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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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our bright name, glory to the people of the prater union, our beloved mother, dear, ever-living belarus, our beloved mother, and of course live and belarus, once again with the joy of souls, we rammed the birth of the people of lithuania and fell ill with the slaughter of our love.
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belarus, our beloved, mother, radhiba, lived forever, dear belarus, friendship of the people, the strength of the people, ours are victorious, all the same, but... discord
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has been found, clear words of action and joy of our own. hail to our land, our bright name, the words of the people of the great union, our beloved.
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extreme in the middle east conflict, why? is the west producing a disaster of biblical proportions? the north atlantic alliance is visiting the best nato ball strikes in lithuania. great flood of dubai. a minute before the regional explosion , the middle east froze in this configuration. a new series of humanitarian thriller was announced at the mane seven brainstorming session by josep barel. in the wake of iran's attack on israel , the permanent representatives of the council of ministers held a meeting. conflicts
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exchanged only mutual curses, where the united states banned palestinian hopes for statehood and the place of harm to the hon. an unbiased viewer is sure that by giving tehran the go-ahead to strike, carte blanche for the israeli authorities, the west is masking the oil industry with fire. why is global order only a dream in the middle east, and what does the biden administration and black gold have to do with it? evgeny belousov has the answers. another match in the game of paramilitary teams. israel and iran ends in a confident draw. tel aviv did not succumb to the persuasion of its western colleagues and nevertheless struck at tehran, or rather not at it, but at the outskirts of the city of isfahan. one of the largest iranian bases is located there. air force. the scale of the attack and its success are difficult to assess. none of the military officials are in a hurry to disclose information. it is only clear that iranian air defense destroyed several objects that posed a potential threat. the sound that was heard in isfahan was not an explosion. have more
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secret sources in the two countries than the us authorities, hastened to declare that the conflict had been settled. israel and iran are no longer going to launch new mutual strikes. i would like to believe that this will happen, but in principle, time proves that on the other side oceans often know more than they say, they know exactly what they say, it won’t be said about biden. it is known that the united states was informed about the attack. this happened at the last minute, but the us did not share information. the americans also knew about the impending iranian response. a week ago, tehran and a number of friendly countries fired about 200 drones and over a hundred cruise and ballistic missiles at israel. tel aviv then reported that with the help of allies represented by
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the usa, britain and france, they managed to shoot down 99% shells. but still, according to some media reports, seven hypersonic missiles managed to penetrate the defenses of the iron dome. this operation was a testament to the power of the islamic republic and its army, it demonstrated the steely determination of our nation and our wise leader, the commander of all armed forces, this step was necessary, mandatory, unifying and became a source of pride and strength for our great country. in general, the game turns out to be a funny one, as if everything that happens is designed to provoke a strong reaction from the audience, but at the same time the parties are not resolving a large-scale confrontation, and yet the hot phase of this story is already more than two weeks old, which began when israel struck the iranian
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embassy in syria. iran delayed its response until the last minute, trying to reason with the international community and demanding that it condemn this attack, but they did not receive it. 13 days later, retaliation strikes. took place, after unheard-of audacity in israel, they urgently began to discuss options for alverda, seeking, as before, iran for collective support. the west , led by the states, of course, immediately began accuse tehran of regular violations of international law and call on countries to condemn the aggression, completely forgetting about who struck first, but that’s it. another thing is, if western representations were under attack, you would not hesitate to take retaliatory measures and prove in this room that you are right, because for you everything that concerns western representatives of western citizens is sacred and must be
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protected, that’s when it comes comes to other states, their rights, including the right to self-defense of their citizens, this is different, as you love to talk. this is where your favorite argument about lack of information, legal chicanery, and the like comes into play. and today , such a parade of hypocrisy and double standards is unfolding in the sbb, which is somehow even inconvenient to watch. it was unpleasant to watch the discussion of another hot spot on the middle east map. days later, the un security council voted on the possibility of accepting palestine into the ranks of the united nations. out of 15, two voting countries abstained, and the states completely vetoed the resolution, which signed another death warrant for the palestinians at the hands of the israelis. as a sign of protest against the aggressive policy, during the speech of the israeli diplomat , both representatives of russia and
