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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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the project includes 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. friends, good news! country, this new day on the belarus 1 tv channel from the satellite belarus 24, we, mariana murenkova and anna kviloriya, meet you, everything is according to plan, as they say, today is april 22, this is also according to plan and 6:00, also according to our plan plan, how quickly time flies, again a new week, again monday, anna valerievna, and spring , i would say, is already running out once every 22nd day of april, but by the way, on this monday.
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proposes to celebrate international earth day, yes, its goal is to draw attention to environmental problems. and today nature decided to remind us once again that we are all subject to it. no matter what umbrellas we buy, raincoats, no matter what cars we buy, the weather dictates our mood, how we dress, how we get to work, school, and so on. according to weather forecasters, strong winds, rain and wet weather are expected in the morning and afternoon. snow, thunderstorms in places, in general, such a set of a slightly hysterical winter. don't be afraid, dears. our tv viewers, anna valeryevna, decided to immediately broadcast this synoptic negative at the beginning of the broadcast, then only good, only funny, only the most positive news, by the way, for comparison, in ninety- seven i looked on the internet, it was minus four, so now the weather is still good, let's greet this monday with such an optimistic, good mood, wake up, and we have appropriate music, listen, get inspired.
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crispy pieces of dried ciabatta, juicy the pulp of tomatoes, the pleasant aroma of basil and the slight tartness of olive oil, this is what ponzanella is, a summer tuscan salad - the energy of the sun. and the lightness of the wind. we play with the classics: add chicken liver, seasonal vegetables, olives, and black olives to get a warm alyapanella salad, which can be the main dish for lunch or dinner. so, first, dry the ciabatta, tear the pieces of bread with your hands, put them in a baking dish, add a little chopped garlic, olive oil, pepper, mix and place in a preheated until 18. at this time we are preparing the chicken
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liver, for the marinade we chop the garlic, chop the shallots, a stalk of celery and add to the liver, a little vegetable oil, salt, pepper, mix and put in the refrigerator for 5 minutes, prepare the salad base, cut in half olives, cherry tomatoes. cut the cucumber into thin slices and add leaves. and parsley, a little salt, pepper, olive oil and mix. place pieces of dried ciabatta and vegetable salad base on a serving plate, fry the pickled chicken liver until golden color, cover with a lid and leave on low heat for another couple of minutes. do not overcook the liver on the fire, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and tenderness.
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place the piping hot fried liver on a serving plate with the ciabatta and vegetables. the dish is ready, enjoy your meal. have a good mood. turn on youtube, all the performers from all three seasons of factorby can be rewatched, in fact. there, on youtube. friends, well, we continue to help you wake up. and this is what we have planned for the next hour of our program. today is the day forensic expert, we will learn about the peculiarities of the work of these unique specialists in the morning watch from nastya rudskaya, a dog named harry, right now you see him on your screens in our headings of our heading home, let's help this magical puppy find loving owners. let's make our country's morning good, let's see what time your working day starts. vladimir grabenchuk, cnc machine operator, this means. then
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we will tell you what this means, yes, sport gives the family strength of spirit year after year, how was the big holiday for their children parents, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh will tell you. skip it, it will be fun, interesting sports. well, by the way, this is not all the plans for today, there are thousands of participants and millions of trees. in belarus , the let's match our laces at once campaign ended this saturday, about its results, today is international earth day, we'll talk with anastasia motskevich, press secretary of the ministry of forestry of belarus. and we will begin the third part of our broadcast in the company of astrologer katarina korneva, which is something to be wary of during the end of mercury retrograde for... which signs of the zodiac may will be the most favorable, all the details are in our astrological forecast, how our astrologer katya korneva constantly has her finger on the pulse, it seems to me that even mercury itself is not aware that it is retrograde, we constantly monitor it, you know, we predict that not to get out of hand, marianka, and not to
