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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 5:50pm-6:21pm MSK

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at first, of course, there was a feeling that we were strangers, but now, of course, we have adapted, we have friends, and now we are very comfortable and well, well , there are probably options where you can go with the whole family, this or russia or belarus, at that time we were still choosing a country where our children could grow up and develop in a calm, prosperous environment like this. which contributes to the fact that every minute you are not worried about the child, but what can happen to him and what cannot happen to him, and i think that in minsk there are very good conditions for living with a family, especially with small children, this is my family, the people closest to me, this is my beloved husband vitaly, these are my children, this is my son bogdan, this is my daughter michka, these are my parents, my mom, tha...
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very often to my grandmother, i really liked the city of lida, well, we settled on this city, with a child, my parents brought me here , i want to say that they are so kind, sympathetic, so hospitable , well, you don’t always meet such hospitable people who are ready, well to give you everything, to give you advice, to invite you to visit, to give you something, to help you, well, it’s worth a lot, it’s very wonderful.
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such a generous soul, and of course, the beauty of nature, belarus, well, this is the land that is mine, today i don’t regret it at all, because our project was a success, the children are successful, the son is in russia, a successful person, in general, the daughter here, as practice shows, is doing well and doing well, showing good achievements, we are very happy for her. i have a wonderful father-in-law and mother-in-law, these are people who always help us, who always support us, who love us very much, who are proud of us, they love their grandchildren madly, so i am very lucky with them, i also want to say that i am very lucky with my husband, this is the person who - well, probably uh, well, you can say that he loves me, because knowing my character, knowing my stubbornness, and knowing that i really love my profession, my... work,
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he always gives me very wise advice, for which i i love him very much, appreciate and respect him, here i have appeared in belarus beautiful children, whom i also love very much, and i value them very much and i am very proud of them, so belarus did everything possible and the impossible concerns me personally, what can i say, well, openly, that i love belarus and i proudly declare that exactly here... i found my great happiness.
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today in the ether 24 on 7 project we will talk about current events and significant dates. let's remember the pearls of belarusian cinema, offer to take a virtual trip around belarus and discover a new place on the map. and of course, we will present to your attention exciting and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, look at. traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with important news from the world economy, social life, and sports culture. the results of negotiations between the prime ministers of belarus and russia in moscow, the creation by belarusian scientists of a fermented milk product for space, the victory of anton smolsky in the overall
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standings of the commonwealth biathlon cup. belarus and russia will be created. local plane, an agreement on cooperation in the field of aviation was signed at the government house in moscow, where negotiations between the prime ministers of the two countries took place. roman golovchenko and mikhail mishustin first met in a one-on-one format, and then in an expanded format with the participation of the heads of the ministries of finance, economy, and industry of the two countries. the main topics are industrial cooperation, joint projects in microelectronics, machine tool industry, and agriculture. they also discussed the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures. this will simplify the work of business and open up the opportunity for belarusian enterprises to participate in government procurement. in addition, the countries will cooperate in the production of the twin-engine asway aircraft. mikhail mishustin congratulated the belarusians on the successful flight of the first female cosmonaut of belarus into space, as well as on the launch of the angara rocket from
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the vostochny cosmodrome, in the construction of which belarusians took part. the belarusian automobile plant continues a large-scale modernization of workshops, which will be completed next year. year goal is to increase production volumes quarry equipment, the holding's know-how of a heavy truck with a lifting capacity of 120 tons, the day before representatives of russia's leading mining companies were able to see in person; the battery for the dump truck is produced by rosatom corporation; the electric truck itself is a project of machine builders and engineers of the union state; on one charge the dump truck can operate for up to 8 hours , a lot of attention today is on the 130-ton hydrogen fuel dump truck. this is a prototype for now, but by the end of the year the new product will be made into a prototype for use in quarries. a large investment project is being implemented at the osipovichi automotive components plant. robots will now cast aluminum. the new automated complex, which arrived from china, will not only allow us to get away from manual
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labor, but will ensure high casting accuracy , improve product quality, and ultimately expand sales markets. the new complex is being set up by chinese specialists, and at the same time they are training to work. nicks of the plant. this is just the beginning of a major modernization of the aluminum casting shop. the investment project will have seven stages, and this is a new stage in history osipovichi automobile units plant. the belavtomaz branch is one of the largest manufacturers in belarus of parts and products for automotive agricultural machinery. belarusian scientists are creating fermented milk products for space; belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya conducted a number of biotechnological experiments on board the iss. which were aimed at storing samples of probiotic strains, lactic acid organisms and bifidobacteria under space flight conditions. for now, we can tentatively say that the fermentation process has taken place, while at the same time the microorganisms remain on the nutrient media and microscope stages. anton