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arab countries left the meeting, as a result, approximately half of the hall was empty. in fact, no matter how much the white house downplays their contribution to everything that happens in the middle east, their influence is extremely great. if washington wanted to stop the bloodshed in gaza, it would happen once or twice, but the palestinian people are clearly interfering with certain goals, in the west they are alone - enrichment. yes, in the situation with iran, if you believe the investigation of the american journalist hersh, everything is not so simple. fearing a collapse in the oil market, the pentagon... planned a fake war to prevent a real one. according to the journalist, us representatives gave the green light to the iranian leadership to attack israel, and the pentagon helped tel aviv repel the attack. as a result, the pentagon operation was successful. tehran was allowed to carry out a large-scale retaliation strike, and western leaders
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immediately began calling on tel arif not to reply. the same one allegedly did not listen to the persuasion, but gave an obviously extremely limited response. as they say, the wolves are fed, and so are the sheep. whole, it remains to figure out who is in this story, who? evgeny belausov, around the planet. not only does it hurt the alliance. weapons stock, but also geographical latitudes. non-member switzerland will host the nato cybersecurity exercise. while bern's information command will fight imaginary attacks on strategic targets, the us military has already been sent to germany and poland. not allowed end credits largest maneuver since the end of the cold war - stalwart defender. there is never too much military activity, so nato sword strikes are already being practiced. in lithuania. sword strike. military exercises are taking place in lithuania with the participation of us armed forces.
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about 600 american troops, lithuanian ground forces and a us battalion stationed in lithuania are involved in the maneuvers. among the stated goals is to demonstrate the ability to quickly transport ground forces units. meanwhile, nato launched maneuvers on the territory of another of our neighbors - latvia with participation. german air force fighters. it is noteworthy that hangars have been pre-installed to hide aircraft from satellite reconnaissance. this circumstance makes it much more difficult to monitor the progress of the exercises with the possibility of promptly responding to the actions of the aviation of countries from the north atlantic alliance. nato's largest exercise is also planned in finland from april 26 to may 14. it is stated that the purpose of the exercise is to increase the coherence of the allied mechanized units and also ensure the prompt provision of armed support to the host country. in total, 500 pieces
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of equipment and more than 2,500 soldiers, most of whom are finnish conscripts, will take part in the maneuvers. the number of troops sent to finland by the ministries of defense of great britain, latvia and estonia will be about 300 people. warsaw wanted to be under the european heavenly shield. the prime minister of the polish regime announced his intention to join the project to create a pan-european system. - bloomberg reports. donald tusk explained that this is necessary to protect against drones and rockets. let me note that the initiative, heavenly shield, now includes 21 countries. tusk added that denmark had already supported his plans and called for accelerating the preparation of investments in air defense. orientation west. the argentine authorities have applied to join nato as a global partner. the head of the country's ministry of defense announced this. buenos aires does this in anticipation of... modernization and training of its armed forces in accordance with nato standards.
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now the only country in latin america that is among the partners of the alliance colombia. and nato partners with so -called expanded capabilities today are jordan, georgia, australia and ukraine. in response to the proposal of the argentine leadership to become a global partner of nato, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of buenos aires. the demonstrators chanted the slogan, nato will never be ours. country. argentina must end its partnership with nato. why? nato is occupying our territory in the south. the malvinas islands were occupied by them for more than 200 years. argentina should not buy from nato weapons from airplanes. they are our enemies, also because nato is the enemy of palestine and will never be on our side. world experts are confident that with its application for nato , argentina may finally fall under the influence of the united states. and explains the initiative of buenos aires as an attempt to close economic gaps by
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expanding military-technical cooperation. without the right to travel, the committee of the lithuanian seimas approved the idea of ​​depriving belarusians and russians of the ojw for traveling to their homeland. according to local media, it was decided that the type of residence will be will be canceled if people leave for their homeland more than once every 3 months. it is clarified that people's trips to belarus and russia evoke among lithuanians... the famous european democracy in action. the latvian authorities have begun to crack down on the city government of the city of rezokne. the reason is the refusal to give the green light to the destruction of monuments to red army soldiers in the region. the central government has already fired the mayor who defended the monuments, but the official
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riga did not stop there. now a special law proposes to dissolve local self-government, instead create temporary, more obedient structures. let me note that last year alone , hundreds of monuments to red army soldiers were destroyed in latvia. polish farmers have resumed protests on the border with ukraine. let me remind you that the cause of the discord was cheap ukrainian grain, which is crowding out. polish farmers from the market. the poles are again blocking the checkpoints in medyka, doroguska, grebienno, zosen and korczew. the protesters did not block the passage of buses. the protest of ordinary cars was not touched upon. we must fight illegal influx of grain from ukraine. a handful of people brazenly take advantage of this and set ordinary ukrainian citizens against ordinary polish citizens. no one wishes harm to each other, but there are certain boundaries of decency.
