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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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we have as a sample, it has holes, it does this specifically in order to dye this yarn from beginning to end in a dyeing machine under pressure, holes through which the solution is supplied to the bobbin itself, the knitting bobbin in this process works as a filter, the next stage - beautiful participant, we lower the sine of yarn inside the dyeing machine, this is dyeing under pressure, the lid closes tightly and all the dyeing processes take place there, this equipment is all computerized, that is , it is connected to the network, plus there is a computer in in the office of our technologist and she practically controls the processes here, the handsome dyeing operator can only follow the established program in a timely manner...
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will this product be dyed in a washing machine? we give a 100% guarantee that it will not dye, we are confident in our dye, each batch of yarn is tested. we are now in the spinning department of the weaving department, the yarn after dyeing goes here, we have it beautiful, dyed, the job of the operator of the foundation equipment is that according to the instructions of our artist. she puts the yarn on the creel in a certain sequence of different colors, here we see, by the way, an example of the artist’s work, the colors that will be used on the product, this is the sequence of colors that the dreamer should put on the creel in order to get a beautiful rainbow product when the dreamer i put out the yarn , made the warp, took off large spools of yarn, it’s important to her. that is, the winding density and
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winding speed, if she makes a mistake, then 300 kg of yarn, a spool of 300 kg, it can be spoiled, can be compared to the fact that in work the main worker solves mathematical problems every day, the reel that is placed on the recoil machine, it contains 2.0, but in our creel you can put only 380-400 reels, it turns out it should. count the number of ribbons, arrange all these threads in a certain sequence to get the desired pattern and the required amount of thread for mastering, the next section is weaving, our production is organized in such a way that in fact it lives in the rhythm of weaving, it sets the pace, it works like a heart, draws in the raw materials needed at the right time and pushes out... finished products,
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we are now in the reserve areas of the katsky site number two, and you and i can hear the same heart of the enterprise knocking, before, when we opened the windows in the hot summer , this whole area, where there are many garment weavers, including heard the beating of this heart, suddenly, if something happened to us, then from the surrounding houses, well, they asked, when along the street, what do you have there, why aren’t you working? due to the interweaving of threads of different colors, different thicknesses, the interweaving of these threads with the ideas of our artists, the product that comes to your home is born, it can be thick and fluffy, or lighter and airier, it can be terry, it can be waffle, the drawing is born there, the design is... . each
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thread on the machine is given its own program, thanks to this we can make a product with a photographic effect, or perform... on which we accept rolls of the skating section, the receiving lady counts them all, draws up, again, the accompanying documents, all our products are accompanied by documents, and we can calculate from the towel who wound it in the winding section.
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of course, the hands of the weaver and motor operator are used, but because of their productivity , much fewer of these people are needed. if earlier our personnel structure was more leveled out, preparatory sections, weaving sections, today the largest section has become the sewing section, this is the final stage, and there we still have a lot of manual labor, we rewound it, folded it into rolls, the second stage is sewing on the longitudinal line hems, this is probably the only automated operation here, more automated by sewing, the rest is all manual. uh, that is, at the input we have a roll with the edges not hemmed, at the output, they are neatly sealed. the next stage is a knife, on which the products are cut and transferred to assembly. the assembly worker writes out new
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routes, and with this route, the complete set of products goes to the seamstress. eh, this is the person who determines shviya’s salary, yes, it must be distributed evenly to everyone, of course. remained shiya, but such works that it works, that’s why everyone is friends with it, it’s difficult to automate, or it’s very expensive, you can look at special devices for the equipment to speed up the process, well, we call it differently, each in its own way, here’s a snail, it’s technologically correct, it’s a slightly different name, it helps... to turn out the hem of a backspun or a blanket, here it’s all four sides, this is a work of width, we saw it on towel products, that is, part of the work is done by the longitudinal hem line, so the sewing remains just use this 10 mm snail,
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we have switched from large-scale, medium-scale production to small-scale or custom-made with an exclusive design, and this allows us, among other things, to work on the market. today, because to compete on price with large factories, which at the input, maybe even a field on which cotton is sown, at the output is a finished product, mass-produced, but cheap, well, producing the same thing is impossible, we need to be different in some way, we play on the market due to small volumes exclusive products, or we are developing...
