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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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in the initial period, production used mainly manual labor, so in the cutting shop there were 15 cutting tape machines, 15 mobile cutting machines, 12 spreading tables. the work was difficult, well, initially, according to history , two models were produced, then the model was increased, models were developed.
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was made from belarusian raw materials, fabrics, which were produced not only at capital enterprises, but also in other cities of the republic, orsha, vitebsk, baranoviche. much still needed to be improved achieve higher quality, but that period became a sign of the times. people now have the opportunity to choose, the opportunity to finally purchase goods for personal use. they were returning to peaceful life. on november 6, 1951 , an unusual excitement reigned in the control room of the radio house on revolutionary 3, all the employees were talking about the main event in the capital. having become its witnesses and even participants, they emotionally shared their...
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nadzei spraudzilisya. there was a festive atmosphere at the store, don’t try to get caught. looking at the luxurious interior, i have become known to the architects of the region, lev milega and raman gerard. the purchase price and the variety of goods. impart from the gdr, czechoslovakia, china. the main product is distributed to the enterprises of the republic.
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unique footage of the opening of the country's main department store, showing girls saleswomen against the background of rolls of fabric, a section of women's ready-made clothing, products of the frunze factory, future chalk. then she produced combs, buttons, and bags made of leatherette. leather goods factory named after kuibyshev, which will then work under the brand. gallantea, the first belarusian radio receiver sold from the minsk radio plant, vacuum cleaners, washing machines. for the capital, this was an event, for the industry, a kind of summing up of what was accomplished during the first post-war five-year period in light industry. she showed her first successes. pre-war ones were restored and
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new enterprises were created. rhythmic work began on the production of consumer goods . the functions of the house also expanded models. he began to create exclusive models in cooperation with legprom enterprises. the fourth five-year plan was a good start for its qualitative development in the subsequent decades, when many were born. trademarks that subsequently became famous far beyond the borders of the republic.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus24 tv channel, it’s new. foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the event, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland,
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lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish. am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the open. and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, where we talk about complex things in simple language. today we’re talking about why the phrase “light industry ” is only a name, how many people does it feed, where do we get leather bags and boots, why belarusians don’t always manage to find the right thing in state stores? go! light industry is an industry in which factories produce
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consumer goods, that is, what everyone uses. everyone buys food and clothes from us. since economists long ago brought the food industry into... a separate category of light industry, all that remains is what we put on ourselves, what we take care of ourselves with, more specifically cosmetics, perfumes, razors, scissors, brushes, small rugs and curtains, but mostly clothes, shoes and accessories, all kinds of umbrellas, belts and gloves, these are the products of light industry. bellekprom is not a company or a specific manufacturer, it is a group of factories. carriers and stores who have united to make it easier for them to do business, they support each other, share developments, make forecasts for the development of the industry and the economy as a whole, and try together to ensure that their products are chosen as often as possible by buyers in the country outside its
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borders. yes, clothes are very important, because firstly , all spheres of the national economy are involved in their production, secondly, products... industries are bought abroad, this is our export, thirdly, people in our climate and civilization do not go further than their own home without clothes . a couple of quick examples: to make fabric from flax you need combines and cutting-edge machines, this is work for mechanical engineering, lubricants, here is the labor of refineries, workwear for workers in the field and workshops, this is to textile suppliers, sewing companies at... in each of the listed stages, people work who receive jobs and earnings thanks to the needs of light industry. let's take sewing shoes or bags, you need leather. the skins themselves are sold to enterprises by meat processing plants, that is, agriculture makes money . the hides need to be tanned; this is the job
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of the tanneries. units for dressing, again mechanical engineering, the chemical industry provides dyes and compounds that soften the skin. and also the necessary threads for sewing. soles, if we are talking about shoes, zippers, locks, laces, rivets and people who will develop a model, bother with the design, sit down at the machines and sew the product, and these people need people who will teach them this, at first in school they just write and read , then at a university or college to design, cut and handle industrial equipment, it turns out that the production of clothes and shoes is a process in which the whole country is involved in one way or another. belarus produces all the goods that economists include in the result of the work of light industry. we have our own textiles, leather, accessories, companies that make things from them, sell them and deliver them to cities and countries.
