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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 12:20am-12:56am MSK

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in one case, they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting for russia, in others they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women, when you are sitting with false documents, but supposedly the original, you say that orphans, when you know that they have parents, the school principal was with them, so she knew that these children had a mother, they had a father. you understand that this is for illegal people. the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back. author's ksenia lebedeva’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. tell us how you create a personal fragrance. what requests do people come to most often? i can say for sure that once a month there is a request for scents of money, and i say, what does money smell like to you, and so on, we begin to develop this topic and create it. in one version or another, these aromas, the second most important request, are a long life, well, this is as a rule, but how it is revealed later after tasting i know and deeply i’m convinced that tasting is like a lie detector, a person can tell me anything in an acquaintance, now some may be scared, but through the aroma, i can roughly understand where he is... he doesn’t want to answer,
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or he doesn’t want to develop this topic , and nikolay, tell me how correctly, i know, you need to listen to aromas, but not smell them, but smell them? and as a rule, when people want to choose something for themselves, to study some kind of scent, but they take it, make one wrong move, they take it and start listening to the smell through the lid or polisher, in fact, this is not entirely correct, the testers are on the shelves so that you can take this tester so that it does not fade. we removed the lid, took the cut-up blotters, applied the aroma to these blotters, and then, after application, we can evaluate, due to the fact that in our perfume stores we don’t have these little samples with sticks that allow you to apply it to your wrist and test the aroma in a short time understand how it will open up for you, and many people do this movement, directly applying it to themselves... and
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test, well, i don’t recommend that, because then it will sound throughout the day, by the way, let’s take your hand, we ’ll test it for you too, so we take it, apply it, yes, here’s a couple of molecules pressing on it, exclude, exclude this rubbing movement is mandatory, it’s wrong, categorically, you can’t do that, that’s it, now we can literally start tasting the aroma in 30 seconds and listen to what they say to listen to, because we start with... perceive, that is, we start listen to what our neural connections tell us, like him we remember, so we can start, get acquainted with the aroma, the brain begins to see how it is, yes, by the way, the one i showed you is with cloves, there is cloves, by the way, that’s why natural aromas are your smells, especially that one that you are also a romantic, and also a director, that is , this creativity, this is everything that will allow you to concentrate on your business, there is so much smell. not mixed in the process, because
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you can make a mistake and choose the wrong smell, how to clean the receptor? best of all is breathe fresh air, first, in the process of work, in the process of tasting, drink water, and this is what helps us wash away the aromatic molecules that settle in our sinuses, but not the smell of coffee, i wanted to ask, but what about the smell of coffee? no, the smell of coffee is the same spice, for example, let me show you now, well... let me show you the juniper, but imagine that you listen to the smell of coffee, then you interrupt it with the smell of juniper, it’s the same aroma as everyone else the rest that you tasted before, so he also has coffee has aromatic molecules, which we have, but it won’t be interrupted, friend, this is juniper, by the way, you can hear it now, but tell me how else to properly apply the aroma to yourself, huh? i liked that
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you said now not to spray, to apply, because today half the country is spraying bottles, although this is wrong, to apply yourself... according to perfumery etiquette, the aroma should be no more than four applications from the bottle, presses of the polisher, not at one point, four times yes, but completely there, two, three, four, for example, yes, that is, they tied themselves locally, created some kind of train, let's go to work, you can choose any points of application on the skin, on clothes it gets on a scarf, and make a cloud, everything for the situation and on the wrist can be worn... but mentally, we are the kind of people that we want, so that you apply it and it lasts all day, yes, that is , you can artificially increase the durability of perfume by wearing the aroma on moisturized skin, for example, you can moisturize the skin with something, a cream, for example, but without fragrance, apply the aroma, then the aroma will
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last longer on the skin itself, if we're talking here carrying a point near the elbow bend , let’s say we have a shirt, we applied it to the skin, closed it. here, chamber storage produces aroma and the aroma stays with you longer , it evaporates more slowly, just yes, that is, it does not become as weathered, let’s say, the smells that surround us are the shortest way to arouse a person’s emotions , directly arouse them - this is not ..
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the most important thing is to be well-versed in aromas, in order to be able to choose a scent for a person, you need to know a number of smells, and you constantly study, i constantly went there. shops, good, expensive, there are either bad, there are cheap and so on, the most important thing is to understand what an expensive scent sounds like, what a cheap smell sounds like and so on, these are the points i was dealing with then. in boutiques we can observe such a performance, you can safely come, take these vessels, immerse your nose in it and study the aroma, that is , in this way we can hear what is inside
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the bottle itself, without applying the scent yourself, why we specifically have fragrances here, which, in principle, are sold in belarus in large quantities degrees? they are multifaceted and open up, it depends on where we live, on our mentality and so on, there are several perfume schools according to which perfume production is carried out in the world, that is , the oldest ancient one is the french school of perfumery and when i say french school in perfumery, i’m not saying that this is, say , only france, this is the entire european continent, where the aroma is revealed, playing on the skin, in three such alefactory notes. the french school of perfumery also says that fragrance is very intimate accessory in every person's life. along with, say, the french school of perfumery, there is another school, the american school of perfumery, which varies greatly in its style of perfume production around the world.
