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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 22, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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the heroes of our program are outstanding characters , buried in their right hand, when you move on and think, what can be done so that it has such a sound, so that there are a lot of highs, and there are a lot of lows, and there are likes ? it’s very difficult to achieve this on a small instrument sound balance, knowledge of a bright expression, and you take a fragile young girl of 2-3 kg. and you have to perform a whole performance, play it, work, dance, hold your hand this way and that, so you pump up and so on, and so far, you feel, this is a puppet theater artist, once upon a time, well, when possible we will have such an area, we will try, it would be nice for this museum to be combined with a workshop, so that not just people would come to the museum, but they would also come, see how it is done, and let the work understand the soul of the belarusian people. my only
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dream is that we are all healthy, that there is peace and, of course, live and work, and also do something for people, even if it’s small, watch the belarus project on our tv channel. whatever the customer wants, we do it. we have a very beautiful design, a comfortable product, corresponds to fashion. our factory values ​​quality very much, i can’t imagine myself in any other profession. we make our own holiday. buy less and choose the best - advice. famous british fashion designer vivienne
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westwood. creativity, passion and skill - this is about the factory girls and, in general, about the famous belarusian knitwear enterprise. for a long time , the company has been developing, producing outer knitwear and delighting consumers with its excellent models. everything must be at the highest level. rarely with this now you will meet, honestly, and it seems to me that this is just a sign of quality. the factory is one of the leading manufacturers of outerwear in belarus, here they think of gallant men, and elegant women, of funny , spontaneous children, stylish, fashionable, varied, and most importantly, comfortable and cozy, this is the product here, this is the case when you don’t want to look at girls take off. thanks to the many years of experience of our specialists, a lot has been achieved as a result of the production of outer knitwear, we can do everything. there are no
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difficulties for us, so we take on any orders, we work directly with all the subtleties, nuances of customers, i have a lot of my own three-story products, a lot, i wear them with pleasure, these are warm clothes, yes, they give people warmth, knitwear is very pleasant, cozy, but you just fall in love with it first time. the company's product portfolio includes jumpers. sweaters, jackets, cardigans, dresses, skirts, sundresses, ponchas, suits. in addition to producing outerwear, the factory produces uniforms, accessories and home textiles. i love cardigans more jackets. our girls look at our skirts, they are comfortable to wear. my favorite range is this dress. yes, this dress is always very beautiful for a woman, a complete version. you put on a dress. and you already just look
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great, the dresses are bright, beautiful, made of interesting weaves and very cozy. the main thing, for me, in any case , and valuable is that our products are made from high-quality material, from high-quality fibers, this is cotton wool, in these products a person will feel as comfortable as possible, as both in summer and in winter, that is, there... there are few synthetic fibers, and it seems to me that this is wonderful, this is amazing, this is important for me, since i am also the mother of two children, i always look at what the composition is. the factory production of knitwear in minsk began with the renaming of artel bright path to red knitwear in june 1958. the company changed its name more than once, it was both progress and the minsk experimental experimental factory of upper knitwear and a republican house. unfamiliar,
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so they brought me young, she was already 20 years old, but still young, and brought in as an apprentice, i started a weaving workshop, studying vices, studying what kind of marriage, all this, well, i was... well, 5 months as an apprentice, then i became a controller and until then, our people are hardworking with extensive experience, each directly an expert in his field. over more than six decades
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of existence, the enterprise has experienced ups and downs, storms and calms; during the most difficult period, the state came to the rescue of the factory and the entire team. it, figuratively speaking, gave the enterprise a second wind, inspired energy and desire to create. we have various equipment at our enterprise that allows us to produce different models and different weaves. there is, for example, knitting equipment, which, when processing raw materials, generally resembles hand knitting. no, it’s difficult for us to develop openwork, jacquard, or some kind of stockinette. various weaves. today, the knitting factory is an enterprise with a powerful production base, equipped with modern equipment that allows it to carry out the most complex technological operations, coupled with the talent and professionalism of the workers, allows us to produce clothes of a high european
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level. at the enterprise , the involved capacity of imported production includes both knitting equipment and wet-heat treatment equipment. now. we are located in the production workshop, where the full production cycle of our products is carried out, from knitting to the release of finished products; our products are knitted on shtol flat knitting equipment on cotton knitting machines. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great possibilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide pattern possibilities, high changes. and also computer programming, our cotton equipment is characterized by very high productivity, in a working day approximately 300 products are produced by the workers of the production workshop, 77 people work in the workshop, now we are waiting for
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the delivery of winding equipment, which will allow us to slightly change the processing of secondary raw materials in the technological chain , then what will reduce the quantity. defects plus we also want to introduce the bottleneck of our kitlyovka, we are trying to introduce an imitation of kitlyovka, we are waiting for supplies of equipment, we want to purchase a number of equipment in order to improve the quality and increase the volume of products produced, as it were, well, plus this will reduce the cost of production, but will not affect on the quality of manufactured products.
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i received permission from the general staff to...
