interests of that gasoline prices are constantly rising, everyone knows that voters in the united states
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will forgive everything except one thing, this is why gasoline is so expensive, yes, well, they have such a feature, so that's what i... boil down to, why they they say that these attacks will be carried out around the month of july, yes, for the summer they will be carried out on the crimean bridge? everything is very simple, intelligence clearly understands and gives a signal that a large-scale russian offensive is ahead, and , in my opinion, this is already being talked about everywhere, at the end of may, beginning of june, and so on, than they usually are already suggesting that most likely it will end, of course, in the success of the russian federation, we can already see today how it is carried out practically at the tactical level, what successes the armed forces have...
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the brand in kiev, in front of which they will be photographed, this will be in the background the overall loss of ukraine during the summer campaign, summer-autumn, i think it was precisely this small impact. if we are talking about whether it is possible to use ukraine today, well, i say, follow the logic it’s quite complicated, but the way ukraine got into trouble today, with regard to terrorist attacks, and above all about crocus cityhall, and about other events, they are ridiculous. in a way they admitted that they did all this on the territory of russia, and most importantly, yes, that the term of the president’s legitimacy is expiring, and are they ready, and are they ready?
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not only is he afraid that gasoline prices at gas stations will rise, perhaps there is something else in this sense, please, well, we all understand perfectly well that there is only one headquarters that governs ukraine, and there is no contradiction there is no between the british, the americans, there is no between the ukrainian leadership, the british, the americans, too, the ukrainians do everything under the hood, completely, they don’t even have the opportunity to resist them, that’s what they are trying to do on...
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or the voters’ radio, but the point is here only one thing is that they are focused on the further escalation of the conflict on the territory of ukraine, they do not stop, they understand that they have the forces and means to wage the conflict in the middle east, and to wage the conflict on the territory of ukraine, they are drawing more and more resources there , primarily from the countries of the european union. how it will end for them, but this is how they see it, they clearly see only one thing, the longer the conflict in ukraine, the better for them,
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they are focusing on 10 years, these are the guidelines that we are talking about, tomorrow it will be there a victorious russian offensive, it is clear that it will happen, but for them the conflict still provides for a 10-year regime, that is, it will be... through the swiss conference, this is clear, it’s just a ploy to delay attention, ousting russia from belarus from this process, and how in reality they
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will now generally relate to the peace negotiation regime, but in no way, they will undermine it, discredit it, try to try through such incidents there with the crimean bridge further. escalate the situation, why? yes, because everything is based on the economy, their military-industrial complex is doing great, the wall street journal writes that the growth rate of us industry for the first quarter of 24 was 17.5%. president alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin said in moscow, including about peace negotiations, or rather, they were probably reacting to this swiss meeting, let’s listen, then we’ll continue.
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it doesn’t depend on us, the ball, roughly speaking, is on the other side, i remember this process, which began in belarus, three rounds passed, the fourth round in istanbul and then you copied these documents and handed them over to me, the document was first shown, i read it, then you gave it to me, what we agreed on, and the document that was initialed, there were serious progress, and the russians made progress, the ukrainians.
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happened, a lot, the situation in this case has changed very much, but as we see, again the republic of belarus agrees to provide a platform, and we are again ready to be the platform on which two sides will come together, the russian federation, a strategic partner and ukraine, which we care about from the point of view of our neighbor, the people of ukraine, but here the question arises about who the negotiations will be held with, that is, ukraine is entering almost a period of such
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illegitimacy of the president.