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raw materials and products are exported. in the case of leather, for example, these are raw hides, but our manufacturers, as in all sectors of the economy, try to conclude contracts for the supply of finished products. the profit is higher, by the way, they willingly take semi-finished products and products from us. if we talk about textiles, we sell yarn, threads, fabrics, especially the popular linen and wool. now in the top accessories. we do it ourselves, but in russia this position sank after the west imposed sanctions. therefore , our manufacturers are studying demand and negotiating with russian colleagues. plans are underway for a joint venture that will churn out buckles, rivets and zippers for both markets. and, of course, they take the final product from us: our underwear, tights and socks, classic sportswear, coats and jackets, bags, shoes and fur coats. belarus produces almost all materials that our light industry uses, but not
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all subtypes of these products. for example, leather goes from our farms to our tanneries, from there to shoe and leather goods factories or outerwear ateliers, but to make a wallet or handbag look more interesting, they mix leather of different densities and colors. for parts of one collection , it is unprofitable for a large factory to launch a separate line, so you can buy a small batch of leather, a certain one, from a foreign supplier who has made the production of just such leather the main direction of work, it is cheaper for enterprises and, as a result, for you and me, the same scheme works with fabrics, accessories, threads and fillers; something that needs to be bought in a small volume is better to buy from those who work with small volumes. our enterprises mainly target shaft. the president keeps repeating that sanctions. this time of opportunity requires our manufacturers to take
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the place in the belarusian and russian markets that was vacated by european brands, vacated by reluctance with attempts to return under a different name, therefore the parade of returnees is not excluded, but until they make up their minds, fill out the paperwork and restart the stores, time will pass, our manufacturers should use this time to their advantage, and alexander lukashenko also reminded that many belarusians are more enthusiastic than going to a domestic store, and this is necessary to correct. in state stores, something is wrong with the clothes, with their presentation for sale, although some experts believe that the industry is slowly adapting to the needs of young people and the speed of changing trends, the president’s words about second-hand stores confirm this opinion. as for the supply for sale, in most state-owned stores we are greeted by sales racks with... which are like in a theatrical costume department, tightly strung hangers with clothes of 30-40 pieces in a span with
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one size. the buyer sees only the shoulders of the top and the pockets of the bottom. sometimes he risks tearing out the hanger with the product he likes in order to examine it. this activity requires moral toughening, because it is not always possible to discern a designer masterpiece in a crushed lascuta. after a couple of attempts many retailer pavilions simply go to online stores and no longer try to find goods. so, as marketing and psychological research dictate, stop hanging clothes by size, sort them by color and form capsules, that is , sets from what is in stock, so that the buyer, knowing what color suits him, can immediately go to that part of the hall , where things in his color scheme are hung, and next to the things that a person has his eye on, it would be nice to hang accessories and put shoes that are combined with items on the hangers, a person will either immediately pick something up, or figure out how
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a new item would look with something from the home arsenal, leave doubts and take it to the checkout. we have a lot of wonderful clothes, they are of really rare quality, but finding them in stores is not always easy, because let’s be honest, not everyone has yet come to terms with the fact that the sales and reputation of stores depend on marketing, and this concerns stores and brands to a lesser extent degrees. on their sites they present the product so that it can be seen immediately, here’s upon arrival at univermac, it turns into an element of a hodgepodge in endless rows of racks. and this problem also falls within the area that the president ordered us to work on: without well-organized marketing, it is impossible to conquer the market. to answer this question, just look at the sewn-in label. belarusian clothes and shoes are made from natural materials. patterns are developed taking into account. anatomical features: sweater made of marinos, shirt with 80%
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cotton composition, boots made of calfskin, with orthopedic insole, sweatshirt made of futor and no brand in the world has a tight handbag that costs as much as polyester leatherette, but our manufacturers give you a choice, they make high-quality things from synthetics and leatherette, they cost on average 60% cheaper than natural ones, because in the country there lives... in flowers in fun cotton tights when one of our hosiery businesses tried to discontinue this chic. indignant ladies of elegant age received complaints and demands to return the comfortable line, seeing something in the window that seems to you outdated, we must remember that someday our hoodies, boyfriends and loafers will seem outdated to our great-grandchildren, but we will be very sad if they are discontinued, a feeling of security is formed inside, it is stronger, the
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more familiar things surround us, there are more and more things around private manufacturers of clothing and accessories, and... the market with the feed of alexander lukashenko are already spinning the trade engine to maximum speed, but some are fashionable, some are out of fashion, and some are forever, tights and robes are inviolable as long as they last people who love them, our llekprom tries for all generations. well, firstly, to be proud of the quality of our clothes and shoes, in an age when even people are partially silicone, the belarusian light industry produces things with a natural composition. secondly, the fact that borista, manager and barber is relevant, and technologist, seamstress and engineer are necessary, based on this, choose your future profession, thirdly, do not hesitate to borrow the best from established ones, for example, the historical phrase, who, if not us, when, if not now, i am marina karaman, what looks out of the medicine case, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later.
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we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that is growing with its roots upward. around the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted using the exclusive planting method. which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not manage to reproduce in volkovysk such an interesting miracle. artifacts with centuries of history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. this is namitka or namitka, in the place where we found it in this area, it is called
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syrpanok. this is the headdress of a married woman. and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion. presented directly here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seven, this is not a decoration, this is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century, the task of our guides is to ignite in you the desire to touch the belarusian culture personally, and also be sure to when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, they laid it around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, on them already...
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the news is live now, pavel is with you. lazovik, good afternoon, from the supply of equipment to the modernization of large enterprises, belarus is not limited to discussing targeted projects with the regions of russia.


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