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in front of each of you are three books, the first contains the insignia of wehrmacht personnel, in the life of the mistress of the desired officer, can find out the plan of an entire army, it’s not so beautiful, but it works, watch the tv series. consumers have loved the products for a long time; they, as they say, can take you to the feast, to the world, this is
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also thanks to natural fibers and threads, raw materials containing viscose, cotton, linen and wool. the company strives, well , for a long time to use high-quality raw materials to produce high-quality models; in addition, they also use all sorts of processing of knitted products. to improve the quality of knitwear to satisfy consumers and the sales market territories of belarus, russia and germany. we work with raw materials mainly from our belarusian producers, slonim and pinsk, these are the main suppliers. we are also trying to develop the direction of imported raw materials to diversify the assortment, accordingly, in order to also attract consumers and customers, as if to expand it. assortment of our production. almost all products
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are washed and dried before reaching the buyer. some are subjected to wet-heat treatment. thanks to this operation, the sweater does not shrink or shrink when worn. stretches, which the buyer certainly notes with satisfaction. in general , the factory has a reverent attitude towards the quality of the products produced; the products must be impeccable, this is the law here. we have 100% control. so that these products comply with technical regulations, comply with the sample standard, comply with the technical description of the product, here the girls work, well , all our controllers work according to gost standards, our girls have golden hands and work for a very long time, you need to love your profession, be a professional in his field, naturally this is patience, this is... ability, hard work, because basically these are workers who have a standard output, and at the same time they still need
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to do their work efficiently, love for work, because there is no other way to say it, we work we are all together with production, that is, our work is well established, the monthly production plan is 8,000 products, the factory produces over 95 thousand products per year, then... a light industry enterprise, yes, it just sounds easy, in fact to release a product, it requires a lot of work, effort, bursting with ideas, inventing, proposing, trying in a factory is not only not prohibited, on the contrary, it is encouraged, creativity, the introduction of time, market requirements and an effective way to bypass numerous competitors, fashion is followed here, fashion follow. create, i really love feminine images, i adore women because
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they are so strong, every woman is unique, but it seems to me that any woman will be painted by a dress and a dress - that’s right my favorite thing, my favorite product, the dress that i’m wearing now, we made it here at the factory back when i was here in practice and defended my thesis at the university, i love the dress more and more... interesting, it’s inspiring, you’re working on the flow, when you come up with some idea,
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you implement it with the people who work here, they support you, they feel what you want, it’s cool, it’s worth working for, very good people work here , very kind, who always they respond to this urge, when they see what an artist is creating, they want to pick you up too, help you, the factory staff is predominantly female, apparently that’s why they work out. the products are so beautiful and comfortable that they were made by the gentle, caring, skillful hands of talented and responsible workers. here, let’s say, a cat like this has been preserved for a long time.
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team, we don’t have everyone on their own, the youth are those who come to work, everyone is under supervision, if some position is vacated in our country, and we see that the person is interested, has some skills and desire to work, career advancement is offered, each of the employees can advance to show their, well, activities, this is a really worthy enterprise that deserves to be... paid attention to, i want to see this, so that this is general happiness, this is not my only happiness, this, when a person is happy alone - this is misfortune, when other people around you are happy, this is wonderful, i want us to have it like this, the enterprise has many plans , factory moves forward along the chosen course and does not intend to deviate from the evolutionary path, the helmsmen
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of a close-knit team, creative energies and fruitful work, work with a mark of quality, my work for me is a contribution to the future, the development of the enterprise, the further development of the enterprise, and this is a small history of this enterprise, my, as they say, inner state, love, love for light industry and my way of life, my work for me is peace of mind, this is my life.
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we know exactly how to start the morning right. breakfast should not only fill you up, but also make you happy, because food, oh, how it affects our mood. and if you cook in pleasant company, then it’s double the pleasure. together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast. what are we having for breakfast today? oh, today will be a very interesting breakfast. we'll cook you a quiche with mussels. i hope we have a great time today. and prepare a real champion’s breakfast and get a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day. well, masha, our breakfast is ready, you will have enough energy and vigor for the whole day, it was difficult cook? honestly, no, i didn’t even expect it to be so easy. try this recipe. watch the breakfast of the champion project
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on our tv channel. an organization was founded in germany. life, its task was to stimulate an increase in the birth rate of true aryans, as well as to increase the german population by naming children from the slavic peoples; children were removed from families in the occupied territories and subjected to germanization. now ukrainian neo-nazis are taking their own ukrainian children to eu countries, but this is different. in one case they they forcibly remove children from parents who do not want to go to ukraine and are waiting... for russia, in others, they turn a blind eye to how civilized countries steal children from ukrainian refugee women, when you make false documents, and supposedly original ones, you say, that the children are orphans, when you know that they have parents, the school principal was with them, so she knew that these children, they have a mother, they have a father, you
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understand that this is for illegals, the west is elementary ready to devour those who are not capable of giving them... author's view of ksenia lebedeva on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . live news.


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