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they will do something for the sake of formality, so that later say, excuse me, uh-huh, we’re getting to this, we don’t agree to this, stanislav, look, we agree with the president who said, returning to this formula, which was heard several times, including from vladimir putin, what if after this there will be no reaction from ukraine and the west, which means they simply do not want peace in
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ukraine. absolutely right. yes, we can proceed from the obvious position, yes, that the ukrainian government is absolutely incompetent, it does not make any decisions itself, this is obvious to us, but the official position in relation to the west, ukraine is a victim. russia is the aggressor, we are co-aggressors, yes in this regard, but according to legend, what ukraine is fighting for, it is fighting for independence, but at the same time. how to give a picture for society, including the ukrainian one, so that those heels who are shining their heels today, for obvious reasons, objective, why should they die, in order to inspire them, we need to give a picture that they are fighting really against the aggressor for their independence, this is where the ambiguous statement follows, yes, when they they say, oh, no need to bomb the oil refinery. oh,
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crocus - this is isis, this is not ukraine, at the same time, emphasizing his independence and independence of decision-making, the same malyuk, sbushny, speaks out and says, after all, this is us, but officially this is not us, that’s what we are doing these informational blurrings, that is, it is practically impossible for the average person, ours, our citizens, to understand what really is happening. it’s like thimbles, only there’s a huge global information machine that drives for us, including you and me, yes, but you don’t have to pay money, and ukrainian lives, absolutely right, that is, as we know, yes, the current leader of ukraine is an elementary trader with lives, and he stops at nothing, and yes, regarding the attack on the crimean bridge, we understand perfectly well, that they are capable of any
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abomination, we have already observed during this period. we will definitely talk about this in a couple of minutes, stay with us for a review of the most interesting sporting events.
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tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze in the fifth final of the season stage of the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the world art cup stage.
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russian peoples, children were taken from their families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia. in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal from ukrainian refugee children. when you make false documents, yes, supposedly original, you say that the children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, the principal of the school was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother, they have a father, you
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understand that this is for illegal people, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back, ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the tv channel. and we continue, answering numerous questions from journalists, here then, when the president was in moscow, he had to comment on one of these numerous falsehoods that appear again and again, which means the president said that there is no need for belarus to enter hostilities and there will not be, so...
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and more often there is talk about some chases, kolinovsky's regiments, everything else, here again, the head of state said that
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there were three scenarios about which at one time in february, and that it was the southern operational direction, exactly what borders us with ukraine, represents for we are in greatest danger in 2025. of course, our interest in negotiations is in a stable situation on our southern borders, well, there is probably no other country like ours, that’s what can be said in terms of the upcoming summit. which is planned to be held in lucerne in switzerland in the summer of july and the month, here is an important aspect, in my opinion, well , first, we know the position of ukraine, they have already doctrinally prohibited entering into any negotiations with the russian federation, the next - this is an exit to the ninety-first year of border and reparations, that is, who will agree to such peace agreements, of course no one, it is clear that negotiations are impossible under such conditions as are proposed by ukraine, which is losing. as they say on earth today. the second position is that we know about the emergence
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of such an interesting formation, which has long been forgotten: a cordial alliance, this is the entente, where great britain and france are now beginning to lead or rule like a fiat over the united states, which is going there, to the asia-pacific region, to take himself, the authority of the overlord of this region to determine how this entire military-political agenda will be built in our region. it’s important to say what aspect is defined by this same plot, yes, defined by the british side, cameron, it clearly spells out strategic defeat, there are no negotiations there, well, there is no word about negotiations, the possibility of even considering that russia is somewhere somewhere can do, there are other players no less important than china, and we know that at the meeting with sinzenpinem, and olaf scholz and macron, they clearly got it. namely the head of the chinese state
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and a clear message: we are going only on the basis that there must be negotiations on equal terms, but necessarily taking into account what is happening today in terms of waging war on the ground, i will briefly illustrate, you will continue, andrei petrovich, it’s just that you’re talking about this, such an interesting pick happened the other day: the united states will hold china responsible if russia achieves success in ukraine, said the us deputy sovereign. camble, but china is already i’m not in a position to calmly swallow such things, he replied, through the mouth of an official representative, she said: this cooperation should not be subject to interference and containment. the chinese side also does not accept judgment and pressure. and then it’s interesting, exactly what you’re talking about, if some countries really pay attention to peace in ukraine and hope for a speedy end to the crisis, they must first of all think about its origins and take real steps for the sake of uprising.
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their position, what should they do next, taking into account, and not in order to decide in general , what the overlord has changed from, taking into account that the situation in the armed conflict has changed, how, given the position of these very countries, well, of course, to show someone, look, the whole world is with us, but this is not so important, because they need to get there before...
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it falls under the criminal code, i think the investigative committee should already take measures, just like the russian investigative committee should start criminal prosecution of such personnel, but only for such thoughts, moreover, if they are citizens of the republic of belarus, then naturally
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appropriate measures should be taken with appropriate requests, where in ukraine, in poland, so that they are deported here, it is clear that they will not be deported, but ... actions must be taken, another thing is why she says this and whether she herself says it, it is clear that it is not she herself who speaks, all these thoughts, they have already been prepared in advance at some conferences that were held there by the british, americans, everything that's her is considering whether this information was leaked, maybe due to inexperience she simply leaked these plans on the air, yes, but in my opinion this is a deliberate information pumping. society in order to achieve a certain state of fear, yes, that is, these are the stuffing, they, please note, in the last month they have probably become more active about the need to take some kind of preventive measures in relation to belarus, it started there from
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the exercises at suvalkovsky, remember corridor, they said that there would be some kind of provocation there, now they are announcing this after crocus, to suppress various destructive activities, will they preemptively hit the oil refinery, yes, no, they won’t, of course they won’t, because remember, the statement of our head, the head of state, only they will cross our border or make some kind of attacks on our infrastructure, there will immediately be retaliatory strikes and there will be no red lines,
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they will hit their headquarters in kiev and warsaw, they will even use tactical... about where the rhetoric came from that belarus is going to attack lithuania there or poland, v side of poland aggressively, a number of small ones are being created, including telegram channels, incomprehensible authors, as an ephemeral idea , presenting that belarus is gathering there,
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look, it is strengthening there, there are some exercises between us and russia, which means they are preparing and so on, then a little more channel takes this information, in the end, our leaders take this as a basis, we know that there is such a sugar worker there today, yes, who is her assistant, yes, in the military department, you can say so, and he takes information from these with a serious look sources loudly declare to the audience that they have that belarus is really going to attack and is almost going to unleash tactical nuclear weapons there. and what this is not, this is a classic special psychological operation in order to really create a source of tension in society, so that people’s emotions overwhelm the adequate mind, they begin to react to any
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further stuffing, that is, it works like a virus, and they become infected small channel and beyond away we go people, yeah. very important, let's remember, literally in a short period of time, all of you standing in front of me will understand that you... saved the world, on this speck of earth, defended the sovereignty and independence of our country.
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understand, guys, not every belarusian, unfortunately, understands this today, but very soon they will understand. konstantinovna, this is just about how sometimes a small drop seems to us that it is not something insignificant, or, on the contrary, it inflates it. lost during this time, we got used to a peaceful sky, we got used to a creative life, and it’s really correctly said that
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, unfortunately, not all belarusians understand what we stood up for, what they stood up for us, including the security forces in 2020, what we could have lost, these fugitives who are still muddying the waters, who by any means they want to get on the agenda to show that they mean something, this is exactly the situation when belarusians once again... need, firstly, to look at the context, at the source of information, as you rightly say, to get to the bottom of it, understand that the world we are in today we live, it’s very expensive, we can lose it very quickly, i’m reacting until i figure it out, absolutely right, to the source, figure it out, emotions for today, this is a manifestation of emotions, it’s also very expensive, it’s possible to create an emotional explosion against the backdrop of this emotional explosion very scary things happened back. there will be no return, we calmly move forward, we understand, we look better at the information when they tell us about how people come from western countries
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to belarus and find a second homeland, how happy they are to live, and not in big cities, in small towns, recently there was a report about a family, they appreciate what i say, we are spoiled, and we very often do not understand how valuable it is and how fragile it is, and how we all need to take care of it together, we cannot.
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the position that we need to be balanced, adequate and really with ready
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fists, yeah, just in case, if you want peace, prepare for war, this was not said by us, not by us, but it must be carried out by us, i would like to remember one fragment at the end , we don't have much time left, but we have to to summarize everything we talked about today, some short conclusions, but first of all, the day before, we look around and decide with you. yes, this is what is happening around, but you need to keep your head from spinning, for this you need to stand firmly and firmly on the ground, and do what you should, and what you should do in the spring, you need to sow, the day before there was a big, very important, complex, serious meeting the president on agriculture is similar to what recently happened with industry, but there were messages there not only for people from agricultural sector, so we will listen now , you see what a catastrophic food situation is developing in the world. it is clear that the situation will only get worse due to population growth and the problems that affect
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the population in one region or another. i repeat once again, we need to forget about sanctions and other western horror stories, of course they exist, but they must be forgotten. andrey petrovich, well, our time is what it requires of us? well, look what i think he’s talking about correctly, president, that now we are in peacetime, this is very, very expensive, i think our program as a whole is dedicated to this. the fact that literally on the southern borders, on the western borders, the situation is escalating, but we have created precisely the prerequisite conditions so that, in principle, nothing threatens us at the moment, it is important to understand here, so we discussed with you a related problem, what are our fugitives thinking about, but they only think about one thing, that there will be no more peaceful protests, already no one will come out with flowers, they will already cut and kill, that is
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, by and large, extremism is the basis of the angle and... and of course we need to approach all this wisely and think about how to resist this, i think that we will resist this we are quite capable, we have sufficiently strengthened our positions both on the internal and external circuits, look, this is joining the shanghai commonwealth organization, look, we are aiming today at what we are planning somewhere in brix, our our word, it is heard, it is perceived , the most important thing is that in addition to these aspects, yes, we flew into space, that is, all people see that today everything is going towards creation, this is exactly this too... the president said, setting the task for the agrarian-industrial complex, this says: this is the time, this is this the respite, perhaps, that we have been given between one and two electoral campaigns, needs to be used as efficiently as possible, and not only in the military sphere, and not only related to food security, but in all of these nine areas that have been adopted, we will have adopted precisely in the concept national security, i think this is the real key to the success of our
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state in the future, thank you, alexey, yes, well, we see that the president - and holding a meeting on the topic of industry and agriculture, focuses on the problems that exist right now in the global economy, and he says that we, our country, our belarusian people, in conditions when there is a strong restructuring of the entire world system, must resist, yes, but resist first of all in the field of economics, if we... we will provide on the one hand economy, growth of exports, which means export revenue, at the same time we will ensure our national food security, then we will survive this period, yes, a turbulent period, further, then it will be easier, yes, the system will be rebuilt, in any case it will be rebuilt, there will be a new one an international security system, a new international law, then it will be easier, but
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if we don’t resist now, we will simply be swept away. stanislav. your short conclusions, first of all, do not succumb to the manipulations of the west, what they are trying to impose on us, we need to act exactly the opposite, if they try to pump us up emotionally, then we need to behave calmly and coolly, our emotions will not lead to anything good, on the contrary, concentrate on work, on adequacy, on the perception that we should be ready, this does not mean that we are going somewhere, like... some people think that we want someone there, we need some additional lands, there are these interesting fantasies, so we need to mobilize within society, use our heads, understand, that the world is really not so rosy, yes, as they show in hollywood films, and that the good uncle there will not bring us anything good, they only sow destruction all over the world, they leave blood and poverty behind
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, so the mobilization is internal. understands that in order to counter threats, we need to pursue a creative policy, we need to develop, only then will we, a developed, forward-moving state, be able to fully counter the threats that are around us. thank you for participating in this conversation, thank you for your views today. shared. and finally, first the northern military district, now iran, responds to israel, china clearly indicates who it is with and why. the world no longer
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wants to play by the rules. china, russia and iran are reviving the era of empire by destroying the us neo-colonial order. what does it mean? well, even a cornered rat is dangerous in its despair, what to say about a powerful power that is acutely experiencing the loss of its influence, washington will scratch and bite. what does this mean for us? don’t get lost between the giants, preserve culture and traditions, develop the economy and new competencies, demonstrate reliability and stick to your own. in spirit and vision of the future, and this is another indicator that in 2025 there will be not just elections, it will be an exam on the maturity of our society. that's it for today, happy.
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from the first cosmonaut to participation in the creation of the station, with such projects we will shake up the industry. i think that we will see joint flights of russians and belarusians more than once. we did everything according to our program, we did it well, we already have results. space is yours, as we understand it, space is ours, more precisely predict the weather. here the air pollution for the huge camera on the satellite is the belarusian matrix, the retina for the cosmic eye, the integral produces its crystals in such conditions that not even a speck of dust gets in, we can see the different elements
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of the crosses in each millions of components, they are like dust, 500 times thinner than a hair. the far arc is undoubtedly an important vector for our country, huge markets and prospects. the assembly plant, which cooperates with mtz, has already received more than 8,000 applications. of course you could guarantee our food safety. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
12:00 pm
noon news on belarus 1, vladislav studios, hello at the beginning.


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