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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is the main broadcast, hello, as always, on sunday evening we are discussing the most important event of the past week, making the world around us cleaner, better, greener, which is not a reason for everyone to support a good one. it is a tradition
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to go out on a cleanup day in mid-april. and yesterday we saw how the belarusians got down to business together, of course, the president did not stand aside, we will talk about this separately. we will also show how in some countries they are fighting for the purity of the information space. parliament against the army of foreigners in georgia. who will win? and this is not all that the main broadcast has prepared today. polina shuba and maxim uglyanitsa are with you, watch the program. from economics. the task is to mobilize resources, the heading time first has absorbed the main thing in a week, there will be no results this year, expect the most severe repressions. discipline is the key to everything, both technological and production, but how could it be otherwise, when food supply is at an end, let’s ask farmers about the future. science and production must work in tandem to get the most. best results. holim ilileyem
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for a reason. the belarusian land gives back threefold if you take care of it on time. his apples are better than any polish ones, but the main thing is that they are cleaner. we will sum up the results of the cleanup very soon. there is always something to do, yes, and an extra reason for everyone to get together. when labor on earth becomes a trend. a livestock blogger creates ethnic content that captivates subscribers with the explore polesse project. among the people of any nation. take the culture and love to your culture and your downfall. everything according to soras or what, georgia was rocked, why the law on transparency of foreign influence is not so the unfortunate gardener barel likes it. democracy, that's what it is. submit or be swept away. apple and google dictate a telegram and what to write to durov? and who is above them? submission in the west is already. as a constant, if you don’t believe me,
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google why the dependent search engine fired pro-palestinian employees. the sacred chant does not become quieter, on the anniversary of the song belovezhskaya pushcha, let us remind those who tore apart the lungs of europe in the 20th century, what is culture and creation? will the legendary creation melt the stupidity of foreign officials? time will tell. despite a very busy schedule, participation in the republican cleanup is an unchangeable tradition for the president. it is especially symbolic that this time the head of state worked in his small homeland in alexandria. there are many iconic moments associated with these places. here, the future president learned to have a reverent attitude towards the land, planted the first trees, boy.
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every piece of land came from. of course, there is something to remember and tell, including using the example of today. in the shklov district there is the famous presidential field, where alexander lukashenko and the peasants began and continues agricultural experiments. the head of state spoke about this in detail to our film crew. even more exclusive footage from the president’s small homeland and inside stories from the palace. watch it right now in our first time section. water on the tables, office supplies, sound quality in the hall where the meeting is taking place or in the press center, computers, light, all this is in the hands of the presidential affairs management team, it is directly responsible for organizing all events with the participation of the former, but also so that the president has any the moment was everything. necessary, but what
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only he does not supervise the spheres of administrative affairs, from sanatoriums to agricultural enterprises, the agro-industrial complex is the most important, therefore at the thematic meeting the president has double responsibility. the same hall and practical composition as last tuesday, when they discussed industry issues, 17°, but not only because the president is a winter man, you need to take into account the number of participants, almost three hundred people, fresh attention is in focus, although in any case the statement of the first they’re also invigorating: if you don’t want to fight, you need results on the ground. difficult to dispute, just like the fact that belarusian products are the most delicious milk in the world and... number one in export, although our opponents are trying to kill us, they are not averse to feasting on our guests, and there is nowhere without dictatorship here. here the staff of the us embassy in minsk determined which condensed milk is better, rogachevskaya or glubokoe, it is really so tasty that it is difficult to choose.
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as in the case of the meeting on industry, some comrades wrote to him, lukashenko again admitted to failure, they considered where and what we had not achieved in terms of grain, but here we should to clarify the materiel on... has long been receiving grain from once unpromising and unpopular cultures, criticism of the president is an integral part of working better, that’s why all this is public, the fact that we are focused on the negative today does not mean that everything is bad, everything is much more better than it was, people are fed at reasonable prices, food security is ensured, this is not enough, exactingness, discipline, technology in agriculture in...
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we saw that the future belongs to this crop and were convinced that our buslik variety is yes harvest at 72, lenid zayats, together with the first , started this agricultural know-how, but who else but their initiator can tell about everything better than others, it’s really not always easy to be
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the first, we came to the president’s homeland this saturday to see everything with our own eyes , you couldn’t think of a better coincidence in the country; there’s also a republican cleanup day, you think, you won’t be able to spend it, somehow we’re always ready. this is my house and i went there both in winter and summer to get firewood to prepare firewood, or in winter there wasn’t enough firewood, it was above my knees in the snow, i went into the forest in order to chop dry layer there, here there was one, a second, a third field, here in the middle field with my younger cousin brother they were processing potatoes, as i still remember, and you follow this plow as soon as possible from ... you work the plow in order to earn 3 rubles a day to buy something for school, some clothes, so this field can be said to be watered with my sweat, now the focus is on growing protein crops, why protein is the most important component for feeding livestock,
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this then means milk and meat, so if take grain, our corn is imported, they just gave me scientific data, the difference is three or four centners and... 100 2 3 4 centners is nothing, but if you compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported becomes unprofitable. these lands are generally rich in gifts, the harvest from the presidential fields is also tasted by journalists every year: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beetroot, onions, garlic - everything is local and, what is very important, natural. however, not only vegetables, watermelons are also what you need. juices under the alexandria brand are made from local apples. time will pass there will be an opportunity to try the products from these apple trees. the president dropped them off along with the team that works nearby every day. schoolchildren, well, as their personal plot, will work here, where they can forge.
