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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a man truck in front with a tank flew into control, after which the mazda slid into a bend and overturned from the resulting injuries, a forty-nine-year-old passenger in the car died, the drivers , a twenty-six-year-old passenger in the car, was in the hospital, it is known that none of them were wearing a seat belt, in borisov a pedestrian died under the wheels, it all happened late in the evening, when a volvo driver hit a fifty-six-year-old local woman, it was established that she was crossing the road in the wrong place, and the pedestrian died. at the scene of the incident it is also known that she did not have a flicker. a motorcyclist died in grodno. the biker initially lost control. the motorcycle slid to the side of the road and fell. the man died on the spot, and the passenger was taken to the hospital with a head injury and a chest contusion. by the way, only the driver was wearing a motorcycle helmet. in the lyubensky district, emergency workers rescued a woman during a fire. the emergency was reported in the village of urechye at around 11 pm. when rescuers
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arrived at the scene, someone was coming from under the roof. strong smoke. firefighters on the bed in the living room they found the owner and carried her out into the fresh air. she was taken to the hospital with a preliminary diagnosis of combustion poisoning. property and walls in the room were damaged , preliminary version of the emergency, careless handling of fire when smoking. vitebsk customs officers discovered an illegal shipment of fruit worth half a million rubles. the movement of three trucks was stopped on the belarusian-russian section of the border. 60 tons of pears were illegally transported to russia in cars. drivers, realizing that there were no legal documents, pointedly refused to comply with the legal demands of customs officers, one tried to escape altogether, for opposing employees, the drivers have already been brought to administrative responsibility, for which the perpetrators received a large fine for 24 hours; they will have to fork out for the illegal movement of goods. this was the project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on
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instagram. have a nice day, stay with him , take your things from as long as he can retrograde in 4 days, the retrograde will be over by the weekend, we will breathe easy, there is always some kind of after-the-fact impact will this trail from mercury be in this? i think no, after all, there have already been a lot of intense events, there was a planetary war and there was a corridor of eclipses, i already think that we have lived through all the consequences safely, such residual last days of retrograde
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mercury will pass easily. all the dishes, you won’t break all the dishes in the house, everything will be fine, why would this end with everyone, in fact, yes, after april 26 it will already be possible to make some large purchases, because while this planet is retrograde it is undesirable, it will be possible to conclude it’s already possible to submit some agreements, contracts, applications to the legislative office, for example, while retrograde mercury was undesirable, so bring it, well, or march to the start, well, we said behind the scenes that if you have some kind of a balanced act, you have long wanted something there... to buy something there or plan something there, then you have long planned to do something, yes, then we then begin to implement it, even during this period, yes, it is very important during the retrograde period, even before friday, after all
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he is retrograde mercury, and it is better not to make any spontaneous purchases or make any quick decisions, because these are tricks, and she is trying to justify her large purchase, but in mercury retrograde, everything will be fine, we discussed what if we planned it a long time ago, then everything is fine. well , of course, there is also a nuance that now mercury is in a planetary war with venus, but in general, yes, this is actually not a simple situation, although both planets are considered benefactors, that is, they rarely give negative results, however less mercury is still logic, analytics is the mind, and venus is feelings, here logic and feelings will argue, the mind and the heart may not agree, that is, there may be some internal conflicts when the soul requires one thing , and... that is, venus is calling somewhere on some kind of emotional impulse, so logic and cold reason will stop, say that this is irrational, illogical, here a person may not decide how to find
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this balance for some families now, in fact, it is very important here to still look individual chart, because if you have stronger mercury in your birth chart, then of course logic will win, you need
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to listen to the rational. we have approached the full moon, soon there will also be a full moon this week, in principle, if, for example, someone is already planting seedlings and flowers, then this is a good , prosperous time, because while the moon is growing, it is believed that any grain planted in the ground , it will sprout and there will be
