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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 12:55am-2:21am MSK

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this is how the brush develops, like this, thank you!
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well, that's enough, that's enough, i'll be late, we'll see. us, oh, well, well, okay, tomorrow, why tomorrow, well today, okay, that's enough, go away, go away, go away, by the way, i 'll be working in that quarry tomorrow, well, yeah, yeah, oh, well, there's our balcony, there's a bike over there, you see, over there, yes, ride it. well, what
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can you do little, little, day, come early, okay. hello, hello, hello, hello! borya, what time is it? borya, i have a lucky ticket! oh, well, let's see
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wow! everything is written in a foreign language, well, you’re my little thief, well, thank you, you’re my son, well , thank you, you’re my good one, no need, wow, what are you! and the main thing is that you are pouting like a mouse on a rump!
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hey, you're driving out the rabble. hello dmitry petrovich, how is your
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health? thank you, good. i ’ll close the window for you later, if you don’t mind.
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lyudka, run quickly, zina, zin. girls, are you sick or something ? i give up, we know for sure. start the morning
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correctly, breakfast should not only satiate, but also delight, because food, oh, how it affects our mood, and if you cook it in a pleasant company, then this is double i hope that we will have a great time today and prepare a real breakfast of a champion , and get a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, was it difficult to prepare it? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be like this. take it into service this recipe, look at the breakfast of champion project on our tv channel, why do we
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need an astronaut in space in principle, do we have nothing else to do, a sovereign belarusian in space is pride for the nation, so all other talk is inherently stupid, in any matter there must be a goal to which you need to strive, without this stagnation will come, and it is alexander grigorievich... the main ideologist of this approach in the country, he says: let's produce our own car in belarus, we now have our own car, we built a station, although there was also hand-wringing, howls, now the most important thing is, if suddenly we take up the project of building aircraft, this is already more than enough for development, documents from the robert koch institute were leaked onto the internet, in which it is written in black and white that in germany the government was aware from the very beginning that lockdowns during a pandemic cause...
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propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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bring some water, here’s more, well, i beg you, borenka, well, i said everything, i’m a monster on earth , who was born like that, like a father, mother, what do you know about him, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s genes, why, you ’re talking like you’re talking to your mother, but you still don’t understand, hello, goodbye. “thank you, i was waiting for gratitude, please, good health,
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don’t want to meet, yes, well, what do you think is a circus here or something, but what, what, what, what, at least respect.” if i dressed like a person, otherwise i would come to visit, like all people, then i would come to visit a tractor, hello, and what about people, the main people, i can tell people even now, that and what i have for you , sasha is crazy, what are you doing? you are like a hair on a stone, and why should i be ashamed, that too.
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honey, hear me. under the window i stand with
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a car of my own brand, grader, so you look at me, at least once, brighter than a may day, the wonderful sparkle of your eyes, the plane rises higher and higher, all known, hidden below are still clearly visible, two tickets to the dance, two tickets to the dance, you can still clearly see below, one ticket to the dance, one ticket to
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the funhouse, some numbers. take the long one here, well then the striped one over there, she’s fat, damn it, what are you doing? marry? i came, well, after all, well, well, well, who do you like here, where here, here, in general, no one, oh, how tired of you i am, stop!
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let me invite you, yes, i am with my husband. yeah, what's the matter? excuse me, excuse me, young man, but you invite my friend, give, the ringing of the calch, to the iron ringing of the calch, sitting on horseback, to yaroslavna in the hour of separation, to yaroslavna in the hour of separation, he said. probably, prince, there is no need to frown, okay, there is no need to frown, okay, for me your laughter is a reward, okay, even if you become a grandmother, you are still you you will be a darling, for me you will be a darling,
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ladda. centuries are not a barrier for us, centuries are not a barrier for us, and i want, again, to forget the word of young people, to forget the word of vlad, all the loved ones began to be called,
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does he take you to a restaurant? no, what are you talking about, such pure love, but as long as it doesn’t offend, they don’t complain. how is he with the pain? but no way? didn't he show up as a wrestler? how's it going to work with children? and don’t say, what will happen? yes, i brought him a football ticket, think about the ticket? let the rich man cook something, how much does he earn? and i how do i know? you surprise me? what do you know about him? well, does a divorced, childless person live in a hostel? don't you know anything about him? did you go to the hostel? oh well...