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could see his products under his own brand on the shelves. we also do a little bit of vegetable crops like sweet corn, and you
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know, we really liked and started buying vacuum-packed sweet corn in the store, but when we saw that it was being transported from india and china, we were very surprised, and i thought, is it really possible? we will not be able to do the same, but here, and we have been successfully, let’s say, implementing this project for 2 years now. the president's example is very motivating; people who work in a team, side by side, are already really at the level of competence. using technologists to dig up its width so that the root is hidden, it’s not bad, georgievna’s is rather weak, eisman is catching up with you, she will now become a leader, and what can i say then, many belarusians have their own house in the village, some, after the presidential decrees, finally decided acquire, almost in one basic, for many it is an outlet, a small garden in the country, someone is seriously scaling up, took two enterprises, while, as was said,
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they have enough of these personnel there. cleanup is a tradition, journalists really know that they have to contribute to the common cause, now they also have roots in alexandria. you need to handle this carefully, very gently. take it with your hands safely. cameraman roninman, ivan martynovich, who filmed while his colleagues planted trees. the turn, of course, happened unexpectedly, but his work also found him. then let's switch places.
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but in general you can’t relax with the first one, the president said, we haven’t finished the work, less talk, more action, guys, yes, here we are with the journalists, so now we’re chopping wood, oh, we need to get busy. a pile of firewood at the suggestion of the president is already a hobby for many belarusians, there is also a championship, at the last one some people looking at everything through monitors were indignant, saying that lukashenko and co. are chopping with imported axes, on the other hand, it’s as if we were indignant that foreigners are eating ours cheese, but nothing. in the networks they criticized that we work with imported axes, you read, read, after 2 days i...
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well, i need to be stronger, okay, well, stronger, this is of course the best training, how i feel in my body today, we responsibly declare, the first one loaded it as it should, no, well, you can do it this way, you see, the edge is necessary, move away, put the ax where you want to hit, well, you can do it this way, whoever
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is working is the one. eats everything natural, local, bread, lard, vegetables, kvass, after physical work and in the fresh air, what is needed, bread, this is vitebsk, this is always when the president comes to his small homeland, and the governor of vitebsk conveys bread, which everyone really likes, everyone loves very much, homemade, baked, here, and this is minsky, who also bakes the president, so that there is something on the table for the table, and also the opportunity to calmly chop like this firewood, work on the land in your... gorodiki, or as the zoomers like, go shopping, here is a request for stability, the all-belarusian people's assembly was intended to be such a stabilizer. it has received constitutional status and will make the most important decisions for the country. there are a couple of days left before the meeting, the program has been determined, as has the number of delegates, the head of state is also scheduled to speak, but the open question is the composition of the presidium, many are very concerned about who these
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people are? we asked the head of the organizing committee , roman golovchenko, about this moment. what are the nuances in this secret? will be distributed to everyone who is registered as a delegate, ballots will be printed right there in the palace of the republic in a special room, everything will be like in serious elections, booths, everything will be secret, but i say again, if you want to place cameras nearby, not in booths, but nearby, we will be happy to provide them. next sunday we will tell you about the behind the scenes of the first supreme national assembly
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in constitutional status, who, where, what the delegates were treated to - an exclusive interview, and also in the presidential schedule. in addition , a very interesting event is planned, everyone will have something to discuss, this is the time of the first, to realize the maximum potential of our agro-industrial complex, the most important task set by the president, and it needs to be solved through joint efforts, a thorough approach to the work of everyone who ensures the country's food security, works on developing new varieties, works in the fields, is responsible for the production of...
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taste qualities, but to be successful it even sounds beautiful, promises to surprise the result; science and production must understand each other perfectly, and the theory about great prospects for the harvest should not diverge from reality. there is a large team working at our institute. specialists who work on developing the latest technologies for cultivating crops. science and production must work in tandem to get the biggest and best results. we set the altitude, speed, rate of application of the drug, now we are ready to take off, well, let's fly, fly, modern gadgets are not
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some distant prospect, the reality of the belarusian fields and not for the sake of toys, the ogrodron is an indispensable assistant where a wheeled one will not pass a machine that competes with a tractor in terms of performance... still, the task is not to compete, but to complement each other, it is used for non-contact processing of crops, as well as for monitoring from a height, this makes it easier to evaluate the picture and identify problem areas. here they keep an electronic history of the fields, for comparison, it’s like an anamnosis, after studying which you can adjust the work, so obviously, precision farming technologies can take the agricultural sector to a new level, it’s like the pinnacle of precision farming, an agrodrone...