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bright fruits, but with this rain, with this snow in the vitebsk region, what kind of seedlings will they ask? some people think that if it’s on a windowsill, then everything will grow great in a warm place, in a house, maybe, now in... but it’s super good, but it’s super good, let’s probably start with those for whom this is a planetary war, who is better to be guided by feelings and some emotions, these are taurus, libra, capricorn and aquarius, these four
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signs are better to listen to the heart, i will need to cut out this fragment of the program and then show it to all my relatives, look, if anything happens, i was given permission by all responsibility lies with the astrologer, and sign of gemini, virgo, but it’s better to listen to logic, to the rational part of yours, but because they are led by mercury, yes, they still have mercury stronger, it controls them more, for all other signs. this position is quite neutral, but nevertheless it is probably better not to make any important decisions, because the conflict may be the most successful, as it seems to me, may, for example, will be for scorpios and for taurus, it’s just a very good month for these signs, well, for the rest, in principle, in principle may, june july is very good, these are the best months of the year, but there is also a very important day, may 10th - this is
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the best day of the year, in principle, yeah. it was necessary to start traveling immediately on may 10, again it’s important to have a good time, yes, that is, to get to know someone well, it is believed that only good, useful acquaintances will be made on this day, in general , literally. everything, everything that you don’t do, everything will go for your benefit, what day, maryana vasilievna, i’ll give you something, i don’t know yet, it’s useful, it’s important information, if for someone who believes in something, naturally, has the weight of the word karma, or you are in some religious tradition, then on this day it is good to atone for some sins, repent of some mistakes, it is believed that on this day you can change your destiny for the better, so if you are very worried about... your past, some wrong action, for example, committed, then this day, yes,
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this day can be reworked, absolutely right, that is go to confession if you are in another spiritual tradition just some kind do the practice, if you sincerely repent, then your fate will really change, and what else is useful to do, perhaps some household things, i don’t know, take a bath on this day from morning to evening, stop legalizing these baths of yours, like this, i probably didn’t take this day lightly, having to lie in the bathroom all day. here you need to have time to make purchases, meet someone, give someone something as a gift, and generally go somewhere in the world and go on a trip, how to manage it all, here you are you say, yes, go on a trip on this day, when it is better to return from leaving, this is also important, by the way, it is also important, on may 18 you definitely cannot go on a trip and you definitely cannot return the day, it is better to avoid - get behind the wheel. and in general be in transport somewhere near the road, because
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the planet mars will be in a very dangerous position, it is responsible for transport, for the cost of the room without making a mistake, and this is saturday, by the way, no, you can leave the room, but on foot, here on bicycles, scooters, it is advisable not to ride on this day, he after all, such an increased incidence of injuries may occur, including, for example, if you are an athlete or just have a gym there on that day, it is better to reschedule some kind of training, because on may 18 it is just so traumatic, watch sitting out the window , yes? no, this is your business, but we warned you, well, now we’ll give the floor
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to anatoly moiseev, we’ll prepare rice cakes. good morning, i suggest making lean rice pies for breakfast today. yes, yes, you heard right, not with rice filling, as they sell in cooking, but from boiled rice. to prepare, we need boiled rice, carrots, onions, flour, garlic, salt and pepper, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onions into small cubes, crush the garlic with a knife and chop, fry the onions and garlic in vegetable oil until soft, then add the carrots and simmer until cooked, put the boiled rice in a bowl, add salt and pepper to taste and blend with a blender,
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add sauteed vegetables, add 4 tablespoons of rice flour, knead into a homogeneous mass, make pies with your hands, thanks to its stickiness, the rice holds all the ingredients together well and the pies hold their shape perfectly. roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil over medium heat for several minutes on each side. the result is incredibly appetizing and nutritious rice cakes, which do not contain a single gram of meat. the crispy crust and juicy pulp, thanks to the addition of vegetables, makes rice pies very tasty; such pies have a triple benefit: nutritional value, speed of cooking and availability, be sure to try it, eat healthy, and most importantly tasty,