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get out of hand, our football player anatoly moiseev, we also give him our word every day, he has a new recipe every day, today he will cook very unusual rice cakes, i don’t know what... it will be, maybe it's like this type of sushi, no, these will be rice cakes, rice cakes, look, write down, cook, good morning, i propose to prepare lean rice cakes for breakfast today, yes, you heard right, none with rice filling, as they sell in the culinary market, exactly from boiled rice. for cooking we need boiled rice, carrots, onions, rice flour, garlic, salt and pepper, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion into small cubes, crush the garlic with a knife and chop it, fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil until soft, then add the carrots and simmer until done,
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put the boiled rice in a bowl, add salt and pepper to taste and blend with a blender. add sautéed vegetables, add four tablespoons of rice flour, knead into a homogeneous mass, with wet hands make pies, thanks to its stickiness, rice holds all the ingredients together well, and the pies hold their shape perfectly, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil over medium heat. a few minutes on each side. they turn out incredibly appetizing and nutritious rice cakes that do not contain an ounce of meat. the crispy crust and juicy flesh, thanks to the addition of vegetables, makes the rice cakes very tasty. such
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pies have a triple benefit: nutritional value, speed of preparation and accessibility. be sure to try it! eat! healthy, and most importantly tasty, bon appetit! i received permission from the general staff to open a state security intelligence school in kiev. so what is my role in this? organization, leadership. and control who will do the work selection of people? you, is this war? yes, what are you, kostya, what kind of war will they give you an appointment, we’ll go to a unit, you’ll get a job as a teacher, we’ll get a job as a kid, comrade petko, what are you doing, people are watching, let them watch, what if they
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call the police, let them call you, jacket, yes, of course, yes, wait, here are the candidates that i selected, komsomol members, one criminal, if now you give a purely heartfelt confession, you will go as an accomplice, you will go to prison, of course, i do not promise you justice, i propose to benefit your homeland, if you do you agree, today i will enroll you in one of the books, of which there are three books, the first contains the insignia of wehrmacht personnel, in the life of the mistress of the desired officer? watch the series scouts on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we also decided not to look at overseas countries and arrived in the belarusian
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city, where alexander vasilyevich suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago there were lower. a resident caught a wobbler, that is , a plastic decoy fish weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus24 tv channel.
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we continue to wake up, today is a new monday, a new week, april 22nd calendar, anna quiloria, marianna murenko welcome you to this amazing, i am sure, wonderful, wonderful week, and even if it is not very warm in terms of synoptics, but in the soul it is warm, yes anna, of course, now i will tell you the indicators, you when you understand that you don’t really agree with maryana vasilievna, but i’ll still do it, +3 +5 this afternoon will be in minsk, in brest. up to 10° celsius, up to 12 with a plus sign will be in vitebsk, as is not surprising, 9:11 with a plus sign in
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gomel, in grodno 5-7° celsius, and +8 +10 it is expected in mogilev, there will be precipitation everywhere throughout the country, they say that this may not happen in brest, that’s all i wanted to say, vitebsk surprises, vitebsk surprises, well, because apparently it has already had its share.