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dmitry petrovich, can i call? yes, yes, please. oh, i'll get you dirty. sorry. hello. you don’t have bori golubev, be kind, tell me that my mother called, i got him a ticket, for the occasion, an exceptional
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match, yes, they are playing with foreigners, let him come to see me, yes, and you have a son, yeah, wrestling.
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out of production, in general, you know, i have a whole collection, rights to any car, well , just a steam locomotive, an airplane, what’s not there, what ’s not there, these cars, a tank, a tractor, a grader, a bulldozer. an excavator, i can do all that, this is a motor scooter, well, there’s nothing to explain here, it’s extremely elementary, and the most difficult thing
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is the traffic rules, didn’t your mother tell you that i myself work on a motor scooter, i was thinking, when it rains here, that means and all over the world it rained when there was a little rain, funny, right?
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you are a mother, don’t offend her, whoever offends her, i’m doing this for prevention, let’s face it, it won’t work out, come on, i have money for... let's sit, but i need to go to a friend, he's here, just another time you'll come, no, i can't , okay, go, i'm waiting, run!
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hello grandma.
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what, i haven’t cleaned up yet, come here. boy, help me carry things, that’s all, how is it all, you know, i’m drinking, hello to you, well, come, viktor stepanovich.
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no, kurį. storm, don’t hurt him, he’s alone since the war, he doesn’t have a mother’s father, he’s an orphan.
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great, lunch is in the kitchen.
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so, thank you, darling. that’s it, ler, i wanted to find out everything from you. how about you? well, wait, girl, you, who mean? eh, this? ah, a nightmare! what? yes, she is so clean, inexperienced, so fresh. well, i just want a poem. read not that there hello 331672 how is it audible yes check well what what what now i’ve become a friend at home i go in you understand
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the love in a woman i’m interested in nadlo hello aunt masha checked 331672 yes everything is fine listen? and you have a vacation soon, so what? let 's go somewhere, but we haven't been anywhere, hello, yeah, i understand, but no, they won't give me a vacation, well, whatever you want, it would be nice, it would be nice, with the girls, and the little blue girl is coming. the little red girl is coming, okay, hi, call me, are you crazy, my father,
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and you said you don’t have a father. none of our people, okay, well, it’s clear, little girl, brother, sister, brother, he left you a long time ago, yes, a long time ago, i can’t imagine how you can live without your father, do you at least go to him, but no, he’s like that, in general, nothing , careful. did you pay child support?
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the voluntary members.
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what the hell, why fight you, maybe you, maybe i won’t go anywhere, yes, i’m not talking about the village, but maybe you can go buy some bread? why didn’t you tell him, well, you forgot, well, you forgot, in the village is fine now, the weather is wonderful, the hay has been cut, there is a library in the gardens, like in the forest, and how many relatives you have, oh, you don’t know any of them, leave me alone, well, that’s all. let him talk in the city, it’s none
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of your business, mom, we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse you in the era, clear, which grows with its roots upward, approximately in the sixteenth years... of the last century, these trees were planted using the method of exclusive planting , which even the radzevils and family could not achieve napoleon managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history, a real puzzle for us as time travelers. is it namitka or namitka? and in the place where we found it in this area, it is called cheesepanok. this is the head one. bor of a married woman, the most valuable
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exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here, oh, this, this is jewelry, number seven is not an ornament, it is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. our task guides - to ignite in you a desire to touch belarusian culture personally. and also , when they built a new house, it was necessary to take four stones from the old one.
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but only on parity grounds, that i, of course, have the belarusian heart and the latest technologies, with the help of which we must carry out cultural and economic expansion throughout the world, and i am sure we will see how belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances will not less recognizable than sushi, kimano everything else. project markov nothing personal, look at tv channel belarus 24.