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bon appetit! i’ll leave at dawn, i’ll return if i can,
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the wind is at my will, but i won’t have time to catch it, the taiga is miles away, the star barely shines. siberia, who will answer, if you shout, taiga and kilometers, the star barely shines, sibit, who will answer, if you shout, knee-deep snow. deeper even higher, i ’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, yes the game, yes
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the kilometers, the star or the light, siberia, who will answer you if you shout at... daiga for kilometers, the star barely shines, beat who will answer, if you shout, snow and blizzards, frosts and mycelium, not too late and not
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too early, but suddenly. the star barely shines siberian. who will answer you, if you shout, i’ll leave at dawn, i’m no longer jealous of you, no one will help now, i’ll drown in siberia, yes the game, yes the game, yes the game, yes the kilometers. the star barely shines, sibi, who will answer you when you poke it. taiga is
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miles away, the star barely shines, sibi, whoever
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answers you will shout. job fair for youth, which will present more than 25,000 available workers places more than 2,000
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employers from various fields of activity, industrial enterprises, trade organizations, hotel and restaurant businesses, and forestry will take part in it. fair participants will be able to undergo interviews with employers, receive advice on assistance in employment, and complete professional testing to choose a future career path. you know, i was so tuned in to the word career trajectory that you said everything very well, we understand you, you can take the test online with using a special service, which is located on the website, on the portal of the state employment service. a step into a profession is a large-scale digital resource for professional guidance for all citizens, regardless of their age, and we want to especially emphasize this, even if you are 45, even if you are 60, you can always go into some
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interesting, beautiful field by listening during this period, it is to your heart, and you can also listen to our program, program and get acquainted with various professions with the help of our a regular column, and today we are going to the workplace of vladimir grabenchuk. my name is vladimir, grobenchuk, i have been working at the wheeled tractor plant since 2007, in
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my specialty. i warm it up, look through everything, and do a certain type of work. my responsibilities include setting up and adjusting equipment, as well as manufacturing parts of a certain accuracy class. this is directly my workplace where i work, this is not this, let’s put it this way. this is the part that i sharpen, the morning begins, here is another one of my workplaces, too the part itself, which is placed there during processing, is clamped, sharpened, then measured, during adjustment, on average, well , somewhere around 80, 95, even 100 pieces, if you try to work without lunch, then you can easily put a hundred of these parts into cm. probably , one of the important questions was which team i would end up in. and the first impression when you come across a team is made by the person with
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whom you first talked, the person with whom i first talked. in order to get a job, it was the head of the workshop, when he gave me a brief briefing, brought me to my workplace, specifically indicated where i was, what i would be, there was no doubt in my mind to stay in this particular workshop under the leadership of this man, i have been working since 2007, to date a day is 17 full years, there are no questions, i
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make such... what a wonderful hero, i adore him in general, thank you very much for the fact that such a wonderful person in his workplace does everything that depends on him, and then further on good result, yes we have good mood, because it seems to me that vladimir didn’t even understand, when they asked him why you love your job, he answered, as a matter of course, yes, so we wish vladimir a great day, yes friends, and in the meantime interesting news came to us from chicago's brookfield zoo, there for the first time. the public was shown baby meerkats, maryana vasilyevna, show me too, with pleasure, if you have never seen what meerkats look like, look, two males and two females were born in february, they came out into the open enclosure only a few days ago, the animals very active, they run, play, have fun, in a word, meerkats, yes, according to veterinarians, babies now feed on mother's milk, but they already