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almost 2.5 million people took part in it ; about 14.5 million belarusian rubles were collected, and
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35% of these funds will go to the reconstruction of the memorial complex to child victims of the war in krasny bereg, another 35 creation of the republican center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of kobrin fortifications of the brest fortress. and another 30% will go to the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes of places of military glory, which are located in the regions - in minsk. and in minsk. yes. on the eve of the professional holiday , the team of the state forensic expertise committee also took part in the cleanup; this monday, april 22, is actually the day of the forensic medical expert. how do we congratulate you? the significance of the work of the state forensic expertise committee is difficult to overestimate. in most criminal cases without expert conclusions it is simply impossible to establish the truth. expertise is also the most important source of evidence in civil, economic and administrative cases. we will learn more about the work of these unique specialists, without exaggeration, in the morning watch at 360
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together with nastya rudskaya. today, april 22 , forensic experts in our country celebrate their professional holiday. we go to the state forensic examination committee of the republic of belarus. the committee was formed in 2013 based on a presidential decree. in one the department united forensic experts, a division of the authority. internal affairs, employees of the forensic medical examination service and other expert specialists. during this time, the entire regulatory framework was prepared, the main one. all premises, all material and technical base were inspected and certain decisions were made so that the state committee could function fully. as for the functions that the committee performs, of course, first of all it is the production of expert examinations , research, inspection of incident sites in all directions throughout the territory of the entire republic, this is the maintenance of forensic
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records, and the most important thing is the definition of a single forensic expert. politics in the state. experts improve their professional level, develop unique research methods, and also expand the range of examinations carried out. we received a soldier's medallion for examination. it is no secret that we conduct examinations in many criminal cases, including high-profile ones related to the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. patriotic war. the soldavian medallion was intact, thanks to the skillful actions of the expert, which means that the paper insert was removed, we did not damage it, this is rare for objects of this kind, we unfolded it and... then began to examine it, the text was practically not visible on this one - a piece of paper and again using expert methods of certain manipulations, we showed it. this is a laboratory of physical analysis methods, here we study metal alloys, traces of gunshots, precious stones, explosives, pyrotechnic products
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and other objects of inorganic nature. since 2018, hismological research has been carried out across the entire spectrum. valuable stones, a study of a piece of jewelry was recently completed, stated to cost 35,000 us dollars. it turned out that the stone was not a diamond at all, but not an expensive synthetic material, musanite. one of the most popular types of chemical examinations is the study of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors. forensic experts work directly at the scene of incidents. specialists of other profiles conduct forensic, medical psychiatric, genetic... examinations of objects of animal origin , we conduct research to detect biological traces originating from animals, establish the species origin, their genotype and compare with each other they come from the same individual, as well as the breeding of animals between yourself. the staff of the state forensic expertise committee are erudite and talented specialists,
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engaged in a task that requires enormous dedication. today we can say with confidence that the state. doing their job. forensic expert day is a holiday that brings together true professionals who have dedicated their lives to serving the fatherland. on this day, i want to wish everyone success and new achievements for the benefit of our republic of belarus. we also join in congratulating the brilliant results of the difficult,
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but such important work of strength, health and success. there is neither night nor day, you, i have the fatherland, the people, there is service. i have simple words, duty and honor and 102, justice, law and friendship, we are always on the edge, every day we are in battle, for peace and order, happiness in children's eyes, thanks to our father, this is our best
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reward. we are where we are needed, every day, every hour, every moment, in the name of the country, we keep order and order, our duty, our life, is to protect, to be faster than we can see. we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and it will always be so, there is an oath, with '. gas and the country takes us, there is a task, a signal, there is a challenge, we are protected the line beyond which are the intersections of all
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the red lines, every day we are in the ranks, for the people, for the family, the safety of the capital's streets, here comrade is my brother. and behind us are those who did not return from the call, we are where we are needed, every day, every hour, every minute, in the name of the country, we keep the law of creation, our duty, our... to protect life, to be faster than trouble is, we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and
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it will always be so. we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and this will always be the case, we are where we are needed. every day, every hour, every mic, in the name of the country, we maintain law and order, our
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property, our life, to protect, to be faster than trouble, we are where we are needed, we are there. where we are needed, and this will always be the case, we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and this will always be the case, good early for belarus, we continue to wake up this morning, i remind you that today is monday, today is a new week, logically, yes, if to think, monday, a new week, yes, an amazing conclusion, on april 25 in gomel in the palace
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of the rumyantsevs and paskevich the exhibition and the furnace in motley ridges begin work, and i know what marina tsvetaeva immediately remembers, and in the middle of the room there is a huge tiled stove, in each tile there is a picture, roses, a heart, a ship, in the only window, snow, snow, no, not that, you just practically took away all my words, we are just ...we wanted to tell you about this, stove tiles have always performed not only a heating, but also a decorative function in the interior of a house; in different historical periods, tiles had their own differences in shape, method of making decorations, in some places there is snow, in others somewhere... some luck, somewhere a rose, somewhere a ship, everything is like tsvitaeva’s, and in the collection of the museum of the gomel palace and park ensemble there are growths from the 16th-18th centuries, by the way, they were discovered during archaeological excavations in gomel, chechersk and loyva. the tiles have been preserved mainly in a fragmentary state, but even from a small part one can see their unique beauty. yes, in fact, this is amazing, from these tiles you can
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study eras, study the owners of the palace and castle school of production, study where these tiles were made, absolutely true, and if you also visit, for example, somewhere in the workshops belrestoration, which actually reproduces this tile, as it is also called in another way, oh, this is generally surprising, that is, with the preservation of just everything. of all colors, this is how they do it, of course, these are unique specialists, you can also read a whole story about the stove, you know, where there are also beautiful stoves in huge quantities from rostovaya, this is the loshedsky estate, of course, so come there too if you are in in the capital, watch the people on the stove, here we have sketched out for you maryana vasilyevno different locations to visit on weekends and not only on weekends, this is the news that came to us from the uk, where they retired a golden retriever who became a dad for more than three... according to employees of the charity organization, which included a nine-year-old pet named trigger, he helped hundreds of people .