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video, we went, we’re waiting outside the gate, okay.
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toreslenov on his way out, well, listen, how long can you wait, nothing, wait, you can’t live without me, or what? how? oh, did you hear, what is he sharpening there? like a key, you want to rob someone, but don’t talk, and i won’t go with you at all, from payday, from payday, vitya, vitya, little by little, little by little, ah,
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zink, i brought my salary, it’s hot, ugh, oh !
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and you never pawn? no, no, what are you talking about, come on, let’s see what kind of salary our dad brought in. jack london, but i read this, not all of it, of course, i think i read uncle tom too, or
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saw the production, a long time ago. crazy ideas, science, interesting, but i haven’t read it, well, this, but all the books are interesting, he reads a lot, he has a good memory, not like you and me. now i’ll ask them a couple of questions, come on, don’t
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get drunk, you’re a beauty, you’re so full of songs, you explain to me what philosophy is, how do you understand it, philosophy, in my opinion, is a doctrine, and what is a doctrine, a doctrine, right? doctrine, well, you were talking about philosophy, now about doctrine, well, you’re not talking about it yourself doctrine, grief, call dad to dinner, come quickly, where are you from?
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borenka needs to study engineering this year, well , of course, we’ll help you financially, study for your health, now you can’t go anywhere without a diploma, it’s a lot to study. this mother, one might say, excuse me, of course, showed exceptional sensitivity, but it must be noted that you haven’t said anything yet, bori? you got married yesterday, but the newlyweds, well, for
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overcoming temporary difficulties, for you, wife! borya, maybe it’s not necessary, forget it, forget it, forget it, and i changed my last name. "of course, you could
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have consulted with me, or i don’t count now, that’s right, let’s talk, why don’t you take borin as a wife?” so that everything would be like in a normal family, i don’t know you, let’s get to know you, but i don’t want to know you, but i’m tired of the bachelor life, i’m tired of thinking about things for three dirty shirt,
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you’ll say, no, well, no, you’ll say , it’s okay! borya, what
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are you doing, take it off to wash it, they’ll come to the village, we’ll give it to you, uh-huh, look what you found, uh-huh.
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lord, he’s afraid, but why? so you’ll start asking how it is with them, but what about zinka, you women are still interested.
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that’s it, i don’t know how to thank you, zinochka, thank you very much, yes, well, it’s not worth it, it’s not difficult for me, well... goodbye, dmitry petrovich, be healthy, all the best to you, zinochka, be happy, i’m so used to this repair, people all the time, let me play you a goodbye record, whatever you want, but i don’t know how to...
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aw, it’s cold, okay, stop it, you’ll drip your pants, champagne. oh, for lack of anything, yes, eat ice cream, yes, 3 rubles,
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who's last? it’s hard guys, i’ll drive you crazy with my eyes, do you want me to listen to my songs for you? i will touch your soul! if you want, i’ll sing for you, listen, if i touch your soul, if you want, i’ll become your believer, i’ll break
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the love of you and trains. well, how does it shoot correctly, and who will you be, i mean, when you grow up, i will be a ballerina, okay, what about you, what about mine? mom said that you
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drove away intelligent borya, our borya is in the village, he is resting, of course, of course, well , look, borya, come on, go home, it’s time for dinner, quit your football, who did i tell, why is the task worse for you? . why are you so sad, okay!
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vitya, vitya, well vitya, borka is missing, yes borka. borka has disappeared, oh, borka has disappeared, where is the shirt, they write from the village, bolka has disappeared somewhere, they sent a trailer for glasses for a neighbor, jacket, jacket, come on, well, here i am, put on your pants, put on your pants! young man,
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leave my car immediately, young man, you tell me, yes, yes, you.
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100 g of sausage, which one, separate, another 5 kopecks. then for everything that is 76 g, separate, 76 g , cut it or a piece into a piece.