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the organizers called this blockade only a precautionary action. the nationwide protest of farmers has begun. february 9th. an internal political conflict flared up in georgia. the country's parliament approved the law on foreign agents in its first hearing. president zurabishvili immediately made a statement. she promised to put on veto document. interfered in the internal affairs of georgia and the eu. the head of european diplomacy , barel, promised tbilisi serious problems if the law was adopted. numerous grant organizations called their supporters to the square in front of the parliament.
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agents will accept you, no matter the cost. irakli kabakhidze explained that the documents are aimed at protecting georgia from ukrainization, since ngos have been trying to organize a revolution in the country in recent years and open a second front. the owner of the telegram platform pavel durov gave an interview to an american journalist tucker carlson. he complained that his brainchild was the subject of constant interest of the intelligence services. durov believes that it is impossible to ensure complete security of information exchange. it will sound funny, but by default i assume that the devices i use can be hacked, it doesn’t matter what you use, an iphone or an android phone, in the usa in the twenty-first year i was required to disclose user information regarding the riots. first came a letter from a democratic congressman who wanted obtain all available information about the riots,
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he threatened that refusal would be a violation of the american constitution, lawyers advised.
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the usa is the elite for whom. ukraine is just an opportunity to withdraw funds from the united states and distribute them to private pockets. the funds only touch, and sometimes do not even touch, accounts affiliated with the kiev regime and instantly return back to where they are expected by those who allocated them from the united states of america and other structures and countries of the collective west. ukraine does not need peace in any form, this is the official position of kiev, writes reuters. square at the last moment refused to conclude an agreement to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea, which russia, ukraine and turkey had been discussing for two months. the reasons are unknown. it is reported that ukraine initially did not want to formally sign the agreement, but agreed to have
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the turkish president announce it on march 30. ankara acted as a mediator. in project. the parties agreed not to attack merchant ships and not search them if there is no declared military cargo on board. the american congress returned to considering the issue of assistance to ukraine, and suddenly all obstacles to the adoption of laws disappeared without a trace. how can one not remember everything famous in america for nothing, except money. without the help of the states, the conflict in ukraine could have ended abruptly, which means it would have ceased to generate income. how can this be allowed? in fact.
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no longer worries him, and the defense capability of ukraine, as well as taiwan, on the contrary, is very very. one can understand him; he was subjected to absolutely monstrous, prohibitive pressure from the democrats, the white house, as well as lobbyists from the military-industrial complex. true, by surrendering to their mercy, johnson actually signed the death knell for his career. at the instigation of donald trump, a meeting began in parliament for the resignation of the speaker. he is brave, but his fate, in truth, is predetermined. i won't resign. in my opinion, this is an absurd idea. why should i leave if i'm just doing my job. this is harmful to the cause, it is harmful to our unity. we want to save the country. we are faced with an existential challenge. we have elections ahead, and the conflict in the ranks of the republicans is dangerous for the country. trump, as the main intriguer of american politics, chose a new parliamentary tactic. johnson's resignation
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means that a new speaker will not be elected soon, at best, many months later. but throughout this entire period, congress becomes ineffective; it is impossible to pass a single law through it, with rare, rare exceptions. biden is losing the ability to throw money left and right, earning points and increasing ratings. then he had big plans: to forgive student loan debt, support businesses, the poor, industry, and so on. considering that money in the states is made by the government out of thin air, biden can afford anything, or rather, he could if parliament worked. money for israel, ukraine and taiwan seems to be the latest broad gesture of the current administration. moreover, the ukrainian package will only allow returning funding to the level of the twenty-second year, but not to twenty-third peak level. we are actively working with our foreign allies and partners, this ensures that ukraine receives everything it needs, both in the short and long term. as you know, ukrainians.
