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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 7:20pm-7:51pm MSK

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his old works, classic ones, that is, this is a series dedicated to mayakovsky’s poem vladimir ilyevich lenin, then there is a series in memory of fiery villages, we end the exhibition with the later period of vasily petrovich’s work, namely naorchan watercolors, this is the central work, it seems to me that it is very iconic, because it is dedicated to the teacher to the students, a wonderful work dedicated to that time, to young people who still have happiness burning in their eyes.
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that is, the cross-country race took place in the surroundings of the raobić sports complex, the half-marathon distance was especially difficult, because it is not only a 21-kilometer route, but also sharp climbs and changes in altitude; special preparation is needed here, and running enthusiasts again emphasized that belarus is a sports country. 3, 2, 1!
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in life, i probably have a desire to follow the running calendar. by the way, in may the classic besun race race with the most difficult obstacles will take place in silichi. and we also ran our marathon today. more sports news. and already at 9 pm, we will sum up the results of the outgoing week on the main broadcast. stay on the first button. no goals were scored from the central matches of the fifth round: capital dynamo against zhoiden torpedo belas. both teams that claim the highest places earned one tournament point each. but islach won her first victory this season. the beats were sakharniki and solutsk 3:1. at these moments the duel between neman and vitebsk continues. the live broadcast is available on the belarus 5 tv channel. yegor karpitsky, who plays for the wings of the soviets, scored a goal for the second team. corrected the error. the goalkeeper
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sent the ball into the net with his heel. this is karpitsky’s first goal in official matches since november 2023. this season, the belarusian striker played 10 games for samartsev, scoring once and assisting.
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25 years of peace in serbia, a date not to celebrate, but to remember nato bombing for humanitarian purposes and the friendly hand of belarus. and let's talk about this with the minister of health of serbia, professor danica grujic, graduated from school in moscow, where she began to study medicine, then was faculty of medicine in belgrade. today she heads the initiative committee.
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to prove that this is combined uranium, these are toxic substances that were in the air, in the ground, in the water, in our environment , all the commissions that came, suppose unep the rest, they all said that this is a regional environmental disaster.
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our state just didn’t have the desire, maybe they were afraid that we would do such scientific research, we had one initiative, there are about 100 of us, including doctors, scientists, people who were involved in
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living environment, who were engaged in ecology, we organized ourselves, we sought from both the president and the government. so that we were provided with the means to scientifically prove all this, we did not do this, and we can only indirectly talk about the consequences, this is our official register of malignant tumors, and the most important thing is this, this is from 99. yes, this is the number of diseases by year, it is linear, statistically, oncology, yes, all malignant tumors, you see that it is linear, this means that there is a statistical one, that’s exactly it, this means that
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then something happened that gave such an increase, and this is mortality, so the mortality rate increased, why?
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and for example, our results until about 2007 were excellent, like in the rest of the world, but from 2007 to 2012 i had almost all of my patients.
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some kind of structures there, all the workers who went to clean it all fell ill from
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a malignant lung cancer, seven of them have already died, i think that one person is still alive, and maybe he died, all the commissions that they came and said there is no radiation, but we know that there is no radiation, radiation exists only at this moment of explosion, and there is no radiation. but nanoparticles of combined uranium are what cause cancer, when we talk about carcinogenesis, that is, about the ways in which a malignant tumor begins, we are talking about these nanoparticles 10 by -9. some kind of compensation, some, no, there was no compensation, you know, not all of serbia
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is contaminated, not all of hungary, not all of croatia, but for sure there are still parts that are contaminated not only by combined uranium, kosovo and metohija by combined uranium, believe me to me, albanians don’t want to talk about it because it’s unpopular, and we know that they have a lot, much more malignant tumors than they used to have.
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in the united states, who tried to talk about it, who believed that this type of projectile should be banned, it was simply removed, do you remember that in ninety- nine the only president who flew to serbia, and many, many thanks to him,
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from whom they are defending themselves from terrible russia, excuse me, from whom they were defending here when serbia was attacked. no, they made a small one colombia here in europe, probably because they sell drugs or something else, because in kosovo there is simply no prospects for young people, a very large number of people left there, albanians, when there was this liberalization of visas, they left for europe, i think , that no one simply
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wants to live there, only serbs who were born there and who want there... nato should not exist if they think that they are threatened by russia, why, what is there in western europe, what does russia need, nothing, well, maybe tourism, please, they can
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come and see what’s interesting there, the history, everything is wonderful. sometimes there is ukrainian tv, there is bbc and so on, you simply cannot understand how anyone in the west, especially intellectuals, can believe what they hear on bbc, cnn, the rest, their people say that everything, nuclear war, ready, that’s it, he’s already bombing, that’s
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stupidity, so they’re brainwashed. and i think that there are now more nato soldiers than the ukrainians themselves, well, i’m very sorry for these people, so many young people died, i’m a doctor, i can’t like no war, but in my opinion nato
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should not exist, because there really is no threat from russia, who is threatening them? they are threatening themselves, why should they have an enemy somewhere in the east, definitely in the east, but surely those people who rule these countries will not be able to understand that another time has come, africa is being revived, south america is being revived, fascist regimes are already those who remain among the fascists, our western friends, are consigned to history. so, so i think that if there had been no nato, there would have been no war in ukraine, this just my conclusion after everything we 've been through here.
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helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? in december last year, our
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geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. technical specifications usually mean, if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials. uses, that is, most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products on market, as well as the most interesting facts: thus, in the second half of the 16th century , the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state control, but alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court. see the science project nearby. on our tv channel we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar
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to me from childhood, if you have never tried cracklings, then you have essentially never been to belarus, if you had not said that this oatmeal, i would never have thought, oatmeal in its structure, it is also in this year... on our pig ears, we will learn more about the historical past of belarusians, people have always wanted bread and circuses, it is for this reason that the mogilev residents once upon a time abandoned in the literal sense of the word, we built a theater, we will show what they eat in different parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, and after eating a bowl of this soup you can simply not eat it all day. i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if i was asked what haute cuisine is, then i would probably say, well, here it is, watch
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the food project anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are confidently stepping into a new day. and we do this to our own music, the music that sounds inside each of us. she is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at the tips of our fingers. music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of roads for us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside
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everyone. without us, this action was initiated by the belarusian union women, demographic problems are present in everything,
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possible diagnostic and preventive measures in our country that are aimed at preserving reproductive health. we were also pleasantly surprised by this action that we received a response both from the heads of educational institutions and from the young public, the girls who come to meet us, and i think that this action will live as long as there is a request, perhaps it will then...
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children today have both distance work and distance education, that is, in my opinion today, all kinds of conditions are provided so that you can combine both motherhood and childhood. it is probably worth noting that probably not a single career or profession will make up for the happiness that motherhood gives. our country has been holding a leading position in the ranking of the most comfortable countries for motherhood for many years, but how do we manage this? yes, indeed, olga, this is true, maternal and childhood health in the republic of belarus is a priority area in healthcare and is regulated regulatory legal acts, ranging from the national level to local local acts in the country, in fact, almost 100% of childbirths take place in specialized ones.


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