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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 4:50pm-5:26pm MSK

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everyone else, it bakes a little longer, becomes dry and brittle, we baked it, filled it with syrup, but i assume that it still needs to be allowed to brew a little, how long should it stand, soak in the syrup, we need to wait until it’s all there, well, not cold, but not warm. i didn’t wait and decided to postpone the tasting until the day of the festival. alan and i, when we were preparing it, according to an old family tradition , we put a grain of coffee, whoever gets it will always be happy, he will always have happiness, the sun will shine above his head, pray that it will come to me, let's try it, i close my eyes, let's choose any piece, try it, suddenly,
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here comes the happiest, luckiest person in the whole world, it was worth the patience to try this pufflava, it's very sweet, a cup of black coffee would really go well with it, but the taste of cinnamon nuts makes the taste of the chowder subtle, despite the fact that it was soaked, you can see that it was well soaked, each layer remained crispy, remember why? because we left it in the oven a little too long? and for good reason, there is a secret in this, after all, i found one drawback in this soup, it’s difficult to eat more than a couple of pieces, then it doesn’t fit into you anymore, although you really want to, even though many many of our dear guests from grodno have tried it, yeah, and they praised this baklava of ours, i will regard it as a compliment in my direction, after all, i put my hand to it, both hands. palestinian baklava: add
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salt and butter to the flour, gradually add water so as not to mix with the consistency of the dough, add sugar syrup, roll out the dough to a thickness of paper sheet or buy frozen phyllo dough directly. place half the dough sheets one by one on a baking sheet, sprinkle each layer with powdered sugar, and add a layer of nuts mixed with powdered sugar and cinnamon. place the remaining dough on top, also each sheet one by one. sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into pieces, bake in the oven, then pour in sugar syrup and let cool, the end of the festival of national cultures was still far away, but i made the main conclusion. well, what can i tell you, the festival was a great success, for me it was a few days with the taste of sweet palestinian.
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a year of quality for our company means, first of all, responsibility for the results of our work. i came to construction at
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an already mature age, as they say, a conscious choice, i liked the fact that you see the results of your work, when step by step the house is raised, built, i have been working in construction since 1988, what we worked in the last century, now this is a very big difference, now the modern level.
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it’s been more than 40 years since i came here from the primorsky territory in 1983, a lot has changed, why schools, kindergartens, hospitals, kindergartens have grown at home. although it cannot be compared with the period when i came here, here in every, one might say, in every house there is a piece of my work, it’s all very pleasing, as they say, everything was built for our children, our grandchildren, so that they could live in a beautiful, comfortable city. it weighs about two or three apples
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the size of a human fist, but in terms of importance its work in the general system of the body cannot be compared with the work of any other organ, because... if it suddenly works stops, the person will simply die. surely you have already guessed that we are talking about the heart, this is what our program is about today, and of course, about the role that science has played in ensuring that the heart of a modern person beats as long as possible. this is the science nearby project, in the studio ekaterina beretskaya, hello, watch in the next half hour.
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we will find out very soon whether the most common heart diseases can be prevented. in almost all developed countries, mortality from... cardiovascular diseases is approximately 40-60%. patterns of development forecasts of courses, of course, methods of treatment of such pathologies are studied by science and a large branch of medicine - cardiology. about the stages of its formation. right now in our regular column history of the issue. for the first time i wrote about the heart. century bc. the second scientist who mentioned this organ in his works was galen, already in the 2nd century ad. however, there were many errors in the assumptions of ancient thinkers. for example, galen believed that the center of the cardiovascular
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system was the liver. this hypothesis was only refuted in the 18th century, the scientist harvey. leonardo made a significant contribution to the development of cardiology as a science. vinci and his brush are responsible for the anatomical drawing of the heart with the correct arrangement of the valves. the russian scientist alexander shumlyansky proved in the 16th century that vessels have a closed system. and the italian surgeon gaspara azelli studied and then described in detail the lymphatic system, which is closely connected with blood vessels. cardiology became an independent branch of medicine in the 19th century. first transplant. made in 1964 american surgeon james hardy. the organ donor was a chimpanzee. the patient lived for an hour and a half after the operation. and on december 3, 1967 , the world's first successful cardiac transplantation was performed. it was made by
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a south african doctor, christian bernard. we cardiologists are very familiar with the concept of sudden cardiac arrest, but in 2023 it became known that belarusian doctors and scientists had found a way out, even from such a seemingly literally hopeless situation. about this in general about what opportunities our cardiologists have today to prolong life themselves the main organ of the human body, in the program studio we will talk with the director of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, the chief freelance cardiologist...