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demonstrated steadfastness and courage in battle, we have no reason to think that they will give up, the situation there is difficult now, the sooner laws on additional funding are passed, the sooner we will be able to provide assistance in the volumes that, in our opinion, are necessary for success. the distribution of the ukrainian package is noteworthy. actually, kiev will get less than half of the 60 billion. and this is not in real money, but mainly in weapons. the aid package includes payment for weapons orders. this is mr. minister, a bag of bolts and nuts, they are produced by a machine, she is not a high-class specialist, she does not have a higher education diploma, she just
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rivets. bolts, how much do you think our air force is paying for this package? 90,000 dollars? you won’t believe it, 90,000, in the store these bolts cost less than a hundred. so, ukraine they will give money, although there are still no guarantees, and this money will only be enough to maintain the current intensity of the conflict. this achievement of the administration had to be exchanged for the loss of even minimal control over parliament. if, of course, trump manages to topple picker johnson. political turbulence in the states is starting now, exactly six months before the elections. there is a suspicion that it will have a very significant impact on the prospects for financing the ukrainian conflict; at a minimum, it will seriously overshadow them, if not ruin them completely. olek romanov, around the planet.
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you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. atlantis, version 2024. the united arab emirates, sinking in oil rivers, have gone under water. the world financial center and tourist hub of dubai was flooded by downpours. yes, in persian countries. experiments in the sky, artificial precipitation have been practiced by the air force for decades, even drones are used that shock clouds with electric current. about the fruits of surrogate rain. olga davidovich. turn
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a lifeless desert into life. old dream arabs. islamic man-made gardens have always had many fountains and streams, as if their creators were thus trying to quench the eternal thirst of people parched by the sun. it is therefore not surprising that with the advent of big oil in the 1970s and, accordingly, the money from it, work to transform the ravi peninsula into a blooming garden began with a vengeance. the founder of the trend was the sheikh of dubai named rashit; it was he who competently determined the direction of development of the emirate, and then the entire country for many decades. forward, one of the sheikh’s undertakings was large-scale planting of trees around dubai, but after his death the idea was abandoned, because it is much easier to buy a ready-made garden and then spend money on its maintenance than to plant your own from scratch. however, the idea of ​​​​making a forest out of a dune has not died; at present, the monarchies of the gulf continue the work of rashid, they are helped by the innovative technology of the uae national center of meteorology, which can change the climate of deserts. this is footage of tests in the desert
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in fifty-degree heat. drones with a discharge that causes rain without they affect the clouds electrically using chemical compounds, which means no harmful precipitation, but for now this is only an experimental method, so they shoot at the clouds the old fashioned way with salt from cannons. one of the problems with clouds, especially in the middle east, is that the droplets they are made of are too small, and to produce rain they must come together to form a raindrop. it will take millions. very small cloud drops to produce one raindrop, so the main the method is to use medium-sized salt crystals that act as a bridge between small cloud drops and large rain drops. there are a lot of physical mechanisms involved, and frankly, it's a very complex process. when the team from the national center of meteorology sees clouds suitable for seeding, they begin their work; in the last year alone , they conducted more than 180 missions here specifically.
