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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 5:25pm-5:51pm MSK

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in clinical medicine in belarus, that we need to cooperate, we need to help each other, we will always be at the forefront and quite effective. natalya mikhailovna, thank you very much, thank you for finding time in your busy work schedule to come to our studio, we are really very grateful to you for this , your colleagues, first of all, good luck and new discoveries. for the sake of saving a life, thank you, thank you, the heart begins to beat when the embryo is only 4 weeks old and there is no rest in its work until the last breath of a person. confucius said 2,500 years ago, having chosen a goal, go towards it with all your heart, but this can be done fully when the heart is healthy, and it is healthy... a world of peace
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can only be possible thanks to the conscious behavior of the person himself and, of course, thanks to science, which, as we have seen today, is also nearby in this matter. let you love like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let you.
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may i love you for the song that i hear, for the deep booming laughter, for the frequent sound, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear! their homeland is sunny kazakhstan, a beautiful country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature. fate brought them to belarus, today there are two bright ones in the project.
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masterfully controls her wonderful voice, and victoria dances brilliantly on the floor, each heroine has her own unique fate and her own view of belarus. i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband, sergei, was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, in general, it was his idea. to move to
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belarus, he invited me to fly with him, and we saw the city, traveled, we already had a lot of friends here, because a lot of people fly here from kazakhstan, kazakhstan is a very sunny country, there is always a lot of sun, in winter, in summer, you always wear black glasses, when i arrived in december, i look out the window in the morning, i say, when in general, when will the sun rise, when, when will it be day, and is it already day? i'm already used to it, but it seems to me that even now the climate has changed a little, it has become more sunny than 7 years ago, when we first arrived here, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, having now lived here 7 years, i understand that this is in general... this is the merit
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of the people, because the people themselves, belarusians, are very clean, when a person ends up in another country, yes, first of all he says: oh, well done, the people here clean so well, but here people are just carrying. i came from kazakhstan, the city of astana, and i was born in tselinograd, that is, there is, so
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to speak, a little history there, first there was tselinograd, then okmala, after that they made the capital astana and it’s like i came from astana, i was 18 years, i'm finishing.
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city, to come here, to such a small, very small city. as for the difference between kazakhstan and belarus, there were times when there weren’t as many shops here at that time as, for example, there are now, but there is still a trade house, when we got there and i simply saw that there were still glass display cases on the window display, and there was our newspaper from the neman region, and then there were tests. with eau de toilette, there, i don’t know what kind, what brand, but it surprised us very much, because well, in kazakhstan there is no such thing, of course, when i moved here to belarus, yes, i had such a moment that i i will still return to kazakhstan, i still stood my ground, probably for, well, a year for sure, despite
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the fact that even i had already entered the the university still said that i would return there, but a lot of time passed, i graduated from the university, i’m already working. i want to say that i already told my parents, we very often talk about this topic, that well, i want to say a big thank you to them, a review of the most interesting sporting events: tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth world cup final stage of the season by guns. put it down. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the stage rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, i worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dina miminsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last. will
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work. i think the game wasn't bad, it just lacked completion. you also need to take into account that the transition of the field, the coverage is different. the highlights are real. ready to prove the opposite. what was the name of the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? war. masha, what do you think? i chose the brez world option. the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva, with
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an elongated body and lumpy skin , resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we also thought here that we have several options. please, your guess, we had a may zola god's box, so we hope we will have a tribe, their erudition will be the envy of any adult. is it true that this is normal in an adult? four fangs? denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, that’s how it should be, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. now we are in the wonderful large hall of our theater, here is our favorite the stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity, our talent, everything we know, so that everyone who sits in this hall will respond, everyone will feel their emotions to the soul.
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locked up, and not a simple ordinary worker, we had this decision to move to beautiful belarus, and it was hard, i mean, i won’t say that it was easy, it was n’t easy, but for about 2 and a half i flew for years, well then, of course , i had to make my choice, i had to make my choice, and i wrote in the month of january... dismissal of my own free will, in an apartment in almaat, then we still had
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an apartment there, i just lay there for a week and i cried, i couldn’t come to my senses, because i quit there, here i haven’t been accepted into the troupe yet, not accepted into the theater, in general, i remained on the street, and of course for any artist this, well , this is just a tragedy, but then i pulled myself together and devoted this time to the fact that i began to travel a lot, i went to pesero to italy for an internship. and i interned in vienna, with gabrielle sima, she is such an amazing metz soprano, and mozart’s singer, absolutely brilliant, just an incredible person, and well, it probably paid off, here i am, and i’m very happy, and in general i such a person, i never regret anything in my life, i can i only regret that i didn’t do something, but i can say that moving is when you leave everything behind you and start from scratch. this is such a big push to overcome yourself, to reach some
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new stage of your development, you don’t stay in place somewhere, but it feels like this life is already somewhere there and it has remained at a certain level , this really gives you the opportunity to do more, to rise head and shoulders above what you can.