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said 45%. how to deal with this? well, first of all, these individuals must understand that their
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health is largely in their hands. they must adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and if their clinical condition, the presence of arterial hypertension, dyslepidemia, increased weight, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, requires some kind of drug intervention, then the opinion of the world cardiological community has been reached that the use of these technologies with... significantly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death. the next stage begins, a person develops arrhythmia, there are also international technologies that recommend, for certain types of rhythm disturbances, taking beta-blockers or amiodorone, which also reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death. at the stage when drug therapy is ineffective, surgeons come into play. which can implant the patient has a pacemaker, the situation is even more
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complicated, then it is possible to implant a cardioverter defibrillator, if the patient has a large heart and its chambers do not contract simultaneously, as required by the physiology of the cardiovascular system, then we now have devices such as a resynchronization device at our disposal, this is the next stage resynchronizing...
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i have on several slides the new technologies that have been introduced at the center over the year, and we are making every effort to extrapolate this as quickly as possible to other regional centers, to interdistrict centers where x-ray vascular technologies and cardiac surgical technologies are used. it was just relatively recently
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that artificial bioheart valves underwent clinical trials. let's watch the story and go back to the studio. with the increase in life expectancy of belarusians , cardiac surgeons are seeing more and more patients, especially those whose hearts require surgical treatment of the valve apparatus. if earlier. valve apparatus was mainly a pathology of young people, when there were many rheumatism, infectious watercarditis, as the nation grows up all over the world, these processes are going on here in exactly the same way as throughout the world; a large number of patients have appeared who develop age-related changes in the valve apparatus, and especially in people over 60 years of age. for young patients, surgeons use mechanical prostheses; they are valued for their durability, but they have the disadvantage that after implantation, patients must take certain medications for life. we already have... clinics have been created, we mainly use our mechanical valve prostheses
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the heart of the production of the planar concern, they have proven themselves very well, the experience of using them has been since ninety-three and since 2009 there have been more than 1000 of the latest modifications, they are also being improved, now the mechanics will be completely belarusian, because before the ispir carbon doors were bought in russia has now already created its own production in pine trees, so this is absolutely. to our prosthesis, which is absolutely no different in hemodynamic parameters from western models, but when it comes specifically to the elderly patients, then, of course, it is more effective to use biological prostheses, although they are not durable, like mechanical ones, this is perhaps their only drawback, but here doctors are faced with a number of problems: firstly, bioprostheses are expensive, and secondly, there are now very many of them it is difficult to bring into the country, so the decision was made to create our own domestic biovalves. doctors from the scientific and practical cardiology center worked in tandem with technicians from belarusian enterprises. the process is very difficult, very long, because it is not only the creation
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design, well, then there are quite a lot of tests, well, first of all, the check is standard for... the patients feel great for a year. according to the forecasts of cardiac surgeons, by the end of this year the prostheses will already be able to be used without testing, the operations performed in march of this year were limited to tests. and after some time, sell to other countries, since doctors are completely satisfied with the quality of these particular biovalves. another valve is
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for somless implantation ; clinical trials have not yet been completed, but we are already seeing that the valve requires modification, a change in design and then repeated hydrodynamic tests, although both the valves and the frame on which it sits are quite satisfactory, but the design needs to be changed, firstly, for ease of implantation for surgeons, well, so that there is less to do with it there were problems. two more types of bioprostheses are on the way, thanks to which belarusians will have more healthy hearts. you are watching the science nearby project, today we are talking about the heart, about the role that science played in extending its life, and therefore in human life. not skip further. what heart diseases are most common in belarusians? through the skin blood vessels? how do endovascular cardiac surgeons perform operations? and
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what methods allow you to diagnose heart disease in a timely manner in the program in a few minutes. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova laconic, navat prasyakny spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsii. the 790th bastards, rach paspalitaya knew, and with this we say, it happened and is known, the end is known i am sailing in the style of baroka, and all the historical wings here lead us away from the paeina such a dead end,