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it is not surprising that for the recent dubai apocalypse, many blame local meteorologists for their manipulation of the clouds. if if operational cloud seeding had actually been carried out these days, the result would have been completely different, and we would have seen it. and the precipitation would have been completely different, especially since the storm was moving across the entire region; this would be unrealistic during seeding. and i would like to note that at this time of year, especially in april, our region is characterized by similar weather anomalies. however,
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the planes did not fly on the day of the storm, there was no interaction with this particular rain, and the main thing, i think every expert in the world would agree with this, is... that if a large major weather event were to occur and result in heavy rainfall, hence devastating consequences, then obviously there is absolutely no benefit, interest or effect in it. but dubai really got it, lightning struck the spire of the world’s tallest skyscraper, the burj khalifa, one after another. furniture flew off the balconies, palm trees literally folded in half. in a short period of time , more than one and a half annual precipitation fell in the megalopolis. residents and guests of megapolis shared shocking videos on social networks. rollers the riots of the elements. the city actually went under water due to the fact that the roads were not equipped with a drainage system; this happened in a matter of hours. as a result, most of the routes of the metro station were flooded. many drivers
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abandoned their cars and literally swam to safe places. many, for example, went to the largest shopping center on the planet, the dubai mall, but that too was flooded. water poured into the lower floors and the parking lot, the sellers tried to salvage what they could, but... they didn’t succeed very well, luxury handbags floated down the aisles, branded shoes, hundreds of visitors were simply stuck there for several hours. this is the worst storm ever recorded in the united arab emirates since 1949. at least one person is known to have died as a result of the flooding, and at least 19 people have died in neighboring oman. other emotional videos circulated on social networks: planes at dubai international airport. one of the largest air hubs in the world, cutting through streams of water like ships. at first the planes were still trying to fly, then the flight was postponed or canceled. thousands of passengers crowded into the waiting rooms. the bad weather also affected air traffic with our country. this weather
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event was predicted several days in advance, and it was also predicted at least a day in advance that there would likely be more rainfall over dubai than it would receive in a year, so people knew it was coming. a powerful warning indeed. in the storm, local residents began to receive information in advance, all classes in local schools were transferred to a remote format, government employees were also told to work from home, but it seems that the disaster did not hit such a strong blow expected. the bad weather caused trouble throughout the country; problems with water and electricity supply were recorded in all seven emirates, and other states in the region also suffered. it's worth noting that both oman and the united arab emirates, which hosted un climate talks last year, had previously warned that global warming would likely lead to more floods and more... weather anomalies, and it looks like we're now seeing something similar. it looks like the weather all over the world has gone crazy. flooding at dubai airport there is flooding in oman, flooding in tanzania, drought in colombia, water rationing in bagota,
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snow in the balkans. is it just apparent, or is it really getting extreme, why? over the past decade or so, we have seen many extreme weather events. and scientists say that with climate change... seth of clouds increases precipitation by 10, and sometimes by as much as 30% per year. consequently, this increases the water reserves in reservoirs that are available to the entire country. in total, the national center of meteorology in has spent $15 million in recent years on
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nine different rainmaking projects and is rightfully proud of the results. and the authorities also have plans for more radical steps: to create a man-made mountain. in theory, it will change terrain conditions, increasing cloudiness, which will lead to more precipitation. it’s not for nothing that they say that in the united arab emirates the impossible becomes possible, and the unimaginable becomes reality. olga davidovich, around the planet. to the top and back, conquering the mountain olympus is not so bad, what is the descent worth, video evidence filled the eastern segment of social networks, it takes up to 6 hours to get to the top of mount taishan in china, the height of the imperial citadel and the point of attraction for tourists is 7,200 steps, to the jade peak of one sacred city is 1,500 m. i will translate, you only need to climb to the fifth floor 90 times in heaven... what else has happened
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over the past 7 days? what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. a stele icon whose outfits remain relevant after decades. sneakers, paw leash. where the dog race took place, what vegetable they started adding to ice cream in japan and why hunters for bright shots come to the east of china, we will find out together in the next few minutes. timeless style, iconic images of princess diana were presented at an exhibition in one of the auction houses in hong kong. on display are cocktail and evening dresses, bags, shoes and accessories. the pearl of the collection is the famous dress from...
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so that she is considered a person who prefers a dress in the style of the eighties or nineties years, these were timeless outfits, her outfits are 40 years old, but you can still say: wow, these can be worn today to a business meeting, and tomorrow to the academy awards. the hong kong exhibition will run until april 29 before traveling to new york and london. an auction of the exhibited works of art will take place on june 27 at the museum in ireland and online.