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go ahead, try it, because he understood that i’m already an adult, that all children are taken from a small age anyway, but i seemed to tell him every time, i can do it, i will do it, because... i have good physical training, i know that such classes, i know what training is, and yes, he understood that in fact i can overcome all this, that i like it, that i am so fighting-minded, very quickly i was transferred to the main group, and where the guys who then defended the wishes of kazakhstan danced, probably from that moment i
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i began to seriously engage in sports and ballroom dancing, at the moment we are in the palace of culture. this is the place where i work, this is the place where i started working as soon as i graduated from university, and here i myself studied, though not for very long, well later, of course, despite the fact that i studied in minsk, in university of culture for 5 years, i was drawn home, everyone told me, vika, why, well, you’re leaving the capital for a peripheral city, but i can’t say that minsk is bad, no, by no means, but somehow, i don’t know, maybe i’m somehow... more homely, maybe i’m more attached to my mother, but i really wanted to go home, i have a wonderful director here in the palace, who, as soon as i arrived, i remember well this moment when we met her, and i came and declared, that is , what i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city, in the city of lida, to which, well,
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irina eduardovna said, it’s great, we love such specialists, that’s why. let's try, and we’ll see what you are like, what you will do, from that moment on, little by little, at first i had two pairs, then two and a half pairs, then more, that is, each time there were more and more guys , then we defended the title of an exemplary team, today i am the head of an exemplary sports ballroom dance studio, i am currently a member of the belarusian dance sports federation.
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gorgeous design, all couples, beautiful girls in beautiful suits, elegant guys, elegant children's couples, then they said, of course, we also have in our city all the conditions to hold such a tournament, we have the olympia sports complex, which can accommodate a large number of students, a large number of spectators, and so... and
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the year before last we held our first tournament for the mayor's cup and
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling, in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said: “medicine deprives a person, and veterinary medicine deprives humanity, we are also preparing a pharmacist , this not..." our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about their intricacies.
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like children, naive, so stay at this childhood age, oddly enough, the role of mr. poppins, here gave me the impetus to think about whether i was too old, an organization called the source of life was established in germany, its task was to stimulate the growth of the birth rate of true aryans, and also to increase the german population by labeling children from slavic peoples, children were removed from families for years. occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis do not take their own ukrainian children to the eu countries, but this is different. in one case, they
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forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia. in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugees.
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now we’ll go to my beloved mom for tea, let’s give her a small surprise. we are visiting my mother irina and my aunts vova, our closest ones. in minsk, they always greet us with pleasure, invite us, and come to visit us. our family consists of four people. me, my husband, sergei, i have two children, the eldest daughter daria, she is 15 years old, and the youngest son
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nikita, he is 10 years old, when we made the decision, the final decision, to move to belarus, of course, when choosing a country, we first in total , we were chosen so that we could transfer our parents, my husband and my mother, since she was already at such an advanced age. and my family, since i, too, am alone with my mother, and it was like that when choosing a country, the fundamental factor is where we can all go together, when the children suggested that we leave, the first reaction, i personally was happy, because all my life i dreamed of living in belarus, all my life, i spent my childhood here in belarus, i spent my life here youth, then with my little girl i came here three times, then... when perestroika came, we stopped flying here, and i always dreamed of living here, because i have relatives here, when we came here,
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at first, of course, it was the feeling that we strangers, it was, but now, of course, we have adapted, we have friends, and well , we are now very comfortable and good, well , there are probably options where you can go with the whole family, it’s either russia or belarus, at that time - we were still choosing this a country where our children can grow up and develop in a calm, prosperous environment that helps you not worry about your child every minute, what can happen to him and what can’t happen to him, and i think that in minsk there are very good conditions for to live as a family, especially with small children, this is my family, the people closest to me, this is my beloved husband vitaly, these are my children, this is my son bogdan, this is my daughter michka, these are my parents, my mom, dad...


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