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look, who the americans are in our opinion, these are the people who, first of all, build not a family, but a career, they have a career in the first place, they have all the flavor and style of life. precisely in terms of results and careers, they have a constant frantic pace, they don’t need this creativity, play, emotions and so on further, that’s why their fragrances sound the same throughout the day, i have a great attitude towards ready-made fragrances, but for me fragrances have already been created by other perfume houses, especially if we are talking about france, italy, i am always curious how other authors express their emotions in fragrances , what they say through smell, it’s always interesting to study, to understand what compounds there may be in aromas that we don’t know yet, because - after all, through aroma we are looking not only for emotion and application, but we gain experience as already created, and future ones that will be
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created in our conditions, in our laboratory, in our studio. just one chance to show your strength, to demonstrate. his intellectual potential throughout the country, who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22 , 1941, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many chiefs himself, but kizhevat led the defense forces, you’re not mistaken, what kind of sport did old khatabich from film old man khatabych, football, let him, football, of course, is the correct answer. here the smartest and bravest gather. who was
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depicted on the 100 ruble banknote? introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s. zubar? yes. find belarusian football club? left, right. on right. on the right is the correct answer. football club navtan. watch intellectual and entertaining shows on the tv channel. belarus 24, there is a main line for the anglo-saxons to maintain global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is a war in europe, indeed preparations are underway, to fight in fact, the majority of the poles don’t want it, but it’s one thing for the population, another thing for the elite, in order for a gun to line up, it must first be loaded and hung on the wall, and in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on...
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we for 30 years in belarus we have been voicing a union of two sovereign states, two strong, economically and politically, states that complement each other and make our union stronger. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. very much. a pleasant period of my life when i i was lucky enough to get into
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the sofia groysman perfume academy and where i studied, interned, worked, i had a training department during this period on the psychology of the influence of aromas and how to remember individual notes, chords, and how they sound, what techniques they use ? memorization exists, when a perfumer studies, let’s say, for this profession, he must be able to recognize notes in fragrances, and how to do this, that is, he must study the component notes separately, then recognize them in chords, and then move towards full-fledged fragrances, the path was interesting in the perfume academy, but as in any business, we are always growing and we want... to move and develop further, create something of our own, i want
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professionals in this field to be born in our country to develop what existed before, you see, because in the soviet union there was the strongest perfume school and perfume production, they were the strongest in the world, not even on the continent, but in the whole world, and the task, the first, is to create an industry. perfumers to create such a guild of perfumers of belarus who will be able to raise this area to a new level, as a rule, in our country, and then throughout the world, you know, that is, this is a big interesting task and goal, and which we are pursuing today, and if there is desire, then everyone can learn, the most important thing is to know why you need it, why you want to attract it in your life, i think that as in any profession always...
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especially at the beginning of the journey, not everything worked out, this must be admitted , not everything worked out the way it did i would like, we want, with the click of a finger, everything at once. but this doesn’t happen until you work for a certain period of time, develop your experience, your style, even if we take the creation of fragrances, then nothing will work out, it won’t be the case that today a person has trained, and tomorrow he earns millions , or i studied, and tomorrow i already created a series of fragrances that are known all over the world, but
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this is unrealistic, simply physically impossible, and there were difficult moments when... i encountered, different situations arose, with interruptions in raw materials, and sometimes when you think why this or that experiment doesn’t work out for me, and you can’t achieve the result that you wanted, but this is again an impetus to gain new knowledge, yes, this is an impetus to the fact that it means you are something if you don’t know, then go study, that’s how it is, you need to read here, you need to do this and here you need to try to turn off your emotions. to be clear-blooded, to understand, to be honest with yourself, to connect new knowledge and move on, and as soon as you understand this, everything develops further, it was difficult for this come to the realization that you need to do exactly this, because when you do the wrong thing, there is a very strong, you know, washout of your
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raw materials, your resource, and then you won’t be able to... make fragrances for a long time from the point of view of even your mood, when we we are talking about difficulties in the profession, we should not give up on them, if we give up on difficulties or avoid them, we will simply destroy the industry, ourselves and disappoint people, we make certain decisions in life... one way or another, only from - for what smell can fly nearby, to change our profession and our activities dramatically, this is also not easy, when we understand that here we achieve certain results and reach a certain ceiling, and then go nowhere, then the aromas give us some strength in
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taking to do this or that solution, solution there with...