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in the year we purchased the latest modern equipment, this is finishing, the last stage, thanks to this we were able to develop a whole range of new products to launch production. at the entrance we have a terry loop,
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a fabric with a terry loop, at the exit there is vilour. the haircut gives the product a completely different look; it becomes velvety and metallic. paint on the car, and here this gloss is added to the final product, this is one of our first products, which we came out with them in, well, let’s say, for in our understanding, here we have an example in front of me in my hands, this is the structure of the soufflé, which before processing has such a flatter and more rigid structure, and after passing through. after finishing, it becomes a light, airy and voluminous product; during finishing,
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the original product, which is sown with a large size, shrinks, due to the fact that its geometric dimensions become smaller, and volume appears. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to reveal himself. in front of the audience, what should a person do to achieve success? thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy
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to become one, this, this is very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. you every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? my eyes? patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and even more. in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week. in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects
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that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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like belarusian brands, belarusian cuisine, belarusian dances, will be no less recognizable than sushi, kimano and everything else. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this knitting.
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in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve our goals, watch the quality mark project on the tv channel. our products undergo 100% control at the last stage, that is, each
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unit of product passes through the hands of an inspector, one side is examined. the second quality of the seam is rejected, goes to our senior controller, if there is any doubt, each product is marked with a unique barcode, this code, qr code is called or we also call datamatrix, it is unique, there is an electronic application, an electronic sign in belarus, an honest sign in russia, you can scan this code in this application and find out all the manufacturers, launched the application, launched the scanner, three steps and verification results: country of origin belarus, category bed linen, mahrola towel, river textile, three-piece pattern, dark blue, article number such and such, size such and such. we do packaging at the neck area, that is, each product, bows, boxes
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are folded in a certain way. material without an idea is nothing, the second very important beginning of our product is precisely the thought and idea of ​​our artists, our designers. the artists of our company develop designs based on modern fashion trends, as well as updating the good old classics.
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a classic representative of our company’s product is the so-called rainbow warp towel. for many years they have been the business card, the face of our company, and still remain very relevant. there are several colors on one product, they are bright, life-affirming, and there are regions that prefer plain, calm pastel colors. even within belarus, we find that what sells well in the region is in brest. therefore, we invite all our sales specialists, they are present and say: oh, this is for our customers from st. petersburg, we leave this product, this is for ours from rostov, we try to please everyone. technological capabilities allow us to make such products with a very complex jacquard weave,
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we can also transfer a photograph to our product, these can be jacquard designs, too. more laconic, simple products with geometric stitching, plain products with different types of oak edge variations, plain products with different loop heights. our experience is a fresh idea, they give birth to our new collection. we did not limit ourselves to producing only products containing cotton, we all know that our belarusian national treasure is flax, we also produce our products containing cotton. flax, they are in quite natural warm shades, this is a shade of linen, a natural shade of cotton, and complemented and expanded this line last year, one side of such products is a natural classic weave of solo cotton, where a classic loop is displayed, on the reverse side there is a product with a velor effect, on the one hand it is soft a product that is tactilely pleasant, but on the other hand
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, it is a fairly classic product with a massage effect, that is, two products in one. i would say that our girls, artists, are somewhere ahead of fashion, here in those territories where we mainly work, we make a collection, well, this season there are no sales for this collection, and after 3 years it happens that the product shoots, its time comes, continuing the theme of ecology, i would like to talk about such a line of products as ecolay , like this: her yarn is a little lighter than this one, because her boiling cycle is longer, that is, it was boiled in water longer. the product turns out to be
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simple, stylish, harmonious, and fully in line with the latest trends, ecology and color schemes. with 90 years of experience our company, 90 years of our history, it obliges us to be here today and tomorrow. and every day we need to turn problems into tasks and solve them together. the greatest pleasure i get from my work is when i manage to do something new, when, despite all the difficulties and resistance, i manage to take another step forward, in technology, in the culture of our internal relationships. the goal of my work is to create a team in which each participant would be involved in what he does, so that at his workplace, everyone was thinking about how to make this
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workplace, this process, this product that comes out of your hands, a little better.