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smolsky, winner of the overall standings of the biathlon commonwealth cup on the final day of the stage in murmonsk in the mass start race, captain of the belarusian national team, olympic medalist , was third and was able to maintain the lead in the general classification, beating the titled russian biathlete eduard latypov. thus, smolsky took revenge for last season, when due to illness he could not compete in the final races. the belarusian national team will take a short break from mid-may and will begin pre-season work. in two seasons of the commonwealth cup, belarus has two globes for winning the overall standings. in 2023 it was won by dinara smolskaya. in the traditional section of the date of the week , we will find out what reasons for celebration in the context of belarusian culture the outgoing week offers us. april 17 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of one of the founders of the theatrical
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art of belarus, people's artist of the bssr and ussr lydia rzhetskaya. future popular the actress was born. in the family of a priest, at the age of 17 she left home and entered a drama school. the father never forgave his daughter for this act, and the mother came to visit lydia. when she had already become a recognized artist. in 1921, lidia ivanovna came to the first belarusian drama theater, now the national academic theater named after yanka kupala, and served there for more than half a century. her roles in the plays of alexander ostrovsky, zmitrak byadulya, kuzma cherny, yanka kupala, kondrat nettle andrei makayonok, are a golden fund of national art. tersky rzhetskaya’s triumph was the images she created in the productions of scattered nest, who laughs, i’ll
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define paulinka. for the role of avdotya verbitskaya in the play "five larks", the actress was awarded the ussr state prize. on april 17, 1940, honored artist of the republic of belarus, valery rubinchik, was born. the father... of the future famous film director, was the director of edi rosner's orchestra, then of the russian theater in minsk. having known theatrical life since childhood, valery consciously chose his profession. after several unsuccessful attempts, in 1962 entered the directing department in gika, where his fellow students gave him consonant surnames, the nickname owl since 1969. rubinchik director of the belarus film studio, later its
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artistic director, worked at mosfilm, taught at vgik, the director’s first fame was brought to him by the film the last summer of childhood, the sequel to dirk of bronze birds. in 1977, his film wreath of sonnets was recognized as the best film for children and youth at the riga film festival in the eightieth. for the film wild hunt of king stakh, the master received the jury prize at international film festival in montreal. on april 18, 1940 , the belarusian composer and people's artist of belarus eduard hanok was born into a military family in kazakhstan. after graduating from school in brest, he moved to minsk and entered the glinka music college. then he became a student at the conservatory. tchaikovsky in moscow. the first wave of success came to the composer in 1971. that year, eduard
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khil performed at the song of the year festival, the song “winter,” known to the general public as “ice ceiling.” a couple of years later, hunk was offered to work on the soundtrack for film "yas and yanina". there the first collaboration with legendary songwriters took place. they became hits for all time. and his songs performed by via verosa, malinovka, zavirukha, i live with my grandmother, almost all of the maestro’s works have not lost popularity to this day.
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next, let's get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema. in the movie section. every
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saturday, the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this is a special event dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. feature film letters to the living from the director valentin vinogradova, filmed from a script by oles kucher in 1964. the film tells. veronica, accused of participating in the activities of the anti-polish underground, ends up in prison. veronica korchevskaya. born in 1909, a komsomol member from the age of 15, a communist from the age of 18, being a senior functionary of the communist party of poland and western belarus, she organized strikes of anti-government demonstrations. after 8 years of imprisonment, she is released
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thanks to an exchange agreement between the soviet and polish governments prisoners. arriving in the bssr, the underground worker awaits a new shipment to eastern poland to continue the fight, but the swindler ends up in dungeons, this time in the minsk nkvd prison, where she is accused of spying for the polish government. it has been established that they were sent to the ussr on espionage, reconnaissance and terrorist missions. not true. unfortunately it's true. thanks to a lucky coincidence. veronica is released, but her friends continue to turn away from her, considering her an enemy of the people. the great has begun patriotic war, having committed sabotage at a gas storage facility against the german occupiers, the main character is forced to hide in the forests, but in an attempt to save a child she is captured. after the end of the second world war
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, letters are found in the cell of the partisan veronica korchevskaya, executed by the nazis, the result of her heroic life. i felt happy from the day when i found out why i live, since then i have no doubts, no fear, i understood how you can love life, that’s why it’s so easy for me to talk to you, the living, faith itself is good really wrote letters, but not from a german, but from a polish prison, in 1930 their first edition was published in the soviet union under the title letters to freedom, watch the film letters: to the living on april 20 on our tv channel. time to go on another virtual trip. today we continue to survey the architecture of our country. discover belarus with us in the traditional section place on the map.