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and creating infrastructure in the outback, tasks strategic, to be proud of everything else, but it is important not to stop there, to make the work of the agricultural industry more sustainable, and its development progressive, this is the task the president sets for farmers, we have every opportunity to achieve this, we know how to do it, you see what a catastrophic food situation is developing in the world, it is clear that the situation will only... get worse due to population growth and those problems which cover a particular region of the planet's
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population. i repeat once again, we need to forget about sanctions and other western horror stories. of course, they exist, but they must be forgotten. it is necessary to vigorously expand production, export, products with high added value, develop national brands, getting ahead. competitors, to conquer new product and geographic segments, nothing else is given. agriculture is the technology and culture of his vision; in the fields, in dairy complexes, mortality is unacceptable, this is also a matter of discipline. farmers will confirm that great milk begins in the fields, which means that a balanced diet plays a huge role, which is why there is always such close attention to feed. and also to the maintenance of cows. it is important to create optimal conditions, such as here, for example. in in the izevsk region, the construction of complexes for producing high- quality milk continues. already this year
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, 13 dairy complexes will be built in the north of the country. the prospect of providing comfortable conditions for the entire livestock, then the results will not be long in coming, the mayak vysokaya farm is confident. now this site is at the disposal of builders, but soon rivers of milk will flow here. working conditions for workers, everything is equipped with modern units, we also plan to install a system for instant cooling of milk in the stream, then there is something that gives us a good chance of getting an extra class, the building, as you can see, has already been assembled, finishing work is underway , installation of the milking equipment has begun, everything will be convenient, convenient for everyone, both for workers and for... cows in the technological chain from field to the counter plays a particularly important role for the processor; more products need to be produced without losing quality.
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before milk tankers enter the processing plant in grodno, they go through several cleaning systems, only after which laboratory specialists take samples of raw materials. in 1,600 tons of milk are processed at this enterprise per day, 98% of raw materials are supplied only of the highest grade and extra class. all thanks to many years of work with suppliers and farms in the region, not only the condition of the animals, but also the quality of the feed is clearly monitored. all organizations, all laboratories, agricultural enterprises are provided with equipment that ensures quality control of this first stage. the second stage is, of course, an enterprise, all the milk comes here, instruments for determining bacterial contamination have been purchased milk and somatic cells. emphasis should be placed on the safety of the milk taken. this enterprise is one of. leading milk processing companies in the country, with a range of about 300 types of products, are developing new markets, improving quality management systems, have received a halal certificate, and
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this... united arab emirates, china, we are actively developing and supplying products there, singapore, this is from such distant countries, and of course the countries of asia and our permanent partner, the russian federation. challenges ahead the tasks faced by farmers are not easy, but they can be done; in many moments it is definitely necessary to push harder so that the technology produces results, and does not stand idle and the question arises. it was decided with labor discipline, because the food security of our country depends on it. on the main broadcast are marina romanovskaya and yuri kornilovich. the cleanup is about belarusians who care how our country will develop, because a lot depends on how we treat our land. she feeds us, sings, warms us, lets us breathe, protects us. in that during the day, labor troops worked throughout the country, cleaning, painting, washing, putting
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things in order... memorials and places of people's memory were being improved in parks on the territories of social facilities. 2,400,000 people took part in the cleanup. about 14.5 million rubles were collected, 400,000 more than last year. all this money will be used for the reconstruction of memorial complexes in centers for the patriotic education of youth. but subbotniks are also an opportunity to get together and spend time usefully. this unites us. report by daria rochko. in the morning at studios about a day in the fields, who better than journalists would know and predict where you might be, roughly in an hour, but on this day it’s already traditional, sportswear, comfortable shoes, armed with gloves, a rake or a shovel, absolutely everything, regardless of position, changed your official style, now you can go to work. here
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we already have water, we level it so that we have a beautiful oleyka, along this line we sprinkle it with earth, everything is very simple, of course, we need to take care of it, we will need to trim it a little, well, for the winter it is advisable that they didn’t get sunburned by covering them, but we do this all the time, so i think that everything will be very beautiful with us, because we do everything using technology. i’m planting a thuja for the first time, in general it’s very beautiful, you could say it’s my first tree, i gave birth to children, i planted a tree, all i have to do is build a house, i looked at minsk, i’m thinking, why does minsk need a subbotnik at all, because i’ve lived in many countries in my life visited, it seems to me that this is the cleanest, most well-groomed city of all the dozens that i have seen, but nevertheless, there is always something to do and...
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and another reason for everyone to get together. we planted 52 thujas this year, 60 last year, so now we have an alley of even a little more than a hundred, which will not only delight us, but also those who pass by. a long-standing good tradition of getting together, and from the recent vitebsk snowdrifts and a rainy morning in the main one, the sun did not at all foreshadow, but the weather seemed to play along with us. the forest feeds, shelters, heals, this year the oak. resilience, so for our country, i think it's in this is the most suitable tree at the moment. they restored order in parks, in the territories of social facilities, in courtyards, residential buildings, landscaped memorials and places of national memory, this year, with special attention, almost 2 million belarusians worked.
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together with the roots of these trees , our memory will be strengthened at the memorial complex to the child victims of war from all collected.