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just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken, andrey kizhivatov.
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watch the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel . their homeland is sunny kazakhstan, a beautiful country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature, in belarus they brought by fate. today there are two bright , extraordinary heroines in the project, claudia potemkina and victoria lezhneva, both beautiful, talented artists, claudia masterfully controls her wonderful voice, and... victoria dances brilliantly on the floor. each heroine has her own unique fate and her own view of belarus.
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i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband, sergei, was the first to come here for work, he really... liked it here, in general, it was his idea to move to belarus, he invited me to fly with him, and we looked at the city, traveled around, we already had a lot of friends here, because a lot of people fly here from kazakhstan, kazakhstan is a very sunny country, there is always a lot of sun, in winter, in summer, you are always wearing black glasses, when i arrived in december , i look out the window in the morning, i say when...
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in general, when the sun rises, when, when it’s day, and it turns out the day is already in full swing, and for me, of course , it was a little strange that it’s very, very gray now i suppose i don’t notice this anymore, i’m already used to it, but it seems to me that even now the climate has changed a little, it has become more sunny than 7 years ago, when we first arrived here, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, are you impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, having now lived here... 7 years , i understand that this is generally the merit of the people, because the people themselves, belarusians, are very clean, when a person ends up in another country, and first of all he says: oh, well done, they clean so well here, but here they are just people they don’t litter, yes, they clean up after themselves, we went somewhere, arrived, everywhere is always clean, it’s very, very pleasant, naturally, we came to the old town for a walk, we were also impressed by these european streets,
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it’s like you’re in...
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it was very difficult, so i’m coming to belarus, maybe, i certainly don’t really remember, there was some kind of first love, and of course, i had my friends to move to, probably, maybe to the grodno region, the beautiful city of lida, of course, after staying with me, well, to be honest , there was shock, tears immediately, i remember well how we arrived in minsk, left with minsk, i really liked minsk, i think, oh, great, cool, that means lida will probably be something like that, and we go further, we get on a minibus, go to lida, we arrive, we go out to the bus station, i remember well, as i looked in one direction, i looked in the other direction, i immediately had tears, i said: mom, how could you come here from such a big city, to such a small, very small city, as for the difference between kazakhstan and belarus, there were moments
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when it was here at that moment... not so there are many shops, as, for example, there are now, but there is still a trading house, when we got there and i simply saw that in the window, then there were still glass display cases, and there was our neman newspaper, then there were testers from the toilet water, i don’t know what kind, what brand, but it surprised us very much, because there is no such thing in kazakhstan, of course, when i moved here to belarus, but i had such a moment... that i would still come back to kazakhstan, i still stood my ground, probably within, well, a year for sure, despite the fact that even i had already entered the university, i still said that i would return there, but a lot of time has passed, i graduated from the university, i’m already working, i want to say, what i already told my parents, we very often talk about this topic, that well, i want to say a big thank you to them. only for
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our viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to'. i caught a fish blende myself weighing 41 kg and 2 m long to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard,
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house-ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program "cities".
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of our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities, our equipment today is actually very reliable, the safety margin is built into it colossally, the approach to business
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that everyone should strive for, we lead 100% control to ensure that these products comply with technical regulations. corresponded to the standard model, in literally 3-4 years it should become a leader in the post-soviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that we will achieve your goals, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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