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you know the first feeling you get? in minsk, security, this calm feeling of security, and we are different countries, but we have a union state, and this year is opening. opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between russian and belarusian tourism. belarus is very dynamic, dynamic in terms of the fact that your vertical management decisions are made quickly, that specifically people see the eiffel tower or
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some other object, yes, this matters, but it is not fundamental. with us, all this can be no less interesting, certainly no worse. you are a very unique country. ask the average person, yes, he's probably heard about 2020, well, i probably heard that there were other coup attempts, you are the only country that survived, tell me the project , don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. who and how helps make our lives better, what scientists are working on today ? in december last year , our geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users.
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century, the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called the state of introduction, well, alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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thank you, baba, see you tomorrow, boom-boom-boom. hello, hello, you've been waiting for a long time, not very much, but you know that they lost you, i'm not a needle, so where are you from? this guy came back from vacation, i was on vacation, but it’s clear, why did you come to me and not home, and then my mother got married, what are you saying, it’s okay, what should they
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do there? overgrown, hipe unfortunate, get out of the bath, quickly, great, big guy from mom’s bedroom, bow-legged lame, runs out to wash his head. hello, i want to order a taxi, aunt katya, but can i live with you, don’t talk nonsense,
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why is it good for them there, but we’ll be here, huh? well, you can, aunt katya, aunt. auntie. papas!
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i came to live with you forever, what? you have here, how to find shelter there? your mother is waiting downstairs, get ready, here's your transistor, here's your igdzyuperi, go! go!
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you’ve lost weight, you smoke, and we bought you a coat, an exceptionally good coat, i have a coat, seventh grade, how long can you wear it, okay.
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bore, fight, if i have a child, somehow. will you react, are you waiting, no, but i really
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would like to, i’ll be patient, mom, mother, what are you doing, why did you get up, no, i won’t tolerate it in that sense, mother, i, i’m... dumb, well i can’t do it right away, mother, why are you, well, well, let’s go, okay, why did you sit down, we were so worried that you got lost, oh well, well, i’m alive, mother, well, if you want, we can go to hockey tomorrow, if you want, but if you want, with the puck, if you want, mother, i’ll do it now.
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well, hello, dear lake, and it’s good to be found
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on... lim crayfish, that’s when there are fish and crayfish, which means the water is good, it tastes soft, before even in winter we drove on ice, specially taking water. well, our lake is large, natural, the depth is small, at the moment the average depth is about a meter, 20 meters, dimensions are seven by
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5 km, then there are a lot of sporus here. there are many, many, many boats, i always asked my dad: why are there so many boats? each owner had his own boat, his own pier, behind the lake they planted potatoes, grains, everything you wanted, hayfields there, tens of tons of only hay, and
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horses were transported in boats, we connected two boats, we got a horse and...
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the lake, he will lead the brigade out into the fog anywhere, he will touch the bottom with his hook and he... knows where the lake is, he knows where the crucian carp is standing, where the tench are walking, he looked, looked at the water from the boat , that’s how many times children, when they were little, were taken on excursions around the lake, and that means he shows, look, there’s a pike running, there’s a crucian carp, there’s a tench letting go of bunnies, he even knows by the grass that grows in the lake , where what kind of fish... lives,
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early in the morning by the river, sitting under a bush, he looks at the floats, as if at one point, here is one of the floats, a fish... plunges into the water, our avid fisherman sharply hooks, the fish is struggling on the hook, its scales are sparkling, now it is already wagging its tail in the bucket, oh. when i got married, i ended up in my mother-in-law’s family,
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there were 10 children, seven sons, three daughters, can you imagine how many weddings, how many farewells to the army, how many ceremonies, everything had to be prepared for everyone, in the mother-in-law ’s family too... i went even when i was married for 18 years, i didn’t eat fish, but i cooked, i cooked everything for everyone, on the occasion of the old new year, all sorts of miracles happen, and i began
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there is fish, as for the ruhu, the neighbor treated him to navel-shaped, fried, fresh ruffs, the man treated him, it was impossible to refuse, in the spores any housewife is needed.


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