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instead of military and military glory in the regions and the capital, when we do common work together, clean, paint, on our native land, we set an example for the younger generation, how to do it treat your home. i come here with my mother and sister, this is my second time, and i come because i’m just interested. we are proud of our cleanliness, our well-groomed streets, parks, areas, often people do not think about what hard work it is, the work of those people who do this every day. there will be a space park for recreation, benches, children's sports grounds, everything on
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the theme in minsk - this is the frunzinsky district, native to the hero of belarus, our first cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, opening we are expecting it by independence day. we are here. to help show your civic position, remove branches, twigs, in order to subsequently create a good recreation area for citizens here in this place, this is also our history, modern, it is being created here now, so what ink will we write it with? depends only on us. in vitebsk we worked on the territory of an elementary school kindergarten in the bilevo microdistrict, there are many... families who are already waiting for the opening, a voluntary desire to help, because it’s a day off after all, this is something where we can get together and organize, together, do a good, good deed, we worked on
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the construction of a new building of the city emergency hospital in mogilev, carried out general cleaning, planted alleys throughout the country, after the cleanup there were much more, and it’s all done by hand. cleanliness on the streets is a brand of belarus, but let's take a closer look at them. the streets are silent witnesses and guardians of history, each of them bears the indelible stamp of the era. how much do we know about people whose are they called by names? but sometimes they are hidden behind an ordinary street sign. truly heroic destinies of people who laid down their lives on the altar of the fatherland. the history of tatyana korpinskaya lane, along which hundreds of residents and guests of mogilev pass every day in a special project of the tv news agency street of heroes.
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karpinskaya tatyana romanovna. participant of the underground movement in the mogilev region. during the patriotic war in the summer of 1941, together with her mother, she joined the anti-fascist struggle.
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with five issues of an underground newspaper for the homeland. the karpinskys were arrested on march 8, 1943, according to danos. in front of her mother's eyes, tatyana was subjected to severe torture. the girl died without betraying any of her comrades. tanya karpinskaya was posthumously awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree, and her mother was awarded the order of lenin.
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and now about the main event of next week. the all-belarusian people's assembly has already proven its effectiveness in the modern history of the country. the evolution of the people's assembly is based on the centuries-old experience of state building of our predecessors. progressive and effective development belarusian state. veronica buta looked into history with peace and stability in society. only the people have the right to decide their own destiny, as the young politician’s tactics turned out to be in the mid-nineties. more relevant than ever today: 1996 in the country
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there is a difficult political situation, hyperinflation, holes in the state budget, uncertainties, a weak government system. some enterprises are completely stopped, thousands of people go to the square with one request: help them make money, there are queues in the shops, there is a shortage of basic things bread mix for children is worth its weight in gold. popular discontent is growing, alexander lukashenko is taking an unprecedented initiative.
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gave the right course, and through common efforts towards
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a new national national assembly, the country coped with the critical threats of the nineties. the motto of the second meeting already sounds for a strong, prosperous belarus. indicators of production growth and cash income are the best in the cis. even the term “belarusian model of economic development” will appear. the country's gdp has increased by more than a third, inflation is no longer going through the roof, and the state budget deficit is noticeably decreasing. delegates are adopting a new five-year program, the emphasis in which. by the way, in 2001 they opened the tradition of holding such forums in the capital’s palace of the republic, and it will be registered here in the vns. the state for the people is the slogan of the third assembly. at the same time, this phrase will be called the ideological core of the country. it is no longer about survival, but about improving the quality of life. you and i have built a sovereign state. now we need to make it as comfortable as possible for life.
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for the belarusian people - the only legitimate force that can and should choose the fate of the state; it does not need any external assessments. the key thesis not only of the fourth meeting is the course of building the belarusian state. together, a strong, prosperous belarus. the fifth forum starts on the day that
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determined the fate of our country for a decade. symbolic date: june 22. the people who defeated fascism can handle any difficulties. alexander lukashenko talks about why it is so important to be together, which is still relevant today. unity of the people, mobilization of all its forces, this is what is needed not only in order to withstand tough times, but also in order to prevent its coming: to preserve peace in the country , to preserve the country itself. in this regard, we attach paramount importance to the defense capability and security of our state. a focus on innovation, investment is the key to economic growth, a focus on exports - they see it as a source of income, employment is important, there is a job, which means there is an opportunity for everyone to provide for themselves and their families. emphasis on informatization, this will allow you to advance and become more competitive, large-scale project for the fifth anniversary of the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant.
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unity, development, independence - this is not just a slogan of the sixth form, words reflecting the spirit of the times. three whales. plans for the next five-year period to create large industrial clusters, expand society, increase the well-being of citizens, and expand the energy infrastructure. two significant projects have been proposed to be implemented in the social sphere - a healthy nation and a large belarus. at the sixth all-belarus people's assembly, the idea was voiced to establish national unity day in the country. in the national assembly 2024,
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for the first time, it takes place in a new status, it is enshrined in amendments to the constitution in 2022. in the light of global turbulence , security issues come to the fore. the people's evening will consider the new concept of national security and military doctrine of belarus. even at the beginning of his journey, the president took a principled position. all important decisions will be made together with the belarusian people. and we have not left this path for three decades. about the history of the all-belarusian people's assembly. we told you nothing taken out of context. our democracy, our tradition, why the gna can be considered a symbol of independence, how dialogue with the people saved the country at key moments in sovereign history, and what happens if the state is unbalanced, the new status of the gna and new
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functions, why the westerners generate negativity and what decisions belarusians will make take together, we will tell you in a clear policy in...