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add fresh vegetables and quail eggs to their diet, meerkats are the most common. in the wild in south africa, where some families even have them as pets, they are easy to tame, they are great at catching mice , snakes, that is, a meerkat somewhere in south america, like our cat, how cute they are, just lovely, listen, it’s interesting, but meerkat and gophers, they are about from the same family or not, i don’t know, you need to ask the veda meerkat, and such exist, yes, if we find it, we will let you know, so far we have not met a single meerkat expert on our life’s journey. it doesn’t matter who they look like, it doesn’t matter what subspecies or species, the important thing is that animals really improve our mood in the morning, this is a generally recognized fact, that’s how you look at such cuteness, everyone already goes to work or school in a good mood, i know we have one more piece prepared for our viewers, you can not only look at her, you can even take her to your home, the baby’s name is harry and this little dog is looking for his way
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home. good morning, today a puppy named harry will be looking for his way home, this handsome guy is only one and a half months old, he is an affectionate, cheerful, mischievous baby. gary has a difficult life story, this baby has already managed to fight for his life, a random passer-by found him in a garbage bag, after which he took the puppy home, fed him, gave him water, but could not keep him. our gary is so charming that having met this little one, you will not want to part with him, this handsome guy, a sensitive, playful, sociable guy, always meets people with pleasure, while joyfully wagging his tail. this puppy is cheerful and energetic, and because he wants to get to know this world as quickly as possible, he is sometimes
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impatient. and is treated for parasites, is unpretentious to food, this baby loves to climb into a person’s arms and fall asleep in his arms. our handsome boy is already slowly getting used to walking outside, so he will be happy to accompany you on your walk. to me, to me, gary, to me! well done, what a smart puppy you are! harry will grow up to be a large dog... both an apartment and a private house will suit him for living, but with the possibility of free roaming around the territory. our harry is the most gentle puppy in the world, who is ready to give all his tenderness and love to his future owner. take a closer look at this baby and call the phone number shown on
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your screen. to develop strength, it is necessary to accustom a child to sports from childhood, most importantly to proper and healthy sports. this the training is suitable for both boys and girls, as well as for mothers and fathers. go! so, our first exercise will be push-ups, but push-ups from an elevated position. in this case, we have a step platform, but it can be any hill, about 20, maybe 30 centimeters from the floor. so, let's go, emphasis. lyosha from the platform, or you can point your palm a little inward, you can put your arms wider, elbows to the sides and do push-ups. if you keep your elbows narrow, you work more on the triceps, if you keep
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elbows to the sides, then you work more on the pectoral muscles. go! we continue the training, our second exercise is also push-ups, but we will do push-ups from the floor, and our obstacle will be such a brick, in this case i have a gymnastic one, you can use a book, well, in fact, any object, so it will reduce our amplitude, it will be a little easier for us, that is, our muscles will prepare for a good subsequent physical load, so, please put it on yourself... classically, a cube, your hands can narrower and we do push-ups, the chest touches the cube, great, we do three sets of 10
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repetitions, and our third exercise, as you already guessed, is also a push-up, but we will do push-ups from a hemisphere. why from the hemisphere? you see, it is a little unstable, so additional stabilizer muscles are involved, which is very good. we also work three sets of 8.10 repetitions. so, let's do push-ups from the hemisphere. kohl, come on. so, include push-ups in the strength blocks
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of children's training to work on the muscles hands has become more effective and fun, use different fitness accessories: a step platform, a yoga block or a hemisphere. the latter, by the way, will also allow you to use stabilizer muscles. the optimal number of repetitions from. you are not mistaken, what sport
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was old man khatabich from the movie old man khatabych a fan of? belarus at the beginning of 1990 years, zubor. yes, find a belarusian football club, left, right, right, right - this is the correct answer, football, look at the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition to the corners of our country, we are going there, you can check it out and get information from the past . it happened and many times before i got pale.