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there was a building of the peasant underground bank. built in 1917 according to the design of the architect konstantin tarasov. it represents an example of a successful combination of modernity and neo-russian style. according to the regulations on the peasant underground bank dated may 10 , 1882, its main purpose is to issue a court for the purchase of land. the vitebsk branch of the peasant land bank began operating on june 20, 1886. he was given the task of assisting peasants in acquiring land by issuing a court order. thus, during the first 2 years of the bank’s existence, the peasants of vitebsk district purchased with its help about 7420. a stone two-story e-shaped building, with a tower on the corner bauman and davator streets, is distinguished
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by its scale, has a clear cornice division, exemplary for the art nouveau style and... a tiered tent with a light bulb. the main entrance ends with a wedge-shaped pediment with a mosaic maialic panel. in the center of which is a stylized coat of arms of the vitebsk province. the decorative decoration uses elements borrowed from ancient russian architecture. curved outlines, window sills, kokoshniks, melon columns, large diamond rustication, similar to that present in the architecture of the building faceted chamber in moscow. although for arnouveau the volumes of this building are not sufficiently fused, they do not flow into each other. there is no wavy board in the decor, nor are there any characteristic elongating style elements. the layout of the building is corridor. on the ground floor there was a lobby, reception rooms, a courier room, utility rooms and
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an archive. on the second floor there is a meeting room, offices and administration apartments. the vitebsk higher agricultural college was opened in the premises of a former bank. 3 years later , vitebsk was founded on the basis of the technical school. veterinary institute. during the great patriotic war , the feltkomdatura and the secret police were located in the building. after the war , the veterinary institute returned here, which in 1994 was reorganized into the academy of veterinary medicine. the building belongs to the academy and now, welcome to belarus.
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belarus russia continues to explore new vectors of cooperation, the development of joint instruments somewhere to see from each other is very interesting to us belarusians. large enterprises such as belas, mas, mtz and many others, for example, manufactured a crane with a lifting capacity of 32 tons for the gomsilmash plant.
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rescue vehicles are easy to use by the fighters themselves, why? because in any weather conditions, in heat, in cold and also in fire and water, it must work, because this is a technique that saves lives. what personal records are set at the factory? over the course of a couple of years, in 2018, we released the first staircases, up to 30 meters high, we are moving higher and higher every year, and we finally decided to conquer 52 m in height, and we done. the production of rescue equipment
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is not soulless robotic labor. each of our cars is assembled by hand, each part is in the welder’s hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it. but if they don’t feel their job, can you produce or weld such a machine? about how they are created. direct assistants to firefighters, see the program one day. let's take a look at the belarusian bakery, where we will learn about the intricacies of oatmeal cookie production. it was a huge discovery for me when i was molding a huge dough into small, small pieces. at first i thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out so that it would be flatter, but no, they later explained to me that it turns out that it spreads itself and becomes flat, which is what we are used to seeing. which one?
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i’m still trying to understand how to do it correctly, well, this is not my job, i wasn’t born for this, oh, let’s witness the birth of a product that is the head of everything on a production scale in the master class program, how it’s done, these and others projects on the air of the tv channel belarus 24.
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that there is no other thing to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is stupid in its essence, in any business there must be a goal to which one must strive, without this stagnation will occur, and just alexander grigorievich, he is the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing, howling, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we’ll take on a project with
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exoticism, here’s lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play, you can meet people right on the street, it’s a great trip, it’s the first time i’ve ridden on such a carriage, i’m the only one like you, this it’s just amazing, you know, i have the feeling that i’m not riding a tram, but a train, but to become one of my own in a foreign country.
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a horseshoe, and a knife or sickle was very often stuck into the jamb. watch the travel show like at home on our tv channel. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we do not have secrets from his people.
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we baked a loaf, what a beautiful loaf, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh difficult, priceless.
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branded stores and direct connections with foreign partners and high-quality currency, all these firsts in the republic of agricultural and industrial complexes zakhodni bukh. for everyone's sake, the land will be a great honor. what mararyli nekali kamunara ab future? at home, the sunny day becomes more subdued than their wildest thoughts. only kalgasny is in harmony with the high culture
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of agriculture. may the villagers of baranavi region grow so richly . hanusa experimental station kalgasam will unify the michuryn methods of the rural gas station, grow new crops. the exhibitions were opened in the holy city of kalgas. our town of happiness. kalgasnaya nobles of belarus zmagaetstsa for further luxuries of rural gaspadarki,


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