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because in the future, the architects would have been a myastsov admyslovian, an architect. chakhovich, who he is, is unknown. glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel. i received permission from the general staff to open an intelligence school in kiev. from security, so what is my role in this? organization, management and control, who will be involved in the selection of people? you, is this war? what are you doing, kostya, what a war, they’ll give me an assignment, we’ll go part, you’ll get a job as a teacher, we’ll give the people yiddish, comrade five, what are you doing, people are watching, let them watch,
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what if they call the police, let them call, well... jacket , yes, of course, here are the candidates that i selected, komsomol members, one criminal, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you will be found as an accomplice, you will go to jail, of course, i do not promise you justice, i propose to benefit your homeland, if you agree, today i will enroll you in intelligence, in front of each of you there are three books, the first one contains the insignia of wehrmacht personnel. in the life of the mistress of the right officer, he can find out the plan of an entire army, it’s not so beautiful, but it works. watch the series scouts on the belarus tv channel. 24
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for those who have just joined us, i’m telling you that our guest is the chief freelance cardiologist of the ministry of health, director of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, natalya mitkovskaya, and she talks about how modern science prolongs the life of the most important human organ, and therefore to the person himself. natalya polna, what kind of, well, let’s say, heart diseases, cardiological diagnoses, are most common among belarusians today. unfortunately, almost every third belarusian adult suffers from arterial hypertension. for belarusians, disorders of lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and body weight are typical. and i must tell you that the combination of all these factors contributes to the progression of the arteriosclerotic process, the atherosclerotic process is not, as
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a rule, local, it affects the vessels heart, blood vessels of the brain, kidneys, lower extremities, ultimately this multifocal condition, we call it, leads to the fact that the patient sometimes at a certain stage... needs to undergo several surgical interventions, well , of course, it is mandatory to take medications all his life agents that inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis. well, if you take about 100 people, yes, in whom risks have been identified, here is drug treatment, lifestyle changes, fortunately now zosh is fashionable, but in how many cases from... like, will this work? this is an absolutely wonderful question, the answer to which i tell almost every patient if i work with him, i say that if you and i
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achieve normal cooperation, then the risk factors that are completely obvious for you, we can, well, in different circumstances, reduce by 70 and even 90%. it all depends on when we begin this active process of working with the patient and his problems. that is, it is effective; moreover, medicines have now been created that can administer one single injections over a period of 6 months, but give a very good result in reducing lipid levels. this is still an expensive technology, but time passes. over time , the cost decreases, but the effectiveness remains the same. another thing you know is that there are diagnoses, problems with the heart, well, for which surgery cannot be avoided, how large is the percentage of such patients with what
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problems, let’s say, the heavy artillery is already cardiac surgeons. of course, each area has its own indicators, but i can say that, for example, among patients with arrhythmia, about five patients need... which all our foreign colleagues who came had the opportunity to visit this building on the territory of these two operating rooms were delighted with, during this year we
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must fully develop the technology of hybrid operations, when one the patient undergoes several interventions with different approaches, which reduces the time of anesthesia and reduces the likelihood of adverse events in the postoperative period. certainly takes us to another level, to another level of cardiac surgery, i propose to pause again for a few minutes, my colleagues are very interested in the topic of endovascular cardiac surgery, let's look at the report. the leaflets of a healthy aortic valve, through which blood enters the body through the systemic circulation. should be tender, as cardiologists say, like flower petals, this helps them open easily and accurately, but over the course of life they become saturated with metal salami, and their work becomes dysfunctional, the patient is
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begins... to feel gradually, first shortness of breath, weakness during heavy physical activity, and then the most routine work is difficult. a seventy-four-year-old patient at the scientific and practical cardiology center also encountered these symptoms. after the diagnosis was made, it was decided to implant the aortic valve using an endovascular method. such dark formations, these are the same valves that actually do not move, and if the valve opening should normally be like this, we see that here is something like this a jet, well... as thick as a pen , an ultrasound examination of such patients reveals that the area of ​​the hole exiting the heart is 0.5 cm, 0.4 cm. the classic treatment option for such patients is a surgical operation, but it has a number of contraindications, including age 70 plus. to solve this problem, our doctors began to use the development of the french cardiologist allen cribier. under x-ray control, we adjust the valve, which...
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laid in a special way in a special delivery system, positioned inside already modified valve and open it, thus, inside the old valve, which is already functionally inadequate, we implant a new valve, which, in principle, performs its function intended for this section of the heart muscle. a similar manipulation was performed on a seventy-four-year-old patient in just 40 minutes. in this situation, it was a valve that is inflated using a balloon, as you can see.