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an internal political conflict flared up in georgia after... standards in action, because in the usa itself the law on registration of foreign agents was adopted in 1938, in july 2016, the law on transparency
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of financing of nhris was adopted in israel; in australia, the law on the system of transparency of foreign influence has been in force since 2018. in the case of georgia, the crisis against the backdrop of the bill is beneficial in order to organize a change of government to one more friendly to the west. however, the georgian prime minister assured the law under '.
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according to him, both democrats and republicans promised him big problems if he did not disclose user information regarding the riots of the twenty-first year. at the same time, durov noted that no matter what decision he made, he could easily be accused of violating the american constitution. the businessman also commented on the pressure that technology puts on him. censorship, he stressed, despite the use of telegram as a platform for protests in hong kong, kazakhstan and belarus, the messenger remains an open and neutral tool for all users. however, you don’t have to go far to find an example of how the states know how to suppress freedom of speech. tech giant google fired 28 employees for participating in a ten-hour strike in offices.
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it is already known as a city of harsh metallurgists and the capital of soft toys; this week zhlobin has been lured to the title of the belarusian hockey capital. the metallurg team won the president's cup for the third time. the zhilobensky district, a large industrial center, holds its position despite the sanctions, taking into account the reorientation of the market, they have found new consumers, and at the same time they are creating new types of products. salaries have increased in the area, and also annually in...
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here is the brood, and here are the bees and the queen somewhere inside the hive, bees of the buckfast breed live in this territory, but before you go to meet the inhabitants of the hives, you must follow two basic rules: this is a special protective mask and closed clothing. by the way, an interesting fact: insects live for about 35 days, during which time they can produce a teaspoon of honey. the little furry workers are bred by the vasko family, second generation beekeepers. here is a young bee that came out, you see, it is gray in color, this is the brood here, in 21 days
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the young bees will hatch, help beginners beekeepers organize excursions for visitors, for example, you can undergo a therapy session in the appe-house, as well as master classes on making candles and pumping out sweet , viscous gold, depending on the goals of the visitor, if these are children, schoolchildren, then we tell you how it turns out. bees look like this, we look at them through a microscope, and also a tasting, which is a mandatory part of the excursion, where honey chewing gum, bee bread, kozinak, chocolate honey, in general, beekeeping products in different variations, this is buckwheat forest honey, the bees collected in it’s time for buckwheat to bloom, uh-huh with cranberries, do n’t you think, it’s very tasty, and the cherry is for...
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well, make a cake, my friends started ordering, and i decided that after maternity leave i probably wouldn’t be a salesperson anymore, i asked to work at a bakery, there were competitions , studies, exhibitions, my favorite topic is floristry, i probably made flowers day and night, in general the plant produces about 60 types of bakery and 70 confectionery products, since the beginning of the year we have mastered amaranth bread, muffins, vanilla and chocolate, approval is already underway . belarusian craftsmanship helps to conquer and market for russian brands, the zhlobin garment factory cooperates with them on a toll basis. in addition, the company
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creates sketches, makes patterns, selects materials and produces. the sequence of processing a product for production, i like to create what we do, create, turn ideas into reality. back in the 2000s , almost every third person was engaged in the sewing business in the zhlobin region. they sewed and sold soft toys. today, many continue to create a fairy-tale world, there are also those who reformatted. for example, in the village of rekta, in the house of crafts they create unique
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dolls through which they reflect rural life. it takes us 3-4 months to make one of the dolls; usually there is a man involved, who carves the body, a woman, who finishes the hands and faces of the heads from popyamasha and cold porcelain, a tailor, and i, as an embroidery master, finish to the zest that is necessary. we make dolls, amulets, we make simply protected souvenir products, magnets from cold porcelain. this is also exclusive, we have never seen such handmade magnets from anyone, cold porcelain, it contains pvad glue, it comes with a plasticizer, starch, water, glycerin, in certain proportions we get cold porcelain. i was a mathematics teacher, i was a
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computer science teacher, i was a labor teacher, i was. at the moment, yes, you do it from the heart and enjoy it. not only do you enjoy working, but also receive a decent salary. for this they go to the belarusian metallurgical plant. a quarter of those employed in economy of the region work at the enterprise. for lyudmila, working at bmz was a dream. at first, the woman got a job as a cleaner, and after a year and a half she received the profession of a typist.