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wonderful, gentle character, excellent health, made him an ideal dad for the breeding program. now the organization’s employees are pinning their hopes on billy, the puppy born from trigger, the dog will be retired living in the house of a woman who has been looking after him for the last 7 years, it's very sweet, what do i want to say, trigger, retriever, trigger, well done, 300 puppies, can you imagine why he has such a name, he somehow triggered females, how to live son, well, i don’t know , we’ll probably talk about this in our next video reviews, perhaps, but this is not certain, experienced dogs are being replaced by very small puppies with one such cute creature, we want to introduce you right now , the magic dog harry is looking for his
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owners. good morning, today a puppy named harry will be looking for his way home, this handsome guy is only one and a half months old, he is an affectionate, cheerful, mischievous baby. gary has a difficult life story, this baby has already managed to fight for his life, a random passer-by found him in a garbage bag, and then took him away. home, fed him, gave him something to drink, but couldn’t keep him. our gary is so charming that once you meet this little guy, you won’t want to part with him. this handsome guy is a sensitive, playful, sociable guy, always happy to meet people, while joyfully wagging their tail. this puppy is cheerful and energetic, and because he wants to get to know this world as quickly as possible, he is sometimes impatient. gary has been treated for
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parasites, is not picky about food, this little guy loves to climb into a person’s arms and fall asleep in his arms. our handsome boy is already slowly getting used to walking outside, so he will be happy to accompany you on your walk. to me, to me, gary, to me! well done, what a smart puppy you are! harry will grow up to be a large dog; both an apartment and a private house will suit him for living, but with the possibility of free walking around the territory. our harry is the most gentle puppy in the world, who is ready to give all his tenderness and love to his future owner. take a closer look at this baby and call the phone number shown on your screen.
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tv news agency presents a review of popular print and online publications, the belarusian pavilion at moscow's vdnkh, updated on behalf of the president , has taken its place among the most famous and effective demonstration sites in our country, abroad, and history in the last six months belarusian pavilion - the history of vdnkh itself. however, in 1934, when the idea of ​​organizing a grandiose exhibition site in the capital of the ussr, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the october revolution, was born, it received the name all-union agricultural exhibition. over these decades, belarusian achievements have not been lost and are attracting more and more attention. the correspondent of the people's newspaper
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looked into the history of the legendary. compared the past with the present. attracting children's attention to nature is a task with an asterisk, even more difficult lay the foundations of environmental thinking so that children learn to care for the environment from a very early age. outdoor activities , where fidgets learn new things about plants, birds and animals, are very captivating for preschoolers and schoolchildren in a playful way. there are environmental teachers in belarus. as a result, kids know more than many adults. what is taught in green classes in minsk and how ecology classes instill in children a love of nature, sb belarus correspondents found out today. choosing the most interesting tourist sites for travel, correspondents of the rural newspaper came to the conclusion that with such diversity it is not difficult to get confused, based on the recommendations of residents of a particular region, their own impressions of traveling around the country , they formulated a list of tourist sites
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that are located in the countryside and are sometimes deprived of the attention of visitors. traditionally , tourists associate the vitebsk region with the slavic bazaar, braslav lakes, st. sophia cathedral and marc chagall. listed events. objects and personalities are absolutely important and obligatory familiarization, but the region’s heritage is more diverse. the rural newspaper has collected several interesting, exclusively rural addresses of the region, by visiting which you can rediscover this beautiful region. vitaminosis is a pathological condition that develops due to the lack of one or more vitamins in the human body. you can suddenly come to visit, and vitaminosis can happen at any time of the year, but in the fall in the spring. this probability increases due to a long period of lack of sunlight, depletion of vitamin reserves, insufficient intake of nutrients from food. the head of the minsk city center for hygiene and epidemiology , snezhana cavrigo