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the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. either karavod or vayavod. karago, karago, all the spectators are in full view, in front. we started the ruckus, and we were just they sowed and sowed, and give a new life to these old traditions, let the life go. sa field there dzyauchyna about sapol razam s projects naperatu passed on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning belarus, good morning country, it’s monday, you need to meet it slowly, calmly, then the whole week will be so thoughtful, despite the retrograde mercury, which will end on friday , therefore, my friends, we begin this day very carefully and carefully, as they say, without fuss, and while maryana vasilievna will be washing down our meteorological song, please remind the first note, 10:12 with a plus sign will be in vitebsk in gomel 9:11 also with a plus sign up to 7 ° heat will be in grodno in magilevo +8 +10 rains throughout the country, except for brest, although an orange danger level has been announced today and because of the wind is very strong, i mean in some places,
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perhaps even thunderstorms, do you understand this? stopped coming out, it ended because the danger level is orange, be careful, be careful, but what’s good about this is that after this weather we will have the opportunity to feel all the pleasantness the end of april, because by the end of the week the weather forecasters really promise very good temperature indicators, well, let’s say that warming will begin tomorrow, and of course it will not be very noticeable, but still, well, contrasts are all that they are. maybe there will be some kind of quote from the classics, no, well then the good news is that lovers of a healthy lifestyle are certainly not limited by the weather conditions from physical education classes for the whole family , our correspondent olesya boyarskikh recently visited, how it was, what happened there now all the details. sport
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gives a family strength of spirit from year to year, it was under these mottos that a mass sports event was held in one of the fat schools, that’s what was there, you’ll see right now. the purpose of the competition, held by the education committee of the minsk city executive committee, is to present olympic sports, promote a healthy lifestyle, and also attract youth and parents to regular physical education classes. on the sixth day of school they are very often attracted. regional event, which includes several locations and several nominations at the same time. the sports event at secondary school number 204 began with a swimming master class from students from dushore neptune. the guys swam the distance in different
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styles, back crawl, breaststroke, breaststroke and... families of an educational institution in the moscow region will take part in the relay swimming ; each participant will overcome a distance of 25 m to achieve a common result, and the olympic lesson is a complex event , which includes a poster competition, the olympic movement in the republic of belarus, and some information about the achievements of belarusian swimmers, how are you feeling after? cheered up, great, liked it, of course, we came here with a positive swim, i see you are in such a positive mood and hope to win, this is my second time taking part, i paid for school, and i love swimming, i really like it, too on the basis of the competition, a training session on adaptive swimming was held for children with autism spectrum disorder, the aquatic environment is a drug-free rehabilitation,
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that is... during swimming lessons, children relieve psycho-emotional stress, their intellectual and physical development is activated. during swimming lessons, children with special needs adapt to peer society and increase their social status. classes with such children are different, the loads are given in smaller quantities. all exercises should be selected taking into account age and health status. safety precautions have also been strengthened; adaptive swimming classes are held in interest groups at the physical education and sports center.
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children and young people for the second year. at the competition, i really liked it, because it was my first time at a competition, i swam, how did you like it, good, good, it was scary, a little, a little, well done, you did it, the atmosphere is great, the atmosphere of the holiday, we are very glad to be here , the winners of the sports event were awarded diplomas and cups, the organizers promised that the sports and family holiday gives the family strength of spirit from year to year, and will become annual. it's always nice to watch with such small victories, perhaps they will only become steps on the path to great success. friends, this is how our
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morning on monday, april 22nd turned out. thank you for spending it with us. yes, thank you, anaquilo maryana murengova, today we worked for you, woke you up, we remind you. that today they celebrate international earth day, once again today think about what benefits we can bring to our earth, from this thought, go to school to work, have a great day, bye, have a nice day, your best day come, try it delicious, and i found you. this feeling, you’re already so close, i can’t resist, we’re striking sparks, expel the champagne, vibration and celebration will wash over us, i’ll erase the bad, i’ll use an eraser,
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fasten your seat, the flight is normal, i ’m coming out of stress, and you’re phenomenal, to us you can’t hide from love anywhere and don’t... don’t stop, you’re with me now, i’m a cogarin and we’re not afraid of anything, in winter we’re headlong, because today is a day off, day off, today is a day off, today is a day off, we’re not hanging on our heads, because today is a day off, day off. your best day i’ve come, there’s no need to be sad, but i feel so good, with you next to me, my thoughts are at their limit, everything is as i want, i won’t regret anything, tonight
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the vibrations of the holiday will cover us, i’m so bad with the help of an eraser, fasten your chair, we in airplane mode, we flew together, we... we deserve this from love, we can’t hide anywhere and don’t stop, you’re with me now, we speak brightly and we’re not afraid of anything, we’re not hanging with our heads. news live on belarus 1 and


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