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a fast dog crossed with dogs in tandem with his owner in moscow. participants, there were about 250 pairs of them , ran a distance of 2 km in the bicep forest park. the winners were determined in two categories, men and women. the main condition is that pets had to be on a leash. this is ragnar, the little viking. first of all, this dog is on the cover of this race. this is not the first time we have run him, but they say that this is not the most running breed, but this does not mean that we cannot have a great time here in a dog party, that’s why. cool weather, cool guys, cool dogs. the winners and runners-up were determined by personal time, and all participants received badges at the finish line. escape the heat with a bow. gaining popularity in japan an unusual type of familiar delicacy. leeks began to be added to ice cream. a line of customers is lined up at a local stall, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to taste the unusual combination. the frozen crunchy texture of scallions and... spicy powder together create a completely different sweet treat. please
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try our soft, creamy ice cream. the flavor is distinctly green onion, but you also get the sweetness of the soft serve ice cream. manufacturers claim that the taste of onions stimulates the sense of smell and adds crunch pleasure. the sea of ​​fire is an impressive coincidence. the night sky near the icelandic town of grindovik was illuminated by a volcanic eruption. against a background of emerald. and crimson tints of the northern lights. nature has created views of wondrous beauty: a column of smoke, dawn and red-hot lava. the svartsengi volcano in southwest iceland has erupted for the fourth time in recent months. fire mountain activity has decreased compared to january and february, according to the country's weather bureau. this could be due to the equilibrium that the deep reserves reached magma and lava outflow. paintings of gold near the town of sinko. the picturesque rapeseed fields began to bloom. china ranks second
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in the world in the production of this crop, so in the spring tourists come from different parts of the country and the world to enjoy large-scale paintings created by nature. the arabian fields of xinghua have long been famous. information about this picturesque place can be found on the internet in other publications. it’s very beautiful here, it’s a bit of a shame because we arrived later than necessary. we missed the height of flowering itself. flowering of rapeseed usually begins in march-april and lasts about 10-20 days. it is grown as a fodder and industrial crop. rapeseed oil is used not only in food. industry, among other things, biofuels are made from it, writing is not only the work of men, the first lady of british literature convinced the court poet robert southey of this, and the editors who rejected her manuscripts nine times. the novelist gave the reading world dzheneir. classic
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psychological prose hit the reader blew up london. victorian society heard rebellious notes in her. poetasa grew up in yorkshire with her family. pastor came to the world of words after being translated into french poetry by aguste barbier. she worked as a school teacher and governess. one of the bronte dynasty of writers, armed with the male pseudonym carerbell, wrote her own plot of english literature of the 19th century. the date of the week is april 21. 208th birthday of a woman in literature, charlotte brontë. you looked around the planet, thank you for being and remaining with us. visit the website. watch your favorite tv news agency projects online. goodbye. i give you my honor, loyalty, love, until death do us part. think, since i'm not a rich little ugly girl, i have neither a soul nor a heart.
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over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520
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thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus from neighboring countries, but also from abroad. the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar,
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orthodoxy and was the church of the holy mother of god when the decision was made that to recreate the church, then of course we turned to written sources, this church, this is not the creation of some new church, and not the reconstruction of the old one, yes, exactly a copy of the one that was in... you weren’t before the tragic events, but besides the church itself there was there is also a bell tower, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower on four pillars; it had three bells of different weights, so everything is real. this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well, let’s say, completely
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down to the smallest grains, very important, well they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project, and indeed, in addition to the open part of the memorial and the renovation work carried out there, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, museum. a space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is told rather than through facts, although there is quite a lot of information presented there, in every room there are information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history from the 10th to the 20th century, if... information about the post-war period, about how memory was preserved about those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on
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the territory of our country during the 3 years of occupation, but of course, this is the emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion, and the artistic solution of the museum allows us to do this very authentically, and people are like schoolchildren. students , young people and adults alike, they note that this is truly a complete immersion in those tragic events. well, you have data that at the end of last year, khatyn was visited by a lot of belarusians, about half a million, and also foreigners came, there were more than 11 thousand people, why do you think our memorial complex is so popular. the memorial itself is such an open book that allows you to see the result of any military man.
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such a central place, but very important a place in historical memory is occupied, of course, by the events of the second
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world war, the occupation, which lasted on the territory of belarus for a full 3 years, led to huge human losses, it was truly a policy of genocide, a tactic of scorched earth, when on the territory of our country from the first to the last days, the military carries out punitive operations, as a result of which villages are burned across... kali bachysh.


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