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, told the minsk news agency correspondent why this condition is dangerous, how to prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency and how to compensate for the lack of useful microelements. love, the quickly winged eyelid, disappeared like melted snow, gardened like an autumn garden, it won’t be brought
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back, repeat it first, we must repeat it all first, well back, or maybe the night shouldn’t rush everything about how i should be, or maybe start everything again , i i don't want to lose you, i can't. to lose you, oh, how should i be,
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show me, a lonely ray, lavnom... cost, we should repeat everything all over again, oh, how should i be, or maybe start everything again, i don’t want to kill you, i can’t kill you, oh , what
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do i do. maybe the night shouldn’t rush everything all over again , repeat it all over again for us. we continue to welcome the morning of monday april 22 on the calendar on the belarus tv channel 1
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satellite tv channel belarus 24 continue to share useful information with you maryana morenkova and anna kviloriya this is the news that came to us from north america marya strongly established a new world there. ballerinas did it in new york. at a signal, 353 dancers simultaneously stood on pointe shoes and quickly performed the so -called drill checkers for a minute. this is a special kind of choreography. thus, they beat the achievement of 2019, then 306 ballerinas gathered for the current record ; girls from different states and even other countries came to new york, so they decided to congratulate the organizers of the world's largest international scholarship ballet competition, which turned 25 years old, which i was amazed.
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well, what can i tell you, sometimes i ask myself and those around me in general, why do they do this, well, just probably because life is interesting, anna valerievna, many achievements in this life happen because ... so that a person has it’s more interesting to live, in this case, as a ballerina, in principle there probably can’t be any other explanation, yes, if you haven’t yet found your calling, as these 3603, 353 girls did, then we know where they can help you, the general republican fair starts today vacancies for youth, which will present more than 25 thousand available jobs, and will involve more than 2 thousand employers from various fields of activity. industrial enterprises, trade organizations,
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hotel and restaurant businesses, forestry agriculture. fair participants will be able to undergo interviews with employers, receive advice on assistance in finding employment, and complete professional testing to choose a future career path. you can also take the test online using a special service, which is located on the portal of the state employment service. step into the profession is a large-scale digital career guidance resource for all students. regardless of their age, so go ahead , all detailed information about the job fair can be found on the website of the ministry of labor and social protection of the republic of belarus. you can get acquainted with various professions using our regular column. today we are going to vladimir grabenchuk’s workplace, and there will now be the sound of a cnc machine, i promised to tell you about this, that it is well, these are machines with cnc program digital control. program control, let’s see, my name is vladimir
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grabinchuk, i’ve been working at the wheeled tractor plant since 2007, specializing as a sixth-class machine tool operator and non-mapulator, at 6:00 in the morning i’m already on the machine, on the equipment, warming it up, looking through everything. i perform a certain type of work, my responsibilities include setting up, adjusting equipment, as well as manufacturing parts of a certain accuracy class, this is directly my workplace where i work, this is not this, let’s just say, this is the part that i’m sharpening, the morning is starting, here’s another one of my workplaces, also a part that ’s being laid,
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i talked to the person i first talked to in fs9 in order to get a job, it was the boss workshop, when he gave me a brief briefing, brought me to my workplace, specifically, indicated where i was, what i would be, there was no doubt in my mind to stay in this particular workshop under the leadership of this man, i have been working since 2007 , today it is 17 full years, no questions asked. no, i produce such
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parts and the quantity of such parts that are distributed throughout the enterprise, in different areas, in different workshops, in different ones, some units are immediately assembled, but since the quality of my parts depends a lot, so i believe that my work is important, i love my job because it...