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very great interest, just ordinary people, work ordinary jobs, are interested in fragrances and develop in this area, organize their own perfume circles, gather in clubs, perfume experts gather, as a rule, they do not work in boutiques, this helps the industry grow and develop and make people perfume literate. yes, there can be oversaturation, yes, that is, yes, of course, and the most important thing is to find the strength of opportunity, to take a little break from them, so there are some methods, one of them is to just go out and take a walk in the fresh air, relax one or two , there are 3 days from working with aromas and enjoying the smells that are around us,
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the only moment when we can lose the opportunity to smell more is when we have experienced like... an instrument nose in working condition nothing changes with age, we can only study more aromas, smell more smells, because... the more we work out in the gym, the stronger our muscles are, history repeats itself in aromas, at our house there are always some experiments going on in the field of fragrances, i recently came and
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asked, olya, what does it smell like? she is silent, well , secretly, she has her own secrets, how she does it, she has joined my art - we have such a game with my son, when i get ready, i stand in the dressing room. we have in the dressing room there are shelves with perfumes, i choose something, and i say: mark, here you go, and he takes the cork there, watches how i do it, how i apply myself, he also repeats, yes, that is, this it’s very funny to watch, now i trust him according to my, well, taste, he comes, he already remembers that if i go to the dressing room, i go to dress, something of myself, apply some of the scents, and he makes a choice of that scent, which i will apply to myself, he give it to me - i give him one bottle, the second bottle, the third, it is specific, which he i liked it, maybe tactilely, maybe he remembered, he opens up to everything, and he does so, i take it and move on, that
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is, i trust my son in terms of choosing a fragrance for me, that is, we have such an experiment in our family, yes they often ask, of course, i consider myself a person with superpowers, but i’ll be honest, no, because, well, look, can you consider a professional athlete with superpowers? yes, it is possible, but he does not consider himself that way, because he simply does what he likes and has achieved certain results, in our profession as a perfumer, the same training of your nose, training your hypotheses, testing these hypotheses in practice. feedback from your people, your environment and other countries as well. i believe that every person has the opportunity to be whoever they want, and
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this is the most important thing. there is a song and a joy, maybe everything will change, the forests are not fallen, you won’t see the smoke of spring
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, the rain will be clear, only this will be an hour, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, monthly expression ka na grass, and live without greatness. tykh, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, and there is life.
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verko, why is the boyfriend downstairs, well, maybe you can give him a gift, take him, dabrata, two trouser legs, all man, shameless. and where do you get such debts, why is the lanky one, and the lanky one is not mine, by the way, my dear, no way, this is for you, but what’s wrong, why zinka, you jump, he ’ll catch you, some are lucky, girls, after
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me .
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what's happened? so, how old is she? 37! what will you give? do not know yet. but with fiction.
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and finally, please, how long can you wait, how long can you wait, hello, welcome, thank you. my school friend, hello, uh-huh, hello, hello, come on, come on, goluka, you read, vasko
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razumovsky received a master of sports, i read it, me too, be careful, be careful, well, well, leonard, why do you call him a dove, well, first of all, he is a dove. and secondly, terribly modest, yeah, very interesting, and at our school everyone had nicknames, for example, vaska razumovsky was called crazy, well, just like that disgusting, remember, i remember, come on , show vaska, what are you, well, show me what you are doing, well, show me, please, please, please, i jumped, i remember in zinzibar, and there i realized that friendship, sport brings people together, so what does yours sound like? the real name of the dove is borya, by the way, it’s high time for you to be called boris, don’t you be offended, please, uh-huh, uh-huh, how many times
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do i have to tell you, don’t call me dove, oh well, think what you think, i don’t call you like in leonardo's school, unfinished, but what please? just try, i’m at work, as you wish, you’ve known them for a long time, these are the ones, the second day, i changed their telephone number, the second day, already on you, and why stand on ceremony, this is what you do in the evening, work, i got into debt.
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that i came here to earn money, yeah, i understand, otherwise maybe your father is a professor, your mother is a ballerina, but otherwise, i understand, there’s fedenka chernigov, the son of an academician. by the way, he works hard, he sleeps on his bed at home, but he breaks his strength, i understand, now it will be, now it will be, now, now it gives academician, yes, i myself, myself, oh well, vobla, vobla, yes myself, myself, myself, myself, well, i understand, you should have dumbbells, eat, i quit smoking, that’s right, but no, i ’ll start again later , you’re an eccentric, guy, you know that this would suit you, look.


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