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we loved the hobby of beekeeping, i have been doing it for 57 years, bees are like us, and they get sick, we need to look after them, take medicine and feed them, i treat my acquaintances and friends, they say i have my own customers, galina, in addition to working at bmz , i’m also a biker and an inventor, i really love motorcycles, i’m probably planning to ride until i retire, i’m also interested in fishing, me too i like it, and there are also elements... i write with a cross , embroider and draw, in short, i do a lot of things, and i don’t know if my life is enough to pay for all this, they ask me to draw or cut something out, i love the profession because there is creativity, where to throw out all the emotions, work at the belarusian metal plant is really not easy, it is not easy in terms of ecology, labor safety, it has become a certain tradition, taking into account the positive work of the entire team, pay
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the thirteenth salary, as the head says. states to attract new young people workers, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, this is what we are working on, last year the real wages increased by 20% and this year... we are also going through the year with a growth rate of more than 20% and are already close to the average wage of 200 rubles. this is my city, everything is dear to me here, the city is clean, beautiful, i like living in zhilobin, all the conditions have been created so that anyone can work, relax and develop. on the main broadcast are elizaveta senyak, sergey korneev and dmitry chumak. the same case when labor on earth enriches the inner world and gives
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inspiration to delve deeper into folk traditions. a young blogger-livestock breeder from the agricultural town of makhnovich and the muzersky district creates ethno-content, captivates subscribers with the cultures of the belarusian woodland with the unique mozar-turov dialect. the most important thing is the garadian zhihars, which began to hustle in the salayan kalaryts and the ethnic surroundings of the pseudonyms of dzed yankel krasamouna and the belarusian lagodna, the captivating cant is created by igar gaykevich, a special
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teacher, professional professions, on demand sertsa ethnographer. they get such, such , all the additions, let’s say, ethnographic. nostalgia for fathers, for fathers, for a few people has gone away, there is a certain kind of positive connection to that. that i love, people are flattening their eyes on this jumping, what a pausal ethnographic, cultural, historical, all this is the decline, historical characters and written scientific texts blogger peratvarae ў more available genre, і lustrations, dissolving the rights of authentic structures and sacred...
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love yes, yes, so do the people, you can’t take away any people’s culture and love , their culture, and their decadence. as it happens, a graduate of the mazyr
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pedagogical university will work at saugas-kambinat zaram. in the case of yago-knitted women, the health of their health is increased. why are you gone, the government has arrived, right?
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to appreciate the polish war with nature, the zebras are bleeding, and the deer, no, no longer drink, the spring truth, they rush about in the wagons, the relict forest is in degradation, the trees are drying up, the unesco world heritage committee will take action only in july. at the same time , the sacred chant will be half a century old; it was sung by songwriters. via flew around literally
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every soviet stage with the hit of pakhmutov and dobronravov. even the united states cried with spring truth. our colleague lidiya zablotskaya went into the very wilderness of belovezhskaya pushcha and heard the voices of ancestors from not too distant centuries. unreplicated recordings of the hit. your attention. it didn't work out for us for a very long time. she was in our ranking for about six months. it was very difficult to find a soloist. belovezhskaya pushcha has been looking for its performer for 4 years, here is a seemingly unpopular recognition from pakhmutova herself from the funds of the belteleradiocompany, the premiere was not recorded by recorders, you know it performed by songwriters, yes, this is what vladimirin did, he made his own version , the song goes to four quarters, with its own introduction, this introduction was written by vladimirin, i understand, but my version is the same song performed.
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the union of composers as a fee from the judging, an excursion to khatyn, brest and, of course, belovezhskaya pushcha. such a forest almost the entire space of europe was once covered, from the ural ridge to the shores of the atlantic ocean. a woodcutter's ax has never sounded here. and at the end of summer, 1974, pakhmutovo and dobronravov finally came to belovezhskaya pushcha by personal invitation. bssr masherova, well, consider
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it a sabbatical where literally everything is included, they are met by the director of the reserve himself, kochinovsky, everything is at their disposal and the best guide who talks about majestic oaks, spruce trees and even secret lakes, but the management the belovezhskaya model of the seventies, of course , has its own selfish interest, you had a good rest, so now work well, give us the dobronravov anthem.
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it wasn’t the bison that created the famous passage, long before this song, when we started driving around...
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skye pushcha. alas, the dramatic virtuoso worked in the team for about a year. it's all because of my travel restrictions. father, military representative at the kiev aircraft factory antonov, mother, first secretary of the district committee. the period when they tour and travel a lot, including to capitalist countries. on the eve of the trip to the united states of america, 1976, it is simply not included in these lists. a little later , belovezhskaya pushcha will finally sing with a beautiful, but, as history will show in the nineties, treacherous, not only for the country, but also for mulyavin, timbre. already at that time, the hit had not been performed for a long time, and not because under the collapse of the soviet union they signed in belovezhskie viskuly, there was simply
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no one to sing until valery skorozhonok came. while talking with him, we made our way into his personal belovezhka, hidden by forests of stones. it's with me childhood is clear. this is an age-old sadness, in this village my father was born, every path is here, everything is so familiar that it ’s here, that’s why belovezhskaya pushcha, like a song, is especially dear to you, every line is dear, it doesn’t get any more dear than belovezhskaya pushcha , this song is very dear to me, thanks to this song i came to work in the songwriters ensemble. to this day, he remains the last performer of belovezhskaya pushcha, whom he personally blessed.
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this is how the soul began to hold on to the three russian whales of pakhmutova’s good morals belovezhskaya pushcha, they helped preserve it , unlike... and that’s all we had time to talk about today, maxim uglenitsa and polina shuba were with you. see you on the main broadcast. happily.
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i tell you, dear tv presenters, the people’s calendars for the 22nd of the year have special effects: if the day is often changing, then the summer will be dry, the blue block will be celebrated every day and a cold courtyard. hutka we know what kind of courtyard is not only the 22nd beauty, for the beginning of this new week. well, let's get busy traditional in the sight of the mundanities of nature. floods caused by regular floods affected some parts of the aman. the 12th century died, and five more disappeared without vestaks. the severity of the situation in the albuthai district, 90 millimeters of apatka fell,
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as reported by the national committee on the super-emergency situations of aman. in the patriarchal regions, the commands of the karaleevskaya palitsy, the government of the gramadzan abarons and the cunning forces had righteously executed operations. many fires were caught in the vadzian pastures on the flooded darogah. in afghanistan, the recent rains and floods over the past few days have taken away the lives of at least 30. three people, and at least 27 injuries. most of the deadly attacks occurred in the aftermath of the avalanche, all of pashkodzhany or 600 dams were drilled, 800 hectares of agricultural lands were flooded, 200 hectares of farmsteads were destroyed. the fair waters, which were suffering during the dry season, were closed on 20 of the 34 right-hand lands. the edges of the persian gulf are changing and life is normal, not grazed... dubai has been added to the city of transport.
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some streets are still frozen. the biggest problem in dubai is the problem of drainage problems. even if they were at home, they were rich, but in a moderate climate, they would have been easy to cope with, since there was an existing infrastructure in garad. volcanic activity. specialists have recorded that the beka volcanoes on the kurylskaya volcano will emit a layer of dust on... above the level of the sea, keeping in mind that the kamchatka volcano lagi have revealed that on ebeka the volcanoes were raised to the same height. pavodle information department of the ministry of taxes of the russian federation in the sakhalin region, in the severaksk region there is no popel, the smell of seravadar is not tolerated, there are no threats to the life of the population. and now we’ll worry about the forecast for tomorrow. with our neighbors. on the territory of belarus. the 22nd beautiful region
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of central and western europe will be familiar with the high atmospheric conditions. chakaetza cloudy with a clear yard, hours karatkahourly dazhdzhi. in the countries of western europe, the outbuildings of budze indicate the atlantic cyclone. for hours there will be prahodzitsy dazhdzhi, vyalikaya veragodnast navalnits. kraina. nightfalls in europe are falling and it looks like snow or wet snow. in the countries of western europe , the city's courtyards will be exposed to the current atmospheric conditions, as the regions experience frequent rainfall and wet snow. panjadzelak 22nd beauty in berlin -1 -6, cloudy, no rain. warsaw has hell +1 and +6, smelly, apatky not. pragnazutsa. kiev has -6 -13. it's cloudy - it's raining. vilnius has -1 +
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4. taxama is cloudy, pragnazuetsta doshch sa snow. ryga -1 +6 - cloudy, rainy. near taline - 0.2, cloudy, snow and rain. st. petersburg has hell +3 and +9. cloudy, mots. rain near maskve +10 +17, cloudy at valnitsy. panjadzelak has a 22-ga beauty in the territory of our country, which has an unstoppable yard. the atmospheric situation will be subject to current rainfall cyclones and associated atmospheric tides. most areas will experience rain, night and day with wet snow. the temperature started at -1 plus. uzen hell +4x yes +12.
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the wind temperature in the cloud centers near grodno is +2 +5. cloudy, early scattered rain and snow during the day changing to rain. near brasce -2 -9, cloudy, without rain. gomel has +5 +10. it's cloudy, and it's raining in the evening. cloudy for the first day of the day in vitsebsk +2 +10 cloudy outside, a chance of rain for the rest of the day, in the capital of our country plus2, plus 5, cloudy, early and a chance of rain in the day. fallen america on the highway. in kantyn , an unsafe epidemic is spreading. which has stolen millions of people from the hell of puerto rico and brazil. geta record kolkastsya. likhamanka
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dengue is a viral infection that spreads to people from the camara and becomes more common. smarotny. the outbreak is associated with various factors, including climate and climate. droughts and floods negatively affect the access of people and fresh water, and elevated temperatures cause the spread of a variety of dangerous viruses. padrabyaznastsi ў tatsyany volkavay. most of the time, likhamanka dangi is a mate in the tropics and subtropics in the garad regions and jumping cities. assembling the health. for you, who knows hell, honey can only eliminate symptoms, muscle pain, vomiting, rashes, and even in severe attacks, i become faint. more than 80% of the dng caught in lijamanka in the past few days was registered in brazil, followed by paraguay, argentina, peru and colombia.
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there were already 3.5 million and a thousand sick people in sakavika. get out of the way. turbot, since this is three times more fallout, which was registered on the same date in 2023, which became a record, then the region recorded more than 45 miles of fallout. brazil has overstepped its limits gistarychny record. there are more than 2 million sick people and more than 700 sick people there. the situation is alarming in the city of brazil, with 6 thousand sick people falling out of every 100 thousand people. according to forecasts, by the end of the year they can travel for 4 miles. the authorities are calling on people to vaccinate, and there is a shortage of vaccine doses right now. both the private and private hospitals have been opened, and there are a lot of medical shepherds there. we erected tents for hours in order to clean up more of the patients. prychyna dissolution of likhamanka
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not hell, this is a thin urbanization, crappy sanitary facilities. the adversity of above-ground systems is poor health in some countries, but also climate change. ecological processes play a key role in increased temperatures and increased frequency of extreme weather conditions, such as extreme weather conditions and severe droughts, for which people cannot afford enough water, and hurricanes these floods can lead to the collapse of the kamara feathers. in argentina, in parts of brazil and colombia. the virus does not appear to be endemic, but this season there are more patients in the country than 180 thousand, six times more than in the past, as if they were bitter for the whole history. experts are timid again that kamar is spreading his habitat. the price of the camara is usually distributed in all parts of buenas aires, and internationally they
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are sold at prices that in some cases the first fractional cost is 10 times. there are not a lot of these things, many rescuers are worried and working for the patlumachians, which is why we have such a situation. yashche ў last year the pan-american arganizatsiya akhova healthy papyardzila ab a significant increase in illness likhamankay dang from the night and day americans. geta was associated with the patches of the elmiño climate, which caused higher temperatures, and therefore, became a factor in the growth of the camaro variety. supratststayats getamu on the expert's thoughts. it is only possible to use more effective preventative and control agents, and also the rightful epidemiological evidence for dealing with the disintegration of the disease situation in kantynets. the 28th
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beauty is called the holiday season by the people's calendars. there are many bees the pasture of winter died, the buckwheat was not good, and the bees were fertilizing the potassium with goodness . and what holy days and holidays are meant for the coming millennium and for what purposes are the best respects, this is why we are blessed with the people's calendar. 23 beautiful woman, call it a holiday. because in the yuryev camp the race is not suitable for the horses of the ausa. u geta z zen 23 beautiful belarusians polskaga pahojannya adnachayuts prysvyatak z call “wojtsach”. on the warriors, the swords of the king are driven out to our lives, they look at the fire, and
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then they show all this in earnest. taya the wheat is extraordinary and it happens to be from ukraine, like the saint wojzach. the beautiful catalan faithful are determined to celebrate the holiday called mark, they jumped, when kali asina is among the friends, then they will be happy... for sure. for more than three hundred years , the dry forests in the minsk region have recovered from the beginning of the season. asnovnaya prychyna pajaraў u ekasistemakh - neasyarozhnaya abyhodzhanne za negom. the mnf supra-councils give asstable authority to raids on private sectors. summer residents are told how correct and safe it is to divorce your guests. part, dachshunds are in charge before the start of the summer season for the stove, electricians and firemen and for the ladies. the supra-councils of all members of the ministry of taxes in the regime of gatounasti, in order
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to go to the liquidation of the fire for the duration of several weeks. on the control of green masses and special forest areas. 24/7 monitoring is carried out using cameras and drones. ilya tsvyatko is looking into the fire safety issues. mikhail litvinkovich opens the summer cottage season , the washrooms are sputtering, causing a flood of chaos in the wet area. during the winter on the flats of 14 acres , the fall of the cherven was found in the size of the galley and dry summer leaves, the sleeping quarters of the pensioner are turned off in a special abstalyavana area, if not on the right side of the situation.
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to the self-ignition temperature, a combustible ceiling structure, something that is located next to the stove, and all this leads to a fire, like the fire safety
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of stove heating, you also need to observe the safety of electrical equipment, do not leave turned on electrical appliances unattended, avoid overloading electrical networks, which can also lead to a fire. strained practice in this period and in the supraconnika of the forest administration, specialists of regular justice.
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and apokami gaspadars, and dachshunds lakalny pajars in lasakh. the ministry of taxes and social security will be as advisable as possible in connection with fire protection, fire protection and the first call on telephones 101 and 112. well, now
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let’s talk about what happens in the yard and our land before the end of the new day, the day is off for everyone. autorak has 23 beautiful ones above the teritory. budze region kіravatsy active rainfall cyclone, during the day the hell is +2 degrees in the rainfall and +12 in the rainfall, at night minus... 1 + 3 in the middle of the 24th beautiful day for the situation in the atmosphere new cyclones and associated atmospheric disturbances . at night, during the day, in most areas there are hourly sales. unachy hell -2 and +3, uzen hell +6 and +12. at the beginning of the 25th year , the beauty was caught in the rain outside.
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the cyclone, which will voluntarily peramashchatstsya right our land in the paunch kirunka. for the most part, the territory of the country is a clock, even with different intensity, the snow is wet. at night - 0.6, during the day hell plus6 and +12. on friday the 26th there is a beauty on the eve of the fall of our country, there are hours of different intensity. magchym wet snow. uzen hell +3 yes +11. early thermometer readings show 3.10° above zero. on saturday the 27th and the 28th, there will be mild rainfall, night and early months fog, rainfall and paukilametr. unachy hell +3 yes +8. udzen u
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saturday hell +7. yes +15, for the nyadzel +10 +15. all such synaptic situations are predicted to the coming thousand. in advance of your development, i will remind you that in our program you can master the most up-to-date and most comprehensive information in the world. it’s easy for us to make your plans, and everything you ’ve planned is abavyazkova’s work. geta was the program of navina nadvori. i am svyatlana pankratava. yes, sustrechy for the coming thousand.


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