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you hide your eyes from me already in the middle of belodnya, you kiss someone else in front of everyone. vaina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina-na, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, i love you, faina, faina.
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paina faina, faina faina faina, faina faina, and what is the name of faina faina, just give it to the song. to tears, well, why did you turn my nose away, dear, even if i ’m not good for you, i will forget my sadness and sadness, our song will remain only ours and let it be file, file, file, file, file, file,
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file, file , faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina, faina.
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we also talked about energy, because right now our studio is an engineer, how long will i hold my hand, come quickly, pavel levashov, good morning, you’ve already laid out the rug, you’re standing sports position, that we will be completely ready 100%, the whole body, the whole body, today our exercises will be perhaps difficult, but i have no doubt. that everything will work out for you, first let’s go, we hope, yes, we will stretch our shoulders a little so that the shoulder joint is in our exercises, very good, we will not be our shoulders, some others, but our shoulders, these are the movements, first in front of you , then to the sides, everything is simple, everything is slow, smoothly
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under control, then we will lower ourselves to the waist, circular movement of the pelvis, this is it pre-warm-up kit... to do breathing, inhale-exhale, plow, your knees are a little dry, your knees are okay, of course, of course, they should be dry, but what does this
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exercise give, let’s figure it out, it seems to me that it stretches very well the lower back, the lower back is stretched, basically the whole body, plus aerobic exercise is in the morning, yes we are charging, we wake up as much as possible in this exercise, and a stretched lower back is our youth, i’m right, of course, of course, i say here the legs are also working, everything, shoulder girdle, exhale, good, 40 legs work like that. next there will be a difficult exercise, we are not afraid of difficulties, but we are not afraid of difficulties, we stand in a lying position, we will have one push-up and we will throw one of our legs forward, that is , if we remain on one hand, this leg is on the left, then our right leg goes forward, so, let's go, we stand, do push-ups and throw one leg forward, that is, if we stand on our left hand, we remain, then our left arm goes, no leg, i haven’t thrown it out yet, here we are do push-ups, show slowly, here we get up and throw it away, it’s clear,
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we need to do this quickly, let me count and you do it, 1 2 3 4 good, 1 2 3 4 you just praised yourself, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 let’s just of course let's see how long pavel will last, until the evening of course. you’re somehow holding yourself up on just your hands, pasha, don’t wait, let’s do it again slowly, not everyone understands now, not everyone understands, that is , we still have the left hand and the left leg goes forward, the right one on the foot, we come back, do push-ups again , yeah, that is, we expose the right one, yeah, but the left one remains, that is, i understand that he pumps up his legs, pumps up his arms, pumps up his side, by the way, he works very hard here, yes, so, then, next, the cord fell out, you see, it’s no big deal, then there will be cross-legged jumps us, that is , the inserted one... one leg, in front, the other behind, and we will change jumps into a step, oh, that's it, let's go into a step, maybe i'm getting up,
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i need to wake up already, finally, carefully, only in heels, this it’s a challenge, yes, you know, let’s go, that is, we stand up, we can even change positions in a jump, carefully, transmitters, and change in a jump, i apologize right away for the sound mode, no, wait, someone take this woman. so wait, i’ll throw it away, it’s better to do it safely, excuse me, so that we don’t stop 1 2 3, uh, more, three, mom, more, i’m holding, i’m also changing, you know, thanks to ah, our morning, morning exercises have turned, okay , i, listen, i woke up, cheerfulness, i ’ll put on my shoes later, it’s okay, pash, one more exercise for maryaana vasilievna, otherwise she’s sitting out. of course, on soap cora, again we stand upright lying down and we will change legs in this way, once, maryana, this is especially for you, you know, i’ve already
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done this in the morning, i don’t like to repeat myself, i’ve already changed legs, yes, once twice, oh, what a cool exercise , in fact, how gorgeously it stretches the spine, twisting just the dress and if i were another 20 years younger, i would do that, anna is now asking for a compliment, it’s not enough for pavel to say. i 'll tell you, if you found the courage and strength to do all five complexes, you just well done, you will be like little strings, and i commented on all the exercises, it feels like i did them, as if i had done them, my friends, it was mariana murenkova, anna quiloria, pavel livashov, our sports team, friends, well, us. .. we continue our broadcast, yes, we continue our broadcast and give the floor to olesya boyarskaya, she also has something from sports. sport
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gives a family strength of spirit year after year, it was under this motto that a mass sports event was held in one of the capital’s schools, that’s what was there, you’ll see right now. the purpose of the competition, held by the education committee of the mingiris executive committee, is the presentation of olympic sports. sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as attracting youth and parents to regular physical education classes. on the sixth day of school , parents are very often involved in joint events with their children, at the bases of all educational institutions, and today it’s just such a large-scale regional event that includes several locations and several nominations at the same time. secondary school number 204 started with a swimming master class from students from dushore neptune. the guys swam
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the distance in different styles. backstroke, breaststroke, breaststroke b families of an educational institution in the moscow region will take part in relay swimming; each participant will overcome a distance of 25 m to achieve a common result, and the olympic lesson is a complex event, which includes a poster competition, the olympic movement in the republic of belarus and some information about the achievements of belarusian swimmers. how mood? cheers, i see you are so positively invigorated, wonderful, i liked it, of course, we came here with a positive mood and hope to win, i am taking part for the second time, i swam for school, and i love swimming, i really like it, too on the basis of the competition , a training session on adaptive swimming was held for children with autism spectrum disorder,
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the aquatic environment is a drug-free rehabilitation, that is... during a swimming lesson, children relieve psycho-emotional stress, they become more active intellectual and physical development. during swimming lessons, children with special needs adapt to the society of their peers and increase their social status. classes with such children are different, the loads are given in smaller quantities. all exercises should be selected taking into account age and health status. and...
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this is our first such experience, of course, well, it ’s unforgettable to see your child in such, well, in such general circumstances at competitions, i really liked it, because it’s my first time participating in competitions, how were you, good, good, it was scary, a little, a little, well done, you did it.
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winners of this cup, but the most important thing is that this whole event took place in the circle of family, families, isn’t this team building, the one that everyone always talks about, that spending time together strengthens the family, the team, yes, whatever , in fact, now it’s time to spend time together with maryana vasilievna, although she is a little far away, she will now announce the weather to us all over the country temperature indicators, yes, i would give this to april. winner's cup for unpredictability , in fact, it's customary to scold the april weather, but i will praise it, look at what excellent morning indicators up to +3 precipitation in the minsk region p2 +4 in the brezh region, now in the vitebsk region plus4 +6, i think this is a reward for really this snow on the weekend, but they say: the vitebsk region is higher than all the temperature indicators this
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morning, the same situation in gomel, in grodny +1 +3 and... +10 in mogilev, there will be precipitation everywhere, except brez region, well, okay, because weather forecasters promise us significant warming by the end of the week and these are also excellent indicators, we are enjoying this spring, the first part of our live broadcast is coming to an end on this positive note, the title of optimist of the year goes to marianna morinkova, anna quiloria , like a slight pessimist, while saying goodbye to you, but with the hope that we will meet you immediately after
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the news block, because our colleague is waiting for us there. press secretary of the ministry of forestry of belarus. and at the third hour please wait for our astrologer, don’t switch, we’ll be back immediately after the news block. left arms, i’ll spread them painfully wide, and i’ll move my legs away, high will cover.
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you make noise, make noise above me, you assipian lord, caress the earth. the bench, the edge of the old man's hotel, i'm old, i'm grazing the bread, and i'll lie down, behind the work, make noise, make noise, above me are the verozies, kala shchytse lyulyaets, my own for centuries, and i'll lie down,
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lie down, the edge of the old moose, on the spiritual pragose do not ripen the grass. and i'll kick the edge of the gastsa old man on the perfumed prakos, do not sing the herbs. belarus.
7:00 am
good morning, monday april 22, information week for belarus 1 and belarus 24.


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