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new elastic flaps completely replaced the fixed flaps, which prevented blood from circulating throughout the body, for such patients there are quite a few doctors in the country who are recognized, so now scientists from the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology are training doctors in the regions of belarus to carry out such implantation. last year , endovascular valve implantation was performed in the grodno region, in the gomel region, in the megelevsk region, this year we are also expanding the geography, our colleagues from the city of vitebsk, as well as from the city of minsk in the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery, transplantology, hematology, too in the future, only the brest region and further we will consider the technologies transferred to clinics of the healthcare system in the region. in addition, the x-ray vascular method is still used in the treatment of a number of other cardiac diseases: vascular pathologies, coronary heart disease, infarction, myocardium. since the treatment is carried out without incisions, through small
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punctures on the core. then rehabilitation after the intervention is much easier for patients. natalya pavlovna, i know that the insidiousness of cardiovascular diseases is that for a very long time, well, let’s say, they themselves, well, they don’t show it, man, somewhere the head was spinning, somewhere there was a stabbing sensation, well, it passed and passed, in fact, he’s in no hurry to see a doctor, so... as a doctor, as a specialist, tell me when, after all, well should i at least go to a therapist? the overwhelming majority of diseases of the circulatory system develop very slowly, quietly creeping up on a particular person, but they die from them quickly. we started talking about the problem of sudden cardiac death, this is always a terrible tragedy for relatives who say: well, well, he’s practically nothing
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wasn't sick. and then we see that the vascular system was damaged, that there was long-term arterial hypertension, so there is no circumstance that would justify a person who does not take care of his health in such situations. arterial hypertension is the worst disease of mankind, there are experts who generally classify it as one of the seven most terrible diseases of mankind, along with the cholera plague, and we must bring blood pressure figures to... to those standards that are recommended by the majority cardiological communities, we must monitor the lipid spectrum, glucose levels, we must move, because a healthy person should walk at such a good pace, exercise for about 30-60 minutes a day, i sincerely believe that this is a normal contribution of a citizen to his health, because
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the doctor cannot provide only. these elementary preventive measures were once actively introduced in america and finland during large multicenter events. studies have been observing people who listened to the recommendations of doctors, definitely quit smoking, reduced alcohol consumption, plus they use all the technologies that i talked about and suddenly it turned out that mortality is decreasing, and significantly, in terms of diagnosis , there is still a cardiogram, ultrasound of the heart,
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studies allow you to see the state of the vascular system in almost the entire body, ultimately, having received all this information, we can decide that an endomyocardial biopsy is indicated, then we can consider these cells, tissue, to understand that a person may have some kind of genetic disease or metabolic disease, by the way, regarding the issue of genetics, she also came to cardiology and...
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cooperation in the field of medicine. over the past 3 years alone, more than thirty agreements have been concluded with various institutions. this is in addition to the fact that for many years we have been cooperating with japanese and canadian colleagues. now the russian federation is quite widely represented in these agreements, and these are not papers, these are actually working projects. in particular we have agreement with the russian one. center for therapy and preventive medicine, with academician drabkina, who is the chief general practitioner of the russian federation, we have two ongoing scientific projects with uzbek colleagues, one we have already
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completed, that is, this is science, as for practice, our specialists have traveled to uzbekistan twice , 22 patients were operated on, everything went very well, and it ended again. execution of 18 agreements with various institutions of uzbekistan, we constantly communicate with canadian colleagues who 20 years before covid, we visited our country, now they always ask when everything will stabilize, we will definitely come again, we maintain relations with european colleagues, despite any nuances in the behavior of the european society of cardiologists, i am absolutely convinced that... real professionals, regardless of the weather, the mood of some leaders, and with the support, for example, of our leader and the ideology that has always been fundamental in clinical
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medicine in belarus, that we must cooperate, we must help each other, we will necessarily always at the forefront and quite effective. natalya mikhailovna, thank you very much, thank you for finding time in your busy work schedule to come to our studio, we are really very grateful to you for this, first of all, good luck to you and your colleagues and new discoveries for the sake of saving lives, thank you, thank you, the heart begins to beat when the embryo is only 4 weeks old and there is no rest in its work until... the last breath of a person. confucius said 2,500 years ago: “having chosen a goal, go towards it with all your heart. but this can be done fully when the heart is healthy, and in the modern
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world it can only be healthy thanks to the conscious behavior of the person himself, and of course, thanks to science, which , as we have seen today, is